The National Research and Development Institute for Biological Sciences Bucharest (INCDSB) is a legal entity under the coordination of the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization and operates according to Government Decision no. 2082/2004, with headquarters in Splaiul Independenței, no. 296, sector 6, Bucharest.
In the organizational structure of the institute there are two branches with legal personality (Institute of Biological Research Iasi and Institute of Biological Research Cluj-Napoca), three branches (Research Centre "Stejarul" - Piatra Neamt, Research Centre Constanta and Research Centre Murighiol and a working point in Arges county. The organisational structure of the National Research and Development Institute for Biological Sciences (INCDSB) was approved by Order 20324/03.03.2023
By Order of the Minister of Education and Research No 5755 / 06.01.2020, starting from 01.01.2020 the INCDSB is granted accreditation for a period of 5 years (according to the criteria of GD 477/2019). Following the evaluation the INCDSB has obtained the rating "very good".
The National Institute for Biological Sciences Research and Development is managed by the Board of Directors, the Steering Committee and the Director General.
The Board of Directors of the INCDSB is composed of Romanian citizens, appointed by order of the head of the coordinating ministry, at the proposal of the head of the state authority for research and development from which they come, for a 4-year renewable term.
The powers of the Board of Directors are set out in Government Decision no. 2082/2004 on the organisation and functioning of the National Institute for Research and Development in Biological Sciences Bucharest.
- Mihaela Marinela PĂUN - President - Director General of INCDSB
- Simona - Carmen LIȚESCU - FILIPESCU - Member - President of the Scientific Council of INCDSB
- Letiția Clara PAVELESCU - Member - Representative of the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitisation
- Nicoleta CAPANU - Member - Representative of the Ministry of Finance
- Andra Luiza CĂLIN - Member - Representative of the Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity
The operational management of the National Institute is ensured by the Management Committee, composed of the Director General and the heads of the main departments of the organisational structure of the National Institute.
The Steering Committee shall exercise powers and have responsibilities within the limits of the powers proposed by the Director General and approved by the Board of Directors.
- Director General - Prof. Dr. Mihaela Marinela PĂUN
- Scientific Director - Dr. Sandra EREMIA
- Economic Director - Ec. Doina BÎRSAN
- Head of Department Danubius - Dr. Manuela Elisabeta SIDOROFF
- Head of the Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology - Dr. Iulia Elena OPRIȚA
- CTT Director - Dr. Mirela DIACONU
- President of the Scientific Council - Dr. Simona Carmen LIȚESCU-FILIPESCU
The Director General is in charge of the day-to-day activities of the Institute and is appointed for a period of 4 years on the basis of the results of the selection competition organised according to the methodology developed by the State Authority for Research and Development.
The role of the Director-General is to integrate in a unified way:
- management of research and development activities and services in the Institute's field of activity, which is based on projects approved by the Scientific Council, in accordance with the INCDSB's scientific strategy;
- financial management which is done at the National Institute level as well as at the sub-unit (branch/branch) level;
- human resources management which is carried out at the level of each sub-unit;
- information management.
The Director General plays a decisive role in mobilising researchers towards innovation, in ensuring the conditions and framework necessary for the proper functioning of the Innovation Management System in the Institute.
It is actively involved in priority actions leading to the transfer of technology and knowledge obtained in the institute to the economic circuit. The establishment and operationalization of the Technology Transfer Centre - BINNOTEH, as a sub-unit in the structure of the institute, is an example of this.
The Director-General's background allows him to approach the concept of "Open science" (open science), a component of science policy that aims to achieve a higher level of integration of scientific results in the development of society by free access (open access) to publicly funded scientific publications and research data, as well as facilitating open processes of knowledge production and accumulation by innovation (open innovation), education (open educational resources) and collaborative participation of citizens in research and innovation at different stages of the process and at different levels of involvement, from the development of research agendas and policies to the collection, processing and analysis of data and the evaluation of research results (citizen science).
INCDSB Scientific Council
The Scientific Council is in charge of guiding and coordinating the technical-scientific activity of the national institute.
The Scientific Council consists of 17 members, representing the main research and development departments of the national institute.
The Scientific Council is composed of researchers with outstanding achievements in the field, employees of the national institute, elected for 4 years by secret ballot by the senior staff of the national institute.
The Scientific Council includes, ex officio, the Director General and the Scientific Director of the national institute.
The Scientific Council is led by a Chairperson, assisted by a Vice-Chairperson, elected by secret ballot by the members of the Scientific Council.
The Scientific Council shall be organised and function in accordance with its own rules approved by the Management Board.
On the basis of its attributions, established by Government Decision no. 2082/2004, the Scientific Council elaborates the Institutional Strategy of the Institute whose strategic development directions are:
- Intensify efforts to increase scientific visibility by improving the level of publication;
- Intensify innovative activity, knowledge and technology transfer and support SMEs to take up innovative research results developed by INCDSB teams;
- Increasing and strengthening opportunities for interdisciplinary research in mixed research teams (Romanian and foreign researchers);
- Increasing the productivity of the research activity of the staff employed;
The Scientific Council aims at integrating the research directions of all organisational structures of the INCDSB, including subsidiaries and branches, into the European flow of sustainable development, catalysed by knowledge clusters in key areas, as programmatically defined in HORIZON EUROPE.
Taking as a reference area the conservation of biodiversity, the discovery of new value chains to enable the security and well-being of life in the face of climate change and the negative environmental impact of anthropogenic activities, and the need to ensure the sustainable exploitation of natural resources, it can be said that the INCDSB is pursuing at least three of the four main objectives of the Horizon Europe Strategic Plan.
- Prof. Dr. Mihaela Marinela PAUN, CS I - Director General
- Dr Maria PARASCHIV, CS II - Vice-Chair
- Dr Sandra EREMIA, CS II - Scientific Director
- Prof. Dr. Gabriel Lucian RADU, CS I - INCDSB
- Prof. Dr. Andrei PAUN, CS I - INCDSB
- Dr Camelia ALBU, CS II - INCDSB
- Dr. Bogdan DRUGA - ICB Cluj Napoca
- Dr. Edina SZEKERES - ICB Cluj Napoca
- Dr. Gabriela VOCHITA - ICB Iasi
- Dr. Adina CĂLUGĂR, CS III - ICB Iasi
- Dr. Mihael-Cristin ICHIM, CS I - CCB "Stejarul" Piatra-Neamt
At the level of the sub-units of the National Institute, the Management Committee is organised and functions in accordance with its own rules of organisation and functioning, approved by the Governing Board of the National Institute, and is chaired by the Director of the respective sub-unit.
The Directors of the sub-units within the structure of the National Institute are accountable to the Governing Board and the Director General for the performance of all duties, responsibilities and powers entrusted to them.
The current organisation chart can be accessed here.