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National Institute of Research and Development for Biological Sciences

Lansarea planului de implementare pentru Marea Neagra

On 4 May 2023, the Black Sea Implementation Plan (SRIA - Seas, Rivers, Islands and Costal Areas) was launched at the European Parliament, hosted and chaired by MEP Marian-Jean Marinescu in the SEArica Intergroup.

On behalf of INCDSB participated Dr. Mihaela Paun, Director General and Dr. Manuela Sidoroff, Head of Department DANUBIUS.
The SRIA implementation plan aims to protect the unique habitats of the Black Sea by supporting marine sectors that will boost the blue economy and thus create new jobs.

SRIA proposes to address the fundamental challenges of the Black Sea, promote the blue economy, build vital support systems and innovative research infrastructure, and improve and develop education capacity. The SRIA will be a long-standing guide to catalyse new ideas and innovations to and with the community, adjacent regions, instruments and Black Sea actors.

In this context, ROSTEu - the Romanian Office for Science and Technology to the EU organized on 5 May 2023, at the headquarters of the Permanent Representation of Romania to the EU, the event "The Black Sea Story, from the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda to the Implementation Plan".