Biologie Celulară și Moleculară
Departamentul nostru are expertiză într-o gamă variată de domenii, desfășurând activități de cercetare și dezvoltare în:
- Dezvoltarea de biomateriale biocompatibile și biodegradabile, bazate pe polimeri naturali, polimeri sintetici, ceramici și compuși bioactivi din surse vegetale și animale (polifenoli, polizaharide, proteine și peptide), utilizate în ingineria tisulară și medicina regenerativă pentru refacerea diferitelor tipuri de țesuturi, cum ar fi piele, os, cartilaj, nervi periferici sau cornee.
- Extracția și purificarea compușilor biologic activi, de tipul proteinelor, polizaharidelor și polifenolilor, obținuți din surse vegetale și animale si analiza acestora din punct de vedere chimic, biochimic și biologic.
- Dezvoltarea de nanoparticule și sisteme nanostructurate cu aplicații biomedicale inovatoare.
- Proiectarea și realizarea de biomateriale cu ajutorul imprimantei CELLINK BIO X 3D Printer.
- Efectuarea de teste in vitro pentru evaluarea citotoxicității dispozitivelor medicale, biomaterialelor, extractelor vegetale și diferiților compuși bioactivi de origine vegetală sau animală, conform standardelor internaționale SR EN ISO 17025:2017 și SR EN ISO 10993-5:2009.
- Dezvoltarea de modele experimentale in vitro pentru testarea proprietăților biologice, precum activitatea de regenerare tisulară, antioxidantă, anti-inflamatorie, anti-proliferativă, hepatoprotectoare sau gastroprotectoare, ale unor dispozitive medicale și biomateriale în procesul de vindecare tisulară, ca o alternativă la experimentele pe animale.
- Valorificarea subproduselor de origine animală și vegetală provenite din industria piscicolă, industria legumicolă, industria de vinificație și agricultură, în vederea obținerii de produse dermato-cosmetice, nutraceutice sau produse naturale cu efect biopesticid sau biofungicid.
- Testarea in vitro a citotoxicității dispozitivelor medicale, biomaterialelor, extractelor vegetale și diferiților compuși bioactivi, conform standardelor internaționale SR EN ISO 17025:2017 și SR EN ISO 10993-5:2009. Evaluarea citotoxicității probelor se realizează prin metode cantitative (spectrofotometrice) și calitative de evaluare a morfologiei celulare utilizând microscopia optică și de fluorescență.
- Analiza proprietăților biologice ale dispozitivelor medicale și biomaterialelor prin evaluarea activității antioxidante, antiinflamatorii, antiproliferative, hepatoprotectoare, gastroprotectoare și de regenerare tisulară.
- Analiza prin citometrie în flux a imunofenotipării celulelor stem, ciclului celular, viabilității și proliferării celulare, precum și a apoptozei celulare.
- Analiza structurală si ultrastructurală a polimerilor si biomaterialelor prin microscopie electronică de baleiaj (SEM) sau de transmisie (TEM).
- Analize prin spectrometrie UV-VIS, cromatografie HPLC, electroforeză, zimografie, ELISA.
- Determinarea masei moleculare a polimerilor prin metoda vâscozimetrică.
Publication | Authors | Date | |
Antioxidant And Antiproliferative Activity Of Small Peptides Isolated From Marine Algae By Green Methods |
Mihai E.; Gaspar-Pintiliescu A.; Tatia R.; Stefan L. M.; Coroiu V.; Craciunescu O. | Scientific Bulletin. Series F: Biotechnologies, 2024 | |
Rezumat |
Exploring The Therapeutic Potential Of Aloe Vera And Honey Formulations For Skin Wound Healing |
Andreea Iosogeanu Oana Craciunescu Elena Mihai Elena-Iulia Oprita Anișoara Cimpean | 6Th Next-Chem Innovative Cross-Sectorial Technologies, 2024 | |
Rezumat |
Green Biotechnologies For Reduced Immunologic Response Of Collagen Scaffolds Prepared By Jellyfish Valorization For Tissue Engineering |
Oana Craciunescu Elena Mihai Rodica Tatia Andreea Iosageanu Viorica Coroiu Elena Iulia Oprita | Biotechnologies: Challenges And Contributions In The Fields Of Health, Climate Change, And Food Security, 2024 | |
Rezumat |
Optimization Of Lab Biotechnologies For Preparation Of New Natural Sponge Biomaterials From Industrial Residues For Wound Healing |
Toma Agnes Craciunescu Oana Tatia Rodica Manoiu Sorin Israel-Roming Florentina Luta Gabriela Balan Daniela Stefana Jurcoane | Biotechnologies: Challenges And Contributions In The Fields Of Health, Climate Change, And Food Security, 2024 | |
Rezumat |
Evaluation Of The Viability Of 3D Stem Cell Spheroids In A Hydrogel Matrix For Dental Tissue Regeneration |
Craciunescu O. Stefan L.M. Manoiu V.S. Prelipcean A.M. Gaspar-Pintiliescu A. Seciu-Grama A.M. Zarnescu O | 10Th International Conference On Advanced Materials Rocam 2024, 2024 | |
Rezumat |
Exploring The Genetic Structure Of Feather Mites Inhabiting Three Species Of Hydrobates Storm-Petrels |
Stefan LM Coroiu V Mironov SV Gonzalez-Solis J. | X Symposium Euraac: Acarology: Impacts And Solutions For Humans, Agriculture And Environment, 2024 | |
Rezumat |
Identification Of Biologically-Active Compounds Isolated From Different Floral Parts Of Sunflower |
Duca M. Ciocarlan A. Blaja S. Lungu L. Mutu A. Prelipcean A.M. Craciunescu O. | The National Conference With International Participation “Natural Sciences In The Dialogue Of Generations, 2024 | |
Rezumat |
Corrosion Inhibition Of Carbonate Coated Magnesium In Physiological Fluids |
Popa M. Stefan L.M. Drob S.I. Calderon Moreno J.M. | 23Rd Romanian International Conference On Chemistry And Chemical Engineering (Riccce 23), 2024 | |
Rezumat |
Antioxidant And Antidiabetic Activity Of Cornus Mas L. And Crataegus Monogyna Fruit Extracts |
Paun Gabriela; Neagu Elena; Albu Camelia; Alecu Andreia; Seciu-Grama Ana-Maria; Radu Gabriel Lucian | Molecules, 2024 | |
RezumatThe present study evaluated three green extraction methods, accelerated solvent extraction (ASE), ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE), and laser irradiation extraction (LE), for the polyphenolic compounds and vitamin C extraction of Cornus mas L. and Crataegus monogyna fruit extracts. The polyphenols and vitamin C of extracts were quantified using HPLC-DAD, and the total phenolic content, flavonoid content, antioxidant activity (DPPH and reducing power), and antidiabetic activity were also studied. The antidiabetic activity was examined by the inhibition of alpha-amylase and alpha-glucosidase, and in vitro on a beta TC cell line (beta-TC-6). The results showed significant differentiation in the extraction yield between the methods used, with the ASE and LE presenting the highest values. The C. mas fruit extract obtained by ASE exhibited the best antioxidant activity, reaching an IC50 value of 31.82 +/- 0.10 mu g/mL in the DPPH assay and 33.95 +/- 0.20 mu g/mL in the reducing power assay. The C. mas fruit extracts obtained by ASE and LE also have the highest inhibitory activity on enzymes associated with metabolic disorders: alpha-amylase (IC50 = 0.44 +/- 0.02 mu g/mL for the extract obtained by ASE, and 0.11 +/- 0.01 mu g/mL for the extract obtained by LE at combined wavelengths of 1270 + 1550 nm) and alpha-glucosidase (IC50 of 77.1 +/- 3.1 mu g/mL for the extract obtained by ASE, and 98.2 +/- 4.7 mu g/mL for the extract obtained by LE at combined wavelengths of 1270 + 1550 nm). The evaluation of in vitro antidiabetic activity demonstrated that the treatment with C. mas and C. monogyna fruit extracts obtained using ASE stimulated the insulin secretion of beta-TC-6 cells, both under normal conditions and hyperglycemic conditions, as well. All results suggest that C. mas and C. monogyna fruit extracts are good sources of bioactive molecules with antioxidant and antidiabetic activity. |
Donkey Gelatin And Keratin Nanofibers Loaded With Antioxidant Agents For Wound Healing Dressings |
Rapa Maria; Gaidau Carmen; Stefan Laura Mihaela; Lazea-Stoyanova Andrada; Berechet Mariana Daniela; Iosageanu Andreea; Matei Ecaterina; Jankauskaite Virginija; Predescu Cristian; Valeika Virgilijus; Balciunaitiene Aiste; Cupara Snezana | Gels, 2024 | |
RezumatAcute and chronic wounds present a significant healthcare challenge, requiring innovative solutions for effective treatment. The exploitation of natural by-products with advanced cell regeneration potential and plant-based materials, which possess bioactive properties, is an innovative topic in wound management. This study investigates the potential of donkey gelatin and keratin for blending with natural bioactive extracts such as sumac, curcumin, and oak acorn to fabricate antioxidant and antimicrobial nanofibers with accelerated wound healing processes. The fabricated nanofibers possess good in vitro biocompatibility, except for the sumac-based donkey nanofibers, where cell viability significantly dropped to 56.25% (p < 0.05 compared to non-treated cells). The nanofiber dimensions showed structural similarities to human extracellular matrix components, providing an ideal microenvironment for tissue regeneration. The donkey nanofiber-based sumac and curcumin extracts presented a higher dissolution in the first 10 min (74% and 72%). Curcumin extract showed similar antimicrobial and antifungal performances to rivanol, while acorn and sumac extracts demonstrated similar values to each other. In vitro tests performed on murine fibroblast cells demonstrated high migration rates of 89% and 85% after 24 h in the case of acorn and curcumin nanofibers, respectively, underscoring the potential of these nanofibers as versatile platforms for advanced wound care applications. |
Bacterial Cellulose: A Sustainable Source For Hydrogels And 3D-Printed Scaffolds For Tissue Engineering |
Utoiu Elena; Manoiu Vasile Sorin; Oprita Elena Iulia; Craciunescu Oana | Gels, 2024 | |
RezumatBacterial cellulose is a biocompatible biomaterial with a unique macromolecular structure. Unlike plant-derived cellulose, bacterial cellulose is produced by certain bacteria, resulting in a sustainable material consisting of self-assembled nanostructured fibers with high crystallinity. Due to its purity, bacterial cellulose is appealing for biomedical applications and has raised increasing interest, particularly in the context of 3D printing for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine applications. Bacterial cellulose can serve as an excellent bioink in 3D printing, due to its biocompatibility, biodegradability, and ability to mimic the collagen fibrils from the extracellular matrix (ECM) of connective tissues. Its nanofibrillar structure provides a suitable scaffold for cell attachment, proliferation, and differentiation, crucial for tissue regeneration. Moreover, its mechanical strength and flexibility allow for the precise printing of complex tissue structures. Bacterial cellulose itself has no antimicrobial activity, but due to its ideal structure, it serves as matrix for other bioactive molecules, resulting in a hybrid product with antimicrobial properties, particularly advantageous in the management of chronic wounds healing process. Overall, this unique combination of properties makes bacterial cellulose a promising material for manufacturing hydrogels and 3D-printed scaffolds, advancing the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. |
Influence Of Foliar Treatment With Suspensions Rich In Trichoderma Chlamydospores On Momordica Charantia Physiology, Yield, And Quality |
Bala Ioana-Alexandra; Sesan Tatiana Eugenia; Oancea Anca; Craciunescu Oana; Ghiurea Marius; Raut Iuliana; Trica Bogdan; Nicolae Cristian-Andi; Constantinescu-Aruxandei Diana; Oancea Florin | Horticulturae, 2024 | |
RezumatSeveral strategies promote phyllosphere colonization by soil-born Trichoderma plant-beneficial strains. One of these strategies is foliar spraying with suspensions containing large amounts of chlamydospores-spores with thick cell wall structures that make them highly resistant to harsh environmental conditions. Trichoderma biomass was produced by cultivation on a cornmeal medium and compared with the biomass produced on potato dextrose broth by microscopic and thermogravimetric analyses. The analyses revealed increased chlamydospore content and thermostability in the fungal biomass produced on the corn meal medium. The Trichoderma suspension rich in chlamydospores was sprayed on bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) leaves at two inoculant concentrations, 10(6) and 10(8) ufc/mL. The effect of these treatments on the plant physiological parameters, leaf photosynthetic pigments, polyphenol and flavonoid contents, antioxidant activities of the leaves and fruits, and yield was compared to the control (plants sprayed with water) and to the experimental treatment involving spraying with 10(8) ufc/mL of propagules produced in potato dextrose broth. The effect of chlamydospore-rich suspensions on plant physiological parameters was more pronounced and long-lasting compared with the other treatments. The treatment with chlamydospore-rich suspension enhanced the accumulation of polyphenols and flavonoids in the leaves (by 17% and 50%, respectively) and fruits (by 18% and 31%, respectively) and increased the antioxidant activity. The Trichoderma treatment increased the yield by +25.33-53.07%. The application of the foliar treatment with Trichoderma suspensions did not modify the cytocompatibility of the extracts from the fruits determined on the L929 cells. |
Antioxidant And Antiproliferative Effect Of A Glycosaminoglycan Extract From Rapana Venosa Marine Snail |
Gaspar-Pintiliescu Alexandra; Stefan Laura M.; Mihai Elena; Sanda Catalina; Manoiu Vasile S.; Berger Daniela; Craciunescu Oana | Plos One, 2024 | |
RezumatMarine glycosaminoglycans (GAG) isolated from different invertebrates, such as molluscs, starfish or jellyfish, have been described as unique molecules with important pharmacological applications. Scarce information is available on GAG extract from Rapana venosa marine snail. The aim of this study was to isolate a GAG extract from R. venosa marine snail and to investigate its physicochemical, antioxidant and antiproliferative properties for further biomedical use. The morphology, chemical and elemental composition of the extract were established as well as the sulfate content and N- to O-sulfation ratio. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra indicated that GAG extract presented similar structural characteristics to bovine heparan sulfate and chondroitin sulfate. The pattern of extract migration in agarose gel electrophoresis and specific digestion with chondroitinase ABC and heparinase III indicated the presence of a mixture of chondroitin sulfate-type GAG, as main component, and heparan sulfate-type GAG. Free radical scavenging and ferric ion reducing assays showed that GAG extract had high antioxidant activity, which slightly decreased after enzymatic treatment. In vitro MTT and Live/Dead assays showed that GAG extract had the ability to inhibit cell proliferation in human Hep-2 cell cultures, at cytocompatible concentrations in normal NCTC clone L929 fibroblasts. This capacity decreased after enzymatic digestion, in accordance to the antioxidant activity of the products. Tumoral cell migration was also inhibited by GAG extract and its digestion products. Overall, GAG extract from R. venosa marine snail exhibited antioxidant and antiproliferative activities, suggesting its potential use as novel bioactive compound for biomedical applications. |
Design Of Scaffolds Based On Zinc-Modified Marine Collagen And Bilberry Leaves Extract-Loaded Silica Nanoparticles As Wound Dressings |
Deaconu Mihaela; Prelipcean Ana-Maria; Brezoiu Ana-Maria; Mitran Raul-Augustin; Seciu-Grama Ana-Maria; Matei Cristian; Berger Daniela | International Journal Of Nanomedicine, 2024 | |
RezumatPurpose: In this study, wound dressings were designed using zinc-modified marine collagen porous scaffold as host for wild bilberry (WB) leaves extract immobilized in functionalized mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSN). These new composites were developed as an alternative to conventional wound dressings. In addition to the antibacterial activity of classic antibiotics, a polyphenolic extract could act as an antioxidant and/or an anti-inflammatory agent as well. Methods: Wild bilberry leaves extract was prepared by ultrasound-assisted extraction in ethanol and its properties were evaluated by UV-Vis spectroscopy (radical scavenging activity, total amount of polyphenols, flavonoids, anthocyanins, and condensed tannins). The extract components were identified by HPLC, and the antidiabetic properties of the extract were evaluated via alpha-glucosidase inhibitory activity. Spherical MSN were modified with propionic acid or proline moieties by post-synthesis method and used as carriers for the WB leaves extract. The textural and structural features of functionalized MSN were assessed by nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherms, small-angle XRD, SEM, TEM, and FTIR spectroscopy. The composite porous scaffolds were prepared by freeze drying of the zinc-modified collagen suspension containing WB extract loaded silica nanoparticles. Results: The properties of the new composites demonstrated enhanced properties in terms of thermal stability of the zinc-collagen scaffold, without altering the protein conformation, and stimulation of NCTC fibroblasts mobility. The results of the scratch assay showed contributions of both zinc ions from collagen and the polyphenolic extract incorporated in functionalized silica in the wound healing process. The extract encapsulated in functionalized MSN proved enhanced biological activities compared to the extract alone: better inhibition of P. aeruginosa and S. aureus strains, higher biocompatibility on HaCaT keratinocytes, and anti-inflammatory potential demonstrated by reduced IL-1 beta and TNF-alpha levels. Conclusion: The experimental data shows that the novel composites can be used for the development of effective wound dressings. |
Evaluating The Antioxidant And Antidiabetic Properties Of Medicago Sativa And Solidago Virgaurea Polyphenolic-Rich Extracts |
Paun Gabriela; Neagu Elena; Alecu Andreia; Albu Camelia; Seciu-Grama Ana-Maria; Radu Gabriel Lucian | Molecules, 2024 | |
RezumatThe present study evaluated the antioxidant and antidiabetic properties of Medicago sativa and Solidago virgaurea extracts enriched in polyphenolic compounds. The extracts were obtained by accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) and laser irradiation. Then, microfiltration was used for purification, followed by nanofiltration used to concentrate the two extracts. The obtained extracts were analyzed to determine their antioxidant activity using DPPH radical scavenging and reducing power methods. The antidiabetic properties have been investigated in vitro on a murine insulinoma cell line (beta-TC-6) by the inhibition of alpha-amylase and alpha-glucosidase. M. sativa obtained by laser irradiation and concentrated by nanofiltration showed the highest DPPH center dot scavenging (EC50 = 105.2 +/- 1.1 mu g/mL) and reducing power activities (EC50 = 40.98 +/- 0.2 mu g/mL). M. sativa extracts had higher inhibition on alpha-amylase (IC50 = 23.9 +/- 1.2 mu g/mL for concentrated extract obtained after ASE, and 26.8 +/- 1.1), while S. virgaurea had the highest alpha-glucosidase inhibition (9.3 +/- 0.9 mu g/mL for concentrated extract obtained after ASE, and 8.6 +/- 0.7 mu g/mL for concentrated extract obtained after laser extraction). The obtained results after evaluating in vitro the antidiabetic activity showed that the treatment with M. sativa and S. virgaurea polyphenolic-rich extracts stimulated the insulin secretion of beta-TC-6 cells, both under normal conditions and under hyperglycemic conditions as well. This paper argues that M. sativa and S. virgaurea polyphenolic-rich extracts could be excellent natural sources with promising antidiabetic potential. |
In Vitro Wound-Healing Potential Of Phenolic And Polysaccharide Extracts Of Aloe Vera Gel |
Iosageanu A.; Mihai E.; Seciu-Grama A.-M.; Utoiu E.; Gaspar-Pintiliescu A.; Gatea F.; Cimpean A.; Craciunescu O. | Journal Of Functional Biomaterials, 2024 | |
RezumatThe present study aimed to conduct a comparative investigation of the biological properties of phenolic and polysaccharide extracts obtained using an ultrasound-assisted technique from Aloe vera gel and their effects on each stage of the wound healing process in in vitro experimental models. HPLC analysis showed that the phenolic extract contained aloin, ferulic, and caffeic acid, as well as quercetin dihydrate, as major compounds. Capillary zone electrophoresis indicated the prevalence of mannose and glucose in the polysaccharide extract. Cell culture testing revealed the anti-inflammatory properties of the phenolic extract at a concentration of 0.25 mg/mL through significant inhibition of pro-inflammatory cytokines—up to 28% TNF-α and 11% IL-8 secretion—in inflamed THP-1-derived macrophages, while a pro-inflammatory effect was observed at 0.5 mg/mL. The phenolic extract induced 18% stimulation of L929 fibroblast proliferation at a concentration of 0.5 mg/mL, enhanced the cell migration rate by 20%, and increased collagen type I synthesis by 18%. Moreover, the phenolic extract exhibited superior antioxidant properties by scavenging free DPPH (IC50 of 2.50 mg/mL) and ABTS (16.47 mM TE/g) radicals, and 46% inhibition of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) production was achieved. The polysaccharide extract demonstrated a greater increase in collagen synthesis up to 25%, as well as antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus with a bacteriostatic effect at 25 mg/mL and a bactericidal one at 50 mg/mL. All these findings indicate that the phenolic extract might be more beneficial in formulations intended for the initial phases of wound healing, such as inflammation and proliferation, while the polysaccharide extract could be more suitable for use during the remodeling stage. Moreover, they might be combined with other biomaterials, acting as efficient dressings with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties for rapid recovery of chronic wounds. © 2024 by the authors. |
Anti-Inflammatory And Wound Healing Properties Of Different Honey Varieties From Romania And Correlations To Their Composition |
Iosageanu Andreea; Stefan Laura Mihaela; Craciunescu Oana; Cimpean Anisoara | Life-Basel, 2024 | |
RezumatThe complex composition of honey plays a crucial role in wound healing, exhibiting varying effects at different stages of the healing process. This study investigated seven honey varieties sourced from different regions of Romania using in vitro experimental models developed in macrophage-like, fibroblast, and keratinocyte cell lines to explore the mechanisms by which honey promoted the healing process. This study assessed the impact of honey on inflammatory cytokine production in macrophage-like cells, cell proliferation and collagen synthesis in fibroblasts, and cell proliferation and migration in keratinocytes. Additionally, correlation analysis was conducted to examine the relationship between honey composition and its biological properties. Honey varieties presented both anti- and pro-inflammatory effects. Moreover, they displayed dose-dependent pro-proliferative effects, stimulating collagen synthesis and cell migration, thereby enhancing the re-epithelialization process. The Pearson coefficient analysis indicated a strong positive correlation between biological activities and phenolic content. Additionally, there was a medium positive correlation with the ascorbic acid content and a medium negative correlation with the glucose content in the different honey varieties. Romanian honey varieties rich in phenolics showed potential in modulating inflammation, proliferation, collagen synthesis, and cell migration, suggesting their suitability for further evaluation and development of innovative dressings for skin tissue regeneration. |
Antibacterial Activity And Cell Viability Of Biomimetic Magnesian Calcite Coatings On Biodegradable Mg |
Popa Monica; Anastasescu Mihai; Stefan Laura M.; Prelipcean Ana-Maria; Calderon Moreno Jose | Journal Of Functional Biomaterials, 2023 | |
RezumatMg is a material of choice for biodegradable implants. The main challenge for using Mg in temporary implants is to provide protective surfaces that mitigate its rapid degradation in biological fluids and also confer sufficient cytocompatibility and bacterial resistance to Mg-coated surfaces. Even though carbonate mineralization is the most important source of biominerals, such as the skeletons and shells of many marine organisms, there has been little success in the controlled growth of carbonate layers by synthetic processes. We present here the formation mechanism, antibacterial activity, and cell viability of magnesian calcite biomimetic coatings grown on biodegradable Mg via a green, one-step route. Cell compatibility assessment showed cell viability higher than 80% after 72 h using fibroblast cells (NCTC, clone L929) and higher than 60% after 72 h using human osteoblast-like cells (SaOS-2); the cells displayed a normal appearance and a density similar to the control sample. Antimicrobial potential evaluation against both Gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923)) and Gram-negative (Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 27853)) strains demonstrated that the coated samples significantly inhibited bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation compared to the untreated control. Calcite coatings grown on biodegradable Mg by a single coating process showed the necessary properties of cell compatibility and bacterial resistance for application in surface-modified Mg biomaterials for temporary implants. |
Pennate Myofibrils Of The Rat Temporal Muscle |
Rusu Mugurel Constantin; Manoiu Vasile Sorin; Nicolescu Mihnea Ioan | Annals Of Anatomy-Anatomischer Anzeiger, 2023 | |
RezumatBackground: The force a muscle exerts is partly determined by anatomical parameters, such as its physiological cross-section. The temporal muscle is structurally heterogeneous. To the authors' knowledge, the ultrastructure of this muscle has been poorly specifically studied.Methods: Five adult Wistar rats weighting 350-400 g were used as temporal muscle donors. Tissues were specifically processed and studied under transmission electron microscope.Results: On ultrathin cuts, the general ultrastructural pattern of striated muscles was observed. Moreover, pennate sarcomeres were identified, sharing a one-end insertion on the same Z-disc. Bipennate morphologies resulted when two neighbor sarcomeres, attached on different neighbor Z-discs and separated at that end by a triad, converged to the same Z-disc at the opposite ends, thus building a thicker myofibril distinctively flanked by triads. Tripennate morphologies were identified when sarcomeres from three different Z-discs converged to the same Z-disc at the opposite ends.Conclusions: These results support recent evidence of sarcomeres branching gathered in mice. Adequate identification of the sites of excitation-contraction coupling should be on both sides of a myofibril, on bidimensional ultrathin cuts, to avoid false positive results due to putative longitudinal folds of myofibrils.& COPY; 2023 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved. |
Bioactive And Physico-Chemical Assessment Of Innovative Poly(Lactic Acid)-Based Biocomposites Containing Sage, Coconut Oil, And Modified Nanoclay |
Darie-Nita Raluca Nicoleta; Irimia Anamaria; Doroftei Florica; Stefan Laura Mihaela; Iwanczuk Andrzej; Trusz Agnieszka | International Journal Of Molecular Sciences, 2023 | |
RezumatThe bioactivity of the versatile biodegradable biopolymer poly(lactic acid) (PLA) can be obtained by combining it with natural or synthetic compounds. This paper deals with the preparation of bioactive formulations involving the melt processing of PLA loaded with a medicinal plant (sage) and an edible oil (coconut oil), together with an organomodifed montmorillonite nanoclay, and an assessment of the resulting structural, surface, morphological, mechanical, and biological properties of the biocomposites. By modulating the components, the prepared biocomposites show flexibility, both antioxidant and antimicrobial activity, as well as a high degree of cytocompatibility, being capable to induce the cell adherence and proliferation on their surface. Overall, the obtained results suggest that the developed PLA-based biocomposites could potentially be used as bioactive materials in medical applications. |
In Vitro Antiproliferative Activity Of Triterpenoid Saponins From Leaves Of Hedera Helix L. Grown In Romania |
Tatia Rodica; Tarcomnicu Isabela; Moldovan Zenovia; Raiciu Anca Daniela; Moldovan Lucia; Zalaru Christina Marie | South African Journal Of Botany, 2023 | |
RezumatIn this paper, the extract from the leaves of Hedera helix L.was subjected to isolation and fractionation of saponins, in order to determine their in vitro antiproliferative activity. The ethanolic extract was obtained by maceration from H.helix L.leaves, grown in Romania, and the saponins were isolated and fractionated using column chromatography. The total saponin content in the extract and the isolated saponins was determined. Three saponins of interest, hederacoside C, a-hederin and hederagenin were identified by LC/MS analysis. Four selected fractions rich in these saponins tested in vitro, showed antiproliferative effects at a concentration of 200 mg/mL in a culture of human cervix carcinoma Hep-2 cells. The tested fractions were non-cytotoxic in the range of concentration 2-400 mg/mL on normal fibroblasts cells from NCTC cell line. Our results demonstrated the selected saponin fractions isolated from H.helix L.leaves may be considered as possible antitumor agents. |
In Vitro Hypoglycemic Potential, Antioxidant And Prebiotic Activity After Simulated Digestion Of Combined Blueberry Pomace And Chia Seed Extracts |
Mihai Elena; Negreanu-Pirjol Bogdan-Stefan; Craciunescu Oana; Ciucan Teodora; Iosageanu Andreea; Seciu-Grama Ana-Maria; Prelipcean Ana-Maria; Utoiu Elena; Coroiu Viorica; Ghenea Ana-Maria; Negreanu-Pirjol Ticuta | Processes, 2023 | |
RezumatThis study aimed to evaluate the hypoglycemic potential, antioxidant activity and prebiotic activity of a hydroalcoholic extract of blueberry pomace (BP), an aqueous extract of chia seeds (CS) and a novel combination of BP-CS extracts (BCM) for further use as ingredient of functional food. Spectrometric and HPLC analyses were used to characterize the total phenolic and flavonoid content and composition of BP, while CS was analyzed for total carbohydrate content. Data showed that the BCM mixture exerted an inhibition of alpha-amylase activity, which was 1.36 times higher than that of BP and 1.25 higher than CS extract. The mixture also showed better scavenging activity of free DPPH radicals than individual extracts, and had an IC50 value of 603.12 mu g/mL. In vitro testing indicated that both serum- and colon-reaching products of simulated intestinal digestion of BCM presented the capacity to protect Caco-2 intestinal cells against oxidative stress by inhibition of reactive oxygen species production. In addition, the colon-reaching product of BCM digestion had the capacity to significantly (p < 0.05) stimulate the growth of Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus acidophilus, revealing a prebiotic potential. All these results indicated that improved biological activity of the novel combination of BP and CS extracts could be due to the synergistic action of constituents. The combination is recommended for further testing and the development of novel functional food for controlling type 2 diabetes and gastrointestinal conditions. |
