Florentina Gatea
CS I - Centrul de Bioanaliză
Sunt absolventă a Facultății de Biologie din București, secția de Biochimie, angajată de peste 30 de ani în cadrul institutului. Sunt doctor în chimie și cercetător științific gradul I iar în această perioada de activitate am participat la numeroase proiecte de cercetare în calitate de membru al echipei (37 de proiecte naționale și internaționale) sau ca director de proiect (5 proiecte naționale).
În paralel cu activitatea de cercetare, am activat ca șef de lucrări asociat la Universitatea Politehnica din București, Facultatea de Chimie Industrială, susținând cursuri și lucrări practice de laborator la secțiile de Chimie Alimentara și Biochimie.
Am expertiză în dezvoltarea de noi metode de extracție a compușilor biologic-activi din surse vegetale și animale, analiza acestora prin tehnici analitice moderne și includerea lor în produse nutraceutice.
Publication | Authors | Date | |
Gut Microbiota Modulation By Selenium And Zinc Enrichment Postbiotic On Dysbiosis Associated With Hypertension |
Dinu Laura-Dorina; Gatea Florentina; Matei Florentina; Banciu Cristian; Vamanu Emanuel | Current Vascular Pharmacology, 2024 | |
RezumatBackground: Targeting gut dysbiosis to treat chronic diseases or to alleviate the symptoms is a new direction for medical adjuvant therapies. Recently, postbiotics have received considerable attention as they are non-viable probiotic preparations that confer various health benefits to the host without the safety problems associated with using live microbial cells. Objective: The aim of the study is to obtain selenium (Se) and zinc (Zn) enriched Saccharomyces boulardii postbiotic biomass and to analyze its modulation effect because these minerals play an important role in reducing gut dysbiosis linked to cardiovascular (CV) diseases. Method The effect of the S. boulardii and Se/Zn enriched yeast postbiotics on CV microbial fingerprint was studied in vitro using the gastrointestinal system (GIS 1) and analyzed by microbiological, chemical, and qPCR methods. Result: There was a 2.2 log CFU/mL increase in the total bacterial load after SeZn postbiotic treatment and in the qPCR counts of Firmicutes phyla for both treatments. Beneficial taxa, Bifidobacterium spp. and Lactobacillus spp., as well as Bacteroides spp. were up to 1.5 log higher after mineral-enriched postbiotic application, while the acetic acid level increased. Conclusion: These preliminary studies highlight the therapeutic potential of using Se/Zn enriched yeast postbiotics as adjuvants for clinical treatments of CV diseases. |
Pesticidal Potential Of Essential Oil Obtained From A New Variety Of Marigold (Tagetes Patula L., Fam. Asteraceae) |
Tudora Catalina; Nenciu Florin; Muscalu Adriana; Burnichi Floarea; Gatea Florentina; Boiu-Sicuia Oana Alina; Israel-Roming Florentina | Applied Sciences-Basel, 2024 | |
RezumatEssential oils (EOs) extracted from various medicinal plants offer a promising alternative to non-selective chemical substances commonly employed in conventional agriculture. Their chemical composition includes several classes of chemical compounds with beneficial properties, such as monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and phenylpropanoids, which can selectively control microbiological elements in soil and plants. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the essential oils and floral waters obtained from a new variety of marigold (Tagetes patula L., fam. Asteraceae, Nanuk variety) across various parameters, including biochemical characterization using GC-MS, antioxidant activity evaluated under three methods (DPPH, ABTS, FRAP), antimicrobial properties (for three G(-) bacteria: Perctobacterium carotovorum, Pseudomonas marginalis, Pseudomonas syringae and against three phytopathogenic fungi: Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium oxysporum, Botrytis cinerea), and insecticidal activity. The results showed that when applied in high concentrations, marigold essential oil has a potential bactericidal effect on P. carotovorum, as well as a potential fungicidal effect on B. cinerea. |
In Vitro And In Vivo Antihyperglycemic Effects Of New Metabiotics From Boletus Edulis |
Zanfirescu Anca; Avram Ionela; Gatea Florentina; Rosca Razvan; Vamanu Emanuel | Life-Basel, 2024 | |
RezumatThe increasing incidence of diabetes has prompted the need for new treatment strategies, including natural products that reduce glycemia values. This work examined the in vitro and in vivo antihyperglycemic effects of new metabiotics derived from Boletus edulis extracts. The metabiotics were obtained from 100% B. edulis, and two other products, CARDIO and GLYCEMIC, from Anoom Laboratories SRL, which contain other microbial species related to B. edulis. Our in vitro investigations (simulations of the microbiota of patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D)) demonstrated that B. edulis extracts modulate the microbiota, normalizing its pattern. The effects were further tested in vivo, employing a mouse model of T2D. The tested extracts decreased glycemia values compared to the control and modulated the microbiota. The metabiotics had positive effects on T2D in vitro and in vivo, suggesting their potential to alleviate diabetes-associated microbiota dysbiosis. |
In Vitro Wound-Healing Potential Of Phenolic And Polysaccharide Extracts Of Aloe Vera Gel |
Iosageanu A.; Mihai E.; Seciu-Grama A.-M.; Utoiu E.; Gaspar-Pintiliescu A.; Gatea F.; Cimpean A.; Craciunescu O. | Journal Of Functional Biomaterials, 2024 | |
RezumatThe present study aimed to conduct a comparative investigation of the biological properties of phenolic and polysaccharide extracts obtained using an ultrasound-assisted technique from Aloe vera gel and their effects on each stage of the wound healing process in in vitro experimental models. HPLC analysis showed that the phenolic extract contained aloin, ferulic, and caffeic acid, as well as quercetin dihydrate, as major compounds. Capillary zone electrophoresis indicated the prevalence of mannose and glucose in the polysaccharide extract. Cell culture testing revealed the anti-inflammatory properties of the phenolic extract at a concentration of 0.25 mg/mL through significant inhibition of pro-inflammatory cytokines—up to 28% TNF-α and 11% IL-8 secretion—in inflamed THP-1-derived macrophages, while a pro-inflammatory effect was observed at 0.5 mg/mL. The phenolic extract induced 18% stimulation of L929 fibroblast proliferation at a concentration of 0.5 mg/mL, enhanced the cell migration rate by 20%, and increased collagen type I synthesis by 18%. Moreover, the phenolic extract exhibited superior antioxidant properties by scavenging free DPPH (IC50 of 2.50 mg/mL) and ABTS (16.47 mM TE/g) radicals, and 46% inhibition of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) production was achieved. The polysaccharide extract demonstrated a greater increase in collagen synthesis up to 25%, as well as antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus with a bacteriostatic effect at 25 mg/mL and a bactericidal one at 50 mg/mL. All these findings indicate that the phenolic extract might be more beneficial in formulations intended for the initial phases of wound healing, such as inflammation and proliferation, while the polysaccharide extract could be more suitable for use during the remodeling stage. Moreover, they might be combined with other biomaterials, acting as efficient dressings with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties for rapid recovery of chronic wounds. © 2024 by the authors. |
Dysbiotic Gut Microbiota Modulation By Aronia Fruits Extract Administration |
Vamanu Emanuel; Gatea Florentina; Avram Ionela; Radu Gabriel Lucian; Singh Sandeep Kumar | Life-Basel, 2023 | |
RezumatThe administration of chokeberry extract in vitro in the GIS1 system was evaluated for the modulation capacity of the dysbiotic pattern resulting from the consumption of stevia. The microbial pattern determined by molecular method, the metabolomic one (fatty acids), the evolution of the antioxidant status, and the cytotoxic effect were determined comparatively for six months. This study presented for the first time that Aronia extract has a strong antimicrobial effect but also a presence of new organic acids that can be used as a biomarker. The functional supplement had the impact of a gradual increase in antioxidant status (DPPH scavenging activity) for up to three months and a subsequent decrease correlated with the reduction of the microbial load (especially for Enterobacteriaceae). The effect on metabolomic activity was specific, with butyric acid being generally unaffected (0.6-0.8 mg/mL) by the antimicrobial effect manifested after three months of administration. The pH was strongly acidic, corresponding to the constant presence of maximum values for acetic and lactic acid. The non-selective elimination of a part of the microbiota could also be correlated with a decrease in metabolomic efficiency. The results in the GIS1 system indicated for the first time that the controlled use of this extract had a pronounced antimicrobial and cytotoxic effect. This has helped to correct the dysbiotic pattern that results after the long-term use of sweeteners based on an increase of 0.2 log UFC/mL for favorable strains. |
