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National Institute of Research and Development for Biological Sciences

Raportul final de țară al UE pe Cercetare și Inovare – 8 iunie 2022

The delegation of European Union experts presented on 8 June, at the Romanian Academy Library, the final country report on research and innovation, carried out with the help of the Policy Support Facility (PSF), through the Horizon Europe Programme.

The event was attended by Sebastian-Ioan Burduja, Minister for Research, Innovation and Digitisation; Jean-Eric Paquet, - Director General of the EU Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, (online); Ligia Deca, Presidential Adviser - Department of Education and Research; Sorin-Valentin Costreie, State Adviser in the Prime Minister's Chancellery for Education and Research.

The National Research and Development Institute for Biological Sciences was represented at the event by Prof. Mihaela Marinela Păun, Director General.

The report was presented by Mariam Camarero, chair of the PSF Romania expert panel, professor at the University Jaume I Castellón, Spain.

Among the recommendations made by the experts, the following are worth noting:

  • Review overall policies in two directions: ensure sufficient institutional funding and reform funding mechanisms to ensure greater focus on impact;
  • Reducing the administrative and bureaucratic burden on research organisations;
  • Using the opportunity to improve innovation performance based on science-industry collaboration;
  • Stepping up efforts to better position Romania in the European institutions, moving from a passive to a more active role, focusing on priority areas and involving experts with a global vision.

The Minister for Research, Innovation and Digitisation, Sebastian-Ioan Burduja, said in his speech:

"...I want to say one more thing: I believe that the future belongs to the brave! The reforms we have to make today are not easy and will not be done in one year or four years. Maybe not even in my term of office...
But what is important is that we have started! So thank you, we assure you of our full commitment."

The report is available at: