Madalina Popa
Research Assistant - Centrul de Cercetari Piatra-Neamt
Publication | Authors | data | |
Unraveling Phylogenetic Relationships And Species Boundaries In The Arid Adapted Gerbillus Rodents (Muridae: Gerbillinae) By Rad-Seq Data |
Piwczynski Marcin; Granjon Laurent; Trzeciak Paulina; Brito Jose Carlos; Popa Madalina Oana; Dinka Mergi Daba; Johnston Nikolas P.; Boratynski Zbyszek | Molecular Phylogenetics And Evolution, 2023 | |
AbstractGerbillus is one of the most speciose genera among rodents, with ca. 51 recognized species. Previous attempts to reconstruct the evolutionary history of Gerbillus mainly relied on the mitochondrial cyt-b marker as a source of phylogenetic information. In this study, we utilize RAD-seq genomic data from 37 specimens representing 11 species to reconstruct the phylogenetic tree for Gerbillus, applying concatenation and coalescence methods. We identified four highly supported clades corresponding to the traditionally recognized subgenera: Dipodillus, Gerbillus, Hendecapleura and Monodia. Only two uncertain branches were detected in the resulting trees, with one leading to diversification of the main lineages in the genus, recognized by quartet sampling analysis as uncertain due to possible introgression. We also examined species boundaries for four pairs of sister taxa, including potentially new species from Morocco, using SNAPP. The results strongly supported a speciation model in which all taxa are treated as separate species. The dating analyses confirmed the Plio-Pleistocene diversification of the genus, with the uncertain branch coinciding with the beginning of aridification of the Sahara at the the PlioPleistocene boundary. This study aligns well with the earlier analyses based on the cyt-b marker, reaffirming its suitability as an adequate marker for estimating genetic diversity in Gerbillus. |
Phenotypic And Genotypic Characterization Of Recently Isolated Multidrug-Resistant Acinetobacter Baumannii Clinical And Aquatic Strains And Demonstration Of Silver Nanoparticle Potency |
Gheorghe-Barbu I.; Corbu V.M.; Vrancianu C.O.; Marinas I.C.; Popa M.; Dumbravă A.Ú.; Niță-Lazăr M.; Pecete I.; Muntean A.A.; Popa M.I.; Marinescu L.; Ficai D.; Ficai A.; Czobor Barbu I. | Microorganisms, 2023 | |
AbstractThis study aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) on multidrug-resistant (MDR) Acinetobacter baumannii (AB) strains isolated from the clinical and aquatic environment. Three types of Ag NPs were investigated for their antimicrobial, antibiofilm, and antivirulence properties on a total number of 132 AB strains isolated in the same temporal sequence from intra-hospital infections (IHIs), wastewater (WW), and surface water (SW) samples between 2019 and 2022 from different Romanian locations and characterized at the phenotypic and genotypic levels. The comparative analysis of the antimicrobial resistance (AR) profiles according to the isolation source and the geographical location demonstrated a decrease in MDR level in AB recovered from WW samples in 2022 from north-eastern/central/southern regions (N-E/C-W/analyzed strains S): 87.5/60/32.5%. The AB strains were lecithinase, caseinase, amylase, and lipase producers, had variable biofilm formation ability, and belonged to six genotypes associated with the presence of different virulence genes (ompA, csuE, bap, and bfmS). The Ag NPs synthesized with the solvothermal method exhibited an inhibitory effect on microbial growth, the adherence capacity to the inert substratum, and on the production of soluble virulence factors. We report here the first description of a powerful antibacterial agent against MDR AB strains circulating between hospitals and anthropically polluted water in Romania. © 2023 by the authors. |
Persitența Unei Clone Klebsiella Pneumoniae St101 Multi-Rezistente Din Mediul Clinic În Influentul Și Ef-Luentul Spitalului După Clorinare |
Popa L.I; Gheorghe I.; Czobor Barbu I.; Surleac M.; Paraschiv S.; Marutescu L.; Popa M.; Pircalabioru G.;et al. | Conferinţa Ştiinţifică De Primăvară A Aosr - On-Line Sub Genericul „Academia Oamenilor De Ştiinţă Din România –Personalităţi, Realizări, Obiective”, Bucuresti, Romania, 2021 | |
Abstract |
Aspecte Privind Epide-Miologia Moleculară A Rezistenței La Antibiotice Beta-Lactamice De Ultimă Generație În Mediul Clinic Și Acvatic |
Popa L.I.; Surleac M.; Muntean A.; Dragomirescu C.; Popa M.I.; Chifiriuc C. | Sesiunea Științifică Anuală, Simpozion Omagial Cu Titlul Institutul „Cantacuzino”, 100 De Ani În Slujba Sănătății, 2021 | |