Boletus Edulis Extract-A New Modulator Of Dysbiotic Microbiota |
Avram Ionela; Pelinescu Diana; Gatea Florentina; Ionescu Robertina; Barcan Alexandru; Rosca Razvan; Zanfirescu Anca; Vamanu Emanuel | Life-Basel, 2023 | |
RezumatThe regular administration of antibiotics is a public concern due to the prejudices of large population groups and the high frequency with which antimicrobial products are prescribed. The current study aimed to evaluate the in vitro effect of a new extract from Boletus edulis (BEE) on the human microbiota. One of the disadvantages of this extensive use is the disruption of the human microbiota, leading to potential negative health consequences. The in vitro evaluation of BEE consisted in determining its cytotoxicity, influence on the concentration of four types of cytokines (IL-6, IL-10, IL-1 & beta;, TNF & alpha;), and capacity to modulate the human microbiota after administering antibiotics. The latter was assessed by microbiome analysis and the evaluation of short-chain fatty acid synthesis (SCFAs). Simultaneously, the content of total polyphenols, the antioxidant capacity, and the compositional analysis of the extract (individual polyphenols composition) were determined. The results showed that BEE modulates the microbial pattern and reduces inflammatory progression. The data demonstrated antioxidant properties correlated with the increase in synthesizing some biomarkers, such as SCFAs, which mitigated antibiotic-induced dysbiosis without using probiotic products. |
Boletus Edulis Extract—A New Modulator Of Dysbiotic Microbiota |
Avram I.; Pelinescu D.; Gatea F.; Ionescu R.; Barcan A.; Rosca R.; Zanfirescu A.; Vamanu E. | Life, 2023 | |
RezumatThe regular administration of antibiotics is a public concern due to the prejudices of large population groups and the high frequency with which antimicrobial products are prescribed. The current study aimed to evaluate the in vitro effect of a new extract from Boletus edulis (BEE) on the human microbiota. One of the disadvantages of this extensive use is the disruption of the human microbiota, leading to potential negative health consequences. The in vitro evaluation of BEE consisted in determining its cytotoxicity, influence on the concentration of four types of cytokines (IL-6, IL-10, IL-1β, TNFα), and capacity to modulate the human microbiota after administering antibiotics. The latter was assessed by microbiome analysis and the evaluation of short-chain fatty acid synthesis (SCFAs). Simultaneously, the content of total polyphenols, the antioxidant capacity, and the compositional analysis of the extract (individual polyphenols composition) were determined. The results showed that BEE modulates the microbial pattern and reduces inflammatory progression. The data demonstrated antioxidant properties correlated with the increase in synthesizing some biomarkers, such as SCFAs, which mitigated antibiotic-induced dysbiosis without using probiotic products. © 2023 by the authors. |
The Modulation Effect Of A Fermented Bee Pollen Postbiotic On Cardiovascular Microbiota And Therapeutic Perspectives |
Dinu Laura-Dorina; Gatea Florentina; Roaming Israel Florentina; Lakicevic Milena; Dedovic Nebojsa; Vamanu Emanuel | Biomedicines, 2023 | |
RezumatHypertension is a frequent comorbidity in patients with heart failure; therefore, blood pressure management for these patients is widely recommended in medical guidelines. Bee pollen and postbiotics that contain inactivated probiotic cells and their metabolites have emerged as promising bioactive compounds sources, and their potential role in mitigating cardiovascular (CV) risks is currently being unveiled. Therefore, this preliminary study aimed to investigate the impact of a lactic-fermented bee pollen postbiotic (FBPP) on the CV microbiota via in vitro tests. A new isolated Lactobacillus spp. strain from the digestive tract of bees was used to ferment pollen, obtaining liquid and dried atomized caps postbiotics. The modulating effects on a CV microbiota that corresponds to the pathophysiology of hypertension were investigated using microbiological methods and qPCR and correlated with the metabolic profile. Both liquid and dried FBPPs increased the number of the beneficial Lactobacillus spp. and Bifidobacterium spp. bacteria by up to 2 log/mL, while the opportunistic pathogen E. coli, which contributes to CV pathogenesis, decreased by 3 log/mL. The short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) profile revealed a significant increase in lactic (6.386 +/- 0.106 g/L) and acetic (4.284 +/- 0.017 g/L) acids, both with known antihypertensive effects, and the presence of isovaleric acid, which promotes a healthy gut microbiota. Understanding the impact of the FBPP on gut microbiota could lead to innovative strategies for promoting heart health and preventing cardiovascular diseases. |
Functional Compounds From Banana Peel Used To Decrease Oxidative Stress Effects |
Avram Ionela; Gatea Florentina; Vamanu Emanuel | Processes, 2022 | |
RezumatBanana peel, a little-used waste, contains a high amount of biologically active compounds. The aim of the study is to demonstrate in vitro, the antioxidant, cytotoxic, and antimicrobial effects of hydroalcoholic extracts from yellow (BP) and red (BPR) banana peels. The analysis of the extracts by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis (CZE) has confirmed the presence of several bioactive compounds. BPR has a higher in vitro antioxidant activity than BP, which correlates with a significant cytotoxic, antimicrobial effect, with a UVA/UVB rate of 0.9. In the case of BPR, the results confirm the presence of isoquercitrin and kaempferol in a 1:3 ratio. The bioactive compounds from the extracts have shown a different interaction with HCT-8 cell lines and with tested bacterial strains with pathogenic properties. The HCA analysis proved the biological value of BPR to reduce oxidative stress and its potential use in natural products. |
Evaluation Of Essential Oil And Hydrolate From A New Hyssop Variety (Hyssopus Officinalis L.) |
Stan (Tudora) Citilina; Muscalu Adriana; Burnichi Floarea; Popescu Carmen; Gatea Florentina; Sicuia Oana-Alina; Vladut Nicolae Valentin; Israel-Roming Florentina | Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 2022 | |
RezumatThe main objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of essential oil (EO) and hydrolate (HY) obtained from a new Romanian variety of hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L., Lamiaceae family), namely `Catalin'. The chemical composition and the concentration of the compounds was established by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The main constituents identified in hyssop EO and HY were cispinocamphone (34.63% and 67.00%), trans-pinocamphone (11.72% and 14.58%), thujenol (1.39% and 6.05%). The evaluation of the antioxidant capacity was performed by three methods (DPPH, ABTS and FRAP), EO proving a higher oxidizing activity compared to HY one. The antimicrobial activity of the essential oil was evaluated in vitro, in order to detect its ability to inhibit G phytopathogenic bacteria (Pseudomonas syringae) and plant pathogenic fungi (Fusarium oxysporum). Eugenol, linalool and estragole standards were used as reference volatile compounds. Regarding Pseudomonas syringae (LMG5090) bacterium, assays showed that hyssop oil does not inhibit its growth. Estragole and eugenol showed pronounced antibacterial activity in all tested concentrations, both in the first 24 hours of incubation and after 3 days. Linalool instead has bacteriostatic activity only at high concentrations (50% and 100%), an inhibitory activity that is maintained only in the first 24 hours of incubation. The results obtained against Fusarium oxysporum reveal that the EO tested has no fungicidal activity but only fungistatic, and it is able to delay mycelial growth and the degree of inhibition depending on the concentration used. |