Optimisation Of Polyphenols Extraction From Wild Bilberry Leaves-Antimicrobial Properties And Stability Studies |
Brezoiu Ana-Maria; Deaconu Mihaela; Mitran Raul-Augustin; Prelipcean Ana-Maria; Matei Cristian; Berger Daniela | Molecules, 2023 | |
RezumatPolyphenolic extracts from natural sources have received great interest due to their beneficial properties for human health. A method to reduce their variability is to use the design of experiments which allows a limited number of experiments to be performed while exploring the experimental space. Firstly, a 2(3)-full factorial model was used to investigate the polyphenols extraction from wild bilberry leaves. Spectrophotometric data (the content of polyphenols, flavonoids, chlorophyll and radical scavenger activity) and extraction yield were used as responses, and six statistical models were determined depending on the two numerical factors (temperature and alcohol % of ethanol-water mixture) being significant (p < 0.05) in all cases. Numerical optimisation performed by Design Expert 13 software correlates well with the chemical profile determined by high-performance liquid chromatography and the amount of the polyphenol. Afterwards, under the optimised conditions, an extract was prepared in three extraction steps for which composition, chemical stability and antimicrobial properties were evaluated. The antimicrobial potential of the extract was compared with that of the standard compounds (rutin and chlorogenic acid), and the results supported a synergistic effect of the extract components. |
Antibacterial Aloe Vera Based Biocompatible Hydrogel For Use In Dermatological Applications |
Chelu Mariana; Musuc Adina Magdalena; Aricov Ludmila; Ozon Emma Adriana; Iosageanu Andreea; Stefan Laura M.; Prelipcean Ana-Maria; Popa Monica; Moreno Jose Calderon | International Journal Of Molecular Sciences, 2023 | |
RezumatThe present research aims to describe a new methodology to obtain biocompatible hydrogels based on Aloe vera used for wound healing applications. The properties of two hydrogels (differing in Aloe vera concentration, AV5 and AV10) prepared by an all-green synthesis method from raw, natural, renewable and bioavailable materials such as salicylic acid, allantoin and xanthan gum were investigated. The morphology of the Aloe vera based hydrogel biomaterials was studied by SEM analysis. The rheological properties of the hydrogels, as well as their cell viability, biocompatibility and cytotoxicity, were determined. The antibacterial activity of Aloe vera based hydrogels was evaluated both on Gram-positive, Staphylococcus aureus and on Gram-negative, Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains. The obtained novel green Aloe vera based hydrogels showed good antibacterial properties. In vitro scratch assay demonstrated the capacity of both AV5 and AV10 hydrogels to accelerate cell proliferation and migration and induce closure of a wounded area. A corroboration of all morphological, rheological, cytocompatibility and cell viability results indicates that this Aloe vera based hydrogel may be suitable for wound healing applications. |
Nutritional Profiling And Cytotoxicity Assessment Of Protein Rich Ingredients Used As Dietary Supplements |
Tihauan Bianca-Maria; Marinas Ioana-Cristina; Adascalului Marian; Dobre Alina; Pircalabioru Gratiela Gradisteanu; Axinie Madalina; Stefan Laura Mihaela; Duta Denisa Eglantina | Applied Sciences-Basel, 2023 | |
RezumatFeatured Application: Nutritional Profiling for subsequent dietary supplements/nutraceuticals development and formulation as well as by-products valorification. In recent years, the scientific community has made significant progress in understanding nutrition, leading consumers to shift their preferences away from animal-based protein products and towards natural, plant-based protein sources. This study aimed to determine the nutritional value, in vitro cytotoxicity and antioxidant activity for different sources of high protein content products (pea, yeast, almond, spirulina and Pleurotus spp.) with potential usage as raw materials for dietary supplements, especially since these products do not benefit from stricter regulation requirements regarding their actual health benefits. The characterization of raw materials consisted in evaluation of their nutritional profile (by addressing moisture content, crude protein content, extractable fat, ash, carbohydrates) and microbial contamination (TAMC, TYMC, Enterobacteriaceae and beta-glucuronidase positive Escherichia coli), total content of free amino acids, soluble proteins, phenols and flavonoids, as well as antioxidant activity through chemical assays. We used 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release to evaluate the potential cytotoxicity of selected raw materials. Results obtained indicate high percentages of proteins for the pea powder (77.96%) and Spirulina powder (64.79%), Pleurotus spp. flour had strong antioxidant activity, while the highest contamination values were registered for Pleurotus spp. powder (4.6 +/- 10(5) CFU/g or 5.66 log CFU/g). Cytotoxicity results demonstrate that tested ingredients have an impact on the metabolic activity of cells, affecting cellular integrity and provoking leakage of DNA at several concentrations. While plant-based protein supplementation may appear to be a promising solution to balance our busy lives, there are several advantages and disadvantages associated with them, including issues related to their absorption rate, bioavailability, cytotoxicity and actual nutritional benefits. |
Preliminary Data Regarding Bioactive Compounds And Total Antioxidant Capacity Of Some Fluid Extracts Of Lonicera Caerulea L. Berries |
Negreanu-pirjol Bogdan -Stefan; Negreanu-pirjol Ticuta; Popoviciu Dan Razvan; Artem Victoria; Ranca Aurora; Craciunescu Oana; Prelipcean Ana -Maria; Motelica Ludmila; Vasile Monica | University Politehnica Of Bucharest Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry And Materials Science, 2023 | |
RezumatLonicera caerulea L., (blue honeysuckle, blue honeyberry or haskap) is an Eastern Siberian shrub with fruits known to have potential medicinal applications. The aim of this paper was to investigate the physico-chemical properties, composition and the correlation to the total antioxidant capacity of some fluid extracts of haskap berries for their use as nutraceuticals. The dried fruits were collected from Moldavia region in North-Eastern Romania and the extracts were prepared at a concentration of 10% (w/v) in ethanol concentrations of 50:50 (v:v), 70:30 (v:v) and 96:4 (v:v), respectively. The total content of main bioactive compounds, such as polyphenols, flavonoids, tannins, anthocyanins, carotenoids, lycopene, lutein, vitamin C and carbohydrates was determined by UV-Vis spectrophotometric assays. Total antioxidant capacity of extracts was assessed by photochemiluminescence method, in comparison to Trolox (R), an analogue of vitamin E, used as antioxidant standard. The obtained results emphasized that the hydroalcoholic extract in 70:30 (v:v) ethanol had significantly (p<0.01) higher content of vitamin C, carbohydrates and carotenoids than the other two extracts, and similar quantities of total phenolics, flavonoids, lycopene and lutein, In accordance, the same extract had the highest total antioxidant activity and close to the values of resveratrol, a known antioxidant polyphenolic compound. In conclusion, hydroalcoholic extracts of Lonicera caerulea L. berries could be used as valuable products for the formulation of novel nutraceuticals with significant antioxidant activity. |
Health Benefits Of Antioxidant Bioactive Compounds In The Fruits And Leaves Of Lonicera Caerulea L. And Aronia Melanocarpa (Michx.) Elliot |
Negreanu-Pirjol Bogdan-Stefan; Oprea Ovidiu Cristian; Negreanu-Pirjol Ticuta; Roncea Florentina Nicoleta; Prelipcean Ana-Maria; Craciunescu Oana; Iosageanu Andreea; Artem Victoria; Ranca Aurora; Motelica Ludmila; Lepadatu Anca-Cristina; Cosma Madalina; Popoviciu Dan Razvan | Antioxidants, 2023 | |
RezumatLonicera caerulaea L. and Aronia melanocarpa (Michx.) Elliot fruits are frequently used for their health benefits as they are rich in bioactive compounds. They are recognized as a source of natural and valuable phytonutrients, which makes them a superfood. L. caerulea presents antioxidant activity three to five times higher than other berries which are more commonly consumed, such as blackberries or strawberries. In addition, their ascorbic acid level is the highest among fruits. The species A. melanocarpa is considered one of the richest known sources of antioxidants, surpassing currants, cranberries, blueberries, elderberries, and gooseberries, and contains one of the highest amounts of sorbitol. The non-edible leaves of genus Aronia became more extensively analyzed as a byproduct or waste material due to their high polyphenol, flavonoid, and phenolic acid content, along with a small amount of anthocyanins, which are used as ingredients in nutraceuticals, herbal teas, bio-cosmetics, cosmeceuticals, food and by the pharmaceutical industry. These plants are a rich source of vitamins, tocopherols, folic acid, and carotenoids. However, they remain outside of mainstream fruit consumption, being well known only to a small audience. This review aims to shed light on L. caerulaea and A. melanocarpa and their bioactive compounds as healthy superfoods with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antimicrobial, and anti-diabetic effects, and hepato-, cardio-, and neuro-protective potential. In this view, we hope to promote their cultivation and processing, increase their commercial availability, and also highlight the ability of these species to be used as potential nutraceutical sources, helpful for human health. |
Diversity And Structure Of Feather Mite Communities On Seabirds From The North-East Atlantic And Mediterranean Sea |
Stefan Laura M.; Isbert Wolf; Gomez-Diaz Elena; Mironov Sergey V.; Dona Jorge; McCoy Karen D.; Gonzalez-Solis Jacob | Scientific Reports, 2023 | |
RezumatThe richness and structure of symbiont assemblages are shaped by many factors acting at different spatial and temporal scales. Among them, host phylogeny and geographic distance play essential roles. To explore drivers of richness and structure of symbiont assemblages, feather mites and seabirds are an attractive model due to their peculiar traits. Feather mites are permanent ectosymbionts and considered highly host-specific with limited dispersal abilities. Seabirds harbour species-rich feather mite communities and their colonial breeding provides opportunities for symbionts to exploit several host species. To unravel the richness and test the influence of host phylogeny and geographic distance on mite communities, we collected feather mites from 11 seabird species breeding across the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. Using morphological criteria, we identified 33 mite species, of which 17 were new or recently described species. Based on community similarity analyses, mite communities were clearly structured by host genera, while the effect of geography within host genera or species was weak and sometimes negligible. We found a weak but significant effect of geographic distance on similarity patterns in mite communities for Cory's shearwaters Calonectris borealis. Feather mite specificity mainly occurred at the host-genus rather than at host-species level, suggesting that previously inferred host species-specificity may have resulted from poorly sampling closely related host species. Overall, our results show that host phylogeny plays a greater role than geography in determining the composition and structure of mite assemblages and pinpoints the importance of sampling mites from closely-related host species before describing mite specificity patterns. |
Diversity And Structure Of Feather Mite Communities On Seabirds From The North–East Atlantic And Mediterranean Sea |
Stefan L.M.; Isbert W.; Gómez-Díaz E.; Mironov S.V.; Doña J.; McCoy K.D.; González-Solís J. | Scientific Reports, 2023 | |
RezumatThe richness and structure of symbiont assemblages are shaped by many factors acting at different spatial and temporal scales. Among them, host phylogeny and geographic distance play essential roles. To explore drivers of richness and structure of symbiont assemblages, feather mites and seabirds are an attractive model due to their peculiar traits. Feather mites are permanent ectosymbionts and considered highly host-specific with limited dispersal abilities. Seabirds harbour species-rich feather mite communities and their colonial breeding provides opportunities for symbionts to exploit several host species. To unravel the richness and test the influence of host phylogeny and geographic distance on mite communities, we collected feather mites from 11 seabird species breeding across the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. Using morphological criteria, we identified 33 mite species, of which 17 were new or recently described species. Based on community similarity analyses, mite communities were clearly structured by host genera, while the effect of geography within host genera or species was weak and sometimes negligible. We found a weak but significant effect of geographic distance on similarity patterns in mite communities for Cory’s shearwaters Calonectris borealis. Feather mite specificity mainly occurred at the host-genus rather than at host-species level, suggesting that previously inferred host species-specificity may have resulted from poorly sampling closely related host species. Overall, our results show that host phylogeny plays a greater role than geography in determining the composition and structure of mite assemblages and pinpoints the importance of sampling mites from closely-related host species before describing mite specificity patterns. © 2023, The Author(s). |
Optimisation Of Polyphenols Extraction From Wild Bilberry Leaves—Antimicrobial Properties And Stability Studies |
Brezoiu A.-M.; Deaconu M.; Mitran R.-A.; Prelipcean A.-M.; Matei C.; Berger D. | Molecules, 2023 | |
RezumatPolyphenolic extracts from natural sources have received great interest due to their beneficial properties for human health. A method to reduce their variability is to use the design of experiments which allows a limited number of experiments to be performed while exploring the experimental space. Firstly, a 23-full factorial model was used to investigate the polyphenols extraction from wild bilberry leaves. Spectrophotometric data (the content of polyphenols, flavonoids, chlorophyll and radical scavenger activity) and extraction yield were used as responses, and six statistical models were determined depending on the two numerical factors (temperature and alcohol % of ethanol–water mixture) being significant (p < 0.05) in all cases. Numerical optimisation performed by Design Expert 13 software correlates well with the chemical profile determined by high-performance liquid chromatography and the amount of the polyphenol. Afterwards, under the optimised conditions, an extract was prepared in three extraction steps for which composition, chemical stability and antimicrobial properties were evaluated. The antimicrobial potential of the extract was compared with that of the standard compounds (rutin and chlorogenic acid), and the results supported a synergistic effect of the extract components. © 2023 by the authors. |
Bioactive-Loaded Hydrogels Based On Bacterial Nanocellulose, Chitosan, And Poloxamer For Rebalancing Vaginal Microbiota |
Moraru Angela; Dima Stefan-Ovidiu; Tritean Naomi; Oprita Elena-Iulia; Prelipcean Ana-Maria; Trica Bogdan; Oancea Anca; Moraru Ionut; Constantinescu-Aruxandei Diana; Oancea Florin | Pharmaceuticals, 2023 | |
RezumatBiocompatible drug-delivery systems for soft tissue applications are of high interest for the medical and pharmaceutical fields. The subject of this research is the development of hydrogels loaded with bioactive compounds (inulin, thyme essential oil, hydro-glycero-alcoholic extract of Vitis vinifera, Opuntia ficus-indica powder, lactic acid, citric acid) in order to support the vaginal microbiota homeostasis. The nanofibrillar phyto-hydrogel systems developed using the biocompatible polymers chitosan (CS), never-dried bacterial nanocellulose (NDBNC), and Poloxamer 407 (PX) incorporated the water-soluble bioactive components in the NDBNC hydrophilic fraction and the hydrophobic components in the hydrophobic core of the PX fraction. Two NDBNC-PX hydrogels and one NDBNC-PX-CS hydrogel were structurally and physical-chemically characterized using Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and rheology. The hydrogels were also evaluated in terms of thermo-responsive properties, mucoadhesion, biocompatibility, and prebiotic and antimicrobial effects. The mucin binding efficiency of hydrogel base systems was determined by the periodic acid/Schiff base (PAS) assay. Biocompatibility of hydrogel systems was determined by the MTT test using mouse fibroblasts. The prebiotic activity was determined using the probiotic strains Limosilactobacillus reuteri and Lactiplantibacillus plantarum subsp. plantarum. Antimicrobial activity was also assessed using relevant microbial strains, respectively, E. coli and C. albicans. TEM evidenced PX micelles of around 20 nm on NDBNC nanofibrils. The FTIR and XRD analyses revealed that the binary hydrogels are dominated by PX signals, and that the ternary hydrogel is dominated by CS, with additional particular fingerprints for the biocompounds and the hydrogel interaction with mucin. Rheology evidenced the gel transition temperatures of 18-22 degrees C for the binary hydrogels with thixotropic behavior and, respectively, no gel transition, with rheopectic behavior for the ternary hydrogel. The adhesion energies of the binary and ternary hydrogels were evaluated to be around 1.2 J/m(2) and 9.1 J/m(2), respectively. The hydrogels exhibited a high degree of biocompatibility, with the potential to support cell proliferation and also to promote the growth of lactobacilli. The hydrogel systems also presented significant antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity. |
The Chemical Profile, Antioxidant, And Anti-Lipid Droplet Activity Of Fluid Extracts From Romanian Cultivars Of Haskap Berries, Bitter Cherries, And Red Grape Pomace For The Management Of Liver Steatosis |
Craciunescu Oana; Seciu-Grama Ana-Maria; Mihai Elena; Utoiu Elena; Negreanu-Pirjol Ticuta; Lupu Carmen Elena; Artem Victoria; Ranca Aurora; Negreanu-Pirjol Bogdan-Stefan | International Journal Of Molecular Sciences, 2023 | |
RezumatThis study aimed to investigate, for the first time, the chemical composition and antioxidant activity of fluid extracts obtained from three Romanian cultivars of haskap berries (Lonicera caerulea L.) var. Loni, bitter cherries (Prunus avium var. sylvestris Ser.) var. Silva, and pomace from red grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) var. Mamaia, and their capacity to modulate in vitro steatosis, in view of developing novel anti-obesity products. Total phenolic, flavonoid, anthocyanin, and ascorbic acid content of fluid extracts was spectrophotometrically assessed and their free radical scavenging capacity was evaluated using Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity (TEAC) and free 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical inhibition assays. The Pearson coefficients showed a moderate correlation between the antioxidant activity of fluid extracts and their phenolic content, but a strong correlation between anthocyanin and ascorbic acid content. HPLC analysis identified and quantified the main phenolic compounds of chlorogenic and syringic acid, catechin, and glycosylated kaempferol, apigenin, and quercetin, in variable proportions. An in vitro experimental model of steatosis was developed in HepG2 hepatocytes treated with a mixture of free fatty acids. Cell culture analyses showed that cytocompatible concentrations of fluid extracts could significantly reduce the lipid accumulation and inhibit the reactive oxygen species, malondialdehyde, and nitric oxide secretion in stressed hepatocytes. In conclusion, these results put an emphasis on the chemical compounds' high antioxidant and liver protection capacity of unstudied fluid extracts obtained from Romanian cultivars of bitter cherries var. Silva and pomace of red grapes var. Mamaia, similar to the fluid extract of haskap berries var. Loni, in particular, the positive modulation of fat deposition next to oxidative stress and the lipid peroxidation process triggered by fatty acids in HepG2 hepatocytes. Consequently, this study indicated that these fluid extracts could be further exploited as hepatoprotective agents in liver steatosis, which provides a basis for the further development of novel extract mixtures with synergistic activity as anti-obesity products. |
Design Of Silver Containing Mesoporous Bioactive Glass-Embedded Polycaprolactone Substrates With Antimicrobial And Bone Regenerative Properties |
Peluso Valentina; D'Amora Ugo; Prelipcean Ana Maria; Scala Stefania; Gargiulo Nicola; Seciu-Grama Ana-Maria; Caputo Domenico; De Santis Roberto; Gloria Antonio; Russo Teresa | Materials Today Communications, 2023 | |
RezumatObjectives: The aim of the present study was to design, produce and characterize composite substrates consisting of different formulations of poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL), as a polymer matrix, and silver-containing mesoporous bioactive glasses (Ag-MBGs) with improved properties for bone tissue engineering.Methods: Ag-MBGs were synthesized by an evaporation-induced self-assembly process. Different polymer-to-particles weight ratios were considered (90/10, 80/20, 70/30 wt%). PCL/Ag-MBGs composites substrates were manufactured by melting and molding technique. The effect of Ag-MBGs embedded in the polymer matrix was investigated by morphological (field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), SEM and contact angle measurement), structural/functional (small punch and tensile tests), antimicrobial, and in vitro biological analyses.Results: The obtained results highlighted that the inclusion of 10% by weight of Ag-MBGs improved the punching performances as well as the tensile Young's modulus (from 350.3 +/- 32.0 MPa for PCL to 473.5 +/- 41.0 MPa), without negatively altering the tensile strength of the neat PCL. Indeed, small punch test findings indicated that, over a threshold concentration (10% by weight), the Ag-MBGs acted as weak points, rather than reinforcement, because the mechanical properties of the composite substrates decreased. The bacterial growth monitoring showed a clear antimicrobial effect against both Gram-negative and Gram-positive, confirmed by reduced cell viability registered after 24 h (2 x105 CFU/mL for P. aeruginosa and 2.3 x105 CFU/mL for S. aureus). The results were confirmed in terms of adhesion and adherent growth, reduced at day 3 on PCL samples with 10% of Ag/ MBGs. Furthermore, this formulation induced a significant inhibition zone (21 mm for P. aeruginosa, 23 mm for S. aureus). In vitro biological assays confirmed that all formulations of PCL/Ag-MBGs supported periodontal ligament stem cells' viability and differentiation over time. Particularly, substrates with Ag-MBGs at a concentration of 10% and 20% by weight of Ag-MBGs provided higher values of the percentage of Alamar Blue reduction meanwhile, the highest Ag-MBGs concentration induced a higher expression of alkaline phosphatase activity.Significance: Ag-MBGs proved to be suitable candidates as filler at a specific threshold concentration (10% by weight), considering a compromise among physicochemical, antimicrobial, and pro-regenerative features. These findings provide useful data for the design and development of improved biomaterials with optimized properties, suggesting a potential application in maxillofacial bone and/or periodontal tissue repair. |
Natural Polymeric Hydrogels Encapsulating Small Molecules For Diabetic Wound Healing |
Oprita Elena Iulia; Iosageanu Andreea; Craciunescu Oana; Jia Zhiyuan; Schoenherr Holger; Goonoo Nowsheen | Gels, 2023 | |
RezumatDiabetes is a condition correlated with a high number of diagnosed chronic wounds as a result of a complex pathophysiological mechanism. Diabetic chronic wounds are characterized by disorganized and longer stages, compared to normal wound healing. Natural polymer hydrogels can act as good wound dressings due to their versatile physicochemical properties, represented mainly by high water content and good biocompatibility. Natural bioactive hydrogels are polymers loaded with bioactive compounds providing antibacterial and antioxidant properties, modulation of inflammation and adherence to wounded tissue, compared to traditional dressings, which enables promising future applications for diabetic wound healing. Natural bioactive compounds, such as polyphenols, polysaccharides and proteins have great advantages in promoting chronic wound healing in diabetes due to their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-allergic and wound healing properties. The present paper aims to review the wound healing mechanisms underlining the main issues of chronic wounds and those specifically occurring in diabetes. Also, the review highlights the recent state of the art related to the effect of hydrogels enriched with natural bioactive compounds developed as biocompatible functional materials for improving diabetic-related chronic wound healing and providing novel therapeutic strategies that could prevent limb amputation and increase the quality of life in diabetic patients. |
Green Extraction Techniques Of Phytochemicals From Hedera Helix L. And In Vitro Characterization Of The Extracts |
Gavrila Adina I.; Zalaru Christina M.; Tatia Rodica; Seciu-Grama Ana-Maria; Negrea Cristina L.; Calinescu Ioan; Chipurici Petre; Trifan Adrian; Popa Ioana | Plants-Basel, 2023 | |
RezumatHedera helix L. contains phytochemicals with good biological properties which are beneficial to human health and can be used to protect plants against different diseases. The aim of this research was to find the most suitable extraction method and the most favorable parameters for the extraction of different bioactive compounds from ivy leaves. Different extraction methods, namely microwave-assisted extraction (MAE), ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE), and conventional heating extraction (CHE), were used. The most suitable method for the extraction of saponins is MAE with an extraction efficiency of 58%, while for carbohydrates and polyphenols, the best results were achieved via UAE with an extraction efficiency of 61.7% and 63.5%, respectively. The antioxidant activity (AA) of the extracts was also determined. The highest AA was obtained via UAE (368.98 +/- 9.01 mu mol TR/gDM). Better results were achieved at 50( degrees)C for 10 min of extraction, using 80% ethanol in water as solvent. In order to evaluate their in vitro cytotoxicity, the extracts richest in bioactive compounds were tested on NCTC fibroblasts. Their influence on the DNA content of RAW 264.7 murine macrophages was also tested. Until 200 mu g/mL, the extracts obtained via UAE and MAE were cytocompatible with NCTC fibroblasts at 48 h of treatment. Summarizing the above, both MAE and UAE can be employed as green and efficient methods for producing extracts rich in bioactive compounds, exhibiting strong antioxidant properties and good noncytotoxic activity. |
Bioinspired 3D Scaffolds With Antimicrobial, Drug Delivery, And Osteogenic Functions For Bone Regeneration |
Atkinson Irina; Seciu-Grama Ana-Maria; Serafim Andrada; Petrescu Simona; Voicescu Mariana; Anghel Elena Maria; Marinescu Cornelia; Mitran Raul Augustin; Mocioiu Oana Catalina; Cusu Jeanina Pandele; Lincu Daniel; Prelipcean Ana-Maria; Craciunescu Oana | Drug Delivery And Translational Research, 2023 | |
RezumatA major clinical challenge today is the large number of bone defects caused by diseases or trauma. The development of three-dimensional (3D) scaffolds with adequate properties is crucial for successful bone repair. In this study, we prepared biomimetic mesoporous bioactive glass (MBG)-based scaffolds with and without ceria addition (up to 3 mol %) to explore the biological structure and chemical composition of the marine sponge Spongia Agaricina (SA) as a sacrificial template. Micro-CT examination revealed that all scaffolds exhibited a highly porous structure with pore diameters primarily ranging from 143.5 mu m to 213.5 mu m, facilitating bone ingrowth. Additionally, smaller pores (< 75 mu m), which are known to enhance osteogenesis, were observed. The undoped scaffold displayed the highest open porosity value of 90.83%. Cytotoxicity assessments demonstrated that all scaffolds were noncytotoxic and nongenotoxic toward osteoblast cells. Moreover, scaffolds with higher CeO2 content promoted osteogenic differentiation of dental pulp stem cells, stimulating calcium and osteocalcin secretion. The scaffolds also exhibited antimicrobial and antibiofilm effects against Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) as well as drug delivery ability. Our research findings indicated that the combination of MBG, natural biological structure, and the addition of Ce exhibited a synergistic effect on the structure and biological properties of scaffolds for applications in bone tissue engineering. |
Conversion Of Animal-Derived Protein By-Products Into A New Dual-Layer Nanofiber Biomaterial By Electrospinning Process |
Gaidau Carmen; Rapa Maria; Stefan Laura Mihaela; Matei Ecaterina; Berbecaru Andrei Constantin; Predescu Cristian; Mititelu-Tartau Liliana | Fibers, 2023 | |
RezumatThe aim of this study was to design a dual-layer wound dressing as a new fibrous biomaterial based on the valorization of animal-derived proteins. The first layer was fabricated by the deposition of poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) loaded with keratin hydrolysate (KH) via a mono-electrospinning process onto a poly(lactic acid) (PLA) film, which was used as a support. The second layer consisted of encapsulating a bovine collagen hydrolysate (CH) into poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP) through a coaxial electrospinning process, which was added onto the previous layer. This assemblage was characterized by electronic microscopy for morphology and the controlled release of KH. In vitro biocompatibility was evaluated on the L929 (NCTC) murine fibroblasts using quantitative MTT assay and qualitative cell morphological examination after Giemsa staining. Additionally, in vivo biocompatibility methods were used to assess the impact of the biomaterial on white Swiss mice, including the evaluation of hematological, biochemical, and immunological profiles, as well as its impact on oxidative stress. The results revealed a nanofibrous structure for each layer, and the assembled product demonstrated antioxidant activity, controlled release of KH, a high degree of in vitro biocompatibility, negligible hematological and biochemical changes, and minimal impact of certain specific oxidative stress parameters compared to the use of patches with textile support. |