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Tracking Down Multidrug-Resistant Acinetobacter Baumannii Isolates From Hospital To The Aquat-Ic Environment Via The Wastewater Network |
Gheorghe I.; Barbu I. *; Surleac M.; Popa L.; Paraschiv S.; Popa M.; Grădișteanu G.; Măruțescu L.; Talapan D.; Banciu A.; Stoica C; Gheorghe S; Irina L.; Nita Lazar M.; Muntean A.; Otelea D.; Popa M.I.; Chifiriuc M.C.; 2021 | 31St European Congress Of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, Vienna, Austria, 2021 | |
Abstract |
Whole Genome Sequencing Snapshot Of Multidrug Resistant Klebsiella Pneumoniae Strains From Hospitals And Receiving Wastewater Treatment Plants In Southern Romania |
Surleac M.; Barbu I.C.; Paraschiv S.; Popa L.I.; Gheorghe I.; Marutescu L.; Popa M.; Sarbu I.; Talapan D.; Nita M.; Iancu A.V.; Arbune M.; Manole A.; Nicolescu S.; Sandulescu O.; Streinu-Cercel A.; Otelea D.; Chifiriuc M.C. | Plos One, 2020 | |
AbstractWe report on the genomic characterization of 47 multi-drug resistant, carbapenem resistant and ESBL-producing K. pneumoniae isolates from the influent (I) and effluent (E) of three wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and from Romanian hospital units which are discharging the wastewater in the sampled WWTPs. The K. pneumoniae whole genome sequences were analyzed for antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs), virulence genes and sequence types (STs) in order to compare their distribution in C, I and E samples. Both clinical and environmental samples harbored prevalent and widely distributed ESBL genes, i.e. blaSHV, blaOXA, blaTEM and blaCTX M. The most prevalent carbapenemase genes were blaNDM-1, blaOXA-48 and blaKPC-2. They were found in all types of isolates, while blaOXA-162, a rare blaOXA-48 variant, was found exclusively in water samples. A higher diversity of carbapenemases genes was seen in wastewater isolates. The aminoglycoside modifying enzymes (AME) genes found in all types of samples were aac(6’), ant(2’’)Ia, aph(3’), aaD, aac(3) and aph(6). Quinolone resistance gene qnrS1 and the multi-drug resistance oqxA/B pump gene were found in all samples, while qnrD and qnrB were associated to aquatic isolates. The antiseptics resistance gene qacEdelta1 was found in all samples, while qacE was detected exclusively in the clinical ones. Trimethroprim-sulfamethoxazole (dfrA, sul1 and sul2), tetracyclines (tetA and tetD) and fosfomycin (fosA6, known to be located on a transpozon) resistance genes were found in all samples, while for choramphenicol and macrolides some ARGs were detected in all samples (catA1 and catB3 / mphA), while other (catA2, cmIA5 and aac(6’)Ib / mphE and msrE) only in wastewater samples. The rifampin resistance genes arr2 and 3 (both carried by class I integrons) were detected only in water samples. The highly prevalent ARGs preferentially associating with aquatic versus clinical samples could ascribe potential markers for the aquatic (blaSHV-145, qacEdelta1, sul1, aadA1, aadA2) and clinical (blaOXA-1, blaSHV-106,blaTEM-150, aac(3)Iia, dfrA14, oqxA10; oqxB17,catB3, tetD) reservoirs of AR. Moreover, some ARGs (oqxA10; blaSHV-145; blaSHV-100, aac(6’)Il, aph(3’) VI, armA, arr2, cmlA5, blaCMY-4, mphE, msrE, oqxB13, blaOXA-10) showing decreased prevalence in influent versus effluent wastewater samples could be used as markers for the efficiency of the WWTPs in eliminating AR bacteria and ARGs. The highest number of virulence genes (75) was recorded for the I samples, while for E and C samples it was reduced to half. The most prevalent belong to three functional groups: adherence (fim genes), iron acquisition (ent, fep, fyu, irp and ybt genes) and the secretion system (omp genes). However, none of the genes associated with hypervirulent K. pneumoniae have been found. A total of 14 STs were identified. The most prevalent clones were ST101, ST219 in clinical samples and ST258, ST395 in aquatic isolates. These STs were also the most frequently associated with integrons. ST45 and ST485 were exclusively associated with I samples, ST11, ST35, ST364 with E and ST1564 with C samples. The less frequent ST17 and ST307 aquatic isolates harbored blaOXA-162, which was co-expressed in our strains with blaCTX-M-15 and blaOXA-1. © 2020 Surleac et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. |
Veronica Officinalis Product Authentication Using Dna Metabarcoding And Hplc-Ms Reveals Widespread Adulteration With Veronica Chamaedrys |
