Marian Butu
Research Scientist I - Applied Biotechnologies
I am a Research Scientist with more than 25 years of research experience in Bioinformatics, Biotechnology and Bioeconomics. I have expertise in the development of: (bio)informatics platforms and systems; IT&C solutions and digital tools; specialised databases; (eco)biotechnologies; advanced biomaterials; in silico modelling, simulation, testing and analysis.
I have experience as national and international project director; member of the management and research team in national and international projects; expert project evaluator in national and international programmes; member of international working groups, editor and reviewer for specialist journals. Other skills I hold are: innovation manager; intellectual property; research marketing; project manager; trainer; quality management systems manager.
Publication | Authors | data | |
Modelling The Transition To A Circular Agriculture- A Systems Dynamics Perspective |
Pop Ruxandra; Rodino Steliana; Dragomir Vili; Butu Marian | Romanian Agricultural Research, 2024 | |
AbstractDesigning efficient and sustainable pathways for ensuring the transition to a circular economy is one of the main challenges to which an answer must be found, regardless of the economic sector, activity field or geographic area of interest. In order to improve the planet natural resource conservation systems, the main representative institutions and policy makers have implemented a series of strategies and directives, all over the world. From a simple crossing through relevant documents, assumed at global level such as: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, United Nations 2015, regional level: The New Circular Economy Action Plan, EC 2020 or national level: Recovery and Resilience Plan of Romania, 2023, the main common denominator it can be identified- focusing on finding the optimal balance between the environmental resources rational exploitation, protection and developing competitive economy systems. The bioeconomy involves the use of renewable biomass, including raw material obtained from different categories of secondary products, for the production of finished products in the economy. Interest in the bioeconomy has grown over the last decade, and this study analyses the potential of biomass and circular bioeconomy models in the agricultural sector, using systemic modelling approaches. In this sense, studies and models of bioeconomy and circular economy applied at the regional and European level are presented, specifically for dynamic system modelling methods. Finally, we propose studying a circular bioeconomy pilot model for sunflower production in Romania, highlighting the potential of biomass and secondary products from this crop. The use of sunflower by-products in various applications, such as animal feed, biofuels, functional food ingredients or bio-composite materials, underlines their importance in promoting circular economy practices. |
Quantitative Approach To Influencing Drivers For Sustainable Agriculture Development |
Dragomir Vili; Bolboasa Bianca; Rodino Steliana; Butu Marian | Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering In Agriculture And Rural Development, 2024 | |
AbstractThe need to address the complex exchanges between natural resource efficiency and economic growth has become increasingly discussed in worldwide strategies and position papers. Resource depletion, environmental challenges and climate change are just a few topics related to fast industrialization and economic expansion. The question is how information regarding crops, climatic factors, or solutions used in plant treatment are managed. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the scientific environment regarding quantitative indicators and models for the assessment of sustainable agriculture practices. The study is based on a bibliometric analysis made using Web of science database and processing using biblioshiny environment from R package. The most relevant works and influential authors in the field of quantitative modelling for sustainable agriculture were identified and a set of indicators and metrics for evaluating efforts in transitioning towards sustainability were synthetised. Integrating practical data into quantitative models can provide insights into trends, correlations, or even predictions, and the results obtained serve as inputs for decision-makers. |
Optimization Of Modern Agricultural Crop Production Systems In The Context Of Circular Economy |
Rodino Steliana; Pop Ruxandra; Dragomir Vili; Ursu Ana; Butu Marian | Romanian Agricultural Research, 2024 | |
AbstractThe proper management of nutrient use in modern agricultural practices is of paramount importance. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as the three essential nutrients for crop growth, play pivotal roles in ensuring healthy and productive agricultural systems. Farmers meticulously calculate and apply these nutrients to optimize crop yields, but a heavy reliance on synthetic fertilizers can lead to imbalances and environmental challenges. Managing nutrient use efficiently is not only crucial for enhancing crop productivity but also for achieving economic efficiency by reducing input costs and minimizing environmental externalities. With a specific focus on the Circular Economy Action Plan and the food, water, and nutrients category, the article highlights the significance of nutrient management, particularly in the agricultural context. It underscores the necessity of moving towards organic farming practices to enhance nutrient cycling and biodiversity. Overall, it provides a valuable overview of nutrient management and its relationship to the circular economy, agriculture and environmental protection. |
conference paper
Recovery Of Critical Metals From Mine Tailings |
Butu A.; Morais P.V.; Butu M.; Avram S.; Rodino S. | Springer Proceedings In Business And Economics, 2024 | |
AbstractThe availability of primary resources correlated with waste production from exploration and mining activities will remain a need to satisfy the growing global demand for raw materials. The present research started with the idea that tailings and wastes from mining can be considered mineral reserves. The project aimed to increase the efficiency of resources through the recycling of residues and their integration into a circular economy concept. Special emphasis is placed on processing mine tailings to turn them into a valuable source of secondary raw materials. This is an important step toward sustainability and reducing the negative impact on the environment. This chapter presents the objectives targeted by the REVIVING research project. Therefore, the aim was to obtain improved models for efficiently recycling metals from residues in selected case study mines, based, for the first time, on the manipulation of the microbiome existing within autochthonous tailings, using molecular data to promote the bioleaching bacterial populations, and innovative hydrometallurgy, using negative pressure. The study aimed to cover the entire cycle of obtaining metals, from secondary sources to the production of a marketable product. It also aimed to enable the efficient recycling of tailings and reduce the residues generated by the mining process, thus contributing to the reconnection of raw materials to society. The ultimate goal of the project was to find alternative sources of critical metals, as these are vulnerable to disruption of supply because their core source is restricted to just one or two regions of the world, and they are difficult to substitute within the specific technologies that use them, being vital raw materials in various new and green emerging industrial processes. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024. |
Consumer Preferences In The Purchase Of Agri-Food Products: Implications For The Development Of Family Farms |
Dumitru Eduard Alexandru; Sterie Cristina Maria; Rodino Steliana; Butu Marian | Agriculture-Basel, 2023 | |
AbstractThe purpose of this study was to investigate the preferences of Romanian consumers when purchasing agri-food products, with a focus on products from family farms, and to identify pathways for promoting family farms' outputs for enhancing the development of rural areas and the local economy. For this, a survey was carried out using a questionnaire as the main tool. Firstly, the data collected were analysed from a descriptive point of view. Then, multiple linear regression and the chi-square test were used to determine the relationships between variables, and ANOVA was used to identify significant differences between groups. The results revealed that consumers with a higher level of education are more confident in certified products and are better informed, with a greater ability to distinguish certified from non-certified products through logos. Finally, the results indicate an opportunity for family farms to sell their products for a higher price within a secure market, mainly in urban areas. However, for this to happen, it is necessary to implement a quality scheme, highlighting the origin and originality of the product (product obtained from a family farm, including logo) coupled with awareness campaigns on the advantages that this product has, both for the consumer and the farmer or the region it comes from. These aspects could improve the development of rural areas from all points of view. |
Global Research Progress And Trends On Critical Metals: A Bibliometric Analysis |
Butu Alina; Rodino Steliana; Butu Marian | Sustainability, 2023 | |
AbstractIn the perspective of observing the latest worldwide and European strategies toward green transition and delivering a secured access to local resources, the objective of this study was to analyze the research progress on critical materials and, more specific, critical metals and review the future research hot-topics for critical metals. Consequently, a bibliometric analysis for the assessment of the current state of the art research, future trends as well as evolution through time of the critical metals research was performed in the present work. The study included four phases of work: (i) search string selection, (ii) data collection, (iii) data processing, and (iv) data interpretation. A total of 433 publications on critical metals were collected from Scopus database between 1977 and 2023, with an increasing yearly trend and a burst in 2013. The data retrieved showed a significant increase in publications related to the topic in the last 10 years. The results show that research interest is concentrated around six critical areas: (i) bioleaching as an important process of critical metal recovery, (ii) circular economy concepts and recovery of critical metals by urban mining from e-waste, (iii) resource recovery from waste landfills as urban mines, (iv) targeted studies on various critical elements (copper, zinc, gallium, silver, lithium), (v) rare elements as industry vitamins and, (vi) coal deposits and coal ashes as an alternative source of critical metals. This analysis could provide important guidance for further directions on the development of research for recovery of critical metals. |