Novel Collagen-Polyphenols-Loaded Silica Composites For Topical Application |
Deaconu Mihaela; Prelipcean Ana-Maria; Brezoiu Ana-Maria; Mitran Raul-Augustin; Isopencu Gabriela; Matei Cristian; Berger Daniela | Pharmaceutics, 2023 | |
RezumatLesions can affect skin functions and cause a simple issue, such as dehydration, or more challenging complications, such as bacterial infections. The purpose of this study was to design composites for topical application that can prevent and/or assist in bacterial infections and support cell regeneration using natural components. A polyphenolic extract obtained from Salvia officinalis was embedded in functionalized mesoporous silica nanoparticles for better stability, followed by their distribution into a collagen porous scaffold. The resulting polyphenols-loaded MSN exhibited enhanced antibacterial activity and good cytocompatibility. Improved thermal stability of the collagen porous scaffold was obtained due to the presence of the functionalized MSN. For the first time, collagen-polyphenols-loaded silica composites were reported in the literature as potential wound dressings. The newly developed composites showed excellent sterility. |
Biodegradable Cross-Linked Composite Hydrogels Based On Natural Components And Si-Β-Tcp Enriched With Icariin For Osteochondral Regeneration |
Oprita EI; Ciucan T; Seciu-Grama AM; Barabas R; Raduly OC; Craciunescu O | 8Th Malaysian Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine Scientific Meeting (Mterms), Bangi, Selangor, 2022 | |
Rezumat |
Bioactive Peptides From Freshwater Fish Protein Hydrolyzate Used For New Food Supplements |
Teodora Ciucan; Andreea Iosageanu; Agnes Toma; Elena Mihai; Ana-Maria Seciu; Anca Oancea | Workshop Exploratoriu Next-Chem “Tehnologii Inovatoare Trans-Sectoriale” Icechim, Bucuresti, Romania, 2022 | |
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Biodegradable Cross-Linked Composite Hydrogels Based On Natural Components And Akermanite Enriched With Small Molecules For Osteochondral Regeneration |
Elena Iulia Oprita; Teodora Ciucan; Ana Maria Seciu-Grama; Rodica Tatia; Reka Barabas; Orsolya C. Fazakas-Raduly; Ana Maria Gheorghe; Oana Craciunescu | Scandinavian Society For Biomaterials – 15Th Annual Meeting Scsb 2022,Jurmala, Letonia, 2022 | |
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Mathematical Modeling By Response Surface Method Of A Triterpene Saponins Mixture With A Raised Antiproliferative Effect |
Rodica Tatia; Christina Zalaru; Ioan Calinescu; Lucia Moldovan | The 6Th Edition Of International Conference On Analytical And Nanoanalytical Methods For Biomedical And Environmental Sciences, Brasov, Romania, 2022 | |
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New Pharmaceutical Preparations Type Bioadhesive Gels Based On Chlorhexidine Metal Complexes With Antioxidant And Antimicrobial Action |
Ticuţa Negreanu-Pîrjol; Bogdan Ştefan Negreanu-Pîrjol; Florentina Roncea; Mihaela Bratu; Elena Gorun; Anca Oancea; Lucia Moldovan | National Symposium With International Participation “Pharmacy: Past, Present And Future” – Fifth Edition, 2-3 June 2022, “Ovidius” University Of Constanţa, Romania, 2022 | |
Rezumat |
Functional Food Based On A Combination With Emergent Properties Of Polyphenols And Polysaccharides For Hypocaloric Diet |
Anca Oancea; Oana Craciunescu; Elena Mihai; Teodora Ciucan; Viorica Coroiu; Sorin Manoiu; Elena Utoiu; Ana-Maria Ghenea; Mihaela Pirvu | Agriculture & Food, 10Th International Conference, Burgas, Bulgaria, 2022 | |
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Chemical Content And Anti-Inflammatory Potential Of Sulfated Polysaccharides From Cladophora Vagabunda |
Gaspar-Pintiliescu A; Seciu-Grama AM; Mihai E; Craciunescu O | Pse Natural Products In Drug Discovery And Development – Advances And Perspectives, Iasi, Romania, 2022 | |
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Phenolic Content And In Vitro Antioxidant And Antimicrobial Potential Of Wormwood Hydrosols |
Gaspar-Pintiliescu A; Utoiu E; Mihai E; Prelipcean AM; Popescu AF; Craciunescu O | 15Th World Congress On Polyphenols Applications, Valencia, Spain (Online), 2022 | |
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Progress In Composite Hydrogels And Scaffolds Enriched With Icariin For Osteochondral Defect Healing |
Oprita Elena Iulia; Iosageanu Andreea; Craciunescu Oana | Gels, 2022 | |
RezumatOsteochondral structure reconstruction by tissue engineering, a challenge in regenerative medicine, requires a scaffold that ensures both articular cartilage and subchondral bone remodeling. Functional hydrogels and scaffolds present a strategy for the controlled delivery of signaling molecules (growth factors and therapeutic drugs) and are considered a promising therapeutic approach. Icariin is a pharmacologically-active small molecule of prenylated flavonol glycoside and the main bioactive flavonoid isolated from Epimedium spp. The in vitro and in vivo testing of icariin showed chondrogenic and ostseoinductive effects, comparable to bone morphogenetic proteins, and suggested its use as an alternative to growth factors, representing a low-cost, promising approach for osteochondral regeneration. This paper reviews the complex structure of the osteochondral tissue, underlining the main aspects of osteochondral defects and those specifically occurring in osteoarthritis. The significance of icariin's structure and the extraction methods were emphasized. Studies revealing the valuable chondrogenic and osteogenic effects of icariin for osteochondral restoration were also reviewed. The review highlighted th recent state-of-the-art related to hydrogels and scaffolds enriched with icariin developed as biocompatible materials for osteochondral regeneration strategies. |
Antioxidant And Acetylcholinesterase Inhibition Capacity Of Hyrosols From Lamiaceae Plants For Biopesticide Use: Role Of Phenolics |
Gaspar-Pintiliescu Alexandra; Mihai Elena; Ciucan Teodora; Popescu Adriana Florina; Luntraru Cristina; Tomescu Justinian; Craciunescu Oana | International Journal Of Food Properties, 2022 | |
RezumatThe aim of this study was to investigate the main volatiles and polyphenolic compounds in hydrosols extracted from three Romanian Lamiaceae plants, sage (Salvia officinalis), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) and lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) by steam distillation. The antioxidant and acetylcholinesterase inhibition capacity of hydrosols were assessed for their further use as biopesticides. The results have shown that sage and rosemary hydrosols presented better antioxidant activity than lavender hydrosol in all free radical scavenging and metal chelating assays. A strong relationship between the antioxidant activity of hydrosols' and their total phenolic and flavonoid content was found based on Pearson correlation coefficients. Sage and rosemary hydrosols exerted higher acetylcholinesterase inhibition than lavender hydrosol, but this activity was moderate correlated to phenolic content and low correlated to flavonoid content. These results suggested that volatiles and other compounds present in hydrosols were also involved in this process. In conclusion, Lamiaceae plant hydrosols could be further tested, as such or mixed, as natural products for the control of pests in eco-agrosystems. |
Free Radicals Scavenging, Acetylhydrolase Inhibition And Antimicrobial Activity Of Aromatic Plant Hydrolate Mixtures |
Gaspar-Pintiliescu Alexandra; Prelipcean Ana-Maria; Mihai Elena; Ciucan Teodora; Anton Ruxandra Elena; Popescu Adriana Florina; Tomescu Justinian; Craciunescu Oana | Journal Of Food Measurement And Characterization, 2022 | |
RezumatThis study aimed to investigate the free radicals scavenging, inhibition of acetylhydrolase and antimicrobial activity of five mixtures of hydrolates obtained by hydrodistillation of Lamiaceae plants, Rosmarinus officinalis, Salvia officinalis and Lavandula angustifolia. Chemical composition of hydrolates was analysed by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry for volatiles and UV-VIS spectrophotometry for total phenolic and flavonoid content. The results of free radicals scavenging and acetylhydrolase inhibition activity have shown improved effect of selected hydrolates mixtures, compared to individual hydrolates. The effect was in accordance to their polyphenolic content, indicating synergistic action of the combined biologic active compounds from different extracts of rosemary, sage and lavender. In turn, the antimicrobial activity of hydrolates mixtures was similar to that of individual hydrolates in Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Rhizoctonia solani cultures, revealing no synergistic effect of volatiles, as mainly responsible compounds. In conclusion, selected mixtures of aromatic plant hydrolates can provide added value to these by-products through further development of natural pesticide and/or fungicide products useful for the ecological crop protection. |
Comparative Palynological, Physicochemical, Antioxidant And Antibacterial Properties Of Romanian Honey Varieties For Biomedical Applications |
Iosageanu Andreea; Mihai Elena; Prelipcean Ana-Maria; Anton Ruxandra Elena; Utoiu Elena; Oancea Anca; Craciunescu Oana; Cimpean Anisoara | Chemistry & Biodiversity, 2022 | |
RezumatThe aim of this study was to investigate the melissopalynology, physicochemical characteristics, antioxidant and antibacterial activity of seven honey samples harvested from different geographical regions and climates of Romania. The melissopalynological analysis revealed that monofloral and multifloral samples contained a wide diversity of minor pollen types from Romanian flora. The moisture, pH and free acidity values were within international limit. HPLC analysis indicated high content of fructose and glucose and low content of sucrose. Bioactive compounds including proteins, phenolics, flavonoids and ascorbic acid were present in variable quantities, according to the botanical origin and geographical area. The highest phenolics and ascorbic acid content was in multifloral honeys from Crisana mountain and meadow and the extrafloral honeydew honey. The same honey samples have exerted free radical scavenging and antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The free radical scavenging activity was strongly correlated to phenolics and ascorbic acid content, while the antimicrobial activity was medium correlated only to phenolics content. In conclusion, the selected Romanian honey samples with best antioxidant and antimicrobial activity could be further tested for the development of novel biomedical products. |
Free Radical Scavenging, Redox Balance And Wound Healing Activity Of Bioactive Peptides Derived From Proteinase K-Assisted Hydrolysis Of Hypophthalmichthys Molitrix Skin Collagen |
Ilie Daniela; Iosageanu Andreea; Craciunescu Oana; Seciu-Grama Ana-Maria; Sanda Catalina; Oancea Florin | Food Technology And Biotechnology, 2022 | |
RezumatResearch background. Various protocols for enzymatic hydrolysis of fish by-products are increasingly tested to ensure value-added products with functional and biological properties important for food, cosmetic and medical applications. In addition, they attempt to minimize waste from industrial processing and environmental requirements. This study aims to establish an efficient protocol based on two-step enzymatic hydrolysis of freshwater fish skin and to evaluate the effect of resulting bioactive peptides on free radical scavenging, redox balance and regulation of fibroblast proliferation and migration. Experimental approach. Pepsin-soluble collagen extracted from silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) skin was hydrolyzed by proteinase K at specific sites under controlled conditions. The molecular mass of ultrafiltration permeate was determined by gradient electrophoresis and gel filtration chromatography. The biological activity of intermediate and small size bioactive peptides was evaluated in experimental models in vitro mimicking oxidative stress and skin wound conditions. Results and conclusions. Extracted fish collagen was hydrolysed using proteinase K, the most efficient enzyme for the cleavage of the primary structure of the molecule, as previously found in silico. Established optimal conditions increased the enzyme specificity and the process yield. Bioactive peptides exerted significantly higher scavenging activity on free stable radicals and hydroxyl radicals often found in vivo, compared to fish collagen. They stimulated fibroblast metabolism in a dose-dependent manner and up-regulated cell migration in a scratch wound model. Pretreatment of fibroblasts with induced oxidative stress using optimal concentrations of fish peptides prevented the increase of reactive oxygen species production. In conclusion, bioactive peptides from carp skin demonstrated valuable properties of maintaining redox balance and skin wound healing process improvement, which indicated further potential applications in the development of pharmaceutical and nutraceutical formulations. Novelty and scientific contribution. In this study the enzymatic hydrolysis was applied to isolated protein, in contrast to previous studies using waste tissue with variable composition. Recovered bioactive peptides acted not only as antioxidant agents, but also as regulators of oxidative stress and wound healing processes in skin cell models. Their nutritional and cosmetic application is recommended in novel formulations fighting skin ageing phenomena. |
Poly(3-Hydroxybutyrate-Co-3-Hydroxyvalerate) (P(3Hb-Co-3Hv))/Bacterial Cellulose (Bc) Biocomposites For Potential Use In Biomedical Applications |
Rapa Maria; Stefan Laura Mihaela; Seciu-Grama Ana-Maria; Gaspar-Pintiliescu Alexandra; Matei Ecaterina; Zaharia Catalin; Stanescu Paul Octavian; Predescu Cristian | Polymers, 2022 | |
RezumatThe aim of this study was to obtain biocomposites consisting of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV), bacterial cellulose (BC) and alpha-tocopherol by a melt processing technique for potential use in biomedical applications. The melt processing and roughness of biocomposites were evaluated and compared to sample without BC. The degradation rate of PHBV/BC biocomposites was measured in phosphate buffer saline (PBS) by determining the mass variation and evidencing of thermal and structural changes by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transformed infrared spectrometry (ATR-FTIR). The cell viability, cell morphology, cell cycle distribution and total collagen content were investigated on murine NCTC fibroblasts. Overall, the adding of BC to polyester matrix led to an adequate melt processing of biocomposites and increased surface roughness and cytocompatibility, allowing the cells to secrete the extracellular matrix (collagen) and stimulate cell proliferation. Results showed that the PHBV/BC biocomposites were favorable for long-term degradation and could be used for the design of medical devices with controlled degradability. |
Cerium-Containing Mesoporous Bioactive Glasses (Mbgs)-Derived Scaffolds With Drug Delivery Capability For Potential Tissue Engineering Applications |
Atkinson Irina; Seciu-Grama Ana Maria; Petrescu Simona; Culita Daniela; Mocioiu Oana Catalina; Voicescu Mariana; Mitran Raul-Augustin; Lincu Daniel; Prelipcean Ana-Maria; Craciunescu Oana | Pharmaceutics, 2022 | |
RezumatFinding innovative solutions to improve the lives of people affected by trauma, bone disease, or aging continues to be a challenge worldwide. Tissue engineering is the most rapidly growing area in the domain of biomaterials. Cerium-containing MBG-derived biomaterials scaffolds were synthesized using polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) as a sacrificial template. The obtained scaffolds were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The Ce4+/Ce3+ ratio in the scaffolds was estimated. In vitro testing revealed good cytocompatibility of the investigated scaffolds in mouse fibroblast cell line (NCTC clone L929). The results obtained regarding bioactivity, antibacterial activity, and controlled drug delivery functions recommend these scaffolds as potential candidates for bone tissue engineering applications. |
Inhibition Of Mg Corrosion In Physiological Fluids By Carbonate Coating |
Popa Monica; Stefan Laura M.; Prelipcean Ana-Maria; Drob Silviu I; Anastasescu Mihai; Moreno Jose M. Calderon | Corrosion Science, 2022 | |
RezumatCorrosion protective coatings were grown on pure magnesium in naturally carbonated mineral water containing Ca2+ using a simple, green conversion method. Dissolution of the native corrosion product, Mg(OH)2, mediates the surface nucleation of hydroxycarbonates. The pH increase due to CO2 degassing to atmospheric pressure leads to calcium carbonate nucleation and lateral growth by the incorporation of nanoparticles in a continuous layer of calcite -Ca(Mg)CO3- microcrystals. The coated surfaces have a much improved corrosion resistance in physiological fluids, measured by EIS, weight loss, corrosion rates and hydrogen release. Cell viability/ morphology assessment demonstrates that the coating is non-toxic and promotes the proliferation of osteoblastic cells. |
Fluorescent Flavin/Pvp-Coated Silver Nanoparticles: Design And Biological Performance |
Voicescu Mariana; Craciunescu Oana; Calderon-Moreno Jose M.; Anastasescu Mihai; Manoiu Vasile S.; Tatia Rodica; Culita Daniela C.; Moldovan Lucia | Journal Of Fluorescence, 2022 | |
RezumatA red-emitting fluorescent Riboflavin (RF)/Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)-coated silver nanoparticles system, lambda(em) = 527 nm, phi = 0.242, with a diameter of the metallic core of 27.33 nm and a zeta potential of - 25.05 mV was prepared and investigated regarding its biological activity. We found that PVP has a key role in RF adsorption around the SNPs surface leading to an enhancement of antioxidant properties (similar to 70%), low cytotoxicity (> 90% cell viability, at 50 mu L/mL, after 48 h of incubation) as well as to an efficient process of its cellular uptake (similar to 60%, after 24 h of incubation) in L929 cells. The results are relevant concerning the involvement of RF and its coenzymes forms in SNPs - based systems, in cellular respiration as well as for future studies as antioxidant marker system on tumoral cells for viewing and monitoring them, by cellular imaging. |
Green Synthesis Of Bioinspired Chitosan-Zno-Based Polysaccharide Gums Hydrogels With Propolis Extract As Novel Functional Natural Biomaterials |
Chelu Mariana; Moreno Jose Calderon; Atkinson Irina; Cusu Jeanina Pandele; Rusu Adriana; Bratan Veronica; Aricov Ludmila; Anastasescu Mihai; Seciu-Grama Ana-Maria; Musuc Adina Magdalena | International Journal Of Biological Macromolecules, 2022 | |
RezumatA facile, green synthesis methodology to obtain zinc oxide nanoparticles using three polysaccharide gums (Acacia gum, Guar gum and Xanthan gum) of biological origin was developed. Subsequently, biosynthesized zinc oxide nanoparticles were incorporated into a sustainable chitosan hydrogel matrix functionalized with propolis extract. This study has revealed that the selected polysaccharides as chelates represents a suitable approach to synthesize ZnO nanoparticles of particular interest with controlled morphology. The formation of ZnO nanoparticles using polysaccharide gums was confirmed by FTIR, XRD, UV-Vis spectroscopy, thermal analysis, SEM, Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopies. The rheological behaviour of obtained hydrogels was evaluated. The AFM studies demonstrate that all synthesized chitosan incorporated ZnO composites hydrogels functionalized with propolis extract exhibit corrugated topographies. The present study highlights the possible incorporation of various guest molecules into hydrogel matrix due to its tuneable morphologies. The obtained hydrogel composites were cytocompatible in L929 fibroblast cell culture, in a range of concentrations between 50 and 1000 mu g/mL, as assessed by MTT, LDH and Live/Dead double staining assays. By enhancing the biological properties, these novel green hydrogels show attractive superior performance in a wide concentration range to develop future in vivo suitable natural platforms as effective delivery systems of pharmacologic agents for biomedical applications. |
Marine Bioactive Compounds Derived From Macroalgae As New Potential Players In Drug Delivery Systems: A Review |
Negreanu-Pirjol Bogdan-Stefan; Negreanu-Pirjol Ticuta; Popoviciu Dan Razvan; Anton Ruxandra-Elena; Prelipcean Ana-Maria | Pharmaceutics, 2022 | |
RezumatThe marine algal ecosystem is characterized by a rich ecological biodiversity and can be considered as an unexploited resource for the discovery and isolation of novel bioactive compounds. In recent years, marine macroalgae have begun to be explored for their valuable composition in bioactive compounds and opportunity to obtain different nutraceuticals. In comparison with their terrestrial counterparts, Black Sea macroalgae are potentially good sources of bioactive compounds with specific and unique biological activities, insufficiently used. Macroalgae present in different marine environments contain several biologically active metabolites, including polysaccharides, oligosaccharides, polyunsaturated fatty acids, sterols, proteins polyphenols, carotenoids, vitamins, and minerals. As a result, they have received huge interest given their promising potentialities in supporting antitumoral, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antiangiogenic, antidiabetic, and neuroprotective properties. An additional advantage of ulvans, fucoidans and carrageenans is the biocompatibility and limited or no toxicity. This therapeutic potential is a great natural treasure to be exploited for the development of novel drug delivery systems in both preventive and therapeutic approaches. This overview aims to provide an insight into current knowledge focused on specific bioactive compounds, which represent each class of macroalgae e.g., ulvans, fucoidans and carrageenans, respectively, as valuable potential players in the development of innovative drug delivery systems. |
Chitosan Microparticles Loaded With New Non-Cytotoxic Isoniazid Derivatives For The Treatment Of Tuberculosis: In Vitro And In Vivo Studies |
Dragostin Ionut; Dragostin Oana-Maria; Iacob Andreea Teodora; Dragan Maria; Chitescu Carmen Lidia; Confederat Luminita; Zamfir Alexandra-Simona; Tatia Rodica; Stan Catalina Daniela; Zamfir Carmen Lacramioara | Polymers, 2022 | |
RezumatLately, in the world of medicine, the use of polymers for the development of innovative therapies seems to be a major concern among researchers. In our case, as a continuation of the research that has been developed so far regarding obtaining new isoniazid (INH) derivatives for tuberculosis treatment, this work aimed to test the ability of the encapsulation method to reduce the toxicity of the drug, isoniazid and its new derivatives. To achieve this goal, the following methods were applied: a structural confirmation of isoniazid derivatives using LC-HRMS/MS; the obtaining of microparticles based on polymeric support; the determination of their loading and biodegradation capacities; in vitro biocompatibility using MTT cell viability assays; and, last but not least, in vivo toxicological screening for the determination of chronic toxicity in laboratory mice, including the performance of a histopathological study and testing for liver enzymes. The results showed a significant reduction in tissue alterations, the disappearance of cell necrosis and microvesicular steatosis areas and lower values of the liver enzymes TGO, TGP and alkaline phosphatase when using encapsulated forms of drugs. In conclusion, the encapsulation of INH and INH derivatives with chitosan had beneficial effects, suggesting a reduction in hepatotoxicity and, therefore, the achievement of the aim of this paper. |
Nanoplatforms For Irinotecan Delivery Based On Mesoporous Silica Modified With A Natural Polysaccharide |
Brezoiu Ana-Maria; Prelipcean Ana-Maria; Lincu Daniel; Deaconu Mihaela; Vasile Eugeniu; Tatia Rodica; Seciu-Grama Ana-Maria; Matei Cristian; Berger Daniela | Materials, 2022 | |
RezumatNatural compounds are an important source of beneficial components that could be used in cancer therapy along with well-known cytostatic agents to enhance the therapeutic effect while targeting tumoral tissues. Therefore, nanoplatforms containing mesoporous silica and a natural polysaccharide, ulvan, extracted from Ulva Lactuca seaweed, were developed for irinotecan. Either mesoporous silica-ulvan nanoplatforms or irinotecan-loaded materials were structurally and morphologically characterized. In vitro drug release experiments in phosphate buffer solution with a pH of 7.6 emphasized the complete recovery of irinotecan in 8 h. Slower kinetics were obtained for the nanoplatforms with a higher amount of natural polysaccharide. Ulvan extract proved to be biocompatible up to 2 mg/mL on fibroblasts L929 cell line. The irinotecan-loaded nanoplatforms exhibited better anticancer activity than that of the drug alone on human colorectal adenocarcinoma cells (HT-29), reducing their viability to 60% after 24 h. Moreover, the cell cycle analysis proved that the irinotecan loading onto developed nanoplatforms caused an increase in the cell number trapped at G0/G1 phase and influenced the development of the tumoral cells. |
Ultrasound Assisted Extraction Of Saponins From Hedera Helix L. And An In Vitro Biocompatibility Evaluation Of The Extracts |
Gavrila Adina I; Tatia Rodica; Seciu-Grama Ana-Maria; Tarcomnicu Isabela; Negrea Cristina; Calinescu Ioan; Zalaru Christina; Moldovan Lucia; Raiciu Anca D.; Popa Ioana | Pharmaceuticals, 2022 | |
RezumatThe aim of this study was to establish the best ultrasound assisted extraction (UAE) conditions of saponins from Hedera helix L. leaves and to evaluate the in vitro biocompatibility of the extracts richest in saponins. Different parameters, such as extraction time, temperature, ultrasound power, solvent to plant material ratio, and solvent concentration, were investigated. The most efficient extraction conditions were a temperature of 50 degrees C, an ultrasound amplitude of 40%, an extraction time of 60 min, a plant material to solvent ratio of 1:20 (w:v), and 80% ethanol as solvent. In vitro cytotoxicity of the extracts richest in saponins and their influence on the DNA content of L929 (NCTC) fibroblasts were tested. Until 200 mu g/mL, the studied extracts were cytocompatible with L929 fibroblast cell lines at 48 h of treatment. These in vitro cell culture results provide useful information for further applications of Hedera helix extracts in a pharmaceutical field. |
Extruded Nucleoli Of Human Dental Pulp Cells |
Rusu Mugurel Constantin; Vrapciu Alexandra Diana; Nicolescu Mihnea Ioan; Stoenescu Mihai Dragomir; Jianu Adelina Maria; Lighezan Rodica; Oancea Roxana; Manoiu Vasile Sorin; Hostiuc Sorin | Medicina-Lithuania, 2022 | |
RezumatBackground and Objectives: The dental pulp stem cells are highly proliferative and can differentiate into various cell types, including endothelial cells. We aimed to evaluate the ultrastructural characteristics of the human dental pulp cells of the permanent frontal teeth. Materials and Methods: Human adult bioptic dental pulp was collected from n = 10 healthy frontal teeth of five adult patients, prior to prosthetic treatments for aesthetic purposes. Tissues were examined under transmission electron microscopy. Results: We identified cells with a peculiar trait: giant nucleoli resembling intranuclear endoplasmic reticulum, which mimicked extrusion towards the cytoplasm. These were either partly embedded within the nuclei, the case in which their adnuclear side was coated by marginal heterochromatin and the abnuclear side was coated by a thin rim of ribosomes, or were apparently isolated from the nuclei, while still being covered by ribosomes. Conclusions: Similar electron microscopy features were previously reported in the human endometrium, as nucleolar channel system; or R-Rings induced by Nopp140. To our knowledge, this is the first report of extruded nucleolar structure in the dental pulp. Moreover, the aspect of giant extruded nucleoli was not previously reported in any human cell type, although similar evidence was gathered in other species as well as in plants. |
Feather Mites Of The Genus Brephosceles Hull, 1934 (Acariformes: Alloptidae) From The European Storm Petrel Hydrobates Pelagicus (Procellariiformes: Hydrobatidae) |
Mironov Sergey V; Gonzalez-Solis Jacob; Mihalca Andrei D.; Stefan Laura M. | Systematic And Applied Acarology, 2022 | |
RezumatThree feather mite species of the genus Brephosceles Hull, 1934 (Alloptidae: Alloptinae) were found on the European storm petrel, Hydrobates pelagicus (Procellariiformes: Hydrobatidae), in the Mediterranean Sea and North-east Atlantic Ocean. Brephosceles holoplax sp. n. is described as a new species; B. pelagicus (Vitzthum, 1921) and B. longirostris (Vitzthum, 1921) comb. n. formerly known only from females are redescribed from both sexes. The latter species has been transferred from the genus Alloptes Canestrini, 1879. All descriptions are supported by DNA barcode data. |
Marine And Agro-Industrial By-Products Valorization Intended For Topical Formulations In Wound Healing Applications |
Prelipcean Ana-Maria; Iosageanu Andreea; Gaspar-Pintiliescu Alexandra; Moldovan Lucia; Craciunescu Oana; Negreanu-Pirjol Ticuta; Negreanu-Pirjol Bogdan; Mitran Raul-Augustin; Marin Mariana; D'Amora Ugo | Materials, 2022 | |
RezumatOver the past years, research attention has been focusing more on waste-derived, naturally derived, and renewable materials, in the view of a more sustainable economy. In this work, different topical formulations were obtained from the valorization of marine and agro-industrial by-products and the use of Carbopol 940 as gelling agent. In particular, the combination of extracts obtained from the marine snail, Rapanosa venosa, with Cladophora vagabunda and grape pomace extracts, was investigated for wound healing purposes. Rapana venosa has demonstrated wound healing properties and antioxidant activity. Similarly, grape pomace extracts have been shown to accelerate the healing process. However, their synergic use has not been explored yet. To this aim, four different formulations were produced. Three formulations differed for the presence of a different extract of Rapana venosa: marine collagen, marine gelatin, and collagen hydrolysate, while another formulation used mammalian gelatin as further control. Physico-chemical properties of the extracts as well as of the formulations were analyzed. Furthermore, thermal stability was evaluated by thermogravimetric analysis. Antioxidant capacity and biological behavior, in terms of cytocompatibility, wound healing, and antimicrobial potential, were assessed. The results highlighted for all the formulations (i) a good conservation and thermal stability in time, (ii) a neutralizing activity against free radicals, (iii) and high degree of cytocompatibility and tissue regeneration potential. In particular, collagen, gelatin, and collagen hydrolysate obtained from the Rapana venosa marine snail represent an important, valuable alternative to mammalian products. |