Raclariu Ancuta C.; Mocan Andrei; Popa Madalina O.; Vlase Laurian; Ichim Mihael C.; Crisan Gianina; Brysting Anne K.; de Boer Hugo | Frontiers In Pharmacology, 2017 | |
AbstractStudying herbal products derived from local and traditional knowledge and their value chains is one of the main challenges in ethnopharmacology. The majority of these products have a long history of use, but non-harmonized trade and differences in regulatory policies between countries impact their value chains and lead to concerns over product efficacy, safety and quality. Veronica officinalis L. (common speedwell), a member of Plantaginaceae family, has a long history of use in European traditional medicine, mainly in central eastern Europe and the Balkans. However, no specified control tests are available either to establish the quality of derived herbal products or for the discrimination of its most common substitute, V. chamaedrys L. (germander speedwell). In this study, we use DNA metabarcoding and high performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS) to authenticate sixteen V. officinalis herbal products and compare the potential of the two approaches to detect substitution, adulteration and the use of unreported constituents. HPLC-MS showed high resolution in detecting phytochemical target compounds, but did not enable detection of specific plant species in the products. DNA metabarcoding detected V. officinalis in only 15% of the products, whereas it detected V. chamaedrys in 62% of the products. The results confirm that DNA metabarcoding can be used to test for the presence of Veronica species, and detect substitution and/or admixture of other Veronica species, as well as simultaneously detect all other species present. Our results confirm that none of the herbal products contained exactly the species listed on the label, and all included substitutes, contaminants or fillers. This study highlights the need for authentication of raw herbals along the value chain of these products. An integrative methodology can assess both the quality of herbal products in terms of target compound concentrations and species composition, as well as admixture and substitution with other chemical compounds and plants. |
Valorificarea Si Conservarea Biodiversitatii Vegetale Si Prin Turism Montan |
Gille E.; Gavril G. L.; Necula R.; Grigoras V. A.; RaclariuA.C.; Popa O. M. | Editia A Ii-A Simpozionul „Turism In Ceahlau – Prezent Si Perspective”, Durau/Romania, 2014 | |
Abstract |
Identification Of Medicinal Plant Species Through Dna Barcoding For A Safe And Efficient Use Of Phytochemicals |
Ichim M.;De Boer H.;De Boer;Raclariu A.;Popa M.;Irimia R. | Pse Meeting – Phytochemicals In Medicine And Pharmacognosy, Piatra Neamt, Romania, 2014 | |
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Procedeu De Stimulare Ecologica Şi Nestresantă A Plantelor Prin Utilizarea Simultană A Câmpurilor Acustice Şi De Radiaţie Laser |
Neculiţă P.; Dănăilă S.; Popa M.; Drăghici M.; Geicu M.; Miteluţ A.; Ristici M.; Burnichi F.; Pârvu M. G.; Tudora C. | State Office For Inventions And Trademarks (Osim), 2014 | |
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Mitigation Of Metallic Ion Concentrations In The Environment Using Microorganisms |
Mănoiu V.-S.; Mănoiu V.-M.; Drugulescu M.; Popa O. | Eurasian Multidisciplinary Forum, Tbilisi, Georgia, 2013 | |
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In Vitro Antimicrobial Activity Of Romanian Medicinal Plants Hydroalcoholic Extracts On Planktonic And Adhered Cells. |
Stanciuc A.M.; Gaspar A.; Moldovan L.; Saviuc C.; Popa M.; Mǎruţescu L. | Roumanian Archives Of Microbiology And Immunology, 2011 | |
AbstractThe aim of this study was to assess the antibacterial and antifungal potential of some Romanian medicinal plants, arnica--Arnica montana, wormwood--Artemisia absinthium and nettle--Urtica dioica. In order to perform this antimicrobial screening, we obtained the vegetal extracts and we tested them on a series of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, and also against two fungal strains. The vegetal extracts showed antimicrobial activity preferentially directed against the planktonic fungal and bacterial growth, while the effect against biofilm formation and development was demonstrated only against S. aureus and C. albicans. Our in vitro assays indicate that the studied plant extracts are a significant source of natural alternatives to antimicrobial therapy, thus avoiding antibiotic therapy, the use of which has become excessive in recent years. |