Challenges Of Digital Transformation In Agriculture From Romania |
Rodino Steliana; Butu Marian; Butu Alina; Lazar Catalin; Ciornei Laurentiu; Simion Petruta-Simona | Romanian Agricultural Research, 2023 | |
AbstractAgriculture plays a crucial role in Romania's economy, a fact that accelerates the search for ways to maximize production yield and profit. The aim of the paper is to study the characteristics of the transformation of agriculture in the context of digitization. Research methods include scientific and theoretical approaches to assess the state of agriculture and its potential in the context of digitization, such as system and situation analysis. The current stage of agricultural development is characterized by a significant transformation of management and production processes due to the introduction of digital technologies. The experience has convincingly shown that the traditional forms of development of agricultural production have practically exhausted themselves. In the new conditions of financial and economic activity, the scientific and technological progress becomes decisive. In agriculture, the digital transformation has a significant impact on material and human resources, increases the productivity of crops, improves the quality of agricultural and livestock products. The digitization of agriculture is extremely important, because it is a source of agricultural economic growth and can become a strong incentive for the innovative development of the sector. Investments in the development of digital infrastructure in rural areas can improve the living conditions of the rural population, with local authorities solving more efficiently the problems within their competence. Also, the digitalization of agriculture will promote the development of small farms in rural areas and contribute to the diversification of the rural economy. |
Nitrogen Management Trends For Agricultural And Environmental Science |
Constantinescu Mihai; Rodino Steliana; Bu Alina; Butu Marian; Todirica Ioana Claudia; Popa Mihaela; Chetroiu Rodica; Sima Nicusor Flavius | Romanian Agricultural Research, 2023 | |
AbstractNitrogen is one of the most important nutrients for plants and is required by them in relatively large quantities. This paper presents an overview of scientific literature related to nitrogen management, with a specific highlight on permanent grasslands and has involved a bibliometric analysis of scientific literature regarding nitrogen management. The analysis was performed using the SCOPUS, which is an extensive database of literature all over the world, with wide coverage in keyword of analysis. For visualization and analysis, VOSviewer 1.6.18 was employed, which is an open access computer program, developed for creating bibliometric maps. The search results were downloaded as full record and citation data, with information related to document type, year of publication, title, author, keywords, abstract, references, funding agency, citations. A number of 3,948 articles were retrieved for analysis. The articles were sorted by relevance. The information was downloaded as .csv file and imported into VOSviewer 1.6.18 application software. Using the search query nitrogen management, meadows and pastures indicated that 90% of the papers retrieved were research articles indexed in agricultural and biological sciences, followed by those in the environmental sciences, with themes of the ecosystem process, environmental management, land use, nitrogen fixation, organic nitrogen, soil structure, soil processing techniques. |
Sustainable Development Solutions: Growing And Processing Raspberries On Lithuanian Farms |
Ispiryan Audrone; Giedraitis Algirdas; Sermuksnyte-Alesiuniene Kristina; Butu Marian; Atkociuniene Vilma; Butu Alina; Viskelis Jonas; Miceikiene Astrida | Foods, 2023 | |
AbstractThe EU's goals by 2050 are to ensure food security, prevent bio-diversity loss, and strengthen the EU food system's resilience. Recent scientific research and the situation in the global market show that the cultivation and processing of raspberries is currently completely unsustainable. This sector is experiencing a huge decline in Lithuania. Therefore, we chose the sustainability of raspberry growing (from farm) and processing (to fork) as an object. The aim of this article was (i) to analyze the raw material of the raspberry plant for product sustainable processing, (ii) to create a digital sustainability measurement model, and (iii) to present sustainable development solutions for effective raspberry growing and processing on Lithuanian farms using content and descriptive methods. This paper discusses how to help small raspberry growers and processors achieve sustainable economic, environmental, and social performance from field raw material to processed products. Analysis of the scientific literature has revealed qualitative and quantitative sustainability indicators for improving raspberry production. The assessment of the sustainability according to our created model revealed the (un)sustainable factors and the current situation in raspberry farms on a Likert scale from very unsustainable to very sustainable. Based on the evaluation we have determined sustainable development solutions. Raspberry growing and processing in Lithuania can contribute to environmental conservation, economic growth, and social well-being, fostering a more sustainable and resilient agricultural sector by investing in R&D, improving productivity, creating employment opportunities and supporting rural communities, establishing a robust waste management system, and embracing renewable energy sources. Raspberry growers and processors can use the digital model we created for the sustainability, efficiency, and development directions of their farm. |
An Overview Of Hemp For Fibre Market Opportunities For Romania [Cultura De Cânepă Pentru Fibre, O Oportunitate De Piață] |
Marin A.; Oncioiu I.; Butu M.; Dobre I.; Dragomir V. | Industria Textila, 2022 | |
AbstractHemp has been cultivated by man for its multiple uses: its solid fibres for textiles, its nutritious oilseeds and the medicinal and therapeutic properties of its resin. Hemp is a technical plant that has been cultivated in Romania for over 2,000 years, its main use being to obtain fibres for making clothing. Before 1989, in Romania hemp was cultivated in large areas, exceeding 50,000 hectares, ranking 4th in the world. After 1989, interest in cultivating hemp declined, and by 2008 this crop has almost disappeared. Starting from national production capacity, this paper is presenting an overview of the textile market in Europe, with a view on the hemp market, and the marketing possibilities for Romanian hemp, based on calculations retrieved from official data available on INTRACEN and the National Institute of Statistics of Romania. The study of production capacities was analysed in terms of cultivated areas and productions obtained in Romania, reported in official national statistics. For a market projection, the data were extracted from the trade map database. The export potential was studied taking into account the harmonized standard codes for hemp. © 2022 Inst. Nat. Cercetare-Dezvoltare Text. Pielarie. All rights reserved. |
An Overview Of Hemp For Fibre Market Opportunities For Romania |
Marin Ancuta; Butu Marian; Dragomir Vili; Oncioiu Ionica; Dobre Iuliana | Industria Textila, 2022 | |
AbstractHemp has been cultivated by man for its multiple uses: its solid fibres for textiles, its nutritious oilseeds and the medicinal and therapeutic properties of its resin. Hemp is a technical plant that has been cultivated in Romania for over 2,000 years, its main use being to obtain fibres for making clothing. Before 1989, in Romania hemp was cultivated in large areas, exceeding 50,000 hectares, ranking 4th in the world. After 1989, interest in cultivating hemp declined, and by 2008 this crop has almost disappeared. Starting from national production capacity, this paper is presenting an overview of the textile market in Europe, with a view on the hemp market, and the marketing possibilities for Romanian hemp, based on calculations retrieved from official data available on INTRACEN and the National Institute of Statistics of Romania. The study of production capacities was analysed in terms of cultivated areas and productions obtained in Romania, reported in official national statistics. For a market projection, the data were extracted from the trade map database. The export potential was studied taking into account the harmonized standard codes for hemp. |
The Behavior Of Dairy Consumers In Short Food Supply Chains During Covid-19 Pandemic In Suceava Area, Romania |
Bruma Ioan Sebastian; Vasiliu Codrin Dinu; Rodino Steliana; Butu Marian; Tanasa Lucian; Dobos Sebastian; Butu Alina; Coca Oana; Stefan Gavril | Sustainability, 2021 | |
AbstractIn Romania, there is an emerging market of dairy products delivered through short food supply chains. Although this distribution system has existed since the communist period, and even though more than three decades have passed since then, the market fails to be mature, subject to taxation, or achieve a high diversity in terms of dairy categories, with a consolidated marketing culture that has significant effects on the regional socio-economic environment. The aim of this study was to observe whether the Corona Virus Disease of 2019 (COVID-19) crisis has influenced consumer behavior regarding dairy products delivered directly from producers in Suceava County, Romania. The research is based on a survey conducted between April and May, 2020, and the analysis relies on both quantitative and qualitative methods (namely, anthropological and ethnographic). From the provided responses, it a change was observed in the future buying behavior on short food supply chains, in a positive sense. One of the key findings was that family represents the main environment for passing on the values that influence the buying behavior. Another key finding was that the behavioral changes on the short food supply chains exert pressure on their digital transformations. |
Biopesticide Formulations - Current Challenges And Future Perspectives |
Butu M.; Rodino S.; Butu A. | Biopesticides: Volume 2: Advances In Bio-Inoculants, 2021 | |
