Announcement extension of the selection process for economic partners for danubius-ro
The consortium consisting of the National Research and Development Institute for Biological Sciences (INCDSB), the National Research and Development Institute for Marine Geology and Geo-ecology (GeoEcoMar), the National Research and Development Institute for the Tulcea Danube Delta (INCDD) and the Institute of Geodynamics "Sabba Stefanescu" of the Romanian Academy (IGSSS-AR), as project promoter "International Centre for Advanced Studies on River - Sea Systems, DANUBIUS-RO" announces the opening of the selection process of economic partners in order to complete the consortium that will apply for and implement the project.
The DANUBIUS-RO project is part of the ESFRI DANUBIUS-RI project (
The DANUBIUS-RO project is carried out in partnership between research organisations and SMEs, the implementation period being 2023-2029, the call being on the action A1.2 Support for Advanced Technology Projects through the Creation of Innovation Hubs in Areas of Strategic Interest (
The eligibility conditions for enterprise partners are in accordance with the provisions of the Applicant's Guide approved by MIPE Order no. 3340 / 04.09.2023 (see pages 38-40 of the Applicant's Guide) and with the state aid scheme approved by Ord. MIPE nr. 3284 /31.08.2023 ( enterprises (partners in priority projects supported by Action A1.2), the funding rates are calculated as a percentage of the eligible costs of the project, by category of activities, according to the type of enterprise (medium-sized, small, including micro-enterprises) and the location of implementation, in accordance with the provisions of the State Aid Scheme for Research, Development and Innovation activities funded under Priority 1 of the Smart Growth, Digitisation and Financial Instruments Programme (POCIDIF).
The selection procedure implies compliance with the following rules: fulfilment of the administrative eligibility criteria in accordance with the Applicant's Guide and the State Aid Scheme as well as fulfilment of the technical eligibility conditions. The selection will be carried out according to the Methodology for the selection of private partners approved in the framework of the POCIDIF CM of 30.08.2023 ( A minimum of 10 SMEs will be selected. The total budget allocated to SME partners is €500,000. The amount of each partnership contract will be negotiated at the signature of the partnership agreement, within the limit of the total budget.
Enterprises cooperating with research organisations will express their interest in knowledge transfer and R&D&I results targeting the following themes:
- Technologies and tools for monitoring water quality and the environment in the river-sea interaction zone, including sensor systems and software platforms for data collection and analysis.
- Technologies and processes for the management and conservation of water resources and natural habitats in the river-sea interaction zone, including irrigation and water storage systems, and methods to combat bank erosion.
- Technologies for obtaining and stabilizing active functional ingredients from regionally available residues/subproducts.
- Technologies and processes for cultivating endangered plant species in the region.
- Technologies for the production of equipment for the valorisation of lateral flows generated by agricultural/agro-industrial/food industry/apiculture activities.
- Aquaculture technologies and processes.
- Models for monitoring, assessing and predicting the impact of human activities on the environment in areas of river-sea interaction.
The project addresses, in terms of expected impact, the increase of regional smart specialisation skills.
Requests for details on the selection of partners, as well as requests for participation in the consortium, should be sent to: simona.litescu@incdsb.rorespectively andreia.alecu@incdsb.rofor eligible administrative and technical SMEs the "first come first served" rule applies until the minimum number (10) of private partners is reached.