Chemical Composition, Antioxidant And Antimicrobial Effects Of Essential Oils Extracted From Two New Ocimum Basilicum L. Varieties |
Stan (Tudora) Catalina; Nenciu Florin; Muscalu Adriana; Vladut Valentin Nicolae; Burnichi Floarea; Popescu Carmen; Gatea Florentina; Boiu-Sicuia Oana Alina; Israel-Roming Florentina | Diversity-Basel, 2022 | |
RezumatRecent agricultural research aims to identify novel applications for plant extracts as efficient defenses against weeds, insects, or phytopathogenic agents. The main goal of the present study was to evaluate two new varieties of basil (Ocimum basilicum L., fam. Lamiaceae), Yellow basil, Aromat de Buzau variety and Red-violet basil, Serafim variety. The basil varieties were studied under different aspects regarding biochemical characterization using GC-MS, antioxidant activity evaluated under three methods (DPPH, ABTS, FRAP), and antimicrobial properties (for three G-bacteria: Perctobacterium carotovorum, Pseudomonas marginalis, Pseudomonas syringae and three phytopathogenic fungi: Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium oxysporum, Botrytis cinerea). The results showed that linalool (39.28%; 55.51%), estragole (31.48%; 9.78%), and eugenol (5.42%; 7.63%) are the main compounds identified in the extracts, validating the high antioxidant activity of the studied essential oils and floral waters. When applied in high concentrations, essential oils have shown a potential bactericidal effect on P. carotovorum as well as a potential fungicidal effect on R. solani and B. cinerea. |
Therapeutic Properties Of Edible Mushrooms And Herbal Teas In Gut Microbiota Modulation |
Vamanu Emanuel; Dinu Laura Dorina; Pelinescu Diana Roxana; Gatea Florentina | Microorganisms, 2021 | |
RezumatEdible mushrooms are functional foods and valuable but less exploited sources of biologically active compounds. Herbal teas are a range of products widely used due to the therapeutic properties that have been demonstrated by traditional medicine and a supplement in conventional therapies. Their interaction with the human microbiota is an aspect that must be researched, the therapeutic properties depending on the interaction with the microbiota and the consequent fermentative activity. Modulation processes result from the activity of, for example, phenolic acids, which are a major component and which have already demonstrated activity in combating oxidative stress. The aim of this mini-review is to highlight the essential aspects of modulating the microbiota using edible mushrooms and herbal teas. Although the phenolic pattern is different for edible mushrooms and herbal teas, certain non-phenolic compounds (polysaccharides and/or caffeine) are important in alleviating chronic diseases. These specific functional compounds have modulatory properties against oxidative stress, demonstrating health-beneficial effects in vitro and/or In vivo. Moreover, recent advances in improving human health via gut microbiota are presented. Plant-derived miRNAs from mushrooms and herbal teas were highlighted as a potential strategy for new therapeutic effects. |
In Vitro Modulatory Effect Of Stevioside, As A Partial Sugar Replacer In Sweeteners, On Human Child Microbiota |
Gatea Florentina; Sarbu Ionela; Vamanu Emanuel | Microorganisms, 2021 | |
RezumatThe effect of stevioside on human health is still insufficiently highlighted by recent research. The total or partial replacement of sugar with sweeteners influences the general state of health, especially the human microbiota's response as a determining factor in the onset of type 2 diabetes. The present study aimed to present the long-term (one-year) in vitro effect that regular stevioside consumption had on children's pattern microbiota. A metabolomic response was established by determining the synthesis of organic acids and a correlation with antioxidant status. An increase in the number of bacterial strains and the variation of amount of butyrate and propionate to the detriment of lactic acid was observed. The effect was evidenced by the progressive pH increasing, the reduction of acetic acid, and the proliferation of Escherichia coli strains during the simulations. Synthesis of the main short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) was interpreted as a response (adaptation) of the microbiota to the stevioside, without a corresponding increase in antioxidant status. This study demonstrated the modulatory role of stevioside on the human microbiota and on the fermentation processes that determine the essential SCFA synthesis in maintaining homeostasis. The protection of the microbiota against oxidative stress was also an essential aspect of reducing microbial diversity. |
The Use Of Gamma Irradiation To Stimulate Bioactive Compound Synthesis In Inonotus Obliquus Submerged Cultures |
Petre A.; Ene M.; Negut D.C.; Gatea F.; Vamanu E. | Nukleonika, 2021 | |
RezumatInonotus obliquus is a parasite on the birch and other trees and is also a well-known medicinal mushroom. Its sterile conk is highly sought for its bioactive compounds such as phenols, polysaccharides, triterpenoids, and steroids. It was traditionally used to treat various gastrointestinal diseases, viral and parasitic infections, to counteract the progression of cancers, and to stimulate the immune system. We used acute gamma irradiation, followed by short-term submerged cultivation, as an oxidative stress inducer to enhance the synthesis of mycelial metabolites. The 300 Gy and 400 Gy doses showed the best results across the whole experimental design. Each assayed criterion had a different corresponding optimal stimulation dose. In one experiment, sublethal doses of irradiation triggered the dry weight of the cultured mycelium to increase by 19.764%. The free radical scavenging potential of the mycelium extracts increased by 79.83%. The total phenolic content of mycelium extracts and culture broth increased by 55.7% and 62.987%, respectively. The total flavonoid and sinapinic acid content of the broth increased by 934.678% and 590.395%, respectively. As such, gamma irradiation pre-treatment of the mycelial inoculum proved an interesting, economically and environmentally effective tool for stimulating secondary metabolite synthesis in submerged mycelium cultures. © 2021 Alexandru Petre et al., published by Sciendo. |
The Potential Of Flavonoids And Tannins From Medicinal Plants As Anticancer-Agents |
Teodor Eugenia D.; Ungureanu Oana; Gatea Florentina; Radu Gabriel L. | Anti-Cancer Agents In Medicinal Chemistry, 2020 | |
RezumatThe tendency of using herbs extracts or natural compounds extracted from herbs for preventing or treating different illnesses, including cancer, continues to be an alternative to drug use. Many studies of plant compounds aimed at finding substances with selective cytotoxicity on abnormal cells. Phenolic compounds, as important secondary metabolites from plants, are one of them. In this review, the recent literature data from the past five years about anticancer/antitumor effect of flavonoids and tannins extracted from medicinal plants are surveyed. The cytostatic/antitumor effects of the individual compounds extracted from plants and/or of the plants' polyphenolic extracts are considered, in order to point out the most significant constituents or plants with anticancer potential. The most important results concerning these compounds and their derivatives in cancer prevention and treatment, the importance of their chemical structure, their mechanism of action in vitro and in vivo, and some bioavailability aspects are discussed. |
Correlations Between Microbiota Bioactivity And Bioavailability Of Functional Compounds: A Mini-Review |
Vamanu Emanuel; Gatea Florentina | Biomedicines, 2020 | |
RezumatNumerous studies have demonstrated the role of the microbiota in supporting the physiological functions, owing to its metabolomic component. The presence of biocomponents generally leads to the correction of the microbial pattern correlated with the reduction of oxidative pressure. This study aims to present the main processes that correlate the bioavailability and bioactivity of some functional components through the action of the human microbiota. The use of probiotics and prebiotics is an innovative manner involving alternatives that increase the bioavailability of certain natural or metabolic components has been proposed. Probiotic strains (Saccharomyces cerevisiae or Lactobacillus (L.) plantarum) may represent an intermediary for increasing the antioxidant bioactivity, and they may be administered in the form of a biomass enriched with functional compounds, such as phenolic acids. The limiting effect of gastrointestinal transit is, in several cases, the key to the biopharmaceutical value of new products (or supplements). The identification of newer ways of formulating supplements also involves the compatibility of different types of products, the testing of bioaccessibility, and the elimination of biotransformations. |