AbstractModern agricultural production technologies, based on the widespread use of pesticides and mineral fertilizers, have made it possible to significantly solve the problem of providing the population with food, and at the same time, they have created numerous environmental and medical problems. At present, the development and application of new plant protection products that are non-toxic to humans, animals and environment is of priority importance. Biopesticides are a specific type of pesticides that derive from natural substances and materials. For example, they can originate from animal, vegetal or mineral materials. The biopesticides are derived in three major categories: biochemical, microbial and bioprotectors incorporated into the plant. They are used to control and combat diseases that occur in the vegetal crops or against pests. In the category of biopesticides are those substances that are naturally found and that fight pests through non-toxic mechanisms. For example, they are able to interfere with the insect mating or attract them in different traps, thus protecting the plants. Microbial pesticides are formulated from microorganisms, such as bacteria or fungi. They kill different larvae of specific insects or interfere with weeds growth in agricultural fields. This category is also known as biological pesticides. The protectors incorporated in the plants are pesticide substances produced by plants, from genetic material. The present paper is an overview of existing research regarding biopesticide formulations for integrated pest and disease management, both for protection of crops and for post-harvest disease. Other important aspects will be taken into consideration, such as their advantages and forms of packaging. Existing regulatory framework regarding the commercialization and use of biopesticides will also be discussed. © 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. |
Phytomedicines: Synergistic And Antagonistic Phytometabolites-Drug Interactions |
Butnariu M.; Butu M. | Phytomedicine: A Treasure Of Pharmacologically Active Products From Plants, 2021 | |
AbstractPhytometabolites-drug interactions, when administered concurrently, may affect the body’s ability to metabolize the medication or provoke critical side repercussions. Clinically considerable medicament interactions present a potential danger to the sick person and may lead to alterations in pharmaceutical, pharmacokinetic, or pharmacodynamic features. Nourishment and way of living can occasionally have a considerable effect on medication. This chapter is structured in two parts, based on a study of the production mode as well as the factors favoring the production of phytometabolite-drug interactions, comprising: general aspects regarding the production of phytometabolite-drug interactions, the changes produced by medication, aspire to nutritional status, the effect of phytometabolites and their compounds in drug metabolism, and the interaction of grapefruit juice with certain classes of drugs to avoid accidents caused by active medications in an inappropriate dietary context, and the part that includes the mechanism of producing the interaction between grapefruit juice and diclofenac (DCF) based on the pharmacokinetic parameters determined experimentally. © 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. |
book, book chapter
Bioremediation: A Viable Approach For Degradation Of Petroleum Hydrocarbon |
Monica BUTNARIU; Marian BUTU | Springer, 2020 | |
Abstract |
book, book chapter
Mycoremediation: A Sustainable Approach For Pesticide Pollution Abatement |
Marian BUTU; Ramona STEF; Mihaela CORNEANU; Monica BUTNARIU | Springer, 2020 | |
Abstract |
book, book chapter
Biopesticides: Clean And Viable Technology For Healthy Environment |
Marian BUTU; Ramona STEF; Ioana GROZEA; Mihaela CORNEANU; Monica BUTNARIU | Biopesticides: Clean And Viable Technology For Healthy Environment, 2020 | |
Abstract |
Mycelium-Based Materials For The Ecodesign Of Bioeconomy |
Butu A.; Rodino S.; Miu B.; Butu M. | Digest Journal Of Nanomaterials And Biostructures, 2020 | |
AbstractThe exceptional organic recycling ability of fungi is attracting attention in the bioeconomy, being exploited in industrial processes. Mushroom mycelium has been classified as the largest living organism on earth, being capable of growth through its symbiotic relationship with the substrate components. The ability of fungal mycelium to decompose lignocellulosic materials makes it usable for the fabrication of packaging materials, as isolation material or for bio-textile products. This paper presents an up-to-date overview of the current state of the art regarding mycelium biostructures. Thus, we described the development of research over the years, the most tested fungal species, the most used substrates and the up-to-date findings regarding technological challenges. |
Bioeconomy Related Perspectives For Boosting Agriculture Development In Romania |
Butu Alina; Rodino Steliana; Butu Marian; Ion Raluca | Proceedings Of The International Conference On Business Excellence, 2020 | |
AbstractSituated at the crossroads between several sectors, from biology, biochemistry, agronomy, management and economy to technology, the bioeconomy represents all uses of bio-resources, whether they come from agricultural land, sea, forest or waste materials. The current bioeconomy strategy of European Union identifies agriculture as one of the sectors mainly supplying biomass. In the last decades, agriculture was constantly transforming towards a knowledge intensive sector. Being almost entirely the physical support for agriculture, the rural regions are expected to become a key player in the development of the bioeconomy activities of the near future. In the modern biobased economies, the rural regions represent more than just a source of raw materials to bioeconomy industries. Future opportunities for the development of the agricultural sector in Romania, thus boosting rural development were identified by conducting a SWOT analysis of the domain through agriculture development. |
Monitoring Transformation Of Bioeconomy Entrepreneurship In Romania |
Rodino Steliana; Butu Alina; Gheorghe Carmen; Butu Marian | 2020 Basiq International Conference: New Trends In Sustainable Business And Consumption, 2020 | |
AbstractIn the context of shift towards bioeconomy, ensuring the food security under limited territorial resources is a challenge for any national economy. The policies in the field of innovation, small and medium-sized enterprises and entrepreneurship can play a major role in stimulating business and innovation, thus increasing the productivity which in turn leads to well-being and job creation. Entrepreneurship directly influences innovation, competitiveness and economic growth is recognized. At the same time, in order to make a significant contribution to the revitalization of the national economy, the concept of multifunctional and diversified agriculture, as a key sector of bioeconomy, will have to be included in the future business models. This paper constitutes an overview of the Romanian enterprise ecosystem with a focus on bioeconomy field. The companies with activity in the field of bioeconomy were identified quantitatively, for an estimation of the proportion of the bioeconomy in the national economy. With a proper awareness raising from the policy makers and effective collaboration between research organizations and business environment, the entrepreneurship in bioeconomy sector can only bring benefits for both society and economy. |
The Impact Of Covid-19 Crisis Upon The Consumer Buying Behavior Of Fresh Vegetables Directly From Local Producers. Case Study: The Quarantined Area Of Suceava County, Romania |
Butu Alina; Bruma Ioan Sebastian; Tanasa Lucian; Rodino Steliana; Dinu Vasiliu Codrin; Dobos Sebastian; Butu Marian | International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health, 2020 | |
AbstractThe present paper intends to address the impact of COVID-19 crisis upon the consumer buying behavior of fresh vegetables directly from local producers as observed 30 days later, after enforcing the state of emergency in Romania within a well-defined area, namely, the quarantined area of Suceava. The study relies on the interpretation of answers received from the quarantined area (N = 257) to a questionnaire applied online nationwide. The starting point of this paper is the analysis of the sociodemographic factors on the purchasing decision of fresh vegetables directly from local producers before declaring the state of emergency in Romania (16 March 2020). Further research has been conducted by interpreting the changes triggered by the COVID-19 crisis on the purchasing intention of such products before and after the end of the respective crisis. The aim of this scientific investigation relies on identifying the methods by which these behavioral changes can influence the digital transformation of short food supply chains. |
Herbal Extracts-New Trends In Functional And Medicinal Beverages |
Rodino Steliana; Butu Marian | Functional And Medicinal Beverages, 2019 | |
Abstract |
Fruit And Vegetable-Based Beverages-Nutritional Properties And Health Benefits |
Butu Marian; Rodino Steliana | Natural Beverages, 2019 | |
Abstract |
Application Of Biogenic Silver Nanoparticles For Berries Preservation |
Rodino S.; Butu M.; Butu A. | Digest Journal Of Nanomaterials And Biostructures, 2019 | |
AbstractThe growing demand of consumers for healthy and quality nutrition is of a global nature. The modern development of technologies, including nanotechnologies, has made it possible to obtain bioproducts with unique properties that are being actively used in the food industry, but also require careful study of their properties and the impact on the human body and the environment. Silver nanoparticles (AgNps) are the most widely used nanoparticles (NPs) in the industry due to their antimicrobial properties. It is well known that silver can have a bactericidal as well as a bacteriostatic effect on many microorganisms. NPs obtained by biosynthesis are considered to be less toxic, safer, and cheaper to obtain. In this study, the objective was to obtain silver nanoparticles by the synthesis mediated with plant extracts (french marigold flowers (Tagetes patula), pot marigold flowers (Calendula officinalis) and lemon peel (Citrus limon)), aiming their practical application in fruits protection at storage, for a longer preservation. |
An Analysis Regarding The Biomass Production Sector In Romania - A Bioeconomy Point Of View |
Rodino Steliana; Butu Alina; Dragomir Vili; Butu Marian | Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering In Agriculture And Rural Development, 2019 | |
