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National Institute of Research and Development for Biological Sciences

Our history

Discover the INCDSB story

On 11 December 1996, under the leadership of Dr. Maria Caloianu, INCDSB was formed on the basis of GD no. 1317/11.12.1996 through the reorganization and merger of the Development Institute for Biology Bucharest, the Biological Research Institute Cluj-Napoca, the Biological Research Institute Iasi and the Biological Research Centre "Stejarul" Piatra-Neamt. The former building of the Developmental Biology Laboratory, located at 296 Splaiul Independenței, houses the institute.

INCDSB has a broad mission: to carry out basic and applied research, development and innovation in life sciences and related fields such as biomedicine/health, agriculture, nutrition, food safety, environment and biodiversity.

Our aim is to contribute, through collaboration with local and international partners, to the study of vital processes and the provision of sustainable solutions to the challenges of environment, health, natural resource depletion, malnutrition and many others.

Key events in our history

  1. Danube Department

    The department was created to implement the DANUBIUS-RO project, a key element of the pan-European ESFRI project, which is being carried out in several geographical locations.

  2. Department of Arctic and Antarctic Research

    As a result of discussions between the two organisations and the legal representative of the INCDSB, the Romanian Academy and the Ministry of Environment have joined forces to set up the Department, according to their joint decision.

  3. ICGEB Affiliated Centre

    The International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) is a distinct intergovernmental institution that has a significant impact on biotechnology globally through excellence in research, training and knowledge transfer to industry. Autonomous since 1994, it operates over 45 state-of-the-art laboratories in Trieste, Italy, New Delhi, India and Cape Town, South Africa, and forms an interactive network with nearly 70 member states, its operations aligned with those of the United Nations system. INCDSB is honoured to be recognised as an ICGEB Affiliate Centre for its outstanding scientific achievements.

  4. Technology and Business Incubator (ITA - BINNOTEH)

    The Incubator was created to support the development of the private sector in the field of research, promoting the transfer of innovations and technologies resulting from the scientific activities of INCDSB.

  5. Department of Bioinformatics

    The Bioinformatics Department was established and developed to meet the needs of the Institute in important research areas and European requirements.

  6. Bioanalysis Centre

    As a result of improved research performance, the INCDSB Analytical Biochemistry Laboratory was renamed the Bioanalysis Centre and was awarded funding for excellence as part of the National Evaluation Programme for Centres of Excellence.

  7. Expansion of the INCDSB

    INCDSB was expanded by integrating the National Institute of Biotechnologies, based on GD no. 1272/13.11.2002, thus bringing biotechnology into the institute's field of activity.

  8. Danube Delta International Research Centre

    INCDSB has initiated the International Research Centre of the Danube Delta project by administratively taking over the land for the future Research Centre in Murighiol, located in the village of Murighiol.

  9. Collagen period

    The INCDSB research team worked diligently to obtain hydrolysed collagen on a pilot scale in a small production system, which was subsequently used to manufacture collagen sponges for medical applications, dermato-cosmetic ointments and other collagen-derived products in both veterinary and human applications.