Bioavailability And Bioactivities Of Polyphenols Eco Extracts From Coffee Grounds After In Vitro Digestion |
Vamanu Emanuel; Gatea Florentina; Pelinescu Diana Roxana | Foods, 2020 | |
RezumatCoffee grounds are a valuable source of bioactive compounds. In Romania, most of the amount obtained is lost through non-recovery; the rest is occasionally used as organic fertilizer. The coffee grounds were selected according to the roasting degree: blonde roasted (BR), medium roasted (MR), and dark roasted (DR). The study aimed to evaluate three extracts, obtained with a mixture of ethanol/water/acetic acid (50/49.5/0.5), depending on the roasting degree. The majority phenolic component, the antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory effect, as well as the role that gastrointestinal transit had on the bioavailability of bioactive compounds were determined. Chlorogenic acid was inversely proportional to the roasting degree. BR showed the best correlation between antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities in vitro/in vivo. The antiproliferative capacity of the extracts determined an inhibitory effect on the tumor cells. Antimicrobial activities, relevant in the control of type 2 diabetes, were exerted through the inhibition of microbial strains (Escherichia coli). Following gastric digestion, BR demonstrated a maximum loss of 20% in the stomach. The recovery of coffee grounds depended on the pattern of functional compounds and the bioavailability of the main component, chlorogenic acid. |
The Potential Of Flavonoids And Tannins From Medicinal Plants As Anticancer Agents |
Teodor E.D.; Ungureanu O.; Gatea F.; Radu G.L. | Anti-Cancer Agents In Medicinal Chemistry, 2020 | |
RezumatThe tendency of using herbs extracts or natural compounds extracted from herbs for preventing or treating different illnesses, including cancer, continues to be an alternative to drug use. Many studies of plant compounds aimed at finding substances with selective cytotoxicity on abnormal cells. Phenolic compounds, as important secondary metabolites from plants, are one of them. In this review, the recent literature data from the past five years about anticancer/antitumor effect of flavonoids and tannins extracted from medicinal plants are surveyed. The cytostatic/antitumor effects of the individual compounds extracted from plants and/or of the plants' polyphenolic extracts are considered, in order to point out the most significant constituents or plants with anticancer potential. The most important results concerning these compounds and their derivatives in cancer prevention and treatment, the importance of their chemical structure, their mechanism of action in vitro and in vivo, and some bioavailability aspects are discussed. © 2020 Bentham Science Publishers. |
Aplicatiile Electroforezei Capilare In Bioanaliza |
Florentina Gatea; Eugenia Teodor | Simpozion Agilent, Bucuresti, Romania, 2019 | |
Rezumat |
Altered In Vitro Metabolomic Response Of The Human Microbiota To Sweeteners |
Vamanu Emanuel; Pelinescu Diana; Gatea Florentina; Sarbu Ionela | Genes, 2019 | |
RezumatNon-nutritive sweeteners represent an ingredient class that directly affects human health, via the development of inflammatory processes that promote chronic diseases related to microbiota dysbiosis. Several in vitro tests were conducted in the static GIS1 simulator. The aim of the study was to highlight the effect of sweeteners on the microbiota pattern of healthy individuals, associated with any alteration in the metabolomic response, through the production of organic acids and ammonium. The immediate effect of the in vitro treatment and the influence of the specific sweetener type on the occurrence of dysbiosis were evaluated by determining the biomarkers of the microbiota response. The presence of the steviol reduced the ammonium level (minimum of 410 mg/L), while the addition of cyclamate and saccharin caused a decrease in the number of microorganisms, in addition to lowering the total quantity of synthesized short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). The bifidobacteria appeared to decrease below 10(2) genomes/mL in all the analyzed samples at the end of the in vitro simulation period. Barring the in vitro treatment of steviol, all the sweeteners tested exerted a negative influence on the fermentative profile, resulting in a decline in the fermentative processes, a rise in the colonic pH, and uniformity of the SCFA ratio. |
An In Vitro Study Of The Influence Of Curcuma Longa Extracts On The Microbiota Modulation Process, In Patients With Hypertension |
Vamanu Emanuel; Gatea Florentina; Sarbu Ionela; Pelinescu Diana | Pharmaceutics, 2019 | |
RezumatThe multiple causes of cardiovascular diseases signify a major incidence and developmental risk of this pathology. One of the processes accountable for this pathologic development is the instauration of dysbiosis and its connection with an inflammatory process. Low antioxidant colonic protection encourages the progression of inflammation, with cardiovascular dysfunctions being a secondary consequence of the dysbiosis. Curcumin is one of the bioactive compounds displaying promising results for the reduction of an inflammatory process. The present study aims at demonstrating the capacity of three extracts drawn from Curcuma (C.) longa through an in vitro simulation process, for microbiota modulation in patients with hypertension. The acidic pH in the extraction process determined a high curcumin content in the extracts. The major phenolic compound identified was curcumin III, 622 +/- 6.88 mu g/mL for the ethanol/water/acetic acid extract. Low EC50 values were associated (0.2 mu g/mL for DPPH scavenging activity) with the presence of curcumin isomers. A metabolic pattern became evident because the relationship between the short-chain fatty acids acted as a clinical biomarker. The curcumin present stimulated the formation of butyric and propionic acids. Microbiota activity control included a high degree of curcumin degradation and biotransformation in the other phenolic compounds. This developmental process was supported by the progression in the enterobacteria with a corresponding escalation in the pH level. The metabolomic pattern demonstrated a performance similar to the administration of dietary fibre, with the positive effects being dose-dependent. |
Capillary Electrophoresis As Analithycal Tool For Carbohydrates Assessments In Natural Extracts |
Florentina Gatea; Eugenia D. Teodor; Gabriel L. Radu | 4Th International Conference On Analytical Chemistry, Roicac, Bucuresti, Romania, 2018 | |
Rezumat |
Functionalized Magnetic Nanostructures For Anticancer Therapy |
Teodor Eugenia Dumitra; Gatea Florentina; Ficai Anton; Radu Gabriel Lucian | Current Drug Targets, 2018 | |
RezumatBackground: In the last years, the production and applications of nanoparticles based on iron oxides in the field of biomedicine presented a great interest due to their particular properties. Because of the expansion of the pharmaceutical industry numerous new systems for drugs delivery have appeared, and those centered on magnetic nanoparticles are in a particular attention and in different promising developmental stages. Objective: In this mini review, some representative, interesting and feasible magnetic nanostructures obtained recently (from last 5-6 years) with possible use in antitumor/anticancer therapy are presented. Results: The synthesis of these nanostructures with magnetic properties implies very simple assembling procedures and presents one of the lowest cytotoxic profiles. Magnetic nanostructures displayed possible appliance in a large diversity of biotechnological and medical fields, both for diagnose and therapy. Conclusion: Different types of magnetic nano-carriers loaded with different antitumor/ anticancer agents and the cases tested in vivo are considered. |
In Vitro Ecological Response Of The Human Gut Microbiome To Bioactive Extracts From Edible Wild Mushrooms |
Vamanu Emanuel; Gatea Florentina; Sarbu Ionela | Molecules, 2018 | |