AbstractBioeconomy was defined as the economic sector which is based on sustainable use of bioresources (crops, wood, vegetal and microbial biomass), provided either by the soil or the aquatic environment, for producing food, materials and energy. The present paper is representing an overview of the opportunities and challenges surrounding green growth through the use of biomass as renewable raw material in the transition towards bioeconomy. Global and European data are provided, and Romanian situation is briefly described. In a broad sense, biomass is a general term, covering various biological materials that can be further used in the production of renewable energy or materials. The biomass signifies the biodegradable part of byproducts, wastes and residues of biological (vegetal and animal) origin from agriculture, silviculture, related industries and also urban activities. It came into the attention due to the increased potential as clean, affordable and renewable bioenergy source, with a particular interest on the production processes that imply agricultural and forest waste as those two possess a great potential throughout the whole world. |
The Anthropological Analysis Of The Key Determinants On The Purchase Decision Taken By The Romanian Consumers Regarding The Ecological Agroalimentary Products |
Butu Alina; Vasiliu Codrin Dinu; Rodino Steliana; Bruma Ioan-Sebastian; Tanasa Lucian; Butu Marian | Sustainability, 2019 | |
AbstractShould you attend to the relevant published literature on perceptions belonging consumers of ecological products, it can be easily noticed that, as a rule, the interpretation insists heavily on the analysis of an error: the consumer's confusion about the ecological product. The official concept of an ecological product does not overlap with the idea of an ecological product at the mental level of the consumer. Most studies, if not all of them, tax this confusion and analyze it as a deviant phenomenon. The starting point for this study was based on this very confusion: If there is so much confusion, it most likely means we are dealing with a symbolic projection at a social level. We found intriguing the idea of trying to understand what exactly are the mechanisms behind the ideological forming of this symbolic projection and their impact upon the decision of purchasing ecological agroalimentary products. The study was based on a nationwide questionnaire conducted in Romania in 2016. The collected data were employed in an anthropological analysis of phenomenological approach to further understand the concept of ecological agroalimentary products as it appears in the mentality of the contemporary Romanian consumer. |
The Process Of Ethnocentralizing The Concept Of Ecological Agroalimentary Products For The Romanian Urban Consumer |
Butu Alina; Vasiliu Codrin Dinu; Rodino Steliana; Bruma Ioan-Sebastian; Tanasa Lucian; Butu Marian | Sustainability, 2019 | |
AbstractIn the case of the Romanian urban consumer, ecological agroalimentary products do not merely operate on the discursive line mapped by the rules of certification. The ecology of the agroalimentary products is reinterpreted and, thus, an interesting phenomenon occurs. The products perceived as natural, local, or peasant are seen as ecological enough to influence the purchase decision. Hence, according to the Romanian urban consumer, the ecological product stands for a symbolic projection provided by their own experience and trust level as a consumer. In the present paper, we aimed to go beyond the theory claiming that such behavior is determined by confusion in the social action of purchase and, following this line of interpretation, we also intended to identify the symbolic systems and hermeneutical criteria by which the Romanian urban consumer makes a social projection of ecological agroalimentary products through certain ethnocentralizing mechanisms. Our research paper was based on a qualitative and quantitative anthropological analysis that had, as a starting point, a questionnaire applied online (with a total of 1792 respondents, out of which 1342 were urban respondents). |
Fruit And Vegetable-Based Beverages—Nutritional Properties And Health Benefits |
Butu M.; Rodino S. | Natural Beverages: Volume 13: The Science Of Beverages, 2019 | |
AbstractThe current worldwide research is pointed toward exploiting the key role that food, in general and beverages, in particular, play in maintaining the quality of life, in prevention and treatment of chronic diseases. Consumers are more and more aware about the importance of high-quality beverages bringing health benefits, thus leading to increased consumption of natural products with proved functionality in preventing or inhibiting the progression of degenerative diseases caused by oxidative stress. Therefore, the producers from the beverage industry are oriented to respond to the emerging demand of natural beverages, as a result of therapeutic benefits that they provide beyond the basic nutritional properties. Exploitation of the synergies between raw materials as ingredients, processing methods, and product formulation will eventually lead to substantial innovations in the natural beverages industry. Depending on the processing technology, natural beverages may include juices or smoothies. They are produced with minimal processing and are usually consumed fresh, or soon after. © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. |
Analysis Of The Perception On Bioeconomy And Environmental Economics Concept |
Rodino S.; Butu A.; Butu M. | International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference Surveying Geology And Mining Ecology Management, Sgem, 2019 | |
AbstractDespite the increase of awareness and government involvement, the potential of many European countries to develop bioeconomy is still at a low level. The concept of bioeconomy is rather abstract and largely untapped. Many factors, including insufficient involvement of stakeholders in developing bio-economics strategies, which probably stem from the lack of theoretical and practical knowledge that governs this concept, technological transfer and proper exploitation of current scientific research tools, contribute to this situation. A preliminary analysis of the perception of the bioeconomy concept, as well as of its environmental economic component was carried out in rural environment among Romanian farmers. This analysis was designed to identify the farmers’ interest and capacity of adopting the environmental policies and to contribute to the development of national bioeconomy. As a result of the analysis it was concluded that it is necessary to align with the existing development directions at European level in the field of bioeconomy and the development of customized tools. Thus, the start of research activities can stimulate not only innovation in production, but also the creation of sustainable business models and funding mechanisms. © SGEM2019, All rights reserved. |
Tools For Quantitative And Qualitative Analysis On Bioeconomy |
Butu M.; Butu A.; Rodino S. | International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference Surveying Geology And Mining Ecology Management, Sgem, 2019 | |
AbstractThe concept of bioeconomy began to actively take shape in the world in the mid-2000s, when the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the European Commission (EC) began to develop programs to promote the bioeconomy in different countries. Documentation in the field of bioeconomy is a challenge for research, as official statistics report data on traditional sectors without distinguishing between synthetic and biological production. Therefore, indicators for the bioeconomic field are currently estimated based on a combination of multiple sources. In order to successfully achieve the objectives proposed in the presented research and to obtain the estimated results, we used summaries of the methods and techniques for analyzing, evaluating, comparing and confirming the identified approaches. Thus, in order to achieve the bibliographic study, the approach was multidisciplinary by accessing established platforms containing research databases in natural sciences, economics and social sciences: Thomson Reuters Web of Science, Scirus, Scopus / ScienceDirect, EconLit and International Bibliography of the Social Sciences. The analysis of various strategies was carried out on the basis of an evaluation grid following the definition of a good practice system. The main results of the research are represented by the identification of the directions of development of the bioeconomy in Romania, the improvement of bioeconomic assessment tools, personalized tools for scientific communities, representatives of public authorities, students, NGOs and other stakeholders. © SGEM2019. |
Application Of Silver Nanoparticles On Fresh Fruits Preservation |
Butu M.; Rodino S.; Butu A. | Proceedings Of The World Congress On New Technologies, 2019 | |
AbstractDespite the numerous potential applications of nanoparticles and the growing trends in scientific publications and patents, applications on vegetables and fruits shelf life extension are not yet available on the market. The growing demand for fresh vegetables and fruits leads to the constant challenge to develop innovative solutions for vegetables and fruits preservation. Nanoparticles such as gold, silver or copper nanoparticles have increasingly attracted the researcher's interest for antimicrobial products due to their biological properties. Most harvested fruits and vegetables cannot be stored in natural conditions for a satisfactory shelf life duration due to their perishable nature. Conventional preservation methods have the limitations of high production cost and/or unsatisfactory shelf-life and/or undesirable residue. Due to unique properties, nanotechnology-related shelf life extension strategies have the potential to compensate the shortcomings of traditional preservation methods. At present, the methods for keeping fresh berries mainly include low-temperature refrigeration and fresh-keeping technology, modified atmosphere packaging storage technology UV shortwave ultraviolet radiation technology, chemical preservation etc. However, most of these treatments are expensive, time consuming, and may even damage the appearance of the berries. The objective of our research was to study the silver nanoparticles by the synthesis mediated with plant extracts and to evaluate their preservation effect on fresh berries. The vegetal material used for plant extracts was Vaccinium vitis idaea fruits and Petroselinum crispum leaves. The silver nanoparticles were formed by reducing silver nitrate solution with the plant extracts. Various concentrations of silver nanoparticles - plant extracts solutions were investigated for their effect on prolongation of fruits shelf life. The fruit species used were Vaccinium myrtillus (blueberries) and Rubus fruticosus (blackberry). The influence of the mixtures on fruits preservation was evaluated by monitoring the sensorial and microbiological quality during the storage period. The synthesis of nanoparticles was characterized by the color change of mixture. The silver nanoparticles produced by green synthesis with both extracts showed the good results on prolongation of tested fruits shelf life. Our study demonstrated both the potential of green silver nanoparticles and the synergistic effect of plant extract and nanoparticles in preservation of fresh fruits. © 2019 Avestia Publishing. |
