Press Releases
The construction phase of the Romanian components of the DANUBIUS-RI infrastructure has started: the Danube Delta Hub and Supersite
Bucharest, 15.01.2025 - The National Research and Development Institute for Biological Sciences (INCDSB) launched yesterday the construction phase of the DANUBIUS-RO project, the International Centre for Advanced Studies on River-Sea Systems. The phase involves the actual construction and equipping of the Romanian components of the ...
The INCDSB team, together with its branches across the country, participated in the Researchers' Night 2024, held on 27 September. This year, we focussed on bringing science even closer to the public, through interactive activities and experiments dedicated to both young ...
Core Programme Implementation Workshop 2023-2026 and Presentation of Bioresgreen Programme Innovations
INCDSB had the honour to participate in the Workshop presenting the implementation status of the first 18 months of the Nucleu 2023-2026 Programme, held in Bistrita on 30-31 May 2024, organised by the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitisation. The Nucleu Programme ...
PNRR: Design and lmplementation of Base-Relief DNA Origami: A multi-level approach to DNA Nanotechnology
In the framework of the project PNRR/2022/C9/MC/D/8 760231/28.12.2023, the National Institute for Research and Development in Biological Sciences (INCDSB) is exploring automated methods and procedures for the design of DNA Origami structures using the multi-level height framework methodology. Origami DNA structures are particularly versatile for ...
Start of the implementation phase of the Romanian components of the ESFRI DANUBIUS-RI infrastructure: the Danube Delta Hub and Supersite
The National Research and Development Institute for Biological Sciences (INCDSB) has submitted the application for the project for the realisation of the International Centre for Advanced Studies on River - Sea Systems - DANUBIUS-RO. Together with its project partners, the National Research and Development Institute for Geology and ...
INCDSB present at the RESEARCHERS' NIGHT 2023!
The INCDSB team took part in the Researchers' Night in Lineia Park on Friday 29 September with interactive experiments, fascinating stories from the South Pole and the world seen through a microscope. Visitors had the opportunity to discover through our researchers, the fascinating world ...
Promoting knowledge transfer and competitive innovation to small and medium-sized enterprises
On 25 July 2023, the event "Promoting knowledge transfer and competitive innovation to small and medium-sized enterprises" was organized at INCDSB Bucharest on the occasion of the completion of the project POC -P40-373, "Innovative methods for the valorization of resources ...
Machine learning for glioma tumor segmentation based on the methylation subtypes
Under the PNRR/2022/C9/MCID/I8 project, the National Institute for Research and Development in Biological Sciences (INCDSB) is exploring the application of artificial intelligence in understanding brain tumours. Central nervous system tumours can be some of the most aggressive forms of cancer and are difficult to treat. The characteristics ...
"Open Day" - Interactive Exhibitions for Those Interested in Research and Digitisation Fields
The Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitisation (MCID) organised on 18 May 2023 the "Open Day" event where research institutes under the coordination of the Ministry as well as educational institutions (high schools and universities) participated. The aim of this event was to ...
Workshop "ARSINOE"
On 13-14 February 2023 the Black Sea case study (CS6) of the project "Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future: Research and innovation in support of the European Green Deal" acronym ARSINOE took place at ...
PNRR: Funds for modern and reformed Romania. ResPonSE project.
PNRR press release: Funds for modern and reformed Romania. The National Research and Development Institute for Biological Sciences is a partner in the Project "Integrated research and sustainable solutions to protect and restore Lower Danube Basin and coastal Black Sea ecosystems / ...
PNRR: Funds for modern and reformed Romania. Moderate energy renovation of buildings INCDSB Bucharest
PRESS RELEASE PNRR: Funds for modern and reformed Romania! "MODERATE ENERGY RENOVATION OF INCDSB BUILDINGS IN BUCHAREST (Building 1 and Building 2)" The project "MODERATE ENERGY RENOVATION OF INCDSB BUILDINGS IN BUCHAREST (Building 1 and Building 2)" has started - ...
"Romania of the Future" - a new approach to research, innovation and entrepreneurship
The Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization in partnership with POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest organized, on 6 September 2022, the Romania of the Future Forum, which included an exhibition presenting the results of research, development and innovation activities, as well as ...
Reform of the Romanian research system - a priority for Romania
The Director General of the National Research and Development Institute for Biological Sciences, Prof. Dr. Mihaela Marinela PĂUN, participated on June 6, 2022, in a working meeting initiated by the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization, Mr. ...
EU Final Country Report on Research and Innovation - 8 June 2022
The delegation of European Union experts presented on 8 June, at the Romanian Academy Library, the final country report on research and innovation, carried out with the help of the Policy Support Facility (PSF), through the Horizon Europe Programme. At the event ...
Science of the future, two days of interactive presentations for high school students eager to understand the world of research
Young researchers from the National Research and Development Institute for Biological Sciences took part in the "Science of the Future" event on the occasion of the "European Year of Youth", organised by the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitisation, together with the Ministry of Education, 15 research institutes ...
Antarctic Fraternity Day
June 21, which marks the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere with the longest day of the year, corresponds in the southern hemisphere with the longest night marking the middle of winter inside the Antarctic Circle. This day, from ...
INCDSB became a member, and national coordinator, of the International Barcode of Life (iBOL) Consortium
INCDSB has become a member, and national coordinator, of the International Barcode of Life (iBOL) Consortium, an alliance of research institutions from 30(+) countries, which is establishing the building blocks of a global DNA-based biological monitoring system. In June ...
Press Release - MoDASyS
The National Research and Development Institute for Biological Sciences Bucharest (INCDSB) has started the implementation of the project "Modelling, Design, and Analysis of Synthetic Systems Capable of Self-Assembly - MoDASyS" , co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014-2020. The total amount of ...
Press release - FITOCOMP
The National Research and Development Institute for Biological Sciences Bucharest (INCDSB) announces the implementation of the project Innovative methods for the valorisation of natural resources and improvement of the nutritional efficiency of phyto-products-contributions to increase the competitiveness of small enterprises, FITOCOMP, carried out within the framework of the Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014-2020, ...