RezumatThis study presents the effect of two new products based on atomized extracts from edible wild mushrooms (RoBioMush1, RoBioMush2) on the microbiota of three target groups: clinically healthy (NG) individuals, individuals with nutritional disorders (ND), and individuals with cardiovascular diseases (CVD). The microbiota fingerprints were determined by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). Modulations in the simulated microbiome were established and correlated with the presence of phenolic compounds released in the in vitro environment (a three-stage culture system GIS2 simulator, www.gissystems.ro). The high metabolizing capacity of NG and CVD correlated positively with the rest of the biological activities expressed in vitro. ND microbiota consumed a wide spectrum of monosaccharides from the products. Xylose was present in large quantities in the descending segment (minimum: 175 mu g/mL for ND). The primary conclusion was that the microbiological ecosystem was modulated, as proven by the presence of specific biomarkers (e.g., ammonium levels and fingerprints of short-chain fatty acids-SCFAs), which stimulate the organism's health status and were correlated with the restoration of a normal microbiota fingerprint. |
A Bioanalytical Approach Of Chemical Composition, Bioactivity And Cytotoxicity Of Berteroa Incana L. Herb |
Ungureanu Oana; Gatea Florentina; Seciu Ana Maria; Teodor Eugenia Dumitra; Nicorescu Isabela Madalina; Radu Gabriel Lucian | Natural Product Research, 2018 | |
RezumatBerteroa incana is a wild herb widespread in temperate zones which was practically not studied for its biological effects. Methanolic and aqueous extracts of B. incana were assessed for the content in polyphenols and the related antioxidant and antimicrobial activities and the polysaccharide extract for the content in saccharides and the associated cytostatic effect. The results obtained highlighted that the methanolic extracts of B. incana contain moderate amounts of polyphenols, the most representative been isoquercitrin 4.41 +/- 0.02 mg100 g(-1)dry weight plant material (DW), quercetin 4.21 +/- 0.05, sinapic acid 5.23 +/- 0.12 and ferulic acid 5.05 +/- 0.12 mg 100 g(-1)DW, with correlated moderate antioxidant activities (IC (50) 13.40 +/- 0.01 mu g mL(-1)) and absent antibacterial activity. The polysaccharide fraction showed high content in saccharides, especially in arabinose (312.22 +/- 7.54 mg g(-1) polysaccharide extract) and glucose (279.22 +/- 5.59), and promising cytostatic effect. [GRAPHICS] . |
Monosaccharides Composition And Cytostatic Activity Of Polysaccharide Fraction Of Phemeranthus Confertiflorus L. |
Gatea Florentina; Teodor Eugenia Dumitra; Seciu Ana Maria; Radu Letiia Elena | Farmacia, 2017 | |
RezumatPolysaccharides display several biological activities, such as antitumour, anti-oxidation, hypoglycaemic, antiviral and immunity enhancing properties. The polysaccharide fraction from Phemeranthus confertiflorus was extracted, hydrolysed and 8 monosaccharides were analysed and quantified by capillary electrophoresis. The polysaccharide fraction was further assessed for cytotoxicity on normal and tumour cell lines. The results obtained can promote Phemeranthus as an eligible plant with potential for human health, because of high monosaccharides content (predominant rhamnose) and promising cytostatic effect of polysaccharide fraction. |
Antioxidant And Antifungal Activity Of Romanian Propolis |
Stan Teodora; Teodor Eugenia D.; Gatea Florentina; Chifiriuc Mariana C.; Lazar Veronica | Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 2017 | |
RezumatPropolis, a known bee product for its beneficial effects on the human health, was the focus of many investigations recently carried out. In the present study we evaluated antioxidant and antifungal activity of propolis fractions and ethanolic extracts of propolis (EEP) from different regions of Romania. The evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of propolis samples was performed by an adapted disc diffusion and serial microdilutions methods. The EEP influence on biofilm development on the inert substratum was investigated by the microtiter method. The antioxidant activity was evaluated using the free radicals1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) and 2,2'-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) diammonium salt (ABTS) scavenging methods. The propolis fractions and EEPs used in this study exhibited antifungal and antibiofilm activity against all tested Candida albicans strains and revealed a strong free radical scavenging capacity. These results recommend Romanian propolis as a natural antioxidant and a potential therapeutic agent useful in the prevention and therapy of oxidation-related diseases and Candida albicans infections. An updated data analysis in the changing foodborne pathogens evolution in Romania and improvements in food chain traceability. |
Chemical Constituents And Bioactive Potential Of Portulaca Pilosa L Vs. Portulaca Oleracea L |
Gatea Florentina; Teodor Eugenia Dumitra; Seciu Ana Maria; Nagoda Eugenia; Radu Gabriel Lucian | Medicinal Chemistry Research, 2017 | |
RezumatPortulaca pilosa L and Portulaca oleracea L were comparatively studied for the total content of polyphenols and flavonoids, antioxidant activity, individual polyphenols, short-chain organic acids, and saccharides in extracts of plants collected from Bucharest ''delta'' using spectrometry and capillary electrophoresis. The polysaccharide fractions were assessed for cytotoxicity on normal and tumor cell lines. The results obtained highlighted that Portulaca pilosa could be considered more valuable than Portulaca oleracea because of its higher content in important flavonoids (quercetin 101.70 +/- 2.68 mu g g(-1) dry weight plant material, rutin 96.24 +/- 0.74 mu g g(-1) DW plant material) and some phenolic acids (chlorogenic acid 161.33 +/- 0.67 mu g g(-1) DW plant material, p-coumaric acid 61.40 +/- 5.50 mu g g(-1) DW plant material) of the ethanolic extracts, for its lower content in oxalic acid that is considered anti-nutrient of the aqueous extracts, and for its higher content in saccharides, especially rhamnose and xylose, with consequently higher cytostatic effect of the polysaccharide fraction. The current study presented for the first time the content in polyphenols, short chain organic acids, and saccharides of Portulaca pilosa and proved that this species has noticeable antioxidant activity, low toxicity on normal cells, and high toxicity on tumor cells and could be considered important for health and food industry. |
Polyphenols, Organic Acids And Antioxidant Activity In Unexplored Phemeranthus Confertiflorus L |
Gatea Florentina; Teodor Eugenia Dumitra; Nagoda Eugenia; Radu Gabriel Lucian | Revista De Chimie, 2017 | |
RezumatSome aspects of the chemical composition were studied in extracts of unexplored Phemeranthus confertiflorus L, an alien plant collected from Bucharest delta. 16 polyphenols and 10 short-chain organic acids were analysed and quantified by capillary electrophoresis in Phemeranthus extracts and antioxidant activity was investigated. The results obtained could promote Phemeranthus as an eligible plant with potential in food industry and for human health, because of the high antioxidant activity, high content of flavonoids (naringenin, rutin, daidzin) and lactic acid. |
Total Polyphenols, Flavonoids And Antioxidant Activity Of Romanian Propolis Samples |
Gatea F; Teodor E. D.; G-L Radu; E. Gille | The International Symposium Medicinal Plants-Present And Perspectives, Piatra Neamt/Romania, 2016 | |
Rezumat |
Polyphenols Analysis From Different Medicinal Plants Extracts Using Capillary Zone Electrophoresis (Cze) |
Matei Alina Oana; Gatea Florentina; Teodor Eugenia Dumitra; Radu Gabriel Lucian | Revista De Chimie, 2016 | |
RezumatThe electrophoretic method partially validated for separation and quantification of 16 polyphenols from aqueous and ethanolic extracts of Calendula officinalis, Hypericum perforatum, Galium verum and Origanum vulgare in 27 min showed good efficiency and precision, and low detection and quantification limits (between 0.06 - 1.38 mu g mL(-1) and 0.2 - 4.56 mu g mL(-1), respectively). Correlation coefficients (r(2)) exceed 0.994 and recovery values ranged between 86.66 and 101.54 %. Under these conditions the developed electrophoretic method would be suitable for the analysis of various extracts. |
Tannins Analysis From Different Medicinal Plants Extracts Using Maldi-Tof And Mekc |