Microbial Strains For High-Tech Critical Metals Recovery |
Butu A.; Rodino S.; Butu M. | Proceedings Of The World Congress On New Technologies, 2019 | |
AbstractHigh-tech critical metals were defined as those metals essential for high-tech industry but with low availability due to uneven geographical distribution, thus resulting a high price volatility [1 - 3]. The challenge of the future is to assure a stable supply of high-tech metals by innovative approaches such as biomining. Potential alternative sources and possible new biotechnologies are the subject of current research [4, 5]. The main objective of our work was to isolate microbial strains with potential on biosolubilization and bioaccumulation of high-tech critical metals. Experimental: The samples of mining tailings containing high tech critical metals were collected from a depth of approximately maximum 100 cm below surface. They were placed in clean sterile bags, labelled accordingly and stored at 4 °C until further analysis. In order to be used for the microbiological studies, the samples were grounded to obtain a coarse powder. The chemicals used was metal(loid)s (Mo, W) and cultivation media for isolation and maintenance of the strains isolated (nutrient agar, nutrient broth, DSMZ 670 modified). Two different strategies were employed for the isolation of bacteria from the mine wastes samples. Following the isolation and purification, the strains were evaluated for the ability to grow on minimal agar in the presence of various concentration of Mo and W. The isolated strains were tested for their metal tolerance using the agar diffusion method. The agar was supplemented with successively higher concentrations (0, 5, 25, 50 mg /L) of the critical metals mentioned before. The growth of bacteria on the plates containing culture media with no metals was considered as control. Results: Bacterial strains capable of biosolubilizing and bioaccumulating Mo and W were isolated by applying two different strategies. The strains were isolated from the plates incubated at ambient temperature (23 - 24 ° C). The bacterial colonies were studied with respect to size, colour, opacity, and form. All bacterial strains proved to be Gram-negative. © 2019 Avestia Publishing. |
Efficacy Of Plant Based Bioproducts Against Tomato Seedlings Damping Off Disease - Short Overview |
Rodino Steliana; Butu Marian; Butu Alina | Scientific Papers-Series B-Horticulture, 2018 | |
AbstractMost European countries are investing in research to reduce reliance on pesticides and the risks associated with their use. At this moment, farmers' access to a wide range of pesticides is predicted to become limited due to legal regulations regarding sustainable use of pesticides. Therefore, the modern farmers will have to incorporate innovative pest and disease management approaches to reduce their dependency on pesticide use. This study presents an overview about the recent results on the efficacy of natural products obtained from plant extracts to control tomato seedlings damping off disease. It was already demonstrated that several plants contain secondary metabolites that are toxic to plant pathogenic microorganisms infecting horticultural crops, especially on the early emergence of the disease. The rich phenolic compound solutions possess antimicrobial effects and serve as plant defense mechanisms against plant pathogens. For using these products with reproducible efficiency, it is important to compare their mode of action for the optimization of the manufacturing process, the stabilization of these preparations, dates and rates of application. |
Resources Management And Eco-Efficiency-Critical Metals, An Example |
Butu A.; Rodino S.; Fidler G.; Butu M. | International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference Surveying Geology And Mining Ecology Management, Sgem, 2018 | |
AbstractCritical metals are those metals considered to be of fundamental importance for high-level industrial development. The definition of criticality derives, on the one hand, from the concentration of raw material sources in certain geographic areas, and on the other hand, the impossibility of replacing them with similar materials in the production processes. For a good management of raw material resources in general, and critical metals in particular, it is necessary to establish an eco-efficient strategy, to reinvent the sources of raw materials. The most recent European Commission reports on economy include legislative proposals on waste, aiming long-term measures to reduce landfilling on the one hand and to increase the recycling and reuse rate. Thus, innovative biotechnological methods for recovery of critical metals from mine waste (tailing, dumps, and ponds) or industrial process residues (e.g. waste waters, industrial waste) have been developed. Microbial leaching and microorganisms’ involvement in the control of redox reaction and metal adsorption could enhance the recovery of various amounts of critical metals from diverse secondary materials. Another research direction is the so-called urban mining, which represents the recovery of critical metals from waste electronic and electric equipment. This paper presents success stories in the current context of bioeconomy development regarding proper resource management by applying eco-efficiency principles. © 2018, International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference. All rights reserved. |
Applications Of Remote Sensing Techniques For Research On Bioeconomy Field |
Butu M.; Rodino S.; Petrache P.; Butu A. | International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference Surveying Geology And Mining Ecology Management, Sgem, 2017 | |
AbstractThe bioeconomy field covers the agricultural domain, all manufacturing sectors and associated services that involve any form of biological resources. Thereby, the research on bioeconomy is dependent on the data collection both about biological resources (such as plants, animals, and microorganisms) and about the connex phenomena. The remote sensing techniques provide an excellent way for the acquisition of information without making physical contact with these biological resources. So that, the remote sensing finds the applicability in numerous sectors of research on bioeconomy, such as agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and aquaculture, plant and animal breeding, forestry, energy, as well as food, beverage, chemicals, pharmaceutical, wood, paper, leather and textile industries. There are a range of datasets that can be collected for an individual research or for a research group with specific aims. In this study, the current limitations and challenges of the remote sensing techniques are identified and the future solutions are synthesized and evaluated aiming that these techniques to be integrated into bioeconomy research services. The state-of-the-art on development of the tools and technologies of remote sensing and the potential practical benefits of application of these techniques on the bioeconomy research will be presented. © SGEM2017. All Rights Reserved. |
Current Strategies For The Protection Of Organic Crops In Vegetables Production |
Rodino Steliana; Butu Marian; Fidler Gina; Marin Ancuta; Butu Alina | Scientific Papers-Series B-Horticulture, 2017 | |
AbstractDevelopment of disease resistance to conventional pesticides and environmental contamination problems created pressure on farmers to adopt new strategies for disease control in the production of vegetables. In addition, consumers demand to minimize pesticide residues in food products is forcing the growers and the pesticide producing companies to formulate and develop alternatives to the contentious inputs currently marketed. Products obtained from biologically active compounds extracted from plants will play an increasingly important role in crop protection strategies. Exploiting antimicrobial substances from plants that inhibit or halt the reproduction of pathogenic microbes, would become a more realistic and ecological method for the integrated management of plant diseases with the final goal of reducing or gradually phasing out contentious inputs without compromising the competitiveness of the organic sector. Obtaining, identifying, testing and physicochemical characterization of biologically active compounds with action to combat microbial diseases in vegetable crops shows both originality and complexity of activities proposed in the research work. The present study provides an overview of the current state of external inputs use and proposes a solution to the stricter European standards, by a systemic approach of biotechnological sciences and agricultural sciences, with immediate applicability of the obtained results in farm practices. |
Potential Of Microbial Functional Communities For High-Tech Critical Metals Recovery |
Butu A.; Rodino S.; Dobre A.; Butu M. | Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis Arad, Seria Stiintele Vietii, 2016 | |
AbstractAccording to European Commission reports published between 2010 - 2013, the development of European economy depends crucially on access to critical raw materials. Following the analysis performed by experts at European level, in 2011 was compiled and published a list of 14 critical raw materials, the so-called EU-14. In 2014 the list was updated with several new elements and one element (tantalum), was withdrawn from the list. The current list, being renamed EU-20, covers 20 critical raw materials including several high tech critical metals. Traditional mine exploitations are concentrated on using the deposits of ore extracted and processed by conventional techniques. The efficiency of metal recovery was variable over time and as a result, a significant amount of metal was discarded, most concentrations exceeding the current minimal permissible threshold. On the other hand, it is necessary the recovery of recyclable waste for reducing the risk of shortage of high tech critical metals. Therefore, it is necessary to develop new technologies for obtaining high tech critical metals, which is applicable to both primary and secondary sources of raw materials. Recovery of high-tech critical metals by processing ore, tailings or mine wastes, and recyclable materials can be successfully done with help of consortia or individual isolates of microorganisms, bacteria or fungi. Microorganisms interact with metals thus altering their physical and chemical condition. Isolation of individual strains and identification of microbial consortia that can be used in the design and development of effective biotechnological processes for the extraction of high tech critical metals is a current challenge of the scientific research in Europe. © 2016 Vasile Goldis University Press. |
