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National Institute of Research and Development for Biological Sciences

Technology Transfer Center


The Centre for Technology Transfer (CTT) was established as a department within the National Research and Development Institute for Biological Sciences by Order of the Minister of Research, Innovation Development and Digitisation no. 20324/2023. It is accredited as of August 2024 as an entity of the RENITT infrastructure according to MCID order no. 21273/30.07.2024 for the fields of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition and Biomedicine/Health. CTT has as a major objective to increase the competitiveness of regional enterprises in the field of Bioeconomy and to stimulate the regional economy by promoting innovation and expertise accumulated in the institute...


CTT-BINNOTEH aims to strengthen the collaboration between INCDSB and various economic entities, centres, research institutes and universities, with the aim of facilitating technology and knowledge transfer. The CTT-BINNOTEH will play a key role in building strategic partnerships, bringing together and integrating entrepreneurial knowledge fragmented and unevenly distributed among different organisations to contribute to solving major needs facing society, thus supporting sustainable development. The BINNOTEH CTT will ensure the efficient management of intellectual property assets, broker the transfer of knowledge, products and technologies to the business environment and society, generating additional sources of income to support long-term research and innovation.


BINNOTEH Technology Transfer Centre aims to become a reference model in innovation and technology transfer, promoting excellence, collaboration and a positive impact on society.


  1. Identifying and analysing technology transfer needsThe INCDSB's main areas of activity (Agriculture, Food and Nutrition, Biomedicine and Health) as well as in the institute's specific niche areas. This will include a regular assessment of the in-house capabilities, infrastructure and portfolio of available technologies, with a view to continuous upgrading and ensuring market competitiveness.
  2. Identifying technological and market opportunitieswith an emphasis on exploring new areas with innovative potential. The aim will be to broaden the knowledge and technology portfolio in order to stimulate innovation and contribute to the development of real-market solutions.
  3. Developing effective intellectual property protection policiesproviding a clear and up-to-date legal framework to protect innovations and facilitate the patenting and licensing process. CTT BINNOTEH will continue to provide legal support to researchers to commercialise research results.
  4. Improving marketing strategy of INCDSB to attract more collaborations and licensing agreements with interested companies, aiming to increase the technological contribution to the organisation's budget. The licensing strategy will be oriented towards a more efficient commercialisation of available technologies, thus responding to market needs.