Matei Alina Oana; Gatea Florentina; Teodor Eugenia Dumitra; Radu Gabriel Lucian | Chemical Papers, 2016 | |
RezumatThe matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF) and micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) methods were used to identify and quantify five tannins, (+)-catechin, (-)-epigallocatechin, (-)-epigallocatechin gallate, (-)-epicatechin gallate and (-)-epicatechin, from aqueous, ethanolic and acetonic extracts of Calendula officinalis, Hypericum perforatum, Galium verum and Origanum vulgare. The MALDI-TOF technique was used for screening tannins monomers and oligomers in plant extracts. The sandwich method and matrix 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid with a concentration of 10 mg mL(-1) in acetonitrile/ultrapure water/trifluoroacetic acid (20 : 80 : 0.1, vol.) were used. The electrophoretic method developed for the separation and quantification of 5 catechins in 15 min exhibited good efficiency and precision, low limits of detection (0.0032-0.0153 mu g mL(-1)) and quantification (0.0096-0.0466 mu g mL(-1)). The correlation coefficients (R-2) exceeded 0.9986 and the recovery values ranged between 94.25 % and 102.50 %. The present work provides new information on some of the less studied compounds present in plants frequently used in traditional medicine. (C) 2015 Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences |
book, book chapter
Application Of Capillary Zone Electrophoresis Methods For Polyphenols And Organic Acids Separation In Different Extracts, Capillary Electrophoresis (Ce): Principles, Challenges And Applications |
Teodor E.D.; Gatea F.; Badea G.I.; Matei A.O.; Radu G.L. | Nova Science Publishers, 2015 | |
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Polyphenols, Radical Scavenger Activity, Short-Chain Organic Acids And Heavy Metals Of Several Plants Extracts |
Teodor E.D.; Lițescu S.C.; Albu C.; Rădulescu C.M.; Chira A.; Gatea F.; Radu G.L. | Inaugurarea Centrului Internațional De Studii Avansate Pentru Sisteme Fluvii-Mări „Danubius-Ri” , Murighiol, Tulcea, 2015 | |
Rezumat |
Antioxidant Properties And Polyphenols Composition Of Some Roumanian Propolis Samples |
Gatea Florentina; Matei Alina O.; Teodor Eugenia Dumitra; Radu Gabriel L. | Revue Roumaine De Chimie, 2015 | |
RezumatDifferent Roumanian propolis ethanolic extracts were investigated regarding their content in total polyphenols, flavones, flavonols, flavanones and dihydroflavonols. The antioxidant activities were assessed using systems such as 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl, 2, 2'-azinobis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid), ferric reducing ability power and linoleic acid emulsion; the results were correlated with the concentrations in active compounds. A high performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection validated method was used for quantitation of 17 polyphenolic compounds in Roumanian propolis samples. The results confirmed that Roumanian propolis is an important sources of polyphenols and possesses a strong antioxidant activity. |
Capillary Electrophoresis Method Validation For Organic Acids Assessment In Probiotics |
Gatea Florentina; Teodor Eugenia D.; Paun Gabriela; Matei Alina O.; Radu Gabriel L. | Food Analytical Methods, 2015 | |
RezumatQuantitative evaluation of organic acids in plants and foodstuff is important for flavour and nutritional studies and also could be used as indicator of bacterial activity. Organic acids occurring in foods are additives or end-products of carbohydrate metabolism of lactic acid bacteria (LAB). A good selection of LAB (and a criterion should be the content in organic acids) allows the control of mould growth and improves the shelf life of many fermented products and, therefore, reduces health risks due to exposure to mycotoxins. A simple, rapid (15 min) and reliable capillary electrophoresis method was partially validated for the simultaneous quantification of nine aliphatic (formic, oxalic, succinic, malic, tartaric, acetic, citric, lactic, butyric) and three aromatic (benzoic, phenyllactic and hydroxyphenyllactic) organic acids in the fermentation products of lactic acid bacteria. The method was validated in terms of linearity of response, limit of detection (LoD), limit of quantification (LoQ), precisions (i.e. intra-day, inter-day reproducibility) and recovery. The method is simple, rapid, reliable and cost-effective. |
Analysis Of Phenolic Compounds In Some Medicinal Herbs By Lc-Ms |
Matei Alina O.; Gatea Florentina; Radu Gabriel L. | Journal Of Chromatographic Science, 2015 | |
RezumatIn this paper, a liquid chromatography-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-mass spectrometry in negative mode method was developed for the identification and quantitative determination of 13 individual phenolics (chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, coumaric acid, ferulic acid, (1)-catechin, (-)-epicatechin, rutin, quercitrin, isoquercitrin, fisetin, isorhamnetin, hesperidin and chrysin) from ethanolic extracts [30, 50 and 70% (w/v)] of Calendula officinalis, Hypericum perforatum, Galium verum and Origanum vulgare and some commercial extracts of these medicinal herbs. Correlation coefficients (r(2)) from calibration curves for all the compounds were between 0.9971 and 0.9996. Limit of detection was in the range of 0.070-0.280 mg/mL and limit of quantification was from 0.233 to 0.932 mg/mL. The method was partially validated and the results obtained are: the intra-and interday relative standard deviation values were within 0.086 and 2.821% and recovery values vary from 95.84% (coumaric acid) to 103.20% (rutin). |
Polyphenols, Radical Scavenger Activity, Short-Chain Organic Acids And Heavy Metals Of Several Plants Extracts From Bucharest Delta |
Teodor Eugenia Dumitra; Gatea Florentina; Albu Camelia; Radulescu Cristina Maria; Chira Ana; Radu Gabriel Lucian | Chemical Papers, 2015 | |
RezumatSome plants collected (Mentha aquatica, Bidens tripartita and Ambrosia artemisiifolia) from an unusual habitat developed in recent years in Bucharest (the so-called Bucharest Delta) and the contents of polyphenolic compounds, short-chain organic acids and heavy metals, and radical scavenger activity, were determined. 12 polyphenolic compounds and 7 short-chain organic acids were quantified using high-performance liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis; Mentha aq. extracts presented the highest levels of rosmarinic acid (1.58 mg g(-1)) and ferulic acid (2.84 mg g(-1)) and Bidens extracts presented the highest concentrations of chlorogenic acid (0.44 mg g(-1)); the same extracts contain the most important levels of luteolin (0.52 mg g(-1)) or other flavonoids. All the heavy metals detected in the plants studied were found in very low levels (the highest was Pb(II) in Mentha aquatica, (12.84 +/- 0.48) mu g kg(-1)). The study sought to identify the active compounds and some contaminants in plants collected from the Bucharest Delta with the intention of eventual exploitation of the habitat and to enhance the knowledge of such human-modified ecosystems. (C) 2015 Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences |
Capillary Electrophoresis Method For 20 Polyphenols Separation In Propolis And Plant Extracts |
Gatea Florentina; Teodor Eugenia Dumitra; Matei Alina Oana; Badea Georgiana Ileana; Radu Gabriel Lucian | Food Analytical Methods, 2015 | |
RezumatIn this work, a simple, reliable and fast capillary electrophoresis method was developed and partially validated for simultaneous detection of 20 polyphenolic compounds (presumed to be found in propolis and plant extracts) in less than 27 min. The best results were obtained using 45 mM tetraborate buffer with 0.9 mM sodium dodecyl sulfate (pH = 9.35) as a background electrolyte. The polyphenolic compound order of elution was the following: resveratrol, pinostrobin, acacetin, chrysin, rutin, naringenin, isoquercitrin, umbelliferone, cinnamic acid, chlorogenic acid, galangin, sinapic acid, syringic acid, ferulic acid, kaempferol, luteolin, coumaric acid, quercetin, rosmarinic acid and caffeic acid. Linearity ranges used for compound quantification were satisfactory, presenting correlation coefficients between 0.997 and 0.999 for all 20 compounds. The method showed good performance characteristics: detection and quantification limits of 0.02 to 1.75 and 0.07 to 5.77 mu g mL(-1), respectively. The relative standard deviation values for repeatability did not exceed 4.86 % for intra-day assays and 5.07 % for inter-day assays. The recovery assays presented results between 87.4 and 114. 2 % for Origanum sample and between 85.0 and 111.0 % for propolis sample. The results obtained from the analysis of samples are in good correlation with literature data and bring new information about less studied samples such us aqueous Romanian propolis extracts and ethanolic Mentha aquatica extract. |