New Pyrazolo-Benzimidazole Mannich Bases With Antimicrobial And Antibiofilm Activities |
Zalaru Christina; Dumitrascu Florea; Draghici Constantin; Tarcomnicu Isabela; Marinescu Maria; Nitulescu George Mihai; Tatia Rodica; Moldovan Lucia; Popa Marcela; Chifiriuc Mariana Carmen | Antibiotics-Basel, 2022 | |
RezumatA new series of pyrazolo-benzimidazole hybrid Mannich bases were synthesized, characterized by H-1-NMR, C-13-NMR, IR, UV-Vis, MS, and elemental analysis. In vitro cytotoxicity of the new compounds studied on fibroblast cells showed that the newly synthesized pyrazolo-benzimidazole hybrid derivatives were noncytotoxic until the concentration of 1 mu M and two compounds presented a high degree of biocompatibility. The antibacterial and antibiofilm activity of the newly synthesized compounds was assayed on Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus ATCC25923, Enterococcus faecalis ATCC29212, and Gram-negative Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC27853, Escherichia coli ATCC25922 strains. All synthesized compounds 5a-g are more active against all three tested bacterial strains Staphylococcus aureus ATCC25923, Enterococcus faecalis ATCC29212, and Escherichia coli ATCC25922 than reference drugs (Metronidazole, Nitrofurantoin), with the exception of compounds 5d and 5g, which are less active compared to Nitrofurantoin, and all synthesized compounds 5a-g are more active against Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC27853 compared to reference drugs (Metronidazole, Nitrofurantoin). Compound 5f showed the best activity against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, with a MIC of 150 mu g/mL and has also inhibited the biofilm formed by all the bacterial strains, having an MBIC of 310 mu g/mL compared to the reference drugs (Metronidazole, Nitrofurantoin). |
Bioactivity And Thermal Stability Of Collagen-Chitosan Containing Lemongrass Essential Oil For Potential Medical Applications |
Rapa Maria; Zaharescu Traian; Stefan Laura Mihaela; Gaidau Carmen; Stanculescu Ioana; Constantinescu Rodica Roxana; Stanca Maria | Polymers, 2022 | |
RezumatBioactive collagen-chitosan-lemongrass (COL-CS-LG) membranes were prepared by casting method and analyzed for potential biomedical applications. For COL-CS-LG membranes, LG essential oil release, antioxidant properties, in vitro cytotoxicity and antimicrobial assessments were conducted, as well as free radical determination after gamma irradiation by chemiluminescence, and structural characteristics analysis through Attenuated Total Reflection-Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). The evaluation of non-isothermal chemiluminescence after gamma radiation exposure to COL-CS-LG membranes revealed a slowing down of the oxidation process at temperatures exceeding 200 degrees C, in correlation with antioxidant activity. Antimicrobial properties and minimum inhibitory concentrations were found to be in correlation with cytotoxicity limits, offering the optimum composition for designing new biomaterials. |
Health Benefits Of Fermented Colostrum – A Review |
Ciucan T; Oancea A; Matei F | Scientific Bulletin. Series F: Biotechnologies, 2021 | |
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Extraction And Identification Of The Main Allergens From Fried Peanuts |
Elena Mihai (Draghici); Anca Oancea; Oana Craciunescu; Daniela Ilie; Catalina Sanda; Daniela Balan; Stefana Jurcoane | Scientific Bulletin. Series F: Biotechnologies, 2021 | |
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Antioxidant And Pesticide Potential Of Sage Hydrosols |
Elena Mihai; Daniela Ilie; Alexandra Gaspar-Pintiliescu; Adriana Florina Popescu; Mariana Popescu; Cristina Luntraru; Miruna Neagu; Oana Craciunescu | Scientific Bulletin. Series F: Biotechnologies, 2021 | |
Rezumat |
Methods For Obtaining Collagen From Various Fish Sources |
Toma A.; Moldovan L.; Craciunescu O.; Jurcoane S.; Israel-Roming F.; Balan D.; Luta G. | Scientific Bulletin. Series F: Biotechnologies, 2021 | |
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A Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Study Of The Greater Palatine Foramen |
Iamandoiu A.V. ; Mănoiu V.S.; Butucescu M.; Jianu A.M.; Ilie O.C.; Rusu M.C.; Craciunescu E.L. | Medicine In Evolution, 2021 | |
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The Sinuos Canal’S Lateroantral Course And Duplication |
Rusu M.C.; Jianu A.M.; Ilie O.C. ;Mănoiu V.S.; Butucescu M. | Medicine In Evolution, 2021 | |
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book, book chapter
Marine Algae An Important Resource For Bioeconomy And Biomedical Applications. A Review |
Negreanu-Pirjol T.; Negreanu-Pirjol B.; Prelipcean A.M.; Rosioru D.M; Popoviciu D.R. | Iksad International Publishing House, 2021 | |
Rezumat |
High-Added Value Products Obtained From Freshwater Fish Waste Processing |
Anca Oancea; Lucia Moldovan; Agnes Toma; Rodica Tatia; Catalina Sanda; Viorica Coroiu; Florin Oancea | Retaste Conference, Athens, Greece, 2021 | |
Rezumat |
Microbial Charge Assessment Of Residual Seaweed Biomass Along Black Sea Coast |
Negreanu-Pirjol BS; Lepadatu AC; Paraschiv GM; Moldovan L; Negreanu-Pirjol T | Symposium “Alternative And Complementary Therapies (Homeopathy / Phytotherapy), 2021 | |
Rezumat |
Investigarea In Vitro A Potentialului Aplicativ Al Mierii In Vindecarea Ranilor |
Iosageanu A; Draghici E; Craciunescu O; Cimpean A | Sesiunea De Comunicari Stiintifice A Studentilor Facultatii De Biologie, Bucuresti/ Romani, 2021 | |
Rezumat |
Caracterization Of Ce Containing Mesoporous Bioactive Scaffolds Based On Naturale Marine Sponges |
Atkinson I; Seciu AM; Petrescu S; Mocioiu OC; Voicescu M; Predoana L; Preda S; Marinescu C; Sofronie A; Anghel EM; Craciunescu O | 23Rd International Conference Materials, Methods & Technologies, Burgas, Bulgaria, 2021 | |
Rezumat |
Selection Of Hydrosol Mixtures With Antioxidant And Pesticide Potential |
Ciucan T; Mihai E; Ilie D; Gaspar-Pintiliescu A; Popescu A; Craciunescu O | 14Th World Congress On Polyphenols Applications, Valecia, Spain, 2021 | |
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Pmma-Bioglass Scaffolds Obtained By Phase Separation Method:Analysis Of Its Structure, Morphology, Mechanical And Biological Properties |
Atkinson I; Seciu AM; Petrescu S; Mocioiu O; Predoana L; Ion RM; Voicescu M; Culita D; Anghel EM; Craciunescu O | Progress In Organic And Macromolecular Compound, Iasi, Romania, 2021 | |
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Forest Fruits Processing By-Products And Chia Seeds As Ingredients For A New Functional Food |
nca Oancea; Elena Mihai; Teodora Ciucan; Viorica Coroiu; Ana-Maria Ghenea; Stefania Adelina Milea | 10Th International Symposium Euroaliment, Galati/ Romania, 2021 | |
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Phytochemical Analysis, Antioxidant And Pesticide Activity Of Rosemary Floral Waters |
Ciucan T; Mihai E; Ilie D; Gaspar-Pintiliescu A; Popescu AF; Luntraru C; Neagu M; Craciunescu O | 10Th International Symposium Euroaliment, Galati/ Romania, 2021 | |
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Synergic Antioxidant Activity Of Polyphenols And Polysaccharides From Forest Fruits Pomace And Chia Seeds Used As Ingredients Of A New Functional Food |
Ghenea A-M.;Ciucan T.;Ilie D.;Sanda C.;Mihai E.;Oancea A;Utoiu E. | Advances In Food Chemistry Adfoodchem, Bucharest, Romania, 2021 | |
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New Hydrogel Formulations Based On Natural And Synthetic Polymers For Skin Regeneration |
Utoiu E; Stefan LM; Ciucan T; Prelipcean AM; Seciu-Grama AM; Coroiu V; Oancea A; Craciunescu O | Simpozionul International Priochem Xvii, Bucuresti/ Romania, 2021 | |
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In Vitro Antioxidant Activity Determination Of A Microencapsulated Synergic Polyphenols Polysaccharide Mixture |
Mihai E.; Ciucan T.; Iosageanu A.; Coroiu V.; Gheorghe AM.; Milea SA.; Oancea A | Simpozionul International Priochem Xvii, Bucuresti/ Romania, 2021 | |
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Composition, Antioxidant And Antifungal Properties Of Lavender Floral Waters |
Mihai E; Ciucan T; Gaspar-Pintiliescu A; Prelipcean AM; Anton RE; Popescu AF; Popescu M; Craciunescu O | Simpozionul International Priochem Xvii, Bucuresti/ Romania, 2021 | |
Rezumat |
Methods Of Obtaining Extracts From Hedera Helix L. Leaves And Evaluation Of The Total Saponins Content |
Tatia R.; Moldovan L.; Tarcomnicu I.; Raiciu A. D.; Gavrila A.; Calinescu I.; Zalaru C. | International Priochem Xvii, Bucuresti/ Romania, 2021 | |
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Comparative Studies Concerning Bioactive Peptides Obtained From Fish By-Products |
Agnes Toma; Simona Savin; Teodora Ciucan; Elena Mihai | Simpozionul International Priochem Xvii, Bucuresti/ Romania, 2021 | |
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Novel Composite Hydrogels Based On Natural Components And Akermanite Enriched With Icariin For Osteochondral Healing |
Oprita EI; Craciunescu O; Fazakas-Raduly OC; Barabas R; Ciucan T; Seciu-Grama AM; Oancea A | Simpozionul International Priochem Xvii, Bucuresti/ Romania, 2021 | |
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The Stimulatory Effect Of The Romanian Monofloral Honey On Keratinocyte Proliferation |
Iosageanu A.; Mihai E.; Craciunescu O.; Cîmpean A. | Sesiunea Științifică A Facultății De Biologie – Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza Din Iaşi, 2021 | |
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Biodegradable Cross-Linked Composite Hydrogels Enriched With Small Molecule For Osteochondral Regeneration |
Oprita EI; Craciunescu O; Tatia R; Ciucan T; Barabas R; Raduly OC; Oancea A | International Conference On Biocomposite And Hybrid Biomaterials, Istambul/ Turcia, 2021 | |
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In Vitro Characterization Of Extract And Selected Active Principles Present In Hedera Helix L. Leaves |
Tatia R.; Tarcomnicu I.; Moldovan L.; Craciunescu O.; Raiciu A.D.; Gavrila A.; Calinescu I.; Crisan C.C.; Zalaru C. | 4Th International Conference On Emerging Technologies In Materials Engineering, Bucharest/ Romania, 2021 | |
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Procedeu De Obținere A Unui Pansament Compozit Biocompatibil Și Biodegradabil Și Pansamentul Obținut Prin Acest Procedeu |
Oprița Elena Iulia; Moldovan Lucia; Crăciunescu Oana; Tatia Rodica; Toma Agnes Elena | State Office For Inventions And Trademarks (Osim), 2021 | |
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Biomaterial Condiționat Sub Formă De Hidrogeluri Și Procedeu De Obținere A Acestuia |
Oprița Elena Iulia; Crăciunescu Oana; Moldovan Lucia | State Office For Inventions And Trademarks (Osim), 2021 | |
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In Vitro And In Vivo Evaluation Of A Biomimetic Scaffold Embedding Silver Nanoparticles For Improved Treatment Of Oral Lesions |
Craciunescu Oana; Seciu Ana-Maria; Zarnescu Otilia | Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials For Biological Applications, 2021 | |
RezumatBackground: New materials are currently designed for efficient treatment of oral tissue lesions by guided tissue regeneration. The aim of this study was to develop a multifunctional 3D hybrid biomaterial consisting of extracellular matrix components, collagen, chondroitin 4-sulfate and fibronectin, functionalised with silver nanoparticles, intended to improve periodontitis treatment protocols. Methods: Structural observations were performed by autometallography, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. In vitro tests of 3D constructs of embedded gingival fibroblasts within hybrid biomaterial were performed by MTS and Live/Dead assays. Genotoxicity was assessed by comet assay. In vivo experiments using chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assay analysed the degradation and nanoparticles release, but also angiogenesis, new tissue formation in 3D constructs and the regenerative potential of the hybrid material. Biological activity was investigated in experimental models of inflamed THP-1 macrophages and oral specific bacterial cultures. Results: Light micrographs showed distribution of silver nanoparticles on collagen fibrils. Scanning electron micrographs revealed a microstructure with interconnected pores, which favoured cell adhesion and infiltration. Cell viability and proliferation were significantly higher within the 3D hybrid biomaterial than in 2D culture conditions, while absence of the hybrid material?s genotoxic effect was found. In vivo experiments showed that the hybrid material was colonised by cells and blood vessels, initiating synthesis of new extracellular matrix. Besides the known effect of chondroitin sulfate, incorporated silver nanoparticles increased the antiinflammatory activity of the hybrid biomaterial. The silver nanoparticles maintained their antibacterial activity even after embedding in the polymeric scaffold and inhibited the growth of F. nucleatum and P. gingivalis. Conclusion: The novel biomimetic scaffold functionalised with silver nanoparticles presented regenerative, antiinflammatory and antimicrobial potential for oral cavity lesions repair. |
Supercritical Co2 Extraction And Microencapsulation Of Lycopene-Enriched Oleoresins From Tomato Peels: Evidence On Antiproliferative And Cytocompatibility Activities |
Mihalcea Liliana; Craciunescu Oana; Gheonea (Dima) Ionica; Prelipcean Ana-Maria; Enachi Elena; Barbu Vasilica; Bahrim Gabriela Elena; Rapeanu Gabriela; Oancea Anca; Stanciuc Nicoleta | Antioxidants, 2021 | |
RezumatTomato peels are used as a valuable material to extract lycopene-rich oleoresins by supercritical CO2 extraction. The extraction involves continuous circling of CO2 to the extractor after removing the solute in the separators, S40 and S45, where the solvent power of the CO2 is reduced by reducing pressure down to 20 MPa in S40 and 5 MPa in S45, respectively, leading to two extracts. Lycopene is found to be the major compound, representing 93% and 76% of the total carotenoids in S40 and S45 extracts, respectively. The two extracts are microencapsulated in whey protein concentrate and acacia gum by complex coacervation and freeze-drying, leading to corresponding P40 and P45 powders, with antioxidant activity of 8.57 +/- 0.74 and 9.37 +/- 0.48 mMol TEAC/g DW in P40 and P45, respectively. Different structural and morphological patterns are observed, with finer microparticles of 1-2 mu m in P45. Both powders show dose and time-dependent antiproliferative activity. The half-maximal inhibitory concentration values are 100 mu g/mL for P40 and 750 mu g/mL for P45 sample, indicating a higher antiproliferative effect of P40 over P45 in HT-29 cell culture. The powders have an extended range of cytocompatibility, up to 1000 mu g/mL, in L929 normal cells, stimulating the cell growth. Lycopene retention is tested, and values of 48% and 29% in P40 and P45 are found after 21 days at 25 degrees C, with the degradation rate in P45 significantly higher, due to the higher content of the surface lycopene, which favored its degradation. |
Multifunctional Ingredient From Aqueous Flavonoidic Extract Of Yellow Onion Skins With Cytocompatibility And Cell Proliferation Properties |
Milea Stefania Adelina; Craciunescu Oana; Rapeanu Gabriela; Oancea Anca; Enachi Elena; Bahrim Gabriela Elena; Stanciuc Nicoleta | Applied Sciences-Basel, 2021 | |
RezumatSignificant quantities of onion are cultivated annually, such that industrial processing leads to an appreciable amount of by-products, estimated at around 500,000 tons. Onion skins are considered an important source of naturally occurring antioxidant compounds, particularly flavonoid compounds. Our study follows the development of a sustainable solution in order to manage the by-products of yellow onion skins by designing ingredients with multifunctional activities. A green solvent aqueous extraction of flavonoids was applied to obtain a safe, flavonoid-enriched extract, yielding a total flavonoid content of 50.21 +/- 0.09 mg quercetin equivalent (QE)/g dry weight (DW), and an antioxidant activity of 250.81 +/- 6.76 mM Trolox/g DW. Complex biopolymeric matrices consisting of whey protein isolates, whey protein hydrolysates, maltodextrin, and pectin were further dissolved in the flavonoid-enriched aqueous extract, followed by freeze-drying. Two powders were obtained, both showing satisfactory phytochemical content and good stability during storage. The application of confocal microscopy revealed that the microscopic structure of the powders have a distribution of the bioactive compounds within the biopolymeric matrices. The in vitro digestion suggested remarkable stability in the gastric tract and a flavonoid-controlled release in the intestinal phase. A significant compatibility range of up to 1 mg/mL for both powders was found, whereas concentrations between 10 and 250 mu g/mL stimulated cell proliferation after 24 h of cultivation. The powders showed satisfactory thermal and pH stability, which favors their addition to different food matrices. |
Extracellular Matrix Biomimetic Polymeric Membranes Enriched With Silver Nanoparticles For Wound Healing |
Stefan Laura Mihaela; Iosageanu Andreea; Ilie Daniela; Stanciuc Ana-Maria; Matei Cristian; Berger Daniela; Craciunescu Oana | Biomedical Materials, 2021 | |
RezumatSevere skin injuries, including burns, represent a real concern for the global health-care system and therefore, there is an increased interest in developing wound dressings, in order to stimulate and enhance skin tissue repair. The aim of this study was to design novel hybrid materials, biomimetic to skin extracellular matrix and enriched with silver nanoparticles (nAg), in order to provide both dermal tissue regeneration and antimicrobial activity. Two material variants (variant A and variant B) consisting of type I collagen (COL), chondroitin sulfate (CS) and k-elastin peptides (EL) enriched with positively-charged nAg, were conditioned as membranes. UV exposure ensured both sterilisation and cross-linking of the materials. Physico-chemical characterization of the hybrid biomaterials showed values of density and swelling degree higher than those of COL membrane, while the process of in vitro degradation followed a similar pattern. Infrared spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction indicated alterations of the characteristic structural features and crystallinity of COL after blending with CS and EL and nAg embedding. Scanning electron microscopy observations revealed different surface morphologies of the hybrid membranes, according to their composition. In vitro studies on L929 fibroblasts and HaCaT keratinocytes showed that both hybrid membranes exhibited good cytocompatibility and promoted higher cell proliferation compared to COL sample, as evaluated by MTT and Live/Dead assays. The presence of actin filaments highlighted by fluorescent labelling confirmed the fibroblast and keratinocyte adhesion onto the surface of hybrid membranes. Most importantly, both materials showed an increased wound healing ability in an in vitro scratch assay model, stimulating cell migration at 24 h post-seeding. In addition, good antimicrobial activity was recorded, especially against Gram-positive bacterial strain. Altogether, our findings recommend COL-CS-EL-nAg hybrid membranes as good candidates for wound healing acceleration and bioengineering of skin tissue. |
Mechanisms And Pharmaceutical Action Of Lipid Nanoformulation Of Natural Bioactive Compounds As Efficient Delivery Systems In The Therapy Of Osteoarthritis |
Craciunescu Oana; Icriverzi Madalina; Florian Paula Ecaterina; Roseanu Anca; Trif Mihaela | Pharmaceutics, 2021 | |
RezumatOsteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease. An objective of the nanomedicine and drug delivery systems field is to design suitable pharmaceutical nanocarriers with controllable properties for drug delivery and site-specific targeting, in order to achieve greater efficacy and minimal toxicity, compared to the conventional drugs. The aim of this review is to present recent data on natural bioactive compounds with anti-inflammatory properties and efficacy in the treatment of OA, their formulation in lipid nanostructured carriers, mainly liposomes, as controlled release systems and the possibility to be intra-articularly (IA) administered. The literature regarding glycosaminoglycans, proteins, polyphenols and their ability to modify the cell response and mechanisms of action in different models of inflammation are reviewed. The advantages and limits of using lipid nanoformulations as drug delivery systems in OA treatment and the suitable route of administration are also discussed. Liposomes containing glycosaminoglycans presented good biocompatibility, lack of immune system activation, targeted delivery of bioactive compounds to the site of action, protection and efficiency of the encapsulated material, and prolonged duration of action, being highly recommended as controlled delivery systems in OA therapy through IA administration. Lipid nanoformulations of polyphenols were tested both in vivo and in vitro models that mimic OA conditions after IA or other routes of administration, recommending their clinical application. |
Spectroscopic, Molecular Dynamics Simulation And Biological Studies Of Flavin Mononucleotide And Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide In Biomimetic Systems |
Voicescu Mariana; Craciunescu Oana; Angelescu Daniel G.; Tatia Rodica; Moldovan Lucia | Spectrochimica Acta Part A-Molecular And Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2021 | |
RezumatThe present study describes a comprehensive investigation of the spectroscopic characteristics, stability and in vitro antioxidant and cytotoxic properties of the Flavin MonoNucleotide (FMN) and Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide (FAD) in Dextran70 (Dx70) and Dx70/phospatidylcholine (PC) biomimetic systems by means of the UV-Vis absorption, fluorescence spectroscopy, chemiluminescence and Neutral Red assay. The affinity of FMN, FAD and the precursor riboflavin (RF) to an unsaturated phospholipid bilayer model as well as the location of the probes within the lipid bilayer were assessed from united-atom molecular dynamics simulations carried out on an unsaturated phospholipid bilayer model system, and the theoretical and experimental characterization of the two probes within biomembranes was complemented with the light microscopy survey of the cell morphology of L929 fibroblast cells cultivated in the presence of various dosage of FAD/FMN. In lipid bilayers, FMN/FAD resulted in a noticeable improvement of the antioxidant activity (the scavenging of reactive oxygen species up to 40%) and a significant effect on cellular viability in the L929 fibroblast cells. The results are important in the oxidative stress process concerning the redox reactions of flavins in humans as well as in further studies on different systems belonging to the category of flavoenzymes/flavoproteins, required for cellular respiration. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. |
Experimental Studies On The Residual Marine And Viticultural Bioresources Valorization For New Organic Fertilizers |
Artem Victoria; Negreanu-Pirjol Ticuta; Ranca Aurora; Ciobanu Cristina; Abduraman Anil; Coroiu Viorica; Negreanu-Pirjol Bogdan-Stefan | University Politehnica Of Bucharest Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry And Materials Science, 2021 | |
RezumatThe paper presents some aspects regarding the obtaining of new ecological fertilizers for organic and classical agriculture by exploiting valuable residual bioresources, such as marine biomass and waste from viticulture and secondary vinification process. Biomass composed of marine green and brown algae, invertebrate shells, fermented and unfermented grape marc and chopped woody shoots of vines were combined in different proportions, resulting in eight experimental variants of fertilizer, which were incorporated into steppe chernozemic mollisols, specific to the Murfatlar area of Constan.a County, Romania. In 2019, in the proposed mixtures of soil - residual biomass, under greenhouse conditions, different types of vegetal species were cultivated, namely, Vitis vinifera L. (Pinot Gris variety), Lolium perene L., Sinapis alba L., and Trifolium repens L. The comparative statistical interpretation of the obtained results indicated a significant increase of essential nutrients ( phosphorus and potassium), classifying the fertilized soils into the category of those with very good nutrients supply. An improvement of the soil organic matter (humus) was observed, the increase compared to the control being of 40.9% in the case of the V5 variant. A moderate increase of the 3% CaCO3 content was also observed. Considering the experimental results obtained under greenhouse conditions, we will continue the study on experimental lots cultivated with different white and black varieties of Vitis vinifera L, representative for the Murfatlar vineyard. |
Phytochemical And Antiproliferative Potential Of Hedera Helix Extract Fractions |
Tatia Rodica; Toma Agnes; Moldovan Lucia; Zalaru Christina; Calinescu Ioan | University Politehnica Of Bucharest Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry And Materials Science, 2021 | |
RezumatIn our study a Hedera helix L. leaves extract was fractioned by flash chromatography. The extract and its nine fractions were tested for biocompatibility on NCTC normal fibroblasts, and antiproliferative activity on Hep-2 epithelial tumor cells. In vitro tests revealed that the samples were biocompatible on NCTC cells up to 200 mu g/mL. Fractions 7 and 8 manifested strong antiproliferative effect on Hep-2 cells, and were analyzed versus ivy extract to determine the content in phytochemical constituents and antioxidant activity. The obtained results highlighted that the high content of saponins is responsible for the fractions 7 and 8 antiproliferative activity. |
Preparation And Biocompatibility Of Poly Methyl Methacrylate (Pmma)-Mesoporous Bioactive Glass (Mbg) Composite Scaffolds |
Atkinson Irina; Seciu-Grama Ana Maria; Mocioiu Oana Catalina; Mocioiu Ana Maria; Predoana Luminita; Voicescu Mariana; Cusu Jeanina Pandele; Grigorescu Ramona Marina; Ion Rodica Mariana; Craciunescu Oana | Gels, 2021 | |
RezumatIn recent years, the rising number of bone diseases which affect millions of people worldwide has led to an increased demand for materials with restoring and augmentation properties that can be used in therapies for bone pathologies. In this work, PMMA- MBG composite scaffolds containing ceria (0, 1, 3 mol%) were obtained by the phase separation method. The obtained composite scaffolds were characterized by X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. UV-Vis measurement and EDX analysis confirmed the presence of cerium ions in the composite scaffolds. Evaluation of the in-vitro biocompatibility using MTT assay showed that composite scaffold containing 1 mol% of ceria presented higher viability than control cells (100%) for concentrations ranging between 5 and 50% after 96 h of incubation. |
Total Phenolic Content Correlated With Antioxidant Activity Of Some Grape Pomace Biomass Hydroalcoholic Extracts, White And Red Varieties |
Artem Victoria; Negreanu-Pirjol Ticuta; Ranca Aurora; Ciobanu Cristina; Bratu Mihaela Mirela; Popoviciu Dan Razvan; Moldovan Lucia; Vasile Monica; Negreanu-Pirjol Bogdan-Stefan | University Politehnica Of Bucharest Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry And Materials Science, 2021 | |
RezumatThe aim of this paper was to evaluate the total phenolic content and comparative antioxidant activity by three methods, photo chemiluminescence FRAP, DPPH of some grape pomace polyphenolic extracts from white and red varieties of Vitif vinifera (L)., obtained by maceration for 12 days, at room temperature in 40%, 70% aqueous ethanol solution or ethanol. The grape pomace was obtained after the secondary winemaking process of five grape varieties Vitis vinifera (L.) for white wines, Sauvignon Blanc, Muscat Ottonel, and red wines, Feteasca Neagra, Cabernet Sauvignon and Mamaia, created at Research Station for Viticulture and Oenology of Murfatlar, Constanta County, Romania. The results emphasize that an increased phenolic content and antioxidant capacity were obtained for the white varieties, Muscat Ottonel and for the red ones, Cabernet Sauvignon. Regarding the extraction efficiency, for all analyzed grape pomace 70% hydroalcoholic extracts present an increased activity. Based on our preliminary results regarding the radical scavenger activity of grape marc hydroalcoholic extracts, we can consider these by product as a promising resource for dermato-cosmetics with anti-aging effect. |
Effect Of Fish Bone Bioactive Peptides On Oxidative, Inflammatory And Pigmentation Processes Triggered By Uvb Irradiation In Skin Cells |
Iosageanu Andreea; Ilie Daniela; Craciunescu Oana; Seciu-Grama Ana-Maria; Oancea Anca; Zarnescu Otilia; Moraru Ionut; Oancea Florin | Molecules, 2021 | |
RezumatIn the present study, we evaluated for the first time the photoprotective effect of fish bone bioactive peptides (FBBP) preparation isolated from silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) discarded tissue using in vitro experimental models of skin cells exposed to ultraviolet B (UVB) irradiation and stressing agents. FBBP preparation was obtained by papain treatment of minced bones and centrifugal ultrafiltration, and the molecular weight (MW) distribution was characterized by size exclusion and reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). In vitro assessment of the effect of FBBP pretreatment in UVB-irradiated L929 fibroblasts and HaCaT keratinocytes revealed their cytoprotective activity. Their capacity to efficiently reduce reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and lipid peroxidation varied in a dose-dependent manner, and it was greater in fibroblasts. A decrease of proinflammatory cytokines secretion, in particular of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), was found after FBBP pretreatment of THP-1-derived inflamed macrophages. Melanin production and tyrosinase activity investigated in UVB-irradiated Mel-Juso cells were lowered in direct relation to FBBP concentrations. FBBP fractions with high radical scavenging activity were separated by ion exchange chromatography, and two collagenic sequences were identified. All these results offer new scientific data on aquaculture fish bone-derived peptides confirming their ability to control the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and pigmentation processes developed during UV irradiation of skin cells and recommend their use as valuable natural ingredients of photoprotective cosmeceutical products. |
Dna-Guided Assembly For Fibril Proteins |
Amarioarei Alexandru; Spencer Frankie; Barad Gefry; Gheorghe Ana-Maria; Itcus Corina; Tusa Iris; Prelipcean Ana-Maria; Paun Andrei; Paun Mihaela; Rodriguez-Paton Alfonso; Trandafir Romica; Czeizler Eugen | Mathematics, 2021 | |
RezumatCurrent advances in computational modelling and simulation have led to the inclusion of computer scientists as partners in the process of engineering of new nanomaterials and nanodevices. This trend is now, more than ever, visible in the field of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)-based nanotechnology, as DNA's intrinsic principle of self-assembly has been proven to be highly algorithmic and programmable. As a raw material, DNA is a rather unremarkable fabric. However, as a way to achieve patterns, dynamic behavior, or nano-shape reconstruction, DNA has been proven to be one of the most functional nanomaterials. It would thus be of great potential to pair up DNA's highly functional assembly characteristics with the mechanic properties of other well-known bio-nanomaterials, such as graphene, cellulos, or fibroin. In the current study, we perform projections regarding the structural properties of a fibril mesh (or filter) for which assembly would be guided by the controlled aggregation of DNA scaffold subunits. The formation of such a 2D fibril mesh structure is ensured by the mechanistic assembly properties borrowed from the DNA assembly apparatus. For generating inexpensive pre-experimental assessments regarding the efficiency of various assembly strategies, we introduced in this study a computational model for the simulation of fibril mesh assembly dynamical systems. Our approach was based on providing solutions towards two main circumstances. First, we created a functional computational model that is restrictive enough to be able to numerically simulate the controlled aggregation of up to 1000s of elementary fibril elements yet rich enough to provide actionable insides on the structural characteristics for the generated assembly. Second, we used the provided numerical model in order to generate projections regarding effective ways of manipulating one of the the key structural properties of such generated filters, namely the average size of the openings (gaps) within these meshes, also known as the filter's aperture. This work is a continuation of Amarioarei et al., 2018, where a preliminary version of this research was discussed. |
Enhanced Wound Healing Activity Of Undenatured Type I Collagen Isolated From Discarded Skin Of Black Sea Gilthead Bream (Sparus Aurata) Conditioned As 3D Porous Dressing |
Gaspar-Pintiliescu Alexandra; Anton Elena Daniela; Iosageanu Andreea; Berger Daniela; Matei Cristian; Mitran Raul-Augustin; Negreanu-Pirjol Ticuta; Craciunescu Oana; Moldovan Lucia | Chemistry & Biodiversity, 2021 | |
RezumatAcid-soluble, undenatured, type I collagen (BSC) isolated, for the first time, from gilthead bream skin and the novel fabricated 3D porous wound dressing were analyzed for physicochemical and biological properties, in order to offer a safe alternative to commercial bovine collagen (BC) products. SDS-polyacrylamide analysis confirmed the purity of BSC preparation. The hydroxyproline content and temperature of denaturation of BSC were lower than those of BC, in accordance with the structural data recorded by FT-IR spectroscopy. However, certain concentrations of BSC stimulated the cell metabolism of L929 fibroblasts in a higher proportion than BC. The 3D wound dressing presented high porosity and low surface hydrophobicity that could help cell attachment and growth. The rapid biodegradation of BSC wound dressing could explain the improved in vitro cell migration and wound closure rate. In conclusion, the skin of gilthead bream from the Black Sea coast represented a valuable source for the biomedical industry, providing biocompatible, biodegradable collagen and 3D porous wound dressing, as novel material with enhanced wound healing activity. |
Sustainable Coated Nanostructures Based On Alginate And Electrospun Collagen Loaded With Antimicrobial Agents |
Matei Ecaterina; Gaidau Carmen; Rapa Maria; Stefan Laura Mihaela; Ditu Lia-Mara; Predescu Andra Mihaela; Stanca Maria; Pantilimon Mircea Cristian; Berechet Mariana Daniela; Predescu Cristian; Mosutiu Anamaria | Coatings, 2021 | |
RezumatIn this study, sodium alginate film (Alg) was coated with electrospun collagen glue (Col) extracted from rabbit skin waste, loaded with different commercial antimicrobial agents (chitosan, AG425K and ZnONPs) and investigated in terms of morphological, structural and biological properties. The coated nanostructures were characterized using scanning electron microscopy coupled with the energy-dispersive X-ray (SEM/EDS), Attenuated Total Reflectance Fourier-Transform Infrared spectroscopy (ATR FT-IR), and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) tests. The cytotoxicity was investigated on murine L929 fibroblasts using 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide salt (MTT) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) assays. Microbiological tests were performed against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853 and Candida albicans ATCC 27853 standard strains. In vitro cell culture tests showed a good cytocompatibility of the coated nanostructured systems, except the sample loaded with ZnONPs, which exhibited a highly cytotoxic effect. Alg-Col-ZnONPs nanostructure inhibited the growth and multiplication of the Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 and Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 bacterial strains. The results of new coated nanostructures may be useful for the development of sustainable biomaterials in a circular economy, with bioactive properties for medical wound dressings. |
Polyphenolic Content, Antioxidant And Antimicrobial Activity Of Hydrosols From Some Lamiaceae Plants |
Gaspar-Pintiliescu A; Mihai E; Stanciuc AM; Anton RE; Popescu AF; Craciunescu O | Priorities Of Chemistry For A Sustainable Development” – Priochem Xvi, Bucharest, Romania, 2020 | |
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Nutraceutical And Cosmeceutical Products Containing Low Molecular Weight Peptides From Fermented Colostrum |
Ionuț Moraru; Angela Moraru; Anca Oancea; Alexandra Gaspar-Pintiliescu; Viorica Coroiu; Laura Stefan; Andreea Iosăgeanu; Teodora Ciucan; Daniela Ilie; Cătălina Sanda; Ana-Maria Seciu-Grama; | Priorities Of Chemistry For A Sustainable Development” – Priochem Xvi, Bucharest, Romania, 2020 | |
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Protective Activity Of Fish Peptides Fraction In Optimized Model Of Uv-B Irradiated Mouse Fibroblasts |
Iosageanu Andreea; Ilie Daniela; Sanda Catalina; Craciunescu Oana; Oancea Florin | Priorities Of Chemistry For A Sustainable Development” – Priochem Xvi, Bucharest, Romania, 2020 | |
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Properties Of Free And Embedded Extracts From Different Grape Pomace Into Mesoporous Inorganic Matrices |
Anil Abduraman; Ana-Maria Brezoiu; Rodica Tatia; Mihaela Deaconu; Daniel Lincu; Samuel Minea; Victoria Artem; Cristian Matei; Lucia Moldovan; Ticuța Negreanu Pirjol; Daniela Berger | Priorities Of Chemistry For A Sustainable Development” – Priochem Xvi, Bucharest, Romania, 2020 | |
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Chemical And Biological Characterization Of Protein Hydrolysates From Freshwater Fish Waste |
Agnes Toma; Lucia Moldovan; Anca Oancea; Angela Moraru; Teodora Ciucan; Rodica Tatia; Daniela Ilie; Catalina Sanda; Elena Utoiu; Viorica Coroiu; | Priorities Of Chemistry For A Sustainable Development” – Priochem Xvi, Bucharest, Romania, 2020 | |
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Synthesis, Spectral Characterization, And Anti-Tumor Activity Of Some Pyrazole Derivatives |
Christina Marie Zalaru; Maria Marinescu; Florea Dumitrascu; Constantin Draghici; Rodica Tatia; Lucia Moldovan; Alina Constantinescu; Irina Dumitrescu | Priorities Of Chemistry For A Sustainable Development” – Priochem Xvi, Bucharest, Romania, 2020 | |
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Mulched Dripping Irrigation System Concept Driven By Arduino For Tomato And Green Tomato Crops In Urban Gardens |
Uțoiu C. D.; Toth K.; Uțoiu E.; Cucu S.-E. | Isb-Inma Teh Agricultural And Mechanical Engineering, Bucharest, Romania, 2020 | |
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Co-Microencapsulation Of Flavonoids From Yellow Onion Skins And Lactic Acid Bacteria Lead To Multifunctional Ingredient For Nutraceutical And Pharmaceutics Applications |
Milea Stefania Adelina; Vasile Mihaela Aida; Craciunescu Oana; Prelipcean Ana-Maria; Bahrim Gabriela Elena; Rapeanu Gabriela; Oancea Anca; Stanciuc Nicoleta | Pharmaceutics, 2020 | |
RezumatIn this study, flavonoids extracted from yellow onion skins and Lactobacillus casei were encapsulated in a combination of whey protein isolate, inulin and maltodextrin with an encapsulation efficiency of 84.82 +/- 0.72% for flavonoids and 72.49 +/- 0.11% for lactic acid bacteria. The obtained powder showed a flavonoid content of 89.49 +/- 4.12 mg quercetin equivalents/g dry weight (DW) and an antioxidant activity of 39.27 +/- 0.45 mM Trolox/g DW. The powder presented a significant antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory potential, with an inhibitory effect on alpha-amylase, lipase and lipoxygenase of 76.40 +/- 2.30%, 82.58 +/- 3.36% and 49.01 +/- 0.62%, respectively. The results obtained for in vitro digestion showed that the coating materials have a protective effect on the flavonoids release. Cytotoxicity results indicated that the powder was cytocompatible up to a concentration of 500 mu g/mL. The functional potential of the powder was tested by adding in a selected food matrix, highlighting a good stability of the phytochemicals, whereas an increase with 1 log cell forming unit (CFU)/g DW was observed after 21 days of storage. The obtained results are promising in the valorization of natural antioxidants in combination with lactic acid bacteria in order to develop multifunctional ingredients with value-added for food and pharmaceutics applications. |
Tribiotication Strategy For The Functionalization Of Bovine Colostrum Through The Biochemical Activities Of Artisanal And Selected Starter Cultures |
Cotarlet Mihaela; Vasile Aida Mihaela; Gaspar-Pintiliescu Alexandra; Oancea Anca; Bahrim Gabriela Elena | Cyta-Journal Of Food, 2020 | |
RezumatThe main aim of this study was to transform bovine colostrum into a tribiotic product through a metabolic conversion with a microbial consortium based on artisanal and starter microorganisms. As such, the bovine colostrum was firstly transformed enzymatically for 48 h with a selected strain of a non-pathogenic Candida lipolytica strain, and then lactic acid fermentation was performed for 48 h, by using a co-culture of 25 g/L fresh kefir grains and a 10 g/L commercial FreshQ (R) culture (Chr. Hansen, Denmark). The obtained product is recommended to be used as an ingredient for the milk-derived nutraceuticals' formulation. As such, the product displayed increased antioxidant potential of 3.15 mM Trolox equivalent/g. Furthermore, the peptide fractions with a molecular weight lower than 3 kDa showed a notable in vitro ABTS radical scavenging activity, similar to a concentration of 2 nM captopril, hence proving a high potential in reducing the blood pressure. |
Development Of Bionanocomposites Based On Pla, Collagen And Agnps And Characterization Of Their Stability And In Vitro Biocompatibility |
Rapa Maria; Stefan Laura Mihaela; Zaharescu Traian; Seciu Ana-Maria; Turcanu Anca Andreea; Matei Ecaterina; Predescu Andra Mihaela; Antoniac Iulian; Predescu Cristian | Applied Sciences-Basel, 2020 | |
RezumatBionanocomposites including poly(lactic acid) (PLA), collagen, and silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were prepared as biocompatible and stable films. Thermal properties of the PLA-based bionanocomposites indicated an increase in the crystallinity of PLA plasticized due to a small quantity of AgNPs. The results on the stability study indicate the promising contribution of the AgNPs on the durability of PLA-based bionanocomposites. In vitro biocompatibility conducted on the mouse fibroblast cell line NCTC, clone 929, using the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay showed high values of cell viability (>80%) after cell cultivation in the presence of bionanocomposite formulations for 48 h, while the percentages of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) released in the culture medium were reduced (<15%), indicating no damages of the cell membranes. In addition, cell cycle analysis assessed by flow cytometry indicated that all tested bionanocomposites did not affect cell proliferation and maintained the normal growth rate of cells. The obtained results recommend the potential use of PLA-based bionanocomposites for biomedical coatings. |
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibition, Antioxidant Activity And Cytotoxicity Of Bioactive Peptides From Fermented Bovine Colostrum |
Gaspar-Pintiliescu Alexandra; Oancea Anca; Cotarlet Mihaela; Vasile Aida Mihaela; Bahrim Gabriela Elena; Shaposhnikov Sergey; Craciunescu Oana; Oprita Elena Iulia | International Journal Of Dairy Technology, 2020 | |
RezumatFermented bovine colostrum rich in bioactive peptides was obtained using Candida lipolytica strains in co-culture with kefir grains. During fermentation, the pH and total titratable acidity of the product were daily measured. The hydrolysis degree and the electrophoretic pattern of water-soluble extracts (WSE) of fermented colostrum were analysed. Fractions enriched in peptides with a molecular weight lower than 10 kDa were separated by ultracentrifugation. They showed better modulation of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition and cell proliferation, but lower radical scavenging capacity, compared to corresponding WSE. |
Fostering Lavender As A Source For Valuable Bioactives For Food And Pharmaceutical Applications Through Extraction And Microencapsulation |
Radu (Lupoae) Simona Daniela; Mihalcea Liliana; Aprodu Iuliana; Socaci Sonia A.; Cotarlet Mihaela; Enachi Elena; Craciunescu Oana; Barbu Vasilica; Oancea Anca; Dulf Francisc Vasile; Alexe Petru; Bahrim Gabriela Elena; Rapeanu Gabriela; Stanciuc Nicoleta | Molecules, 2020 | |
RezumatLavender flowers were used in this study as a source of phytochemicals as naturally occurring antioxidants. Two different extraction techniques were applied, such as ultrasound-assisted (UAE) and supercritical fluids (SCE) methods. The comparative evaluation of the phytochemicals profile evidenced a higher content of chlorophyll a and b of 5.22 +/- 0.12 mg/g dry weight (D.W.) and 2.95 +/- 0.16 mg/g D.W, whereas the carotenoids content was 18.24 +/- 0.04 mg/g D.W. in the SCE extract. Seven main compounds were found in both extracts: beta-linalool, eucalyptol, linalool acetate, beta-trans-ocimene, and limonene in SCE and linalool acetate, beta-linalool, 6-methyl-2-(2-oxiranyl)-5-hepten-2-ol, linalool oxide, lavandulyl acetate and camphor in UAE. The (n-3) acids had a higher contribution in SCE. The extracts were microencapsulated in different combinations of wall materials based on polysaccharides and milk proteins. The four variants showed different phytochemical and morphological profiles, with a better encapsulating efficiency for proteins (up to 98%), but with a higher content of encapsulated carotenoids for polysaccharides, the latter showing remarkable antimicrobial activity against selected microorganisms. Carboxymethyl cellulose and whey proteins led to a double encapsulation of lipophilic compounds. The powders were tested in two food matrices as ingredients, with multiple targeted functions, such as flavoring, antimicrobial, antioxidant activity that can successfully replace synthetic additives. |
Synergism Of Plant Extract And Vegetable Oils-Based Lipid Nanocarriers: Emerging Trends In Development Of Advanced Cosmetic Prototype Products |
Lacatusu I.; Istrati D.; Bordei N.; Popescu M.; Seciu A. M.; Panteli L. M.; Badea N. | Materials Science And Engineering C-Materials For Biological Applications, 2020 | |
RezumatPhytochemicals are priceless sources of bioactive compounds with multiple health benefices. The main objective of the current investigation was to develop nanostructured herbal formulations conditioned as appropriate hydrogel (HG) conferring an enhanced transdermal absorption of bioactive compounds from selective extracts and vegetable oils. The direct impact of research is represented by the identification of prototype products which manifest an improved therapeutic response, by means of cumulative antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti acne actions, without causing any side health effects. The combinatorial effect of Carrot Extract (CE) and Marigold Extract (ME) Nanostructured Lipid Carriers (NLC) based on rosehip oil or black cumin oils was accompanied by a high biocompatibility and a significant ability to capture both short- and long-life free radicals. HG-NLC-ME-CE has been shown to be an efficient carrier with a differentiated potential for in vitro release of the two active principles, e.g. it delayed the release of carotenoids while the hydrophilic active (azelaic acid, AA) was faster released. The HG-NLC efficacy in skin inflammation treatment (demonstrated by in vitro and in vivo tests) revealed a reduced expression of inflammatory cytokines (IL-1 beta and TNF-alpha), more pronounced in the case of TNF-alpha. Moreover, a superior in vivo anti-inflammatory effect of HG-based NLC-CE/ME-AA as compared to that obtained for a commercial product was detected, i.e. after 3 h of HG-NLC treatment, a significant reduction of rat paw edema was quantified. In pre-clinical studies, the quantification of the hydration and elasticity effects in the viable epidermis provided the evidence of the high potential of developed prototypes, suitable for implementation in the market area. The degree of skin hydration and skin elasticity were remarkable enhanced after topical application of developed prototypes, a hydration effect up to 74% being determined and a skin elasticity reaching 90%. The knowledge acquired from this investigation could be utilized by the cosmetic industry to design novel topical products with improved quality and health benefices, endowed with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-acne actions and with desired hydration and elasticity profiles, in order to achieve better therapeutic efficacy and no drug toxicity. |
Antioxidant, Cytotoxic And Antimicrobial Activity Of Chitosan Preparations Extracted From Ganoderma Lucidum Mushroom |
Savin Simona; Craciunescu Oana; Oancea Anca; Ilie Daniela; Ciucan Teodora; Antohi Loredana Stefania; Toma Agnes; Nicolescu Alina; Deleanu Calin; Oancea Florin | Chemistry & Biodiversity, 2020 | |
RezumatTwo chitosan extracts were prepared by chemical and enzymatic treatment of Ganoderma lucidum mushroom, as an alternative source to crustacean shells. The molecular weight of the enzymatic extract was lower than that of the chemical one and of shrimp chitosan, as determined by viscosity measurements. Characteristic signals were identified in the H-1-NMR spectra and high deacetylation degree indicated good physico-chemical properties for both mushroom chitosan extracts. The scavenging capacity of mushroom chitosan extracts was moderate against the synthetic radicals of 2,2 '-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), but higher values were observed for the enzymatic extract, compared to the chemical extract and shrimp chitosan. In vitro cytotoxicity was evaluated in L929 mouse fibroblast cell lines and the results of MTT assay showed good cytocompatibility in the tested range of concentrations. The growth of Gram-positive bacteria was inhibited more than Gram-negative bacteria in the presence of mushroom chitosan extracts, in particular by the chemical one, indicating their efficiency as antimicrobial agents. All these results strengthen the evidence of mushroom polysaccharide preparations availability for biomedical applications. |
Tailoring The Health-Promoting Potential Of Protein Hydrolysate Derived From Fish Wastes And Flavonoids From Yellow Onion Skins: From Binding Mechanisms To Microencapsulated Functional Ingredients |
Grigore-Gurgu Leontina; Craciunescu Oana; Aprodu Iuliana; Bolea Carmen Alina; Iosageanu Andreea; Petre Brindusa Alina; Bahrim Gabriela Elena; Oancea Anca; Stanciuc Nicoleta | Biomolecules, 2020 | |
RezumatThis study focuses on combining different bioprocessing tools in order to develop an in-depth engineering approach for enhancing the biological properties of two valuable food by-products, namely fish waste and yellow onion skins, in a single new bioactive formulation. Bone tissue from phytophagous carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) was used to obtain bioactive peptides through papain-assisted hydrolysis. The peptides with molecular weight lower than 3 kDa were characterized through MALDI-ToF/ToF mass spectrometry and bioinformatics tools. As a prerequisite for microencapsulation, the ability of these peptides to bind the flavonoids extracted from yellow onion skins was further tested through fluorescence quenching measurements. The results obtained demonstrate a considerable binding potency with a binding value of 10(6) and also the presence of one single or one class of binding site during the interaction process of flavonoids with peptides, in which the main forces involved are hydrogen bonds and van der Waals interactions. In the freeze-drying microencapsulation process, an efficiency for total flavonoids of 88.68 +/- 2.37% was obtained, considering the total flavonoids and total polyphenols from the powder of 75.72 +/- 2.58 quercetin equivalents/g dry weight (DW) and 97.32 +/- 2.80 gallic acid equivalents/g DW, respectively. The 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) test on the L929 cell line cultivated in the presence of different concentrations of microencapsulated samples (0.05-1.5 mg/mL) proved no sign of cytotoxicity, the cell viability being over 80% for all the samples. |
Targeting Oxidative Stress Reduction And Inhibition Of Hdac1, Mecp2, And Nf-Kb Pathways In Rats With Experimentally Induced Hyperglycemia By Administration Ofthymus Marshallianuswilld. Extracts |
Sevastre-Berghian Alexandra C.; Ielciu Irina; Mitre Andrei Otto; Filip Gabriela A.; Oniga Ilioara; Vlase Laurian; Benedec Daniela; Gheldiu Ana-Maria; Toma Vlad A.; Mihart Bianca; Mihut Andra; Baldea Ioana; Olteanu Diana; Chis Irina C.; Clichici Simona V; Hanganu Daniela | Frontiers In Pharmacology, 2020 | |
RezumatThe effects of two lyophilized extracts obtained from the aerial parts ofThymus marschallianusWilld. and harvested from wild flora (TMW) and obtained from culture (TMC) were evaluated in Wistar rats with experimentally induced hyperglycemia. The hyperglycemia was induced by streptozotocin (STZ) administration and the obtained results were evaluated in comparison for TMW and TMC. The polyphenolic composition of extracts was evaluated by spectrophotometrical and LC-MS methods.In vitroantioxidant capacity assays (DPPH, FRAP, EPR) were performed in order to preliminary establish the ability of tested samples to protect against free radical induced damage. Afterwards, the effects of these extracts were assessedin vivoon rats with experimental-induced hyperglycemia. Oxidative stress biomarkers (e.g. malondialdehyde-MDA), phosphorylated transcription factor subunit of nuclear kappaB (NF-kB) p65, methyl CpG binding protein (MECP) 2 and histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1) expressions in hippocampus and frontal lobe were assessed. Open Field Test (OFT) and Elevated Plus Maze (EPM) were conducted on tested animals. Malondialdehyde (MDA) levels and HDAC1and MeCP2 expressions increased significantly in hippocampus (p<0.05) and frontal lobe (p<0.001) of diabetes group compared to the control group in parallel with decreasing of GSH/GSSG ratio. TMW and TMC administration reduced blood glucose levels and diminished lipid peroxidation, HDAC1 expression and enhanced antioxidant capacity in frontal lobe. TMW improved central locomotion of rats, increased phospho-NFkB p65 and diminished MECP2 expressions in hippocampus. Both tested samples exerted a beneficial effect by increasing the antioxidant defense. Our findings indicate that the administration of these extracts might represent a good option in the treatment of diabetes and its complications. |
Effects Of Foliar Treatment With A Trichoderma Plant Biostimulant Consortium On Passiflora Caerulea L. Yield And Quality |
Sesan Tatiana Eugenia; Oancea Anca Olguta; Stefan Laura Mihaela; Manoiu Vasile Sorin; Ghiurea Marius; Raut Iuliana; Constantinescu-Aruxandei Diana; Toma Agnes; Savin Simona; Bira Adriana Florina; Pomohaci Cristian Mihai; Oancea Florin | Microorganisms, 2020 | |
RezumatThe influence of spore concentration on the ability of a Trichoderma consortium to colonize the Passiflora caerulea phyllosphere was evaluated by determining the effects of foliar treatments with two spore concentrations, in two repeated treatments, on the morphological, physiological, and ultrastructural characteristics, and on the yield and quality of P. caerulea. The studied crop quality features were related to its nutraceutical use: the accumulation of polyphenols and flavonoids, antioxidant activity, and effects on mouse fibroblast L929 cells. The Trichoderma consortium consisted of two strains, T. asperellum T36b and T. harzianum Td50b, and the concentrations used were 10(6) colony forming units (cfu)/mL and 10(8) cfu/mL. As a reference treatment, a commercial product that was based on herbs and algal extracts was used. As compared to the negative control, the treatment with the Trichoderma consortium at 10(8) cfu/mL concentration determines the accumulation of higher level of polyphenols and flavonoids and increased antioxidant activity. This enhancement of P. caerulea quality characteristics after treatment with the higher concentration of Trichoderma consortium was associated with larger leaves, increased number and size of chloroplasts, improved plant physiology characteristics, and an increased yield. The treatment with high concentration of Trichoderma consortium spores promotes phyllosphere colonization and benefits both crop yield and quality. |
New Nanofibers Based On Protein By-Products With Bioactive Potential For Tissue Engineering |
Rapa Maria; Gaidau Carmen; Stefan Laura Mihaela; Matei Ecaterina; Niculescu Mihaela; Berechet Mariana Daniela; Stanca Maria; Tablet Cristina; Tudorache Madalina; Gavrila Raluca; Predescu Cristian; Vidu Ruxandra | Materials, 2020 | |
RezumatConcentrated collagen hydrolysate (HC10CC), rabbit collagen glue (RCG), and keratin hydrolysate (KH) were investigated in terms of their extraction from mammalian by-products and processing by electrospinning. The electrospun nanofibers were characterized by scanning electron microscopy coupled with the energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDS), attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and indentation tests. The cytotoxicity of the electrospun nanofibers was conducted on L929 fibroblast cells using MTT and LDH assays and cell morphology observations. The electrospun RCG and KH nanofibers morphology showed an average size of nanofibers ranging between 44 and 410 nm, while the electrospun HC10CC nanofibers exhibited higher sizes. The ATR-FTIR spectra performed both on extracted proteins and electrospun nanofibers showed that the triple helix structure of collagen is partially preserved. The results were in agreement with the circular dichroism analysis for protein extracts. Furthermore, the viscoelastic properties of electrospun KH nanofibers were superior to those of electrospun RCG nanofibers. Based on both in vitro quantitative and qualitative analysis, the electrospun nanofibers were not cytotoxic, inducing a healthy cellular response. The results of new electrospun protein-based nanofibers may be useful for further research on bioactive properties of these nanofibers for tissue engineering. |
Designing Of Chitosan Derivatives Nanoparticles With Antiangiogenic Effect For Cancer Therapy |
Dragostin O.-M.; Tatia R.; Samal S.K.; Oancea A.; Zamfir A.S.; Dragostin I.; Lisă E.-L.; Apetrei C.; Zamfir C.L. | Nanomaterials, 2020 | |
RezumatAngiogenesis is a physiological process involving the growth of new blood vessels, which provides oxygen and required nutrients for the development of various pathological conditions. In a tumor microenvironment, this process upregulates the growth and proliferation of tumor cells, thus any stage of angiogenesis can be a potential target for cancer therapies. In the present study, chitosan and his derivatives have been used to design novel polymer-based nanoparticles. The therapeutic potential of these newly designed nanoparticles has been evaluated. The antioxidant and MTT assays were performed to know the antioxidant properties and their biocompatibility. The in vivo antiangiogenic properties of the nanoparticles were evaluated by using a chick Chorioallantoic Membrane (CAM) model. The obtained results demonstrate that chitosan derivatives-based nanostructures strongly enhance the therapeutic effect compared to chitosan alone, which also correlates with antitumor activity, demonstrated by the in vitro MTT assay on human epithelial cervical Hep-2 tumor cells. This study opens up new direction for the use of the chitosan derivatives-based nanoparticles for designing of antiangiogenic nanostructured materials, for future cancer therapy. © 2020 by the authors. |
Tribiotication Strategy For The Functionalization Of Bovine Colostrum Through The Biochemical Activities Of Artisanal And Selected Starter Cultures [Estrategia De Tribiotización Para La Funcionalización Del Calostro Bovino Mediante Las Actividades Bioquímicas De Los Cultivos Iniciadores Artesanales Y Seleccionados] |
Cotârleţ M.; Vasile A.M.; Gaspar-Pintiliescu A.; Oancea A.; Bahrim G.E. | Cyta-Journal Of Food, 2020 | |
RezumatThe main aim of this study was to transform bovine colostrum into a tribiotic product through a metabolic conversion with a microbial consortium based on artisanal and starter microorganisms. As such, the bovine colostrum was firstly transformed enzymatically for 48 h with a selected strain of a non-pathogenic Candida lipolytica strain, and then lactic acid fermentation was performed for 48 h, by using a co-culture of 25 g/L fresh kefir grains and a 10 g/L commercial FreshQ® culture (Chr. Hansen, Denmark). The obtained product is recommended to be used as an ingredient for the milk-derived nutraceuticals’ formulation. As such, the product displayed increased antioxidant potential of 3.15 mM Trolox equivalent/g. Furthermore, the peptide fractions with a molecular weight lower than 3 kDa showed a notable in vitro ABTS radical scavenging activity, similar to a concentration of 2 nM captopril, hence proving a high potential in reducing the blood pressure. © 2020, © 2020 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. |
A New Nutraceutical Product Prepared By Colostrum Fermentation Biotechnology |