Conceptual Framework For Bioeconomic Potential Indicators In Danube Delta |
Butu M.; Jilbotean R.; Itcus C.; Pasachiv M.; Tusa I.; Amarioarei A. | Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis Arad, Seria Stiintele Vietii, 2016 | |
AbstractThe regional bioeconomic potential takes into consideration many sectors of the economy that use renewable biological resources. The plants are one of the main resources for the most sectors - food, health, environment, materials and energy. The assessment of bioeconomic potential involves the modeling of the biological and economical aspects. Establishing the indicators involved in the study of this aspect requires a “what we have and what we need” analysis. We started with the development of a database of plants to facilitate an easy access to information for all interested scientist from related research fields. © 2016 Vasile Goldis University Press. |
Optimization Of Submerged Culture Conditions For Flammulina Velutipes On Sbd Culture Medium |
Fidler Georgeta; Rodino Steliana; Butu Alina; Butu Marian; Popa Gabriela; Cornea Calina Petruta | Journal Of Biotechnology, 2015 | |
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Sustainable Practices For Plant Protection Management In Organic Agriculture |
Petrache Petruta; Rodino Steliana; Butu Marian; Dinu Toma Adrian; Stoian Elena; Butu Alina; Cornea Calina Petruta | Journal Of Biotechnology, 2015 | |
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Analysis Of The Dynamics Of The Defensin From Germinated Lentil Seeds |
Butu Marian; Rodino Steliana; Micu Marius Mihai; Petrache Petruta; Cretu Romeo Catalin; Cretu Raluca Florentina; Butu Alina | Journal Of Biotechnology, 2015 | |
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Comparative Study On Antimicrobial Activity Of Sambucus Spp. Plant Extracts |
Rodino Steliana; Butu Marian; Negoescu Constanta; Condei Reta; Niculae Ioana; Butu Alina; Cornea Calina Petruta | Journal Of Biotechnology, 2015 | |
Abstract |
Grsd V2.1 Program For Visualization Of Data Sets From In Silico Simulation |
Butu Alina; Rodino Steliana; Micu Marius Mihai; Cretu Raluca Florentina; Negoescu Constanta; Cretu Romeo Catalin; Butu Marian | Journal Of Biotechnology, 2015 | |
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Liposomal Nanodelivery System For Proteasome Inhibitor Anticancer Drug Bortezomib |
Butu Alina; Rodino Steliana; Golea Diana; Butu Marian; Butnariu Monica; Negoescu Constanta; Dinu-Pirvu Cristina-Elena | Farmacia, 2015 | |
AbstractBortezomib is the first therapeutic agent designed to inhibit mainly the activity of the 26S proteasome. It is used for the treatment of multiple myeloma. The objective of this study was to develop and optimize liposomal formulation of bortezomib in order to improve the encapsulation efficiency. For evaluating the encapsulation efficiency it was investigated the effect of two parameters: the drug/lipid molar ratio and the pH of the medium. The liposomal formulation of bortezomib was obtained by mixing a solution of bortezomib with SUV liposomes (small unilamellar vesicle). A transmembrane pH gradient was obtained by creating a difference of pH between internal medium of the liposomes and the external medium in which the liposomes were suspended. When preparing the liposomes by using a pH gradient it was obtained an encapsulation efficiency of 48 % for the molar ratio bortezomib:lipid 1:5. |
Study On Antimicrobial And Antioxidant Activity And Phenolic Content Of Ethanolic Extract Of Humulus Lupulus |
Arsene Andreea Letitia; Rodino Steliana; Butu Alina; Petrache Petruta; Iordache Ovidiu; Butu Marian | Farmacia, 2015 | |
AbstractThe vegetal material is an inexhaustible source of biologically active compounds. It was already demonstrated that secondary metabolites of plant origin have practical application in the industry of food and beverage, drugs, and flavours. Furthermore, considering the acquired resistance of bacterial pathogens to existing antibiotics, research on new molecules of plant products is nowadays of great interest. Taking all these into consideration, we conducted a study on the inhibitory activity of Humulus lupulus L. (hops) extract against several gram negative and gram positive bacteria, (Bacillus subtilis, Enterococcus faecalis, Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterobacter cloacae, Pseudomonas fluorescens and Escherichia coli). The antimicrobial activity was performed by diffusion methods. The hops extract was also studied for its radical scavenging activity and total phenol content and total flavonoid content. The results obtained indicated that the hops extract could be used as raw material in the design of a plant based antimicrobial product. |
Evaluation Of The Antimicrobial And Antioxidant Activity Of Sambucus Ebulus Extract |
Rodino Steliana; Butu Alina; Petrache Petruta; Butu Marian; Dinu-Pirvu Cristina-Elena; Cornea Calina Petruta | Farmacia, 2015 | |
AbstractThis study investigated the inhibitory activity of Sambucus ebulus (danewort) fruit extract on the growth of several gram positive and gram negative bacteria, Bacillus subtilis, Enterococcus faecalis, Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Escherichia coli and on the mycelial growth of some fungal pathogens, namely, Botrytis cinerea, Rhizoctonia solani and Phytophthora infestans. The contents of phenols, flavonoids and the antioxidant capacity were determined using spectrophotometric methods. The extract showed antimicrobial activity against most of the tested strains. The best results regarding antibacterial activity were obtained against P. fluorescens and E. fecalis. |
Isolation And Separation Of Inulin From Phalaris Arundinacea Roots |
Caunii A.; Butu M.; Rodino S.; Motoc M.; Negrea A.; Samfira I.; Butnariu M. | Revista De Chimie, 2015 | |
AbstractThe inulins are a group of oligosaccharides that contain fructose. They belong to the class of carbohydrates known as fructans. The aim of this paper is to determine the quantity of proteins, lipids, and glucides by known standard methods, from roots of Phalaris arundinacea. The inulin was determined by a fast and simple way, based on the fact that in the presence of concentrated sulphuric acid, vanillin and inulin form a red complex which has a characteristic in the absorption spectrum at 520 nm. The qualitative evidentiation of inulin was done in agreement with the USP 23 criteria: The solubility test, speciric rotation, percentage of iron, reducing sugars, microbial load and from the physico-chemical point of view, melting point, Molish test, with lugol and resorcinol. Inulin was characterized with the help of UV-Vis absorption spectrophotometric methods. The use of undigestable poly glucides (inulins) may improve taste, texture and humidity of many foods. |
Comparative Studies On Antibacterial Activity Of Licorice, Elderberry And Dandelion |
Rodino S.; Butu A.; Butu M.; Cornea P.C. | Digest Journal Of Nanomaterials And Biostructures, 2015 | |
AbstractThe concern in developing research on antimicrobial natural active ingredients from plant material is constantly growing nowadays, due to acquired resistance of pathogens to antibiotic products existing on the market. The aim of this study was the screening of the antibacterial activity of several medicinal plant extracts, namely licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), elderberry (Sambucus nigra), and dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) against Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria. Clear inhibition activity was observed for the ethanolic extracts of licorice against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas fluorescens and Bacillus cereus, while the ethanolic extracts of elderberry inhibited Enterococcus faecalis, E. coli and P. fluorescens. The antibacterial evaluation was followed by the biochemical characterization in terms of quantitative determination of the total phenolic content, total flavonoids content. The results obtained revealed the fact that the selected plants, traditionally used in various forms in folk medicine, can be in the future a potential source of antimicrobial compounds. © 2015,Inst Materials Physics. All rights reserved. |
Characterization And Identity Confirmation Of Essential Oils By Mid Infrared Absorption Spectrophotometry |
Samfira I.; Rodino S.; Petrache P.; Cristina R.T.; Butu M.; Butnariu M. | Digest Journal Of Nanomaterials And Biostructures, 2015 | |
AbstractCharacterization and confirmation of identity as part of the structural interaction perspective of essential oils biostructure from lavender (Lavandula officinalis), peppermint (Mentha piperita), green Douglas (Pseudotsuga menziesii), fir (Abies alba) and chicory (Cichorium intybus) has been addressed by qualitative detection and quantification of specific natural clusters, by infrared absorption spectrophotometry. The method allows the identification of structural components that are characteristic to essential oils, due to steric and electronic effects of vibrational coupling (neighbouring bonds acting on force constant of the bond, changing the position of the absorption band). Through this research the essential oil identity was confirmed by quantifying the structural components and by assigning characteristic absorption bands in the spectrum measured. Comparisons of spectra by calculating the correlation coefficient is a convenient, fast and secure method for objective confirmation of essential oils identity. © 2015, Inst Materials Physics. All rights reserved. |
Extraction And Analytical Study Of Salvinorin A From Leaves Of Salvia Divinorum |
Pentea M.; Butu M.; Samfira I.; Cristina R.T.; Butnariu M. | Digest Journal Of Nanomaterials And Biostructures, 2015 | |
AbstractBrain-imaging studies in animals provided evidence that salvinorin A biostructure, in addition to hallucinations and impairment of motor function in humans, could become a popular drug. Salvia divinorum samples were analyzed by gas chromatography, after being dried at 40°. For extraction was used analytical grade purity acetone and recrystallisation was achieved with methanol of chromatographic purity. Preliminary processing of crude extract allowed enriching the final solution composition in salvinorin A. The large number of signals showed that under ionization an advanced fragmentation of the molecule occurred. By the advanced fragmentation of S. divinorum it was obtained a sample image, with the mass spectrometer, which may constitute a specific footprint of the component salvinorin A. © 2015, Inst Materials Physics. All rights reserved. |