Statistical Approach Of High - Performance Liquid Chromatography With Diode Array Detection Data From Romanian Propolis |
Gatea Florentina; Hanganu Anamaria; Teodor Eugenia Dumitra; Radu Gabriel Lucian; Gille Elvira | Revista De Chimie, 2015 | |
RezumatForty-four propolis samples collected from various regions of Romania were assessed by a validated method of high performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection for quantifying twelve important flavonoids and polyphenolic acids. The chromatographic data coupled with statistical analysis revealed two distinct groups of samples: the group corresponding to a plain climate and the group corresponding to plateau and upper hills climate. In addition to other statistical studies based on qualitative data, we can mention the compounds which are responsible for discrimination between propolis groups. |
Antitumour, Antimicrobial And Catalytic Activity Of Gold Nanoparticles Synthesized By Different Ph Propolis Extracts |
Gatea Florentina; Teodor Eugenia Dumitra; Seciu Ana-Maria; Covaci Ovidiu Ilie; Manoiu Sorin; Lazar Veronica; Radu Gabriel Lucian | Journal Of Nanoparticle Research, 2015 | |
RezumatThe Romanian propolis was extracted in five different media, respectively, in water (pH 6.8), glycine buffer (pH 2.5), acetate buffer (pH 5), phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) and carbonate buffer (pH 9.2). The extracts presented different amounts of flavonoids and phenolic acids, increasing pH leading to higher concentrations of active compounds. Five variants of gold nanoparticles suspensions based on different pH Romanian propolis aqueous extracts were successfully synthesized. The obtained nanoparticles presented dimensions between 20 and 60 nm in dispersion form and around 18 nm in dried form, and different morphologies (spherical, hexagonal, triangular). Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy proved the attachment of organic compounds from propolis extracts to the colloidal gold suspensions and X-ray diffraction certified that the suspensions contain metallic gold. The obtained propolis gold nanoparticles do not exhibit any antibacterial or antifungal activity, but presented different catalytic activities and toxicity on tumour cells. |
Polyphenols, Radical Scavenger Activity, Short-Chain Organic Acids And Heavy Metals Of Several Plants Extracts From "Bucharest Delta" |
Teodor E.D.; Gatea F.; Albu C.; Radulescu C.M.; Chira A.; Radu G.L. | Chemical Papers, 2015 | |
RezumatSome plants collected (Mentha aquatica, Bidens tripartita and Ambrosia artemisiifolia) from an unusual habitat developed in recent years in Bucharest (the so-called "Bucharest Delta") and the contents of polyphenolic compounds, short-chain organic acids and heavy metals, and radical scavenger activity, were determined. 12 polyphenolic compounds and 7 short-chain organic acids were quantified using high-performance liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis; Mentha aq. extracts presented the highest levels of rosmarinic acid (1.58 mg g-1) and ferulic acid (2.84 mg g-1) and Bidens extracts presented the highest concentrations of chlorogenic acid (0.44 mg g-1); the same extracts contain the most important levels of luteolin (0.52 mg g-1) or other flavonoids. All the heavy metals detected in the plants studied were found in very low levels (the highest was Pb(II) in Mentha aquatica, (12.84 ± 0.48) μg kg-1). The study sought to identify the active compounds and some contaminants in plants collected from the "Bucharest Delta" with the intention of eventual exploitation of the habitat and to enhance the knowledge of such human-modified ecosystems. © 2015 Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences. |
Application Of Capillary Zone Electrophoresis Methods For Polyphenols And Organic Acids Separation In Different Extracts |
Teodor E.D.; Gatea F.; Badea G.I.; Matei A.O.; Radu G.L. | Capillary Electrophoresis (Ce): Principles, Challenges And Applications, 2015 | |
Rezumatcapillary electrophoresis has proved to be a good alternative technique to high performance liquid chromatography for the investigation of various compounds due to its good resolution, versatility, simplicity, short analysis time and low consumption of chemicals and samples. This chapter presents a synthesis of our work regarding applications of capillary electrophoretic methods (capillary zone electrophoresis with diode array detection): the separation of small-chain organic acids from plants extracts, wines, lactic bacteria fermentation products, and the separation of polyphenolic compounds from propolis extracts, plant extracts and wines. Quantitative evaluation of organic acids in plants and foodstuff is important for flavour and nutritional studies, and also could be used as marker of bacterial activity. Organic acids occurring in foods are additives or end-products of carbohydrate metabolism of lactic acid bacteria. A good selection of lactic acid bacteria, in terms of content in organic acids, allows the control of mould growth and improves the shelf life of many fermented products and, therefore, reduces health risks due to exposure to mycotoxins. On the other side, the largely studied group of phytochemicals is polyphenols, an assembly of secondary metabolites with various chemical structures and functions and biological activities, which are produced during the physiological plant growth process as a response to different forms of environmental conditions. The methods for separation and quantification of organic acids and polyphenolic compounds were validated in terms of linearity of response, limit of detection, limit of quantification, precisions (i.e., intra-day, inter-day reproducibility) and recovery. The methods are simply, rapid, reliable and cost effective. © 2015 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved. |
Plasma Thiols Concentration Levels And Their Correlation With Health Patients Condition |
Gatea F.; Petra̧reanu C.; Lupeanu E.; Radu G.L. | University Politehnica Of Bucharest Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry And Materials Science, 2014 | |
Rezumat |
Polyphenols, Radical Scavenger Activity, Short-Chain Organic Acids And Contaminants From Several Plants Extracts From `Bucharest Delta |
Teodor E.D.; Albu C.; Gatea F.; Rădulescu C.M.; Chira A.; Radu G.L. | Pse Meeting – Phytochemicals In Medicine And Pharmacognosy, Piatra Neamt, Romania, 2014 | |
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Glucidic Type Macromolecules On The Antioxidant Activity Of Isoflavone Genistein |
Voicescu M.; Gatea F.; Meghea A. | The Annual International Conference Of The Romanian Society Of Biochemistry And Molecular Biology, Băile Felix, Oradea, Romania, 2014 | |
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Wild Thymbra Capitata From Western Rif (Morocco): Essential Oil Composition, Polyphenol Contents And Antioxidant Activities Of Its Methanolic Extract |
Bakhy K.; Benlhabib O.; AL Faiz C.; Bighelli A.; Casanova J.; Gatea F.; Tomi F. | Pse Meeting – Phytochemicals In Medicine And Pharmacognosy, Piatra Neamt, Romania, 2014 | |
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Green Synthesis Of Gold Nanoparticles Using Propolis Aqueous Extracts And Its Characterization |
Gatea F.; Manoiu S.; Radu G.L. | Pse Meeting – Phytochemicals In Medicine And Pharmacognosy, Piatra Neamt, Romania, 2014 | |
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Accurate Quantitation Of 17 Polyphenols From Propolis Extracts By Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography With Diode Array Detection |
Gatea Florentina; Matei Alina O.; Teodor Eugenia Dumitra; Radu Gabriel L. | Revue Roumaine De Chimie, 2014 | |
RezumatA method based on reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RP-LC) with diode array detection (DAD) has been developed and validated in order to quantitate several polyphenols from different extracts. Samples were separated on a Fortis C18 reversed-phase column (250 x 4.6 mm, 5 mu m) with a gradient of acetonitrile and aqueous phosphoric acid, pH=2.5. The complete separation of seventeen polyphenols was achieved within 60 min. All calibration curves expressed good linearity (r(2) > 0.997) within the test range. The recovery of this method was in the range 88.12-107.87% and for the intra-day and inter-day assays, the values of deviation coefficient were less than 5%. The assay was successfully applied to the quantitation of polyphenols from 9 samples of propolis ethanolic extracts purchased from Roumanian market. The results indicated that this developed RP-LC assay could be readily utilized as a quality control method of various natural extracts. |