Anca Oancea; Ionut Moraru; Gabriela Bahrim; Oana Craciunescu; Alexandra Gaspar-Pintiliescu; Viorica Coroiu; Mihaela Enache; Angela Moraru; Florin Oancea | 2Nd Icgeb Workshop “Modern Biotechnological Advances For Human Health” (Bahh), Bucharest, Romania, 2019 | |
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Yarrowia Lipolytica As A Valuable Workhorse For Postbiotics Production |
abriela Bahrim; Anca Oancea; Georgiana Horincar; Mihaela Cotârleț; Oana Craciunescu; Aida Vasile; Nicoleta Stănciuc; Gabriela Râpeanu; Iuliana Aprodu | 2Nd Icgeb Workshop “Modern Biotechnological Advances For Human Health” (Bahh), Bucharest, Romania, 2019 | |
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Isolation Of Antioxidant Peptides From Fish By-Products |
Oana Craciunescu; Anca Oancea; Alexandra Gaspar-Pintiliescu; Daniela Ilie; Elena Daniela Anton; Andreea Iosageanu; Florin Oancea | 2Nd Icgeb Workshop “Modern Biotechnological Advances For Human Health” (Bahh), Bucharest, Romania, 2019 | |
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Bioactive Composition For Healing Superficial Wounds |
Elena Iulia Oprita; Oana Craciunescu; Elena Utoiu; Florin Oancea; Angela Moraru; Ionut Moraru; Anca Oancea | 2Nd Icgeb Workshop “Modern Biotechnological Advances For Human Health” (Bahh), Bucharest, Romania, 2019 | |
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Bioactive Thermo-Responsive Hydrogels Based On Never-Dried Kombucha Nanocellulose |
Angela Moraru; Stefan-Ovidiu Dima; Elena-Iulia Oprita; Anca Oancea; Sanda-Maria Doncea; Raluca Somoghi; Ana-Maria Stanciuc; Lucia Moldovan; Florin Oancea | 2Nd Icgeb Workshop “Modern Biotechnological Advances For Human Health” (Bahh), Bucharest, Romania, 2019 | |
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Global Health Effects Of The Selenium-Based Plant Biostimulants |
Florin Oancea; Elena Uțoiu; Angela Moraru; Anca Oancea; Florentina Georgescu; Stefan-Ovidiu Dima; Luminita Dimitriu; Otilia Bărbieru; Diana Constantinescu-Aruxandei | 2Nd Icgeb Workshop “Modern Biotechnological Advances For Human Health” (Bahh), Bucharest, Romania, 2019 | |
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Wound Healing Potential Of Collagen Dressings Loaded With Artemisia Absinthium Plant Extract |
Alexandra Gaspar-Pintiliescu; Ana-Maria Seciu; Lucia Moldovan; Oana Craciunescu | 2Nd Icgeb Workshop “Modern Biotechnological Advances For Human Health” (Bahh), Bucharest, Romania, 2019 | |
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Biomedical Potential Of Collagen Isolated From The Marine Gastropod Rapana Venosa |
Ana-Maria Stanciuc; Alexandra Gaspar Pintiliescu; Elena Anton; Laura Mihaela Stefan; Raul-Augustin Mitran; Ticuta Negreanu-Pirjol; Catalina Sanda; Lucia Moldovan | 2Nd Icgeb Workshop “Modern Biotechnological Advances For Human Health” (Bahh), Bucharest, Romania, 2019 | |
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Antiproliferative Activity Evaluation Of Some Saponine Extracts From Hedera Helix |
Rodica Tatia; Lucia Moldovan; Christina Zalaru; Isabela Tarcomnicu; Mihaela Enache; Ioan Calinescu | 2Nd Icgeb Workshop “Modern Biotechnological Advances For Human Health” (Bahh), Bucharest, Romania, 2019 | |
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New Hybrid Biomaterials Based On Natural Polymers And Silver Nanoparticles For Wound Healing |
Stefan LM; Anton ED; Ilie D; Stanciuc AM; Moldovan L; Oancea A; Crăciunescu O. | 4Th International Congress On Biomaterials And Biosensors Biomatsen, Oludeniz, Turcia, 2019 | |
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New Composite Materials As Potential Dressings In Wound Care Treatment |
Gaspar-Pintiliescu A; Crăciunescu O; Iosăgeanu A; Oancea S; Moldovan L; Oancea A | 4Th International Congress On Biomaterials And Biosensors Biomatsen, Oludeniz, Turcia, 2019 | |
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Bioactive Peptides From Colostrum Fermented With Enhanced Kefir Consortia: Biochemical Characterization And Specific Biological Activity |
Elena Utoiu; Alexandra Gaspar; Oana Craciunescu; Catalina Sanda; Iulia Oprita; Anca Oancea; Angela Moraru; Mihaela Cotarlet; Gabriela Bahrim; Sergey Shaposhnikov | Nternational Conference „Agriculture For Life, Life For Agriculture”, Bucharest, Romania, 2019 | |
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Comparative Study On Extraction Methods Of Pectin From By-Products Of Juiced Carrots |
Agnes Toma; Oana Craciunescu; Rodica Tatia; Anca Oancea | International Conference „Agriculture For Life, Life For Agriculture”, Bucharest, Romania, 2019 | |
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article, conference
Comparative Studies Concerning The Bioactivity Of Peptides Obtained By Kefir-Kombucha Fermentation Of Bovine Colostrum |
Anca Oancea; Elena Utoiu; Teodora Ciucan; Oana Craciunescu; Alexandra Gaspar-Pintiliescu; Viorica Coroiu; Ana Maria Stanciuc; Laura Mihaela Stefan | 10Th Probiotics, Prebiotics & New Foods, Nutraceuticals And Botanicals For Nutrition & Human And Microbiota Health, Rome, Italy, Journal Of Clinical Gastroenterology, 2019 | |
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Tribiotics Design From Bovine Colostrum As A Couple Of Multiple Metabolic Activities Of The Artisanal And Selected Cultures |
Mihaela Cotârleț; Aida Mihaela Vasile; Alexandra Gaspar-Pintiliescu; Oana Crăciunescu; Anca Oancea; Gabriela Elena Bahrim | 10Th Probiotics, Prebiotics & New Foods, Nutraceuticals And Botanicals For Nutrition & Human And Microbiota Health, Rome, Italy, 2019 | |
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Novel Substituted Haloaminopyrazoles With Anti-Tumor Activity, Chemistry A Nature Challenger |
Chiva A; Ene F; Dobre L; Al Ioanii C; Chirita I; Buta C; Radu M; Zalaru C; Dumitrascu F; Draghici C; Ferbinteanu M; Marinescu M; Tarcomnicu I; Tatia R; Moldovan L | 9Th International Conference Of The Chemical Societies Of The South-Eastern European Countries, Targoviste, Romania, 2019 | |
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Marine Snail As A Novel Source For Bioactive Compounds With Medical Potential |
Ana-Maria Stanciuc; Alexandra Gaspar-Pintiliescu; Stefania Loredana Oancea; Raul Augustin Mitran; Cristian Matei; Ticuta Negreanu-Pirjol; Lucia Moldovan | European Congress And Exhibition On Advanced Materials And Processes, Stockholm, Sweden, 2019 | |
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Antioxidant And Radioprotective Activity Of Polyphenolic Extracts Of Vegetable Peels |
Daniela Ilie; Elena Daniela Anton; Rodica Tatia; Dana Maria Copolovici; Florentina Munteanu; Lucian Copolovici; Oana Craciunescu | 21St Romanian International Conference On Chemistry And Chemical Engineering Riccce, Constanta, Romania, 2019 | |
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Isolation And Characterisation Of Collagen From Marine Fish Skin For Biotechnological Applications |
Elena-Daniela Anton; Lucia Moldovan; Alexandra Gaspar-Pintiliescu; Rodica Tatia; Daniela Ilie Cristian Matei; Daniela Berger; Ticuta Negreanu-Pirjol | 21St Romanian International Conference On Chemistry And Chemical Engineering Riccce, Constanta, Romania, 2019 | |
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Isolation And Characterization Of Hederagenin From Hedera Helix L. Extract With Anti-Tumor Activity |
Rodica Tatia; Christina Zalaru; Isabela Tarcomnicu; Lucia Moldovan; Oana Craciunescu; Ioan Calinescu | 21St Romanian International Conference On Chemistry And Chemical Engineering Riccce, Constanta, Romania, 2019 | |
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Novel Substituted Pyrazole Hybrids With Anti-Tumor Activitiy |
Andra Tătulescu; Victor Cojocaru; Bianca Pătraşcu; Christina Zălaru; Florea Dumitraşcu; Constantin Drăghici; Isabela Tarcomnicu; Maria Marinescu; Rodica Tatia; Lucia Moldovan | 21St Romanian International Conference On Chemistry And Chemical Engineering Riccce, Constanta, Romania, 2019 | |
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article, conference
Multilineage Differentiation Capacity Of Human Dental Pulp Stem Cells Cryopreserved For Regenerative Medicine Applications |
Zarnescu O; Seciu AM; Moldovan L; Craciunescu O | European Biotechnology Congress, Valenica, Spania, Journal Of Biotechnology, 2019 | |
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In Vitro Effect Of Fungal Chitosan On Tumoral Cells And Microbial Cultures |
Savin S; Antohi LS; Oancea A; Toma A; Stanciuc AM; Oancea F; Craciunescu O | Priorities Of Chemistry For A Sustainable Development” – Priochem Xv, Bucharest, Romania, 2019 | |
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Evaluation Of Fish Hydrolyzate Interaction With Skin Cells |
Iosageanu A; Ilie D; Oancea A; Gaspar-Pintiliescu A; Oancea F; Craciunescu O | Prorities Of Chemistry For A Sustainable Development” – Priochem Xv, Bucharest, Romania, 2019 | |
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Characterization Of Novel Hybrid Materials Conditioned As Sheets For Skin Repair |
Ilie D; Anton ED; Matei C; Oancea A; Iosageanu A; Stefan LM; Craciunescu O | Prorities Of Chemistry For A Sustainable Development” – Priochem Xv, Bucharest, Romania, 2019 | |
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Anti-Inflammatory Activity Of Biomaterials Intended For Periodontal Disease Treatment |
Seciu AM; Craciunescu O; Stan L; Zarnescu O | Prorities Of Chemistry For A Sustainable Development” – Priochem Xv, Bucharest, Romania, 2019 | |
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Procedeu De Biofortifiere Protectivă Cu Seleniu A Culturilor De Crucifere |
Oancea Anca Olguţa; Petruş Viorica; Petruş Aurel; Petruş Adrian-Mihai; Crăciunescu Oana; Ştefan Laura Mihaela; Seciu Ana-Maria; Coroiu Viorica | State Office For Inventions And Trademarks (Osim), 2019 | |
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Nanotransportori Lipidici Încărcaţi Cu Principii Active Vegetale Şi Sintetice, Şi Rocedeu De Obţinere A Acestora |
Lăcătuşu Ioana; Badea Nicoleta; Badea Gabriela; Moldovan Lucia; Panteli Irina-Minerva; Raşit Iuksel; Popescu Mariana; Bordei Nataliţa; Stan Raluca; Istrati Daniela; Meghea Aurelia | State Office For Inventions And Trademarks (Osim), 2019 | |
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Procedeu De Biofortifiere Protectivă Cu Seleniu A Culturilor De Crucifer |
Oancea Anca Olguta; Petrus Viorica; Petrus Aurel; Petrus Adrian-Mihai; Craciunescu Oana; Stefan Laura; Seciu Ana-Maria; Coroiu Viorica | State Office For Inventions And Trademarks (Osim), 2019 | |
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Nanotransportori Lipidici Incarcati Cu Principii Active Vegetale Si Sintetice, Ce Furnizeaza Un Efect Anti-Inflamator Amplificat |
Lacatusu I; Badea N; Badea G; Moldovan L; Panteli IM; Rasit I; Popescu M; Bordei N; Stan R; Istrati D; Meghea A | State Office For Inventions And Trademarks (Osim), 2019 | |
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Natural Composite Dressings Based On Collagen, Gelatin And Plant Bioactive Compounds For Wound Healing: A Review |
Gaspar-Pintiliescu Alexandra; Stanciuc Ana-Maria; Craciunescu Oana | International Journal Of Biological Macromolecules, 2019 | |
RezumatSkin wound dressings are commonly used to stimulate and enhance skin tissue repair. Even if wounds seem easy to repair for clinicians and to replicate in an in vitro set-up for scientists, chronic wounds remain currently an open challenge in skin tissue engineering for patients with complementary diseases. The seemingly simple process of skin healing hides a heterogenous sequence of events, specific timing, and high level of organization and coordination among the involved cell types. Taken together, all these aspects make wound healing a unique process, but we are not yet able to completely repair the chronic wounds or to reproduce them in vitro with high fidelity. This review highlights the main characteristics and properties of a natural polymer, which is widely used as biomaterial, namely collagen and of its denatured form, gelatin. Available wound dressings based on collagen/gelatin and proposed variants loaded with bioactive compounds derived from plants are presented. Applications of these composite biomaterials are discussed with emphasis on skin wound healing. A perspective on current issues is given in the light of future research. The emerging technologies support the development of innovative dressings based exclusively on natural constituents, either polymeric or bioactive compounds. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. |
New Functional Ingredients Based On Microencapsulation Of Aqueous Anthocyanin-Rich Extracts Derived From Black Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) |
Aprodu Iuliana; Milea Stefania Adelina; Anghel Roxana-Madalina; Enachi Elena; Barbu Vasilica; Craciunescu Oana; Rapeanu Gabriela; Bahrim Gabriela Elena; Oancea Anca; Stanciuc Nicoleta | Molecules, 2019 | |
RezumatThe aqueous anthocyanin-rich extract derived from black rice (Oryza sativa L.) was encapsulated by freeze drying using milk proteins and peptides as coating materials. The molecular modelling approach indicated that all major casein fractions and whey proteins were able to bind at least one anthocyanin molecule. The hydrophobic interactions and hydrogen bonding across the interfaces appeared to be mainly responsible for the stabilizations of the complexes formed between the coating material and bioactive compounds. Two dark purple colored powders, differentiated by the ratio of the encapsulation materials used, rich in phytochemicals were obtained, with an encapsulation efficiency of up to 99%. The powders were tested for antioxidant activity, cytocompatibility, and thermal stability. The morphological structure of the powders highlighted the presence of encapsulated anthocyanins. Both powders showed a remarkable antioxidant activity of about 46 mM Trolox/g D.W., and cytocompatibility on the L929 fibroblast culture. At certain concentrations, both powders stimulated cell proliferation. The powders showed a good thermal stability between 75 and 100 degrees C for 15 min. The powders were tested in a food model system and checked for stability of phytochemicals during storage. The added value of the powders was demonstrated throughout the antioxidant activity, which remained unchanged during storage. |
Structure And Cytocompatibility Of A Porous Biomimetic Material For Oral Tissue Wound Healing |
Craciunescu Oana; Gaspar-Pintiliescu Alexandra; Seciu Ana-Maria; Moldovan Lucia; Zarnescu Otilia | Physica Status Solidi A-Applications And Materials Science, 2019 | |
RezumatComposite materials containing natural biocompatible polymers, specific for the extracellular matrix present in the periodontal tissue, are prepared by mixing type I soluble collagen (COL) and fibronectin (FN) as fibrillar proteins and chondroitin sulfate (CS) as polysaccharidic component. The threedimensional porous structure is obtained by freeze-drying process and it is analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Specific techniques of immunohistochemistry and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) are used to investigate the distribution and interaction between polymeric components within the scaffold. Light and electron microscopy observations are also performed on solutions of CS and FN to reveal their structural and morphological properties. The cytocompatibility of composite material is tested in gingival fibroblasts and osteoblast cell cultures using quantitative assays of cell viability. The results demonstrate that COL-CS-FN composite material has optimal characteristics for further testing as device for oral tissue wound healing. |
Tailored Biomaterials For Therapeutic Strategies Applied In Periodontal Tissue Engineering |
Seciu Ana-Maria; Craciunescu Oana; Stanciuc Ana-Maria; Zarnescu Otilia | Stem Cells And Development, 2019 | |
RezumatSeveral therapeutic strategies are currently in development for severe periodontitis and other associated chronic inflammatory diseases. Guided tissue regeneration of the periodontium is based on surgical implantation of natural or synthetic polymers conditioned as membranes, injectable biomaterials (hydrogels), or three-dimensional (3D) matrices. Combinations of biomaterials with bioactive factors represent the next generation of regenerative strategy. Cell delivery strategy based on scaffold-cell constructs showed potential in periodontitis treatment. Bioengineering of periodontal tissues using cell sheets and genetically modified stem cells is currently proposed to complete existing (pre)clinical procedures for periodontal regeneration. 3D structures can be built using computer-assisted manufacturing technologies to improve the implant architecture effect on new tissue formation. The aim of this review was to summarize the advantages and drawbacks of biomimetic composite matrices used as biomaterials for periodontal tissue engineering. Their conditioning as two-dimensional or 3D scaffolds using conventional or emerging technologies was also discussed. Further biotechnologies are required for developing novel products tailored to stimulate periodontal regeneration. Additional preclinical studies will be useful to closely investigate the mechanisms and identify specific markers involved in cell-implant interactions, envisaging further clinical tests. Future therapeutic protocols will be developed based on these novel procedures and techniques. |
Polyphenols Extract From Grape Pomace. Characterization And Valorisation Through Encapsulation Into Mesoporous Silica-Type Matrices |
Brezoiu Ana-Maria; Matei Cristian; Deaconu Mihaela; Stanciuc Ana-Maria; Trifan Adrian; Gaspar-Pintiliescu Alexandra; Berger Daniela | Food And Chemical Toxicology, 2019 | |
RezumatWe report the encapsulation of two grape pomace polyphenolic extracts into mesoporous MCM-41-type silica matrices (pristine and Zn or Mg heteroatom modified) to reduce the extract sensitivity and enhance its stability, while preserving the radical scavenger activity. Various grapes marc (Cabernet Saugvinon and Feteasca Neagra from the Black Sea region and commercially available grape skins powder) were used to prepare ethanolic extracts either through conventional extraction, or microwave-assisted procedure. The polyphenolic extracts composition was analysed by reversed phase-high pressure liquid chromatography and spectrometric determination of total polyphenols and ascorbic acid (using Folin Ciocalteu reagent), total flavonoids (by AlCl3 cornplexation), as well as total anthocyanin monomeric pigments content. The encapsulated extract into MCM-41 silica, as well as Zn-MCM-41 and Mg-MCM-41 matrices showed an enhanced radical scavenger activity assessed by DPPH procedure developed for solid samples. The cytocompatibility tests performed on HaCaT keratinocyte human cells demonstrated a good cytocompatibility for the Cabernet Saugvinon and grape skins extracts free and encapsulated into MCM-41-type matrices. |
Probing The Functionality Of Bioactives From Eggplant Peel Extracts Through Extraction And Microencapsulation In Different Polymers And Whey Protein Hydrolysates |
Condurache Nina Nicoleta; Aprodu Iuliana; Craciunescu Oana; Tatia Rodica; Horincar Georgiana; Barbu Vasilica; Enachi Elena; Rapeanu Gabriela; Bahrim Gabriela Elena; Oancea Anca; Stanciuc Nicoleta | Food And Bioprocess Technology, 2019 | |
RezumatEggplant peels (Solanum melongena L.) constitute a promising source of phenolic compounds, flavonoids, and anthocyanins that are beneficial for human health. The objectives of this study were to extract the polyphenolics from eggplant peels and microencapsulation in selected polymers, such as pectin, carboxymethylcellulose and whey proteins hydrolysates by freeze-drying. A combination of ethanolic with ultrasound-assisted methods was used for the extraction, leading to an extract with antioxidant activity of 157.82 +/- 9.46mmol Trolox/g dry weight. The next experiment was to obtain bioactive peptide, both by experimental and predictive methods, which were further used as coating materials. The bioinformatics tools were used for checking the susceptibility of alpha-lactalbumin and beta-lactoglobulin for digestion with thermolysin. The anthocyanins were encapsulated in different combinations of selected polymers, with encapsulation efficiency up to 77.60 +/- 1.92%, highlighting a higher microencapsulation efficiency of carboxymethylcellulose to incorporate anthocyanins. Our results suggested whey peptides had a role in regulating the microencapsulation patterns, whereas carboxymethylcellulose and pectin favored filamentous structuring and double encapsulation, respectively. The in vitro tests showed high biocompatibility of powders cultivated in a cell culture of murine fibroblasts. A significant protective effect in simulated digestion was observed, with a controlled release in the intestinal juice. Accelerated storage stability test showed an increase in antioxidant activity. |
Cerium-Containing Mesoporous Bioactive Glasses: Material Characterization, In Vitro Bioactivity, Biocompatibility And Cytotoxicity Evaluation |
Atkinson I.; Anghel E. M.; Petrescu S.; Seciu A. M.; Stefan L. M.; Mocioiu O. C.; Predoana L.; Voicescu M.; Somacescu S.; Culita D.; Zaharescu M. | Microporous And Mesoporous Materials, 2019 | |
RezumatBone defects due to trauma or diseases causing bone loss have led to an increased demand for new materials that have applications in therapies for bone pathologies. Mesoporous bioactive glasses (MBGs), based on 70SiO(2)-(26-x)CaO-4P(2)O(5)-xCeO(2) (x = 0, 1 and 5 mol % for MBGS, MBGS1Ce and MBGS5Ce) were synthesized by evaporation-induced self-assembly (EISA) method. Ceria was selected due to its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties and positive impact on cells differentiation and mineralization. The pore size values of 2.8 nm confirmed the mesoporosity of the obtained bio-glasses. The biocompatibility tests on mouse fibroblast cells (NCTC clone L929) using 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity assays revealed no cytotoxicity of Cerium containing MBGs. Formation of a hydroxycarbonate apatite (HCA) layer on MBGs surface, e.g. bioactivity of BMGs, was confirmed by XRD, FTIR, SEM and Raman Spectroscopy while presence of Ce3+/Ce4+ in the glasses before body simulated fluid (SBF) immersion was determined by XPS, UV-Vis measurements. The obtained results show that investigated MBGs are potential materials for applications in bone regeneration. |
Optimization Of Triterpene Saponins Mixture With Antiproliferative Activity |
Tatia Rodica; Zalaru Christina; Craciunescu Oana; Moldovan Lucia; Oancea Anca; Calinescu Ioan | Applied Sciences-Basel, 2019 | |
RezumatIn this study, three of the saponins present in leaves of Hedera helix L., alpha-hederin, hederagenin, and hederacoside C were studied for their antiproliferative activity. The three saponins were analyzed in different concentrations by in vitro tests on normal fibroblasts cells and cervix ephitelial tumor cells. Determination of cytotoxicity and antitumor effects was performed using the MTT method. From the tested saponins, a-hederin was biocompatible in normal fibroblasts cells at concentrations between 2-10 mu g/mL. Its antiproliferative activity was exerted in the concentration range of 10-400 mu g/mL in cervix ephitelial tumor cells. Similarly, hederagenin presented antiproliferative activity at concentrations between 25-400 mu g/mL. In turn, hederacoside C was shown to be noncytotoxic in normal fibroblasts and cervix ephitelial tumor cell culture at all the tested concentrations. The obtained experimental results were analyzed by Mixture design, a specialized form of the response surface method (RSM) provided by the Design Expert 11 software, and the optimal composition of obtained saponins mixture was selected and verified in vitro for antiproliferative activity. The results showed that an optimal saponins mixture has the potential to be used in pharmacological applications. |
Physicochemical And Biological Properties Of Gelatin Extracted From Marine Snail Rapana Venosa |
Gaspar-Pintiliescu Alexandra; Stefan Laura Mihaela; Anton Elena Daniela; Berger Daniela; Matei Cristian; Negreanu-Pirjol Ticuta; Moldovan Lucia | Marine Drugs, 2019 | |
RezumatIn this study, we aimed to obtain gelatin from the marine snail Rapana venosa using acidic and enzymatic extraction methods and to characterize these natural products for cosmetic and pharmaceutical applications. Marine gelatins presented protein values and hydroxyproline content similar to those of commercial mammalian gelatin, but with higher melting temperatures. Their electrophoretic profile and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra revealed protein and absorption bands situated in the amide region, specific for gelatin molecule. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis showed significant differences in the structure of the lyophilized samples, depending on the type of gelatin. In vitro studies performed on human keratinocytes showed no cytotoxic effect of acid-extracted gelatin at all tested concentrations and moderate cytotoxicity of enzymatic extracted gelatin at concentrations higher than 0.5 mg/mL. Also, both marine gelatins favored keratinocyte cell adhesion. No irritant potential was recorded as the level of IL-1 alpha and IL-6 proinflammatory cytokines released by HaCaT cells cultivated in the presence of marine gelatins was significantly reduced. Together, these data suggest that marine snails are an alternative source of gelatins with potential use in pharmaceutical and skincare products. |
Modification Of Carbon Nanowalls Using Low Pressure Plasma To Enhance The Fibroblast Attachment |
Stancu E. C.; Vizireanu S.; Quade A.; Stanciuc A. M.; Moldovan L.; Dinescu G. | Romanian Journal Of Physics, 2019 | |
RezumatLayers of carbon nanowalls (CNW) were exposed to cold plasma to improve the attachment of fibroblast cells on surface. Plasma was generated at low pressure by a radio-frequency (RF) parallel-plate discharge in Ar/O-2 mixture. 10 min of exposure allowed the insertion of oxygen-containing groups and considerable enhancement in surface hydrophilicity while the surface morphology was not significantly changed. The cells were cultivated on CNW samples and the analyses were performed after 24 h culture. Significant differences in density and morphology of cell attached on tested surfaces were observed. The number of viable cells increased after plasma treatment. |
Isolation And Characterization Of Hederagenin From Hedera Helix L. Extract With Antitumor Activity |
Tatia Rodica; Zalaru Christina; Tarcomnicu Isabela; Moldovan Lucia; Craciunescu Oana; Calinescu Ioan | Revista De Chimie, 2019 | |
RezumatHederagenin, a saponin known for its therapeutic effect was isolated from leaves of Hedera helix. Hederagenin was obtained by repeated maceration of ground plant material in 95% (v/v) ethanol. The ethanolic extract was subjected to acid hydrolysis and purification with acetonitrile. Isolated hederagenin (IHe) was analyzed by HPLC-MS/MS and compared to standard hederagenin. In vitro cytotoxicity of IHe was tested in a culture of fibroblast cells from NCTC clone L929 cell line by MTT assay, using dioscin as positive control. For the determination of IHe antitumor effect, in vitro tests were performed in a culture of human cervix carcinoma Hep-2 cells cultivated in the presence of different concentrations of sample for 48 h. IHe was biocompatible in the range of concentrations 2-200 mu g/mL, in NCTC cell culture. The compound showed cell cytotoxicity in the concentration range of 100-400 mu g/mL, in Hep-2 cell culture, revealing its antitumor activity. These results demonstrated the possible use of hederagenin isolated from H. helix extract as an antitumor agent. |
Colostrum-Derived Bioactive Peptides Obtained By Fermentation With Kefir Grains Enriched With Selected Yeasts |
Cotarlet Mihaela; Vasile Aida Mihaela; Cantaragiu Alina Mihaela; Gaspar-Pintiliescu Alexandra; Craciunescu Oana; Oancea Anca; Moraru Angela; Moraru Ionut; Bahrim Gabriela Elena | Annals Of The University Dunarea De Jos Of Galati, Fascicle Vi-Food Technology, 2019 | |
RezumatThe aim of this study was to improve the bovine colostrum biological function through fermentation with kefir grains enhanced with selected yeasts, for developing new nutraceutical and cosmeceutical products. It was found that fermentations with co-culture of 2.5 g% artisanal kefir grains and selected yeast strains (10(6) CFU/100 mL) increased the functional quality of the fermented products compared to the product obtained only with kefir grains. Fresh fermented products obtained with a consortium based on kefir grains and Candida lipolytica MIUG D67 demonstrated an increased antioxidant activity of 2.69 mM Trolox Equivalent/g, after 48 h of fermentation. Instead, peptide fractions with MW<10 kDa isolated by membrane filtration from lyophilized fermented products, based on colostrum fermentation with kefir grains enhanced with Candida lipolytica MIUG D99 starter, presented markedly increase in vitro of ABTS radical scavenging activity, similar to a concentration of 2 nM captopril. These results indicated their possible application in enhance of the quality of the fermented products in order to increase the postbiotic composition with functional impact in vivo. |
Synthesis And Biophysical Characteristics Of Riboflavin/Hsa Protein System On Silver Nanoparticles |
Voicescu M.; Ionescu S.; Manoiu V. S.; Anastasescu M.; Craciunescu O.; Moldovan L. | Materials Science And Engineering C-Materials For Biological Applications, 2019 | |
RezumatNovel L-Arginine-Dextran70 based-silver nanoparticles (SNPs) (SNPs(Arg)), functionalized with Riboflavin (RF) and Human Serum Albumin (HSA) were characterized by UV-Vis absorption, Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), fluorescence and circular dichroism spectroscopy, chemiluminescence and Neutral red assays. TEM analysis showed the formed faceted particles, large clumps/fused aggregates, nano featured with the mean particle size of 41.60 nm. Chemiluminescence and Neutral red assays for in vitro antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of the SNPs(Arg)/RF/HSA systems have been studied. It was pointed out that SNPs(Arg) functionalized with RF and HSA resulted in a bio-nanosystem which leads to a high activity against oxygen free radicals, altered viability, morphology, apoptotic bodies and decreased cell density of L929 fibroblast cells. Results are relevant for understanding the redox properties of RF in the case of biological applications and especially for RF containing drugs. |
Microstructure, Stability And Biocompatibility Of Hydroxyapatite - Titania Nanocomposites Formed By Two Step Sintering Process |
Marinescu Cornelia; Sofronia Ancuta; Anghel Elena M.; Baies Radu; Constantin Daniel; Seciu Ana-Maria; Gingu Oana; Tanasescu Speranta | Arabian Journal Of Chemistry, 2019 | |