Assessment Of Antifungal Activity Of Lactic Acid Bacteria Strains Against Bread Spoilage Fungus Aspergillus Ochraceus |
Matei Adrian; Cornea Calina Petruta; Rodino Steliana; Iordache Ovidiu; Butu Marian | Bulletin Of University Of Agricultural Sciences And Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca-Food Science And Technology, 2015 | |
AbstractLactic acid bacteria (LAB) are generally recognized as safe and can be used against fungi that contaminate various food commodities. The aim of the research was to select LAB strains with high antifungal activity for the biocontrol of Aspergillus ochraceus. The antifungal activity of eight strains of lactic acid bacteria has been evaluated by overlay assay method against the spoilage fungus, Aspergillus ochraceus isolated from white bread. The antifungal effect was assessed by co-cultivation of lactic acid bacteria strains and Aspergillus ochraceus in liquid media and mycelium growth inhibition was monitored for over 14 days. The LAB strains Lpl, LAB 43 and LAB 13 presented intense antifungal activity with large inhibition zones of fungal growth and sporulation, but smaller for Lpa and LAB 15 strains. Total inhibition of mycelia growth was induced by the strains LAB 43, LAB 13 and Lpa. The strains LAB 15 and LAB 35 had a moderate inhibition activity on the mycelia growth. The results of this study demonstrated the antifungal activity of several LAB strains by overlay assay and by co-cultivation method. Therefore, it was confirmed the inhibitory effect of the strains LAB 43 and LAB 13 against Aspergillus ochraceus. The experiment revealed that these LAB strains could be further used as biocontrol agents. |
In Silico Analysis Of Antimicrobial Peptides From Plants |
Buţu M.; Rodino S.; Petrache P.; Buţu A | Bulletin Of University Of Agricultural Sciences And Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Animal Science And Biotechnologies, 2014 | |
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In Vitro Efficacy Of Some Plant Extracts Against Damping Off Disease Of Tomatoes |
Rodino S.; Buţu A.; Buţu M.; Cornea C. P. | Journal Of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture And Food, 2014 | |
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Probabilități De Asociere În Amestecuri De Fosfolipide Membranare |
Buţu M.; Rodino S.; Buţu A. | Printech, 2014 | |
Abstract |
Cultivarea Submersă A Unor Specii De Macromicete Și Evaluarea Proprietăților Antimicrobiene Și Antioxidante Ale Acestora |
Fidler G.; Rodino S.; M. Butu; Cornea C. P | Sesiunea Stiintifica Anuala A Incdsb, Bucuresti, Romania, 2014 | |
Abstract |
Evaluation Of The Antimicrobial Activities Of Sambucus Spp. Before And After Encapsulation In Liposomes |
Rodino S.; Golea D.; Buţu M.; C. P. Cornea; Buţu A. | Joint Iubmb/Icgeb Symposium “Modern Biotechnological Advances For Human Health – Bahh”, National Institute Of Research And Development For Biological Sciences, Bucharest, Romania, 2014 | |
Abstract |
Antioxidant Activity, Bioactive Compounds And Antimicrobial Effect Of Mushrooms Extracts |
Fidler G.; Buţu A.; Rodino S.; Buţu M.; Cornea P. C. | Simpozionul Internațional “Prospects For The Third Millennium Agriculture, Usamv Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2014 | |
Abstract |
The Antimicrobial Effect Of The Fractions Obtained From Extract Of Xanthium Strumarium |
Marin L.; Buţu M.; Rodino S.; Fidler G.; Buţu A. | Joint Iubmb/Icgeb Symposium “Modern Biotechnological Advances For Human Health – Bahh”, National Institute Of Research And Development For Biological Sciences, Bucharest, Romania, 2014 | |
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The Inhibitory Activity Of Sambucus Ebulus Extract Against Some Plant Pathogens |
Rodino Steliana; Butu Marian; Petrache Petruta; Micu Marius Mihai; Tudor Valentina; Cornea Calina Petruta | Journal Of Biotechnology, 2014 | |
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The Influence Of Temperature On The Accessible Surface Area Of The Human Alpha-Defensin 2 (Hnp2) |
Butu Marian; Rodino Steliana; Negoescu Constanta; Nicolae Ioana; Condei Reta; Butu Alina | Journal Of Biotechnology, 2014 | |
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Screening Of The Antioxidant Capacity And Total Phenolic Content Of Three Native Plants |
Butu M.; Rodino S.; Golea D. A.; Butu A. | Digest Journal Of Nanomaterials And Biostructures, 2014 | |
AbstractThe medicinal herbs, a valuable source of biologically active compounds, have been used in folk medicine for various diseases, but phytochemical exploration is still incomplete. This study presents the extractive technological processes and spectrophotometric characterization of threeindigenous plants in order to obtain anantifungal formula with applications inhorticulture. Therefore, it was evaluated the antioxidant activity, total phenolic (TPC) and flavonoid contents (TFC) and the correlation between them for individual extracts obtained by two different methods: Soxhlet (S) and percolation (P). The obtained data showed a significant difference both between the plant material used, as well as the extraction method applied. Most of the extracts prepared by Soxhlet method had higher antioxidant properties and phenolic contents than the ones obtained by percolation. Based on the results, were elaborated five association formulas, of which Rosmarinus officinalisL. combination 1: 1 (S: P) showed the best results: TPC -236.38 mg GAE /g DW, TFC -247.11 mg rutin /g DW, EC50 -0.030 mg/mL. |
Control Of Tomato Late Blight With Artemisia Absinthium Extracts |
Rodino S.; Cornea C. P.; Butu A.; Butu M. | Ii International Symposium On Organic Greenhouse Horticulture, 2014 | |
AbstractLate blight is one of the most severe diseases in horticultural crops worldwide, causing important economic losses. Phytophthora infestans, causal agent of late blight in potato and tomato, is a very difficult phytopathogen to manage in organic production systems. The main goal of this paper is the study of the in vitro antifungal activity of extracts prepared from samples of Artemisia absinthium collected from different geographic regions in Romania. The extracts were obtained by cold maceration in ethanol, a simple technique which allows the transfer of the technology to the field. Inhibitory effects were determined by measuring radial growth of P. infestans mycelium cultivated on PDA medium containing the selected plant extract. No significant differences in antifungal action among the extracts originating from plants collected from various regions were detected. The results show the potential of extracts of A. absinthium for control of late blight and encourages us to further studies in this direction. |
Determination And Quantification Of Maize Zeaxanthin Stability |
Butnariu M.; Rodino S.; Petrache P.; Negoescu C.; Butu M. | Digest Journal Of Nanomaterials And Biostructures, 2014 | |
AbstractZeaxanthin was intended for use in foods and beverages as a colouring and as a nutritional supplement. The main goal of this article was the study of the carotenoid antioxidants by spectrophotometric methods, in order to identify and determine maize zeaxanthin by using known extinction coefficients or experimentally calculated from calibration curves. Zeaxanthin concentration in acetone, by means of the extinction coefficient of 2340, was 1.4 times higher than the one obtained from the calibration curve (n = 8, r(2) = 1.000). The carotenoid levels in maize presented a wide range, with the highest levels of zeaxanthin being 16.3 mg kg(-1). In order to establish ethanol efficiency in zeaxanthin conditioning, ethanol extracts were tested for their stability. The study of the selected conditions for zeaxanthin storage highlighted the determining parameters of zeaxanthin stability, meaning the temperature of 0 degrees C. Qualitatively, zeaxanthin can be identified based on its characteristic spectrum intervals of carbon-carbon single bond (1156 cm(-1)) and from the carbon-carbon double bond stretch vibrations (1657 cm(-1)) of its molecule backbone (zeaxanthin characteristic bands). |
Study Of Zingiberene From Lycopersicon Esculentum Fruit By Mass Spectometry |
Butu M.; Butnariu M.; Rodino S.; Butu A. | Digest Journal Of Nanomaterials And Biostructures, 2014 | |
AbstractThe aim of the study was the recording and interpretation of the MS fragmentation spectrum for alpha-zingiberene [S-(R*,S*)]-5-(1,5-dimethylhexen-4-yl)-2-methyl-1,3-cyclohexa-1,3-diene. The mass spectra are line spectra (peaks) which contain signals, such as the line of the molecular ion, isotopic lines, base line, and lines generated by the fragmentation of the molecular ion (fragmentation peaks). The highest peak of the mass spectra of this research is alpha-zingiberene; base peak that corresponds to the long life ions which reach the detector in the highest amount. Alpha-zingiberene is identical to the molecular peak (it can be a peak generated through the fragmentation of the molecular ion M+). The relative percentage intensity I% is considered 100% for alpha-zingiberene, and the relative intensities of the other peaks are determined relative to the base peak. Knowing the relative percentage intensity allows knowing the relative percentage abundance for each species of ions in the mass spectra. For spectra obtaining was used an ion trap spectrometer, capable of recording sequential ionization spectra, before reaching the MS11. It was recorded and interpreted the fragmentation spectrum for alpha-zingiberene. For each fragment, the ionic or radical-ionic character was indicated. |
Spectrophotometric Method For Quantitative Determination Of Nystatin Antifungal Agent In Pharmaceutical Formulations |
Rodino S.; Butu M.; Negoescu C.; Caunii A.; Cristina R. T.; Butnariu M. | Digest Journal Of Nanomaterials And Biostructures, 2014 | |
AbstractThe low solubility of Nystatin causes biopharmaceutical problems decreasing the bioavailability or biological availability, compromising the bioanalytical analysis. The aim of this study is to achieve a quantitative analysis method with appropriate sensitivity and suitable robustness for this drug substance. The controlled photochemical transformation of Nystatin solution was conducted with a LUP 6W lamp. The maximum slope (in absolute value) of the curve associated with 322 nm radiation is recorded at the beginning of the irradiation; based on this, it can be established the optimal irradiation time (30 minutes) when analysis were carryied out. The average value of the determinations is not far from the expected value. The method for quantification of Nystatin in pharmaceutical formulations, based on the photosensitivity and selective photo-transformation of the active substance, has proved to be reliable for the analytical control of these types of pharmaceutical formulations. |