Effect Of Ph On The Fluorescence Characteristics Of Some Flavones Probes |
Voicescu Mariana; Ionescu Sorana; Gatea Florentina | Spectrochimica Acta Part A-Molecular And Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2014 | |
RezumatThe photophysical properties such as electronic absorption, molar extinction coefficient, emission spectra, fluorescence quantum yield and lifetime of three different hydroxyflavones (a typical model of flavonols) such as: 3-HF, 3,6-diHF and 3,7-diHF, have been studied in the pH range from 2.5 to 9.2. Both electronic absorption and fluorescence spectra are sensitive to pH. The fluorescence quantum yield at pH 7.4 of the mentioned flavones probes have been determined. The fluorescence lifetime of different emissive species (Normal, Tautomer and Anion forms) as pH dependence have been also estimated. The effect of pH on the intramolecular excited state proton transfer process (ESIPT) has been discussed. The normal and tautomeric forms change as a function of pH, the normal one being more sensitive. The position of the -OH group on the second aromatic ring in the flavonol's structure has been also discussed. The results have relevance to compounds which have photoreactions accompanied by dual fluorescence. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. |
Photophysical Properties Of Some Flavones Probes In Homogeneous Media |
Voicescu Mariana; Ionescu Sorana; Gatea Florentina | Journal Of Fluorescence, 2014 | |
RezumatPhotophysical properties of five hydroxyflavones (HF) (some typical models of flavonols), (3 - HF, 6 - HF, 7-HF, 3, 6 - diHF and 3, 7 - diHF) were studied in homogeneous media by means of UV-vis and steady-state and time resolved fluorescence spectroscopies. Their absorption and fluorescence characteristics based on the flavonols structure are presented and discussed. It was found that the fluorescence of the flavonols depends on the nature of the solvent and on their molecular structure, especially on the position and the number of the -OH groups of the substituted phenyl ring. Attention is paid to the number of the -OH groups that influence the excited-state intramolecular proton transfer (ESIPT) process. The fluorescence quantum yield and the lifetime of the flavonols in heterogeneous media have been also determined. The results are discussed with relevance to the flavonols as sensitive fluorescence probe and to their microenvironments in the systems of biological interest and especially in a typical protein environment. |
Steady-State And Time-Resolved Fluorescence Analysis Of 3,6-Dihydroxiflavone |
Voicescu M.; Ionescu S.; Gatea F. Bandul R. | International Conference Of Physical-Chemistry – Romphysichem 15, Bucharest/Romania, 2013 | |
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Antioxidant Activity Of Some Flavones Evidenced By Chemiluminescence Method |
Voicescu M.; Gatea F.; Meghea A. | 8Th International Conference Of The Chemical Societies Of The South-East European Countries, Belgrade, Serbia, 2013 | |
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Photophysical And Photochemical Studies Of Some Flavones Probes |
Voicescu M.; Ionescu S.; Gatea F. | International Conference Of Physical Chemistry – Romphyschem 15Th, Bucharest, Romania, 2013 | |
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Phenolic Content And Antioxidant Activity Of Methanolic Extract From Wild Moroccan Coridothymus Capitatus |
Bakhy K.; al Faiz C.; Benlhabib O.; Tomi F.; Gatea F. | 13Th International Conference On Antioxidants, Marrakech, Morocco, 2013 | |
Rezumat |
Development Of A Nanocomposite System And Its Application In Biosensors Construction |
Penu Ramona; Vasilescu Ioana; Eremia Sandra A. V.; Gatea Florentina; Radu Gabriel-Lucian; Litescu Simona-Carmen | Central European Journal Of Chemistry, 2013 | |
RezumatThe present work describes the development of a nanocomposite system and its application in construction of a new amperometric biosensor applied in the determination of total polyphenolic content from propolis extracts. The nanocomposite system was based on covalent immobilization of laccase on functionalized indium tin oxide nanoparticles and it was morphologically and structural characterized. The casting of the developed nanocomposite system on the surface of a screen-printed electrode was used for biosensor fabrication. The analytical performance characteristics of the settled biosensor were determined for rosmarinic acid, caffeic acid and catechol (as laccase specific substrate). The linearity was obtained in the range of 1.06x10(-6) - 1.50x10(-5) mol L-1 for rosmarinic acid, 1.90x10(-7) - 2.80x10(-6) mol L-1 for caffeic acid and 1.66x10(-6) - 7.00x10(-6) mol L-1 for catechol. A good sensitivity of amperometric biosensor 141.15 nA A mu mol(-1) L-1 and fair detection limit 7.08x10(-8) mol L-1 were obtained for caffeic acid. The results obtained for polyphenolic content of propolis extracts were compared with the chromatographic data obtained by liquid-chromatography with diode array detection. |
Preliminary Research On Portulaca Grandiflora Hook. Species (Portulacaceae) For Therapeutic Use |
Anghel Adriana Iuliana; Olaru Octavian Tudorel; Gatea Florentina; Dinu Mihaela; Ancuceanu Robert Viorel; Istudor Viorica | Farmacia, 2013 | |
RezumatPortulaca grandiflora Hook. has been used in eastern traditional medicine for alleviating sore throat, for skin rashes and for detoxification. No research has been published correlating these actions with the active substances of the plant. For this reason, we decided to study the chemical composition of the species grown in Romania, in order to determine its therapeutic potential. The species was identified by comparing its morphological characteristics with those described in the literature. The chemical composition was assesed through specific chemical reactions and thin layer chromatography (TLC). The total phenols, polyphenol-carboxylic and flavonoid compounds have been determined quantitatively through spectrophotometric methods (Folin-Ciocalteu, nitric acid and sodium molibdate, and chelation with AlCl3, respectively). There were identified: sterols, carotenoids - in the etheric extract (Pe); phenolic acids - in the ethanolic extract (Pa); polysaccharides, reducing agents in the aqueous one (Paq). The presence of the sterols, of caffeic and chlorogenic acids, of quercetol and its heterosides and of kaempferol, was confirmed by TLC. In alcohol flavonoids had the highest extraction yield (0.2519g%), while in water this was the case for the phenolic-carboxylic acids and total polyphenols (0.1874, and 0.6110g%, respectively; all percentage are calculated on dry basis). |
Antioxidant Activity And Constituents Of Propolis Collected In Various Areas Of Romania |
Gatea F.; Gille E.; Radu G.L. | 7Th Cmapseec, Subotica, Serbia, Cmapseec, Subotica, Serbia, 2012 | |
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Polyphenol Composition And Antioxidant Activity Of Selected Medicinal Herbs |
Danila A. O.; Gatea F.; Radu G. L. | Chemistry Of Natural Compounds, 2011 | |
RezumatThe aim of this study was to characterize aqueous and alcoholic extracts [30%, 50% and 70% (w/v)] obtained from medicinal herbs (Calendula officinalis, Hypericum perforatum, Galium verum, and Origanum vulgare) used in traditional medicine from our country. Samples were examined for total and individual content of phenolics and antioxidant activities. The highest content of total polyphenols (9.9 +/- 0.02 mg gallic acid equivalents (GAE) L-1 extract) and antioxidant activities expressed as Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity [307.51 TEAC mmol g(-1)DW by the ABTS (2,2'-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) method and 20.90 TEAC mmol g(-1) DW by the DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) method] was found in Origanum vulgare (50%) extract. Polyphenolic compounds were quantified using RP-HPLC. |
Obtaining The Bioactive Compounds From Geranium Robertianum And Viscum Album L. In A Concentrate Form By Ultrafiltration |
Paun G.; Neagu E.; Moroeonu V; Gatea F.; Radu G. L. | Planta Medica, 2007 | |
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