RezumatIn the present work, we report the characterization of TiO2-hydroxyapatite (HA) nanocomposites obtained by a two-step sintering (TSS) process of a mixture of HA and titanium hydride (TiH2) powders. The reactions underwent by TiH2 in the presence of HA and hydrogen release, and subsequently, titanium oxidation was examined by thermal analysis. A longer holding time in the second sintering stage enabled obtaining a homogenous TiO2-HA (36% rutile) composite with a thermal expansion coefficient of 11.46 . 10(-6) C-1 in the 40-1000 degrees C range. Unconventional TSS process hinders HA decomposition to detrimental tricalcium phosphate (TCP). Wear rate of ceramics was determined by tribological measurements and the material biocompatibility was evaluated using MTT assay. Overall, cell viability results correlated with morphological observations indicated a good biocompatibility of HA-based composites at all tested concentrations. Incorporation of the TiO2 phase in HA by TSS process was found to be an efficient way to prepare bioceramics with improved performances. (C) 2017 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. |
Biosynthesis Of Silver Nanoparticles In Collagen Gel Improves Their Medical Use In Periodontitis Treatment |
Craciunescu Oana; Seciu Ana-Maria; Manoiu Vasile Sorin; Trif Mihaela; Moisei Magdalena; Nicu Alina Ioana; Zarnescu Otilia | Particulate Science And Technology, 2019 | |
RezumatSilver nanoparticles (AgNP) suspensions were biosynthesized by silver ions reduction in the presence of collagen, a nontoxic, organic polymer, intending to improve their medical use in periodontitis treatment. Spectrophotometric measurements showed a time- and concentration-dependent increase of AgNP formation in each suspension variant. Transmission electron microscopy revealed spherical morphology of AgNP in collagen and their mean diameter size was around 30 nm. The particle size distribution and zeta potential values of AgNP in collagen were determined by dynamic light scattering measurements. The surface charge of AgNP in collagen was positive, while commercial AgNP stabilized in citrate had negative surface charge. In vitro cytotoxicity testing of AgNP in collagen showed that they were biocompatible with human gingival fibroblasts in a wider range of concentrations than commercial nanoparticles. The antibacterial activity of AgNP in collagen against two pathogenic strains present in the periodontal pocket was dose-dependent and higher than that of AgNP in citrate. All these results demonstrated that AgNP prepared in collagen gel had improved properties, like small diameter, positive surface charge, high biocompatibility in human gingival fibroblasts, efficiency against bacterial growth and, thus, better therapeutic potential in periodontal disease treatment. |
Effect Of Hydrolyzed Collagen On Thermal, Mechanical And Biological Properties Of Poly(Lactic Acid) Bionanocomposites |
Rapa Maria; Stefan Laura M.; Preda Petruta; Darie-Nita Raluca N.; Gaspar-Pintiliescu Alexandra; Seciu Ana M.; Vasile Cornelia; Matei Ecaterina; Predescu Andra Mihaela | Iranian Polymer Journal, 2019 | |
RezumatBionanocomposites based on poly(lactic acid) (PLA), plasticized with commercial tributyl o-acetyl citrate (ATBC) and containing hydrolyzed collagen (HC) up to 10 wt% and silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), were prepared by a melt mixing procedure. The properties of antimicrobial PLA based formulations were investigated in terms of morphology (atomic force microscopy, AFM), mechanical, thermal (differential scanning calorimetry, DSC), spectral (by attenuated total reflectance, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy), cell proliferation (by flow cytometry) and immunohistochemical properties induced by collagen. The incorporation of HC into antimicrobial PLA biocomposites led to the slight reduction both in mechanical properties and the degree of crystallinity with respect to those of PLA/ATBC sample. These properties can be attributed to the smooth surface improvement of the bionanocomposite. In vitro testing using L929 fibroblasts in the presence of PLA-based bionanocomposites showed that all samples presented good biocompatibility, as it was indicated by the cell cycle distribution and DNA content analyses. Furthermore, these new biocomposites induced an increase of collagen production in vitro. Overall, PLA/HC5/AgNPs and PLA/HC10/AgNPs bionanocomposites showed very good in vitro biocompatibility, and therefore, could be considered as valuable materials for medical devices, such as tubes, catheters, drains or connectors, with a relatively long service life. |
Pla/Collagen Hydrolysate/Silver Nanoparticles Bionanocomposites For Potential Antimicrobial Urinary Drains |
Rapa Maria; Darie-Nita Raluca Nicoleta; Preda Petruta; Coroiu Viorica; Tatia Rodica; Vasile Cornelia; Matei Ecaterina; Predescu Andra Mihaela; Maxim Monica-Elisabeta | Polymer-Plastics Technology And Materials, 2019 | |
RezumatThe collagen hydrolysate (HC) and silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) effect on the mechanical, thermal, in vitro degradation, cytotoxicity and antifungal properties of polylactic acid (PLA) plasticized and compatibilized with a mixture of polyethylene glycol (PEG 4000) and Lapol 108 (MB) was studied. The presence of HC led to the decreased tensile properties and to the increased hydrophilicity of biocomposites surfaces. Tested biocomposites led to a very good cellular viability percentage, unaltered cell morphology and a modest antifungal activity. The extrusion trial showed that the PLA/MB/PEG/AgNPs bionanocomposite is a promising potential material for urinary drains. [GRAPHICS] |
The Ultrastructural Anatomy Of The Nuclear Envelope In The Masseter Muscle Indicates Its Role In The Metabolism Of The Intracellular Ca++ |
Rusu M. C.; Nicolescu M. I; Jianu A. M.; Manoiu V. S.; Ilie C.; Dinca D. | Annals Of Anatomy-Anatomischer Anzeiger, 2019 | |
RezumatSpecific ultrastructural anatomy of masticatory muscles is commonly referred to a general pattern assigned to striated muscles. Junctional feet consisting of calcium channels of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (i.e. the ryanodine receptors, RyRs) physically connected to the calcium channels of the t-tubules build triads within striated muscles. Functional RyRs were demonstrated in the nuclear envelopes of pancreas and of a skeletal muscle derived cell line, but not in muscle in situ. It was hypothesized that ryanodine receptors (RyRs) could also exist in the nuclear envelope in the masseter muscle, thus aiming at studying this by transmission electron microscopy. There were identified paired and consistent subsarcolemmal clusters of mitochondria, appearing as outpockets of the muscle fibers, usually flanking an endomysial microvessel. It was observed on grazing longitudinal cuts that the I-band-limited mitochondria were not strictly located in a single intermyofibrillar space but continued transversally over the I-band to the next intermyofibrillar space. It appeared that the I-band-limited transverse mitochondria participate with the column-forming mitochondria in building a rather incomplete mitochondrial reticulum of the masseter muscle. Subsarcolemmal nuclei presented nuclear envelope-associated RyRs. Moreover, t-tubules were contacting the nuclear envelope and they were seemingly filled from the perinuclear space. This could suggest that nucleoplasmic calcium could contribute to balance the cytosolic concentration via pre-built anatomical routes: (i) indirectly, via the RyRs of the nuclear envelope and (ii) directly via the communication of t-tubules and sarcoplasmic reticulum through the perinuclear space. (C) 2019 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved. |
New Isoniazid Derivatives With Improved Pharmaco-Toxicological Profile: Obtaining, Characterization And Biological Evaluation |
Dragostin I.; Dragostin O.M.; Samal S.K.; Dash S.; Tatia R.; Dragan M.; Confederat L.; Ghiciuc C.M.; Diculencu D.; Lupușoru C.E.; Zamfir C.L. | European Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2019 | |
RezumatTuberculostatic drugs are the most common drug groups with global hepatotoxicity. Awareness of potentially severe hepatotoxic reactions is vital, as hepatic impairment can be a devastating and often fatal condition. The treatment problems that may arise, within this class of medicines, are mainly of two types: adverse reactions (collateral, toxic or hypersensitive reactions) and the initial or acquired resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to one or more antituberculosis drugs. Prevention of adverse reactions, increase treatment adherence and success rates, providing better control of tuberculosis (TB). In this regard, obtaining new drugs with low toxicity and high tuberculostatic potential is essential. Thus, in this work, we have designed or synthesized new derivatives of isoniazid (INH), such as new Isonicotinoylhydrazone (INH-a, INH-b and INH-c). These derivatives demonstrated good biocompatibility, antimicrobial property similar to that of parent isoniazid and last but not least, a significantly improved Pharmacotoxicological profile compared to that of isoniazid. © 2019 Elsevier B.V. |
Microstructure, Stability And Biocompatibility Of Hydroxyapatite – Titania Nanocomposites Formed By Two Step Sintering Process |
Marinescu C.; Sofronia A.; Anghel E.M.; Baies R.; Constantin D.; Seciu A.-M.; Gingu O.; Tanasescu S. | Arabian Journal Of Chemistry, 2019 | |
RezumatIn the present work, we report the characterization of TiO2-hydroxyapatite (HA) nanocomposites obtained by a two-step sintering (TSS) process of a mixture of HA and titanium hydride (TiH2) powders. The reactions underwent by TiH2 in the presence of HA and hydrogen release, and subsequently, titanium oxidation was examined by thermal analysis. A longer holding time in the second sintering stage enabled obtaining a homogenous TiO2-HA (36% rutile) composite with a thermal expansion coefficient of 11.46 · 10−6 C−1 in the 40–1000 °C range. Unconventional TSS process hinders HA decomposition to detrimental tricalcium phosphate (TCP). Wear rate of ceramics was determined by tribological measurements and the material biocompatibility was evaluated using MTT assay. Overall, cell viability results correlated with morphological observations indicated a good biocompatibility of HA-based composites at all tested concentrations. Incorporation of the TiO2 phase in HA by TSS process was found to be an efficient way to prepare bioceramics with improved performances. © 2017 |
book, book chapter
Advanced Regenerative Techniques Based On Dental Pulp Stem Cells For The Treatment Of Periodontal Disease |
Seciu Ana-Maria; Crăciunescu Oana; Zărnescu Otilia | Periodontology And Dental Implantology (Intechopen), 2018 | |
Rezumat |
Kombucha Pollen Fermentation – A New Method To Obtain A Tri – Biotic Food Supplement |
Angela Moraru; Anca Oancea; Petruta Cornea; Florentina Matei; Camelia Diguta; Alexandra Gaspar – Pintiliescu; Elena Utoiu; Viorica Coroiu and Florin Oancea | Foodbalt-2018, 12Th Baltic Conference On Food Science And Technology „Food R&D In The Baltics And Beyond”, Kaunas, Lithuania, 2018 | |
Rezumat |
Biosilica Solubility Enhancement By Scoby Fermentation |
Elena Utoiu; Angela Moraru; Anca Oancea; Vasile Sorin Mănoiu; Luiza Capră; Petruța Călina Cornea and Florin Oancea | Foodbalt-2018, 12Th Baltic Conference On Food Science And Technology „Food R&D In The Baltics And Beyond”, Kaunas, Lithuania, 2018 | |
Rezumat |
Prebiotic Content And Probiotic Effect Of Kombucha Fermented Pollen |
Elena Utoiu; Anca Oancea; Ana-Maria Stanciuc; Laura M. Stefan; Agnes Toma; Angela Moraru; Camelia Filofteia Diguta; Florentina Matei; Calina Petru Cornea; Florin Oancea | The International Conference Of The University Of Agronomic Sciences And Veterinary Medicine Of Bucharest, „Agriculture For Life, Life For Agriculture”, Bucuresti, Romania, 2018 | |
Rezumat |
Selected Peptides From Bovine Colostrum Fermented With Kefir Grains Exhibited Enhanced Bioactivity In Vitro |
Gaspar-Pintiliescu Alexandra; Oprita Elena Iulia; Cotarlet Mihaela; Vasile Aida; Moraru Angela; Crăciunescu Oana; Oancea Anca | The International Symposium „Priorities Of Chemistry For A Sustainable Development” – Priochem Xiv-Th Edition, Bucuresti, Romania, 2018 | |
Rezumat |
Comparative Study On Methods Of Extracting Pectin From By-Products Of Vegetables And Fruits |
Toma Agnes; Crăciunescu Oana; Tatia Rodica; Oancea Anca | The International Symposium „Priorities Of Chemistry For A Sustainable Development” – Priochem Xiv-Th Edition, Bucuresti, Romania, 2018 | |
Rezumat |
Extraction And Biological Activities Of Chitin/Chitosan From By-Products Of Ganoderma Lucidum Mushroom |
Savin Simona; Toma Agnes; Crăciunescu Oana; Oancea Anca | The International Symposium „Priorities Of Chemistry For A Sustainable Development” – Priochem Xiv-Th Edition, Bucuresti, Romania, 2018 | |
Rezumat |
New Trends In Using Nanostructures And Nanoparticles In (Bio)Materials Functionalization |
Anca Oancea; Oana Crăciunescu; Elena Utoiu; Sorin Mănoiu; Viorica Coroiu; Ana-Maria Stanciuc; Lucia Moldovan | The Annual International Conference Of The Romanian Society Of Biochemistry And Molecular Biology, Bucuresti, Romania, 2018 | |
Rezumat |
Un Nou Polen De Albine, Fermentat Cu Un Consortiu De Microorganisme Din Kombucha, Cu Efecte Benefice Asupra Sanatatii |
Elena Uțoiu; Florentina Matei; Agnes Toma; Camelia Filofteia Diguță; Laura Mihaela Stefan; Sorin Mănoiu; Virgil Valeriu Vrăjmașu; Ionuț Moraru; Anca Oancea et al | Apiquality & Apimedica 2018 The Xi-Th Congress Of The Romanian Society Of Apitherapy, Sibiu, Romania, 2018 | |
Rezumat |
Action Of Multifunctional Bioproducts On Momordica Charantia L. Morpho-Physiological And Phytochemical Characteristics |
Tatiana Eugenia Şesan; Anca Oancea; Agnes Toma; Simona Savin; Rodica Tatia; Oana Crăciunescu; Lucia Moldovan et al. | Ix International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “Agrosym 2018, Jahorina, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 2018 | |
Rezumat |
Age-Related Properties Of Human Dental Pulp Stem Cells Cryopreserved For Regenerative Medicine |
Zărnescu O; Seciu A-M; Crăciunescu O; Moldovan L | 29Th European Conference On Biomaterials, Maastricht, Olanda, 2018 | |
Rezumat |
article, conference
Collagen-Chondroitin 4-Sulfate-Fibronectin Scaffold: Characterization And In Vitro Biocompatibility |
Zărnescu O; Crăciunescu O; Seciu A-M; Stanciuc A-M; Moldovan L | European Biotechnology Congress, Atena, Grecia, Journal Of Biotechnology, 2018 | |
Rezumat |
Novel Composite Systems Based On Natural Compounds For Periodontal Tissue Regeneration Strategies |
Stanciuc A-M; Gaspar A; Seciu A-M; Moldovan L; Crăciunescu O; Zărnescu O | 2Nd International Biennial Conference Biomah, Roma, Italia, 2018 | |
Rezumat |
Alkaline Phosphatase Immobilization On New Chitosan Membranes With Mg2+ For Biomedical Applications |
Tihan Gratiela Teodora; Zgarian Roxana Gabriela; Berteanu Elena; Ionita Daniela; Totea Georgeta; Iordachel Catalin; Tatia Rodica; Prodana Mariana; Demetrescu Ioana | Marine Drugs, 2018 | |
RezumatIn this paper, we present the fabrication and characterization of new chitosan-based membranes while using a new biotechnology for immobilizing alkaline phosphatase (ALP). This technology involved metal ions incorporation to develop new biopolymeric supports. The chemical structure and morphological characteristics of proposed membranes were evaluated by infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and the scanning electron microscopy technique (SEM). The inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) evidenced the metal ion release in time. Moreover, the effect of Mg2+ on the enzymatic activity and the antibacterial investigations while using Gram-negative Escherichia coli and Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, hemolysis, and biocompatibility behavior were studied. Immobilizing ALP into the chitosan membranes composition followed by the incorporation of Mg2+ led to polymeric supports with enhanced cellular viability when comparing to chitosan-based membranes without Mg2+. The results obtained evidenced promising performance in biomedical applications for the new biopolymeric supports that are based on chitosan, ALP, and metal ions. |
Telocyte-Like Cells Containing Weibel-Palade Bodies In Rat Lamina Fusca |
Petrea C. E.; Rusu M. C.; Manoiu V. S.; Vrapciu A. D. | Annals Of Anatomy-Anatomischer Anzeiger, 2018 | |
RezumatTelocytes (TCs) are cells with long, thin and moniliform processes called telopodes. These cells have been found in numerous tissues, including the eye choroid and sclera. Lamina fusca (LF), an anatomical structure located at the sclera-choroid junction, has outer fibroblastic lamellae containing cells with long telopodes. The purpose of this study was to evaluate, via transmission electron microscopy, the LF for the presence of endothelial-specific ultrastructural features, such as Weibel-Palade bodies (WPBs), in the residing TCs. We found that the outer fibroblastic layer of LF lacked pigmented cells but contained numerous cells with telopodes. These cells had incomplete or absent basal laminae, were united by focal adhesions and close contacts, and displayed scarce caveolae and shedding vesicles. Within the stromal cells of LF, numerous WPBs in various stages of maturation and vesicular structures, as secretory pods that ensure the exocytosis of WPBs content, were observed. The WPBs content of the cells with telopodes in the LF could indicate either their involvement in vasculogenesis and/or lymphangiogenesis or that they are the P-selectin- and CD63-containing pools that play roles in sclera) or choroidal inflammation. (C) 2018 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved. |
Stromal Cells/Telocytes And Endothelial Progenitors In The Perivascular Niches Of The Trigeminal Ganglion |
Rusu M. C.; Manoiu V. S.; Cretoiu D.; Cretoiu S. M.; Vrapciu A. D. | Annals Of Anatomy-Anatomischer Anzeiger, 2018 | |
RezumatStromal cells/telocytes (SCs/TCs) were recently described in the human adult trigeminal ganglion (TG). As some markers are equally expressed in SCs/TCs and endothelial cells, we hypothesized that a subset of the TG SCs/TCs is in fact represented by endothelial progenitor cells of a myelomonocytic origin. This study aimed to evaluate whether the interstitial cells of the human adult TG correlate with the myelomonocytic lineage. We used primary antibodies for c-erbB2/HER-2, CD31, nestin, CD10, CD117/c-kit, von Willebrand factor (vWF), CD34, Stro-1, CD146, alpha-smooth muscle actin (alpha-SMA), CD68, VEGFR-2 and cytokeratin 7 (CK7). The TG pial mesothelium and subpial vascular microstroma expressed c-erbB2/HER-2, CK7 and VEGFR-2. SCs/TCs neighbouring the neuronoglial units (NGUs) also expressed HER-2, which suggests a pial origin. These cells were also positive for CD10, CD31, CD34, CD68 and nestin. Endothelial cells expressed CD10, CD31, CD34, CD146, nestin and vWF. We also found vasculogenic networks with spindle-shaped and stellate endothelial progenitors expressing CD10, CD3 1, CD34, CD68, CD146 and VEGFR-2. Isolated mesenchymal stromal cells expressed Stro-1, CD146, CK7, c-kit and nestin. Pericytes expressed a-SMA and CD146. Using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), we found endothelial specific Weibel-Palade bodies in spindle-shaped stromal progenitors. Our study supports the hypothesis that an intrinsic vasculogenic niche potentially involved in microvascular maintenance and repair might be present in the human adult trigeminal ganglion and that it might be supplied by either the pial mesothelium or the bone marrow niche. (C) 2018 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved. |
Lactic Acid Bacteria Strains Isolated From Kombucha With Potential Probiotic Effect |
Bogdan Matei; Justine Salzat; Filofteia Diguta Camelia; Petruta Cornea Calina; Gabriela Luta; Roxana Utoiu Elena; Florentina Matei | Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 2018 | |
RezumatKombucha is an oriental traditional beverage made usually of sweetened tea fermented by a symbiotic consortium of bacteria and yeast embedded within a cellulose membrane. The beverage has been characterized for health benefits related mainly to the tea itself but very few in relation to the microbial consortia. The objective of our work was to isolate lactic acid bacteria from a local kombucha source and characterize the strains for their probiotic potential. Five lactic acid bacteria have been isolated, characterized morphologically and by molecular tools; the results proved their belonging to the lactobacilli/lactococci group. Sequencing results lead to the conclusion that they all have 99% identity with strains of Pediococcus pentosaceus. The on plate screening for bacteriocin production have been expressed on synthetic media only for three of the total five isolates. To complete the probiotic protential profiles of the isolates, they have been tested for their resistance to bile salts; only one isolate finally proved to have clear probiotic potential. |
Hybrid Collagen/Pnipaam Hydrogel Nanocomposites For Tissue Engineering Application |
Tatiana Nistor Manuela; Cornelia Vasile; Tatia Rodica; Aurica Chiriac | Colloid And Polymer Science, 2018 | |
RezumatThe present work explores new hybrid bioactive, enzymatically degradable hydrogel nanocomposites. They are composed by stimuli-sensitive semi-interpenetrating collagen/poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide) polymeric matrix, DelliteA (R) 67G and CloisiteA (R) 93A nanoclays, and hydroxyapatite particles. Morphology of the hybrid hydrogel nanocomposites was examined by near infrared chemical imaging, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy techniques. It has been found that the porous hydrogel nanocomposites showed a mix between intercalated and exfoliated structure, with interconnected pores and the inorganic material was evenly distributed in the polymeric matrix because of specific interactions between components. The collagen resistance against enzymatic degradation and the thermal stability were improved due to the protein encapsulation in the synthetic polymer matrix. The hydrogel nanocomposites showed suitable swelling characteristics for tissue engineering. In vitro cytocompatibility and cell viability revealed that the hybrid nanocomposites were non-cytotoxic for rat osteoblasts. These hybrid nanocomposites were designed as potential synthetic bone tissue engineering. |
The Telopode- And Filopode-Projecting Heterogeneous Stromal Cells Of The Human Sclera Niche |
Petrea C. E.; Craitoiu S.; Vrapciu A. D.; Manoiu V. S.; Rusu M. C. | Annals Of Anatomy-Anatomischer Anzeiger, 2018 | |
RezumatTelocytes (TCs) are stromal cells defined by the presence of long and slender prolongations (telopodes). They are a biologically and functionally heterogeneous population that has not been previously investigated in the sclera. The purpose of this study is to investigate the presence and characteristics of scleral telocytes through a combined immunohistochemical and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) study using samples from ten adult patients. Stromal cells with a TC-like morphology expressed CD34, CD45, CD105, vimentin and occasionally CD68 but were negative for collagen III, CD31, CD133, and CD146. Conjunctival epithelial cells expressed CD45, CD105, CD146, and vimentin. These phenotypes support a scleral niche with immune TCs and haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). In TEM, we often found spindle shaped stromal cells projecting telopodes or filopodes, with extremely long nuclei extended even within those prolongations. We separated these cells into a light subtype, which contained a complete set of organelles, and a dark subtype, consisting of undifferentiated stem/progenitor cells. The light cells contained dense vesicles, Weibel-Palade bodies, and rounded beta-granule-like structures. These storage areas for the von Willebrand factor (vWF) are known to express selectins that are critically involved in HSC homing and could also indicate endothelial progenitors. The dark cells were scarcely myoid, populated the episcleral perivascular niches and the scleral stroma, and were equipped with lipid storage areas such as lamellar bodies and lipid droplets (LDs). Previously, unreported intranuclear LDs were found in these cells, which is characteristic of an HSC population. It appears that the human scleral stroma is a niche harbouring TC-like cells with immune and HSC phenotypes, and the mere presence or characteristics of telopodes are not enough to differentiate them. (C) 2018 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved. |
A Bioanalytical Approach Of Chemical Composition, Bioactivity And Cytotoxicity Of Berteroa Incana L. Herb |
Ungureanu Oana; Gatea Florentina; Seciu Ana Maria; Teodor Eugenia Dumitra; Nicorescu Isabela Madalina; Radu Gabriel Lucian | Natural Product Research, 2018 | |
RezumatBerteroa incana is a wild herb widespread in temperate zones which was practically not studied for its biological effects. Methanolic and aqueous extracts of B. incana were assessed for the content in polyphenols and the related antioxidant and antimicrobial activities and the polysaccharide extract for the content in saccharides and the associated cytostatic effect. The results obtained highlighted that the methanolic extracts of B. incana contain moderate amounts of polyphenols, the most representative been isoquercitrin 4.41 +/- 0.02 mg100 g(-1)dry weight plant material (DW), quercetin 4.21 +/- 0.05, sinapic acid 5.23 +/- 0.12 and ferulic acid 5.05 +/- 0.12 mg 100 g(-1)DW, with correlated moderate antioxidant activities (IC (50) 13.40 +/- 0.01 mu g mL(-1)) and absent antibacterial activity. The polysaccharide fraction showed high content in saccharides, especially in arabinose (312.22 +/- 7.54 mg g(-1) polysaccharide extract) and glucose (279.22 +/- 5.59), and promising cytostatic effect. [GRAPHICS] . |
Enhanced Extracellular Matrix Synthesis Using Collagen Dressings Loaded With Artemisia Absinthium Plant Extract |
Gaspar-Pintiliescu Alexandra; Seciu Ana-Maria; Miculescu Florin; Moldovan Lucia; Ganea Elena; Craciunescu Oana | Journal Of Bioactive And Compatible Polymers, 2018 | |
RezumatThe aim of this study was to develop three-dimensional porous composites of collagen (Col) incorporating polyphenolic-rich wormwood extract and to investigate their interaction with human skin cells, in order to optimize wound healing treatments. The scaffolds' ultrastructure was observed by scanning electron microscopy, and biodegradability and bioactive compounds release were investigated in physiologic environment. Interaction of composites in direct and indirect contact with human skin cells was evaluated using two in vitro experimental models. ColWE scaffolds presented high porosity, swelling degree, and increased stability against enzymatic degradation, compared to Col scaffold. Composite scaffolds incorporating higher quantities of wormwood extract allowed better control of polyphenolics release. ColWE 0.5 variant favored the attachment and proliferation of human dermal fibroblasts and keratinocyte cells. In addition, the composite scaffold stimulated the synthesis of skin extracellular matrix components. All these results demonstrated that ColWE composites with improved physico-chemical and biological properties could be used in advanced wound healing applications. |
Bee Collected Pollen With Enhanced Health Benefits, Produced By Fermentation With A Kombucha Consortium |
Utoiu Elena; Matei Florentina; Toma Agnes; Diguta Camelia Filofteia; Stefan Laura Mihaela; Manoiu Sorin; Vrajmasu Virgil Valeriu; Moraru Ionut; Oancea Anca; Israel-Roming Florentina; Cornea Calina Petruta; Constantinescu-Aruxandei Diana; Moraru Angela; Oancea Florin | Nutrients, 2018 | |
RezumatThe bioavailability of pollen bioactive compounds for humans is limited. In this study, our aim was to enhance the health-related benefits of pollen by fermentation with a Kombucha/SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeasts) consortium. We performed the fermentation of pollen suspended from the beginning with SCOBY on sweetened green tea or on Kombucha vinegar, by adding pollen after 20 days of Kombucha fermentation. We analyzed: formation of bioactive compounds (anti-oxidant polyphenols, soluble silicon, hydroxy-acids, short chain fatty acids-SCFA); parameters related to Kombucha fermentation (dynamics of lactic acid bacteria-LAB, formation of organic acids, soluble sugar evolution on Kombucha vinegar); the influence of Kombucha fermentation on pollen morphology and ultrastructure; in vitro cytotoxic and antitumoral effects of the Kombucha fermented pollen. The pollen addition increases LAB proportion in the total number of SCOBY microbial strains. SEM images highlight the adhesion of the SCOBY bacteria to pollen. Ultrastructural analysis reveals the release of the pollen content. The content of bioactive compounds (polyphenols, soluble silicon species and SCFA) is higher in the fermented pollen and the product shows a moderate antitumoral effect on Caco-2 cells. The health benefits of pollen are enhanced by fermentation with a Kombucha consortium. |
Synthesis, Spectroscopic Characterization, Dft Study And Antimicrobial Activity Of Novel Alkylaminopyrazole Derivatives |
Zalaru Christina; Dumitrascu Florea; Draghici Constantin; Tarcomnicu Isabela; Tatia Rodica; Moldovan Lucia; Chifiriuc Mariana-Carmen; Lazar Veronica; Marinescu Maria; Nitulescu George Mihai; Ferbinteanu Marilena | Journal Of Molecular Structure, 2018 | |
RezumatA new series of substituted N,N-bis-[(1H-pyrazol-1-yl)methyl]-aminohexadecane Mannich bases were synthesized, characterized by IR, H-1 NMR C-13 NMR, UV-Vis, MS and elemental analysis, and tested for their biological activity. All the synthesized compounds were tested for in vitro antimicrobial activity against a panel of selected bacterial and fungal strains using erythromycin and clotrimazole as standards. Most of the synthesized compounds demonstrated very good activity at minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs). Compound 3b with an halogen atom into the pharmacophore structure exhibited the most significant activity against Bacillus subtilis (MIC = 0.007 mu gmLL(-1)) versus erythromycin as standard. In vitro cytotoxicity of the new compounds was studied using MTT assay. The analysis of the test cells showed that the newly synthesized alkylaminopyrazoles derivatives were biocompatible until a concentration of 5 mu gmL(-1); two compounds presented a high degree of biocompatibility on the studied concentration range. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. |
Schiff Bases Containing A Furoxan Moiety As Potential Nitric Oxide Donors In Plant Tissues |
Georgescu Emilian; Oancea Anca; Georgescu Florentina; Nicolescu Alina; Oprita Elena Iulia; Vladulescu Lucian; Vladulescu Marius-Constantin; Oancea Florin; Shova Sergiu; Deleanu Calin | Plos One, 2018 | |
RezumatStable Schiff bases containing a furoxan moiety are synthesized as single regioisomers by the reaction of 3-methyl-2-oxy-furazan-4-carbaldehydewith various amino compounds at room temperature. The structures of synthesized compounds were fully characterized by multinuclear NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. The effect of synthesized Schiff bases containing a furoxan moiety on biological generation of reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide in plant tissues was investigated for the first time by fluorescence microscopy and the released NO identified as nitrite with Griess reagent. There is a good correlation between the biological generation of NO determined by fluorescence microscopy and with Griess reagent. Some of the synthesized compounds exhibited both nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species generation abilities and represent potential NO donors in plant tissues. |