Screening Of Bioflavonoid And Antioxidant Activity Of Lens Culinaris Medikus |
Butu M.; Rodino S.; Butu A.; Butnariu M. | Digest Journal Of Nanomaterials And Biostructures, 2014 | |
AbstractIn the phyto-chemical research of extracts, there is a rising demand for simple, quick, selective and precise quantitative analysis methods of polyphenolics. The goal of this research was to realise a quantitative meta-analysis of the experimental methods that investigate flavonoids from three types of seeds of Lens culinaris Medikus extracts using spectrophotometry. Polyphenol quantitative determination was done through spectrophotometric methods (based on the chelating reaction with AlCl3/CH3COONa for flavones, and Arnow reaction for poliphenolcarboxylic acids). Determination of the antioxidant activity of the extract was realised with the 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method and ORAC (antioxidative capacity of the oxygen radical) method. The antioxidant capacity of the analysed extracts is proportional with their concentration value. In order to use as nutraceuticals, the organic solvents were replaced with alimentary ethanol of fermentative origin, and HCl was replaced with acetic acid of 0.5% concentration. |
Polyacetylene And Carotenes From Petroselinum Sativum Root |
Petrache P.; Rodino S.; Butu M.; Pribac G.; Pentea M.; Butnariu M. | Digest Journal Of Nanomaterials And Biostructures, 2014 | |
AbstractPolyacetylenes, carotenes and other components such as starch, pectin, cellulose, lignin were investigated in the root of Petroselinum sativum by a noninvasive spectroscopic method. The components were measured in situ, directly in the plant tissue, with no preliminary sample preparation. The analysis was done on the basis of intensity of characteristic bands observed in Raman spectrum. The principal polyacetylenes from P. sativum are all-cis-polyacetylene (C2H2)(n) and all-trans-polyacetylene (C2H2)(n) have similar molecular structure, but present in their spectra a change of the symmetric group C=C-C=C- from 2210 cm(-1) to 2002 cm(-1). The differences observed can be due both to the conformational differences and those existing in the environment. By Raman quantification were detected polyacetylenes that visualize the distribution of biostructures between the sections in root of P. sativum. The technique of quantification was applied to evaluate the distribution of some compounds such as lignin and polyglucides. Results showed an internal tissue specific accumulation in starch and biostructures like lignin, pectin and cellulose in the cell wall. |
Ir Spectroscopy Of The Flour From Bones Of European Hare |
Butu M.; Rodino S.; Pentea M.; Negrea A.; Petrache P.; Butnariu M. | Digest Journal Of Nanomaterials And Biostructures, 2014 | |
AbstractThe general objective of the research was to study the biostructure of flour from bones of Europeanhare (Lepus europaeus) with the aim of valorizing it by its use in non food activities. In the study of biostructure obtained from bone flour we used IR absorption spectroscopy. The studies allowed us to characterize this biostructure obtained from bone flour at the moment of obtaining, after 7 days of obtaining and 14 days, respectively. The IR spectra of the obtained samples present bands of characteristic frequency without essential differences between them. The differences that appear are referring to the intensity and profile of the bands with insignificant displacement of the characteristic bands. |
Evaluation Of Total Polyphenol Content Of The Extracts Obtained From Selected Romanian Plant Species |
Buţu M.; Andrei N.; Rodino S. | Studia Universitatis “Vasile Goldis”, Seria Stiintele Vietii, Tudia Universitatis Vasile Goldis, Seria Ştiinţele Vieţii, 2013 | |
Abstract |
Screening Of Some Indigenous Plants For Identifying The Inhibitory Effect Against Phytophthora Infestans |
Rodino S.; Dobre A.; Buţu M. | Studia Universitatis “Vasile Goldis”, Seria Stiintele Vietii, 2013 | |
Abstract |
Preliminary Study Of Antibacterial Effect Of Extracts Obtained By Different Extraction Methods |
Buţu M.; Manole C.; Rodino S.; Buţu A. | Studia Universitatis “Vasile Goldis”, Seria Stiintele Vietii, 2013 | |
Abstract |
Comparative Study Of The Antioxidant Activity And Of The Polyphenolic Content For Thymus Vulgaris Leaves And Pinus Sylvestris Shoots |
Buţu M.; Golea D.; Rodino S.; Buţu A. | Studia Universitatis “Vasile Goldis”, Seria Stiintele Vietii, 2013 | |
Abstract |
Studies Regarding The Cultivation Of Safflower In Southern Romania |
Buţu A.; Tudora C.; Rodino S.; Buţu M. | Banat’S Journal Of Biotechnology, 2013 | |
Abstract |
Biodiesel Production Using Calcium-Based Solid Catalysts |
Buţu M.; Grosu I.; Rodino S.; Buţu A. | Banat’S Journal Of Biotechnology, 2013 | |
Abstract |
Testing Of The Antifungal Effect Of Extracts Of Burdock, Thyme And Rough Cocklebur |
Buţu M.; Dobre A.; Rodino S.; Buţu A.; Lupuleasa D. | Studia Universitatis “Vasile Goldis”, Seria Stiintele Vietii, 2013 | |
Abstract |
Evaluation Of Some Yeast Strains To Obtain Forage Biomass |
Rodino S.; Buţu M.; Negoescu C. | Banat’S Journal Of Biotechnology, 2013 | |
Abstract |
Obtaining Of Proteic Biomass By Cultivation Of Lactic Acid Bacteria On Grape Marc Diffusion Solution |
Buţu M.; Rodino S.; Petrache P.; Micu M. M.; Tudor V. | Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering In Agriculture And Rural Development, 2013 | |
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article, conference
Preliminary Investigation Regarding The Antifungal Activity Of Sambucus Nigra Extracts |
Rodino S.; Negoescu C.; Buţu M.; Cornea P. C. | Bulletin Uasvm Animal Science And Biotechnologies, The 12Th International Symposium ”Prospects For 3Rd Millennium Agriculture” Cluj Napoca/ Romania, 2013 | |
Abstract |
The Biofuels Database |
Buţu M.; Petrache P.; Rodino S. | Banat’S Journal Of Biotechnology, 2013 | |
Abstract |
Utilisation Of Grape Marc For Obtaining Feed Protein With Ethanol Consuming Yeasts |
Rodino S.; Buţu M.; Negoescu C.; Tudor V.; Micu M. M. | Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering In Agriculture And Rural Development, 2013 | |
Abstract |
Comparative Characteristics Of Lupinus Perennis L. Under Allelochemical Sorgoleone Stress |
Stef R.; Bostan C.; Butu A.; Ortan A.; Rodino S.; Butu M. | Romanian Biotechnological Letter, 2013 | |
Abstract |
Romanian Traditional Products |
Tudor V.; Macau I.; Butu M. | Agrarian Economy And Rural Development – Realities And Perspectives For Romania, 2013 | |
Abstract |
Cercetări Preliminare Privind Evaluarea Activității Antimicrobiene A Unor Extracte De Xanthium Strumarium |
Rodino S.; Buțu A.; Fidler G.; Buțu M.; Cornea P. C. | Sesiunea Stiintifica Anuala A Incdsb, Bucuresti, Romania, 2013 | |
Abstract |
Studiul Extractelor De Sambucus Nigra În Vederea Evidențierii Potențialului Antimicrobian |
Rodino S.; Dobre A.; Marin L.; M. Buțu; Cornea P. C. | Sesiunea Stiintifica Anuala A Incdsb, Bucuresti, Romania, 2013 | |
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article, conference
Investigation Of The Antimicrobial Activity Of Extracts From Indigenous Xanthium Strumarium Plants Against Phytophthora Infestans |
Rodino S.; Buţu A.; Fidler G.; Buţu M.; Cornea P. C. | Current Opinion In Biotechnology, European Biotechnology Congress, Bratislava, 2013 | |
Abstract |
Optimization Of The Extraction Methods For Obtaining Extracts With Antimicrobial Activity From Xanthium Strumarium And Arctium Lappa, |
Rodino S.; Buţu M.; Tudor V.; Micu M. M.; Stoian E.; Alecu I. I.; Buţu A. | European Biotechnology Congress, Bratislava, 2013 | |
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article, conference
Antifungal Activity Of Extracts From Three Traditional Medicinal Plants |
Rodino S.; Buţu M.; Micu M. M.; Tudor V.; Temocico G.; Iova A.; Buţu A. | Current Opinion In Biotechnology, European Biotechnology Congress, Bratislava, 2013 | |
Abstract |
Major Compounds And Antimicrobial Activity Of Cynara Scolymus And Rosmarinus Officinalis Against Bacillus Subtilis Atcc 6633 Strain |
Rodino S.; Buţu A.; Buţu M.; Cornea P. C. | Trends In Natural Products Research: A Young Scientists Meeting Of Pse And Öphg Tirol, Austria, 2013 | |
Abstract |
Alternative Biological Methods For Control Of Tomato Late Blight |
Rodino S.; Buţu A.; Buţu M.; Cornea C. P. | Ii International Symposium On Organic Greenhouse Horticulture, Avignon, Franţa, 2013 | |
Abstract |
Evaluation Of The Antibacterial Activity Of Selected Plant Extracts |
Rodino S.; Buţu A.; Dobre A.; Buţu M.; Cornea C. P. | The International Conference Of The Uasvm Of Bucharest „Agriculture For Life, Life For Agriculture, Bucharest, Romania, 2013 | |
Abstract |
Optimization Of The Extraction Methods For Obtaining Extracts With Antimicrobial Activity From Xanthium Strumarium And Arctium Lappa |
Rodino Steliana; Butu Marian; Tudor Valentina; Micu Marius Mihai; Stoian Elena; Alecu Ioan Iulian; Butu Alina | Current Opinion In Biotechnology, 2013 | |
Abstract |
Structural Investigation Of Mistletoe Plants From Various Hosts Exhibiting Diverse Lignin Phenotypes |
Samfira I.; Butnariu M.; Rodino S.; Butu M. | Digest Journal Of Nanomaterials And Biostructures, 2013 | |
AbstractThe aim of the study was to identify the characteristics of the mistletoe lignin, through the qualitative evaluation of the chemical and biochemical modifications. The analysis of lignins by FTIR spectroscopy was accomplished by evaluating the intensity of the absorption bands, determined by the wide number of functional groups present in the structure of these aromatic compounds. The 1700-900 cm(-1) domain represents an area in which absorption bands corresponding to the guaiacil and siringil structural units with different substitutions meet. The intensity of the absorption peak is different for the three studied samples. All the investigated samples present a wide central band around the value of 2930 cm(-1), assigned to a methylenic spread vibration. v(CH2), and a second central band at 2873 cm(-1), assigned to a methylic spread vibration. v(CH3). In the case of these samples, there can be observed that the spread of the absorption peak is higher for the sample harvested from the birch, decreasing in intensity for the samples harvested from fir and ash, respectively, which can be a proof for including -OH groups at the level of the aromatic rings. |
Allelopathic Effect Of Festuca Rubra On Perennial Grasses |
Bostan C.; Butnariu M.; Butu M.; Ortan A.; Butu A.; Rodinoc S.; Parvue C. | Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