Telocyte-Like Cells Containing Weibel–Palade Bodies In Rat Lamina Fusca |
Petrea C.E.; Rusu M.C.; Mănoiu V.S.; Vrapciu A.D. | Annals Of Anatomy, 2018 | |
RezumatTelocytes (TCs) are cells with long, thin and moniliform processes called telopodes. These cells have been found in numerous tissues, including the eye choroid and sclera. Lamina fusca (LF), an anatomical structure located at the sclera-choroid junction, has outer fibroblastic lamellae containing cells with long telopodes. The purpose of this study was to evaluate, via transmission electron microscopy, the LF for the presence of endothelial-specific ultrastructural features, such as Weibel–Palade bodies (WPBs), in the residing TCs. We found that the outer fibroblastic layer of LF lacked pigmented cells but contained numerous cells with telopodes. These cells had incomplete or absent basal laminae, were united by focal adhesions and close contacts, and displayed scarce caveolae and shedding vesicles. Within the stromal cells of LF, numerous WPBs in various stages of maturation and vesicular structures, as secretory pods that ensure the exocytosis of WPBs content, were observed. The WPBs content of the cells with telopodes in the LF could indicate either their involvement in vasculogenesis and/or lymphangiogenesis or that they are the P-selectin- and CD63-containing pools that play roles in scleral or choroidal inflammation. © 2018 Elsevier GmbH |
article, conference
Selenium Biofortification Treatment Of Cauliflower Enhances Their Content În Chemopreventive Compounds And In Vitro Antitumoral Activity |
Elena Utoiu; Anca Oancea; Alexandra Gaspar; Ana-Maria Seciu; Laura M. Stefan; Viorica Coroiu; Oana Craciunescu; Cristinel Dumitru Badiu; Florin Oancea | Scientific Bulletin. Series F: Biotechnologies, The International Conference Of The University Of Agronomic Sciences And Veterinary Medicine Of Bucharest „Agriculture For Life, Life For Agriculture”, Bucharest, Romania, 2017 | |
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Enhancement Of Chemopreventive Compounds Content În Cabbage By Treatment With A Selenium Based Plant Biostimulant |
Anca Oancea; Alexandra Gaspar; Ana-Maria Seciu; Laura Mihaela Stefan; Elena Utoiu; Lucia Moldovan; Danut Turcu; Dumitru Cristinel Badiu; Oana Craciunescu | Journal Of International Scientific Publications : Agriculture & Food, 2017 | |
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Obţinerea Alimentelor Funcționale, O Nouă Provocare Pentru Agricultori |
Anca Oancea; Viorica Coroiu | Revista Lumea Satului / Agrotehnica, 2017 | |
Rezumat |
Cruciferele Biofortificate Cu Seleniu, În Luptă Cu Cancerul |
Anca Oancea; Viorica Coroiu | Revista Lumea Satului / Invatamant. Cercetare, 2017 | |
Rezumat |
Enhancement Of Chemopreventive Compounds Content In Cabbage By Treatment With A Selenium Based Plant Biostimulant |
Anca Oancea; Alexandra Gaspar; Ana-Maria Seciu; Laura Mihaela Stefan; Elena Utoiu; Lucia Moldovan; Danut Turcu; Dumitru Cristinel Badiu; Oana Craciunescu; | 5Th International Conference “Agriculture And Food”, Elenite, Burgas, Bulgaria, 2017 | |
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New Materials And Devices For Biomedical Applications |
D. Batalu; F. Nastase; M. Militaru; M. Gherghiceanu; L. Moldovan; M. Bucur; G. Aldica; P. Badica; | International Union Of Materials Research Societies – The 15Th International Conference On Advanced Materials, 2017 | |
Rezumat |
Development Of 3D Matrix Equivalent For Regeneration Of Complex Oral Tissue Lesions |
Craciunescu O; Seciu A-M; Gaspar A; Moldovan L; Zarnescu O | Amba 2017: Advanced Materials For Biomedical Applications, 2017 | |
Rezumat |
Composite Hydrogel Enriched With Sdf-1 For Cartilage Regeneration: Characterization And Biocompatibility |
Oprita EI; Toma A; Calu L; Craciunescu O | International Seminar On Biomaterials And Regenerative Medicine, Bioremed, Timisoara, Romania, 2017 | |
Rezumat |
Osteogenic And Antibacterial Properties Of Collagen-Chondroitin Sulfate Sponge Functionalized With Fibronectin And Nanosilver For Periodontitis Treatment |
Seciu AM; Gaspar A; Moldovan L; Nicu AI; Miculescu F; Craciunescu O; Zarnescu O | International Seminar On Biomaterials And Regenerative Medicine, Bioremed, Timisoara, Romania, 2017 | |
Rezumat |
Comparative Studies Concerning Bioactive Compounds Content In M. Charantia L. Leaves And Fruits Extracts |
Oancea A; Savin S; Toma A; Tatia R; Craciunescu O; Moldovan L | 13Th Edition Of The International Symposium Priochem, Bucharest, Romania, 2017 | |
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Ultrastructural And Morphological Changes During Kombucha Pollen Fermentation |
Moraru I.; Utoiu E.; Manoiu V.S.; Ionita L.; Oancea A.; Oancea F. | 13Th Edition Of The International Symposium Priochem, Bucharest, Romania, 2017 | |
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Determination Of Metabolic Prebiotics From Kombucha Fermented Bee Pollen Products |
E. Utoiu; A. Toma; A. Oancea; A. Gaspar-Pintiliescu ; F. Oancea | 13Th Edition Of The International Symposium Priochem, 2017 | |
Rezumat |
Evaluation Of Silver Nanoparticles Embedded In Organic Matrix With Enhanced Biocompatibility And Antibacterial Activity For Periodontal Disease Treatment |
Seciu AM; Craciunescu O; Gaspar-Pintiliescu A; Trif M; Moisei M; Nicu AI; Zarnescu O | Al Xii-Lea Simpozion Academician Nicoale Cajal Al Academiei De Stiinte Medicale, Bucharest, Romania, 2017 | |
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Action Of Multifunctional Bioproducts On Morpho-Physiliogical And Phytochemical Parameters Of Momordica Charantia L. |
Sesan TE; Oancea A; Toma A; Savin S; Tatia R; Craciunescu O; Moldovan L; Oancea F; Raut I; Ghiurea M; Vasilescu G; Negru G; Bira AF; Pomohaci CM | Sesiunea De Comunicari Stiintifice “Dimitrie Brândză”, Bucharest, Romania, 2017 | |
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In Vitro Cytotoxicity Evaluation Of Isolated Saponins From Hedera Helix L. Extract |
Rodica T.; Calinescu I.; Zalaru C.; Tarcomnicu I.; Moldovan L. | 20Th Riccce, Poiana Brasov, Romania, 2017 | |
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Feather Mite Diversity And Community Structure In Ne Atlantic And Mediterranean Seabirds |
L.M. Stefan; W. Isbert; E. Gómez-Díaz; S.V. Mironov; K.D. McCoy; J. González-Solís | International Zoological Congress Of Grigore Antipa Museum, 2017 | |
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Histopathological Alterations Induced By Nickel Chloride In Astacus Leptodactylus (Crustacea: Decapoda) Ovary |
Ana-Maria Petrescu; Lucia Moldovan; Otilia Zărnescu | International Zoological Congress Of Grigore Antipa Museum, Bucharest, Romania, 2017 | |
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Isoxazole Derivatives As New Nitric Oxide Elicitors In Plants |
Oancea Anca; Georgescu Emilian; Georgescu Florentina; Nicolescu Alina; Oprita Elena Iulia; Tudora Catalina; Vladulescu Lucian; Vladulescu Marius-Constantin; Oancea Florin; Deleanu Calin | Beilstein Journal Of Organic Chemistry, 2017 | |
RezumatSeveral 3,5-disubstituted isoxazoles were obtained in good yields by regiospecific 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions between aromatic nitrile oxides, generated in situ from the corresponding hydroxyimidoyl chlorides, with non-symmetrical activated alkynes in the presence of catalytic amounts of copper(I) iodide. Effects of 3,5-disubstituted isoxazoles on nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species generation in Arabidopsis tissues was studied using specific diaminofluoresceine dyes as fluorescence indicators. |
Endothelial Progenitor Cells Populate The Stromal Stem Niche Of Tympanum |
Rusu M. C.; Manoiu V. S.; Popescu V. M.; Ciuluvica R. C. | Folia Morphologica, 2017 | |
RezumatThe tympanic membrane (TM) integrity is of utmost importance for the sense of hearing. Therefore, the intrinsic potential of the TM to regenerate and repair deserves complete characterisation. Existing studies brought evidence on the epithelial stem niche of the TM. However, the stromal compartment was not evaluated for harbouring a distinctive stem, or progenitor, niche. We aimed doing this in transmission electron microscopy. We used TMs dissected out from 3 male Oryctolagus cuniculus rabbits. Evidence of stromal quiescent stem cells was gathered. Moreover, endothelial progenitor cells were found in the TM, being accurately identified by two specific ultrastructural markers of the endothelial lineage: the Weibel-Palade bodies and the stomatal diaphragms of the subplasmalemmal caveolae. The stromal stem niche of the TM appears to be a distinctive contributor during physiological and pathological processes of the TM, such as cholesteatoma formation, at least as a biological support for processes of vasculogenesis. However, further characterisation of the molecular pattern of the stromal stem niche of the TM is mandatory. |
Usefulness Of Ultrastructure Studies For The Estimation Of The Postmortem Interval. A Systematic Review |
Hostiuc Sorin; Rusu Mugurel Constantin; Manoiu Vasile Sorin; Vrapciu Alexandra Diana; Negoi Ionut; Popescu Maria Viorela | Romanian Journal Of Morphology And Embryology, 2017 | |
RezumatEstablishing the postmortem interval (PMI) is vital in legal medicine as it allows to retrospectively estimate the hour of death, which is essential for the police as a starting point for their inquiries (especially in violent deaths). Ultrastructure studies aimed specifically to detect autolytic changes are scarcely identified in the scientific literature. Moreover, they are performed in a variety of conditions (different temperatures, species, in vitro / in situ, and so on), making the results difficult to interpret for legal medicine purposes. The main aim of this review is to determine the potential usefulness of ultrastructure studies for the estimation of the postmortem interval and to provide a summary of relevant scientific literature in the area, which might be useful as a starting point for more specific and detailed studies in the field. We performed a search on the ISI Thomson Web of Knowledge database using a series of predefined keywords; the articles fulfilling the inclusion criteria were systematically analyzed to identify ultrastructure changes associated with autolysis. Our investigation revealed 20 relevant articles, which detailed ultrastructure changes in the brain, heart, liver, pancreas, kidney, bone, sweat glands, thyroid, skeletal muscle, cartilage and sweat glands. For each organ, we arranged systematically postmortem ultrastructure changes that were described by various authors. Ultrastructure changes appear early and may be useful in determining the time since death in the early postmortem interval. However, most studies published in this area followed methodologies that could not allow a proper reproducibility in forensic circumstances. Therefore, before using ultrastructure for estimating the PMI in practical environments, further studies are needed. They should be performed ideally on human samples, obtained at regular intervals after death, at variable, decreasing temperatures. |
Lipid Nanostructures Containing Atorvastatin Decrease Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Inflammation In Macrophages |
Moisei Magdalena; Craciunescu Oana; Moldovan Lucia; Roseanu Anca; Trif Mihaela | Journal Of Nanoscience And Nanotechnology, 2017 | |
RezumatAtorvastatin, an inhibitor of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase, is known to exert lipid-lowering, but also anti-inflammatory effects in extra-arterial locations. In order to avoid its toxicity associated with long-term oral treatment, in this study we have proposed novel lipid nanostructures containing atorvastatin to improve its efficiency and bioavailability after local application in periodontitis inflammation therapy. The physico-chemical characterization of the nanostructures was performed using dynamic light scattering technique and morphological observations were made by light microscopy. The encapsulation efficiency was determined by high performance liquid chromatography analysis of loaded atorvastatin. In vitro cytotoxicity and anti-inflammatory activity were evaluated in human premonocytic THP-1 cell line and a model of lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation in macrophages, respectively. The results showed that the population of atorvastatin lipid nanostructures presented a mean diameter of 178 nm and a good homogeneity after sonication and extrusion treatments applying, as indicated by the low polydispersity index of 0.223. The efficiency of atorvastatin encapsulation was high (87.3%) and the nanostructures cytotoxicity was reduced for lipid concentrations ranging from 50 mu M to 500 mu M. Experiments in THP-1 cells differentiated to macrophages demonstrated that atorvastatin liposomal formulation led to a higher inhibition of lipopolysaccharide-induced proinflammatory cytokines (interleukin 6, tumor necrosis factor alpha and interleukin 8) release, compared to free drug. In conclusion, atorvastatin lipid nanostructures could be used to develop an efficient local treatment of periodontitis inflammation. |
Effect Of Sublethal Nickel Chloride Exposure On Crayfish, Astacus Leptodactylus Ovary: An Ultrastructural, Autometallographic, And Electrophoretic Analyses |
Zarnescu Otilia; Petrescu Ana-Maria; Gaspar Alexandra; Craciunescu Oana | Microscopy And Microanalysis, 2017 | |
RezumatCytological responses in different organs of sentinel organisms have proven to be useful tools for characterizing the health status of those organisms and assessing the impact of environmental contaminants. Our study shows that nickel (II) accumulated in both germ cells (oogonia and developing oocytes) and somatic cells (muscle cells, follicle cells) in the Astacus leptodactylus ovary. Muscle cells from ovarian wall show disorganization and the disruption of cytoplasmic microtubules and pyknosis of the cell nucleus. Follicle cells, both those that surround the developing oocytes and also those that are not associated with the oocytes contained within the cytoplasm vacuoles of different sizes, degenerated mitochondria, myelin bodies, disorganized microtubules, and pyknotic nuclei. The most evident pathological phenomenon was the alteration and disorganization of the basal matrix, which separates the ovarian interstitium from ovarian follicles compartment. Exposure to nickel induces cytoplasmic vacuolation in oogonia and developing oocytes, structural alteration of the developing yolk granules and condensation of the nucleoli. Ultrastructural autometallography has shown grains of silver-enhanced nickel inside the cytoplasm of the muscle cells with altered morphology, including the cytoplasm, nucleus, and basal matrix of the follicle cells, and in intracisternal granules and developing yolk granules of the oocytes. |
Monosaccharides Composition And Cytostatic Activity Of Polysaccharide Fraction Of Phemeranthus Confertiflorus L. |
Gatea Florentina; Teodor Eugenia Dumitra; Seciu Ana Maria; Radu Letiia Elena | Farmacia, 2017 | |
RezumatPolysaccharides display several biological activities, such as antitumour, anti-oxidation, hypoglycaemic, antiviral and immunity enhancing properties. The polysaccharide fraction from Phemeranthus confertiflorus was extracted, hydrolysed and 8 monosaccharides were analysed and quantified by capillary electrophoresis. The polysaccharide fraction was further assessed for cytotoxicity on normal and tumour cell lines. The results obtained can promote Phemeranthus as an eligible plant with potential for human health, because of high monosaccharides content (predominant rhamnose) and promising cytostatic effect of polysaccharide fraction. |
Antioxidant And Cytotoxic Properties Of Riboflavin In Peg/Bsa Systems |
Voicescu Mariana; Neacsu Georgiana; Beteringhe Adrian; Craciunescu Oana; Tatia Rodica; Moldovan Lucia | Chemical Papers, 2017 | |
RezumatThe work aims to simulate in vitro, the antioxidant activity of riboflavin (RF) (Vitamin B-2) in Polyethylene Glycols (PEGs) (Tween20 and Myrj52)/Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) systems, using the chemiluminescent system luminol-hydrogen peroxide, in alkaline solution, Tris-HCl buffer, pH 8.5. The tested concentrations were 2-20 mu M for RF and 0.06 to 0.6% for PEGs. It was found that 0.12% PEGs enhance the antioxidant activity of RF to higher and lower values, according to their molecular structure, Tween20 > Myrj52. RF has a pro-oxidant effect in the presence of BSA, while in the PEG/BSA systems, its antioxidant activity increases up to similar to 20%; a cross-linking of PEG to RF in the presence of BSA is considered. Additionally, studies by fluorescence spectroscopy on RF embedded in Tween20/BSA system-enhanced Tyrosine fluorescence contribution. In vitro cytotoxicity evaluation of RF in PEG/BSA systems was performed by Neutral Red assay and by monitoring lactate dehydrogenase release. PEG/BSA system offers great promise for enhancement of the RF antioxidant activity and biocompatibility, maintaining the integrity of the BSA, facts which are useful in the oxidative stress and drug delivery processes. |
Marigold Extract, Azelaic Acid And Black Caraway Oil Into Lipid Nanocarriers Provides A Strong Anti-Inflammatory Effect In Vivo |
Lacatusu I.; Badea G.; Popescu M.; Bordei N.; Istrati D.; Moldovan L.; Seciu A. M.; Panteli M. I.; Rasit I.; Badea N. | Industrial Crops And Products, 2017 | |
RezumatTherapeutic benefits of phytochemicals are widespread, but the association of natural lipophilic and hydrophilic compounds in the same nanostructured delivery system represents a challenge that was not considered up to present. This work aimed to evaluate the effects of two plant-derived oils rich in omega-3 (rosehip oil Ro) and omega-6 (black caraway oil Bco) on the synthesis of marigold extract (ME) and azelaic acid (AzA) co -loaded nanostructured lipid carriers(NLC) and to determine its in vitro and in vivo anti-inflammatory action. The lipid core and surfactant shell guaranteed a high encapsulation efficiency of both water soluble -AM and lipid soluble -ME(93% entrapment for carotenoids and 83% for AM). A high degree of biocompatibility in the concentration range of 5-400 mu g/mL NLC-ME-AzA for 72 h of treatment was determined (i.e. at 400 mu g/mL the L929 cells displayed a proliferative effect with a cell viability of 110%). The co-presence of ME and AM in the same NLC was accompanied by a reduced expression of inflammatory IL-6 and IL-1 beta cytokines, as evidenced by ELISA method. The in vivo plestismometric method showed that paw edema was significantly reduced for 3 h following NLC-ME-AzA hydrogel treatment (0.006 mg ME and 26.2 mg AAz) in rats challenged with carrageenan. |
Chemical Constituents And Bioactive Potential Of Portulaca Pilosa L Vs. Portulaca Oleracea L |
Gatea Florentina; Teodor Eugenia Dumitra; Seciu Ana Maria; Nagoda Eugenia; Radu Gabriel Lucian | Medicinal Chemistry Research, 2017 | |
RezumatPortulaca pilosa L and Portulaca oleracea L were comparatively studied for the total content of polyphenols and flavonoids, antioxidant activity, individual polyphenols, short-chain organic acids, and saccharides in extracts of plants collected from Bucharest ''delta'' using spectrometry and capillary electrophoresis. The polysaccharide fractions were assessed for cytotoxicity on normal and tumor cell lines. The results obtained highlighted that Portulaca pilosa could be considered more valuable than Portulaca oleracea because of its higher content in important flavonoids (quercetin 101.70 +/- 2.68 mu g g(-1) dry weight plant material, rutin 96.24 +/- 0.74 mu g g(-1) DW plant material) and some phenolic acids (chlorogenic acid 161.33 +/- 0.67 mu g g(-1) DW plant material, p-coumaric acid 61.40 +/- 5.50 mu g g(-1) DW plant material) of the ethanolic extracts, for its lower content in oxalic acid that is considered anti-nutrient of the aqueous extracts, and for its higher content in saccharides, especially rhamnose and xylose, with consequently higher cytostatic effect of the polysaccharide fraction. The current study presented for the first time the content in polyphenols, short chain organic acids, and saccharides of Portulaca pilosa and proved that this species has noticeable antioxidant activity, low toxicity on normal cells, and high toxicity on tumor cells and could be considered important for health and food industry. |
Curcumin Reverses The Diazepam-Induced Cognitive Impairment By Modulation Of Oxidative Stress And Erk 1/2/Nf-Kappa B Pathway In Brain |
Sevastre-Berghian Alexandra C.; Fagarasan Vlad; Toma Vlad A.; Baldea Ioana; Olteanu Diana; Moldovan Remus; Decea Nicoleta; Filip Gabriela A.; Clichici Simona V. | Oxidative Medicine And Cellular Longevity, 2017 | |
RezumatOxidative stress and inflammation can be involved in cognitive dysfunction associated with neurodegenerative disorders. Diazepam (DZP) administration has been chosen to simulate the memory impairment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of curcumin (CUR) on spatial cognition, ambulatory activity, and blood and brain oxidative stress levels. The ERK/NF-kappa B signaling pathway and the histopathological changes in the hippocampus and frontal lobe, in diazepam-treated rats, were also analyzed. The animals were divided into 4 groups: control, carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) + CUR, CMC + DZP, and CUR + CMC+ DZP. CUR (150 mg/kg b.w.) was orally administered for 28 days. DZP (2 mg/kg b.w.) was intraperitoneally administered 20 minutes before the behavioral tests (open field test, Y-maze, and elevated plus maze). CUR improved the spontaneous alternation behavior, decreased the oxidative stress levels, both in the blood and in the hippocampus, and downregulated the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK 1/2)/nuclear transcription factor-(NF-) kappa B/pNF-kappa B pathway in the hippocampus and the iNOS expression in the hippocampus and frontal lobe of the DZP-treated rats. Histopathologically, no microscopic changes were found. The immunohistochemical signal of iNOS decreased in the DZP and CUR-treated group. Thus, our findings suggest that curcumin administration may improve the cognitive performance and may also have an antioxidant effect. |
Subsets Of Telocytes: Myocardial Telocytes |
Rusu M. C.; Hostiuc S.; Vrapciu A. D.; Mogoanta L.; Manoiu V. S.; Grigoriu F. | Annals Of Anatomy-Anatomischer Anzeiger, 2017 | |
RezumatTelocytes (TCs) are morphologically defined as small-sized cells with long, thin, moniliform processes called telopodes (Tps). Numerous papers imply that TCs are a distinctive cell type, and that transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is the gold standard tool for their identification. We aimed to reproduce previous studies on myocardial TCs to check their validity. For this purpose we performed an immunohistochemical study on human cardiac samples from six autopsied donor cadavers, using antibodies against CD10, CD31, CD34, CD146, Ki67, alpha-smooth muscle actin (a-SMA), Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Receptor-alpha (PDGFRa) and laminin. Additionally we performed a TEM study on cardiac samples from three human autopsied donor cadavers and five adult Sprague-Dawley rats. We found endothelial cells (ECs), cords, and filopodia-projecting endothelial tip cells (ETCs) that expressed CD10, CD31, CD34, CD146, and PDGFR-a. Often, endothelial cells closely neighbored the sarcolemmal basal laminae. Endothelial progenitor cells, as well as nascent capillaries, were CD31+/CD34+. Proliferative endothelial cells expressed Ki67. In larger vessels we found pericytes that expressed CD146 and alpha-SMA; scarce alpha-SMA-expressing spindle-shaped cells lining cardiomyocytes were suggestive of a pericytic role in angiogenic sprout guidance. The TEM study showed that endothelial tubes are almost exclusively found in the narrow myocardial interstitia. ECs that built them up appeared identical to the cells that previous TEM studies have suggested to be myocardial telocytes. A subset of stromal cells with TC-like phenotype and telopodes-like processes actually seem to configure blood vessels, and therefore belong to the endothelial lineage. This study shows that data presented in previous studies on myocardial telocytes is not enough to allow the reproducibility of the results. At least a subset of cells considered to be TCs might belong to the endothelial lineage. (C) 2016 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved. |
Synthesis, Physicochemical Characterization And Cytotoxic Properties Of Riboflavin Loaded Myrj52-Silver Nanoparticles |
Voicescu Mariana; Ionescu Sorana; Craciunescu Oana; Tatia Rodica; Moldovan Lucia; Teodorescu Valentin S.; Nistor Cristina L. | New Journal Of Chemistry, 2017 | |
RezumatThe synthesis and physicochemical characterization of riboflavin (RF) loaded Myrj52-silver nanoparticles (SNPs) were performed and their cytotoxic properties were evaluated. Transmission electron microscopy analysis showed the formation of colloidal spherical SNPs with an average size of similar to 12 nm. The structure, stability, dynamics and conformation of human serum albumin (HSA) binding RF on SNPs have been studied. The influence of RF on the secondary structure of HSA in the presence of SNPs showed a predominant alpha-helix structure (61.7%). No changes induced by RF binding to HSA were observed. The cytotoxicity of RF and RF-HSA loaded Myrj52-SNPs was evaluated in vitro using the Neutral Red assay and cell morphology observations in a culture of L929 fibroblast cells. The results have relevance with regard to the RF loaded Myrj52-SNP formulation for pharmaceuticals. |
Chemopreventive Functional Food Through Selenium Biofortification Of Cauliflower Plants |
Oancea Anca Olguta; Craciunescu Oana; Gaspar Alexandra; Moldovan Lucia; Seciu Ana-Maria; Utoiu Elena; Georgescu Florentina; Turcu Danut | Studia Universitatis “Vasile Goldis”, Seria Stiintele Vietii, 2016 | |
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Riboflavin Cross-Linking Of Collagen Porous Scaffolds For Periodontal Regeneration |
Seciu A.-M.; Gaspar A.; Stefan L.M.; Moldovan L.; Craciunescu O.; Zarnescu O. | Studia Universitatis “Vasile Goldis”, Seria Stiintele Vietii, 2016 | |
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On Identification Of Species In The Feather Mite Genus Laminalloptes Dubinin |
S.V. Mironov; L.M. Stefan | (Acari: Alloptidae), Acarina, 2016 | |
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Liposomes As Delivery System Of Chondroitin Sulfate To The Arthritic Joint By Intra-Articular Administration |
Trif M; Craciunescu O | Austin Arthritis, 2016 | |
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Botanical And Phytochemical Approach On Passiflora Spp. – New Nutraceutical Crop In Romania |
T E;Smarandache D;Jecu L;A F;Sesan T E;Oancea F;Bira A F;Savin S;Negru G;Vasilescu G;Toma A;Sarbu A;C M;Oancea A;Pomohaci C M;Ghiurea M;Vlasceanu G;Stefan L | Journal Of Plant Development, 2016 | |
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article, conference
Effect Of Culture Medium Supplementation With Phytochemicals On Human Gingival Fibroblast Cells Proliferation |
Seciu A-M; Moldovan L; Coroiu V; Craciunescu O; Zarnescu O | Analele Stiintifice Ale Universitatii “Al. I. Cuza” Iasi, Sectiunea Ii.A Biologie Vegetala, The 12Th National Symposium With International Participation, Medicinal Plants – Present And Perspectives, Piatra Neamt, Romania, 2016 | |
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Effect Of Silver Nanoparticles On The Properties Of Pla Based Bionanocomposites For The Medical Devices Field |
Maria Râpă; Elena Grosu; Petruța Stoica; Mihaela Hetvary; Maria Lungu; Rodica Tatia; Bogdănel-Silvestru Munteanu; Mariana-Carmen Chifiriuc; Traian Zaharescu; Cornelia Vasile | A Xxxiv-A Conferinţă Naţională De Chimie Cu Participare Internaţională, Calimanesti – Caciulata, Romania, 2016 | |
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Obtinerea Si Caracterizarea Unei Culturi Primare De Fibroblaste Gingivale Si Interactia Acestora Cu Biomateriale Destinate Tratamentului Bolii Parodontale |
Ana-Maria Seciu; Oana Craciunescu; Lucia Moldovan; Otilia Zarnescu | Sesiunea De Comunicari Stiintifice A Studentilor Facultatii De Biologie, Bucuresti, Romania, 2016 | |
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Evaluation Of The Biocompatibility And Anti-Inflammatory Activity Of Some Nanocarriers Based On Vegetable Active Principles |
Stefan LM; Seciu AM; Craciunescu O; Utoiu E; Lacatusu I; Bordei N; Popescu M; Moldovan L | International Symposium On Modern Biotechnologies In Sustainable Development Of The Danube Delta – „Standard”, Murighiol, Tulcea, Romania, 2016 | |
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Tailoring Photochemically Cross-Linked Porous Polymeric Scaffolds For Periodontal Regeneration |
Seciu A-M; Gaspar A; Moldovan L; Craciunescu O; Zarnescu O | International Symposium On Modern Biotechnologies In Sustainable Development Of The Danube Delta – „Standard”, Murighiol, Tulcea, Romania, 2016 | |
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Water Use Efficiency On Cabbage And Cauliflower Treated With A New Biostimulant Composition |
Ana-Maria Seciu; Anca Oancea; Alexandra Gaspar; Lucia Moldovan; Oana Craciunescu; Laura Stefan; Valentin Petrus; Florentina Georgescu | The International Conference Of Usamv “Agriculture For Life, Life For Agriculture”, Bucharest, Romania, 2016 | |
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Highlighting The Action Mechanism Of Some New Plant Biostimulants |
E. I. Oprita; F. Georgescu; E. Georgescu; A. Oancea; C. Tudora; R. Tatia | 12Th Edition Of The International Symposium Priochem, Bucharest, Romania, 2016 | |
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Studies Concerning The Biologically Active Compounds From Momordica Charantia L. Extracts And Their In Vitro Biocompatibility |
Toma A; Savin S; Tatia R; Coroiu V; Craciunescu O; Moldovan L | 12Th Edition Of The International Symposium Priochem, Bucharest, Romania, 2016 | |
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In Vitro Evaluation Of Antidiabetic Activity Of Momordica Charantia Plants Treated With Multifunctional Products |
A.M. Seciu; G. Negru; A.F. Bira; A. Toma; S. Savin; T. Sesan; A. Oancea | 12Th Edition Of The International Symposium Priochem, Bucharest, Romania, 2016 | |
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Influence Of Treatments With Trichoderma On Physiological And Phytochemical Parameters Of Passiflora Caerulea L. |
T. E. Şesan; F. Oancea; A. Oancea; S. Savin; A. Toma; L. Ştefan; G. Negru; I. Răut; M. Ghiurea; L. Jecu; G. Vasilescu; A. F. Bira; C. M. Pomohaci | 12Th Edition Of The International Symposium Priochem, Bucharest, Romania, 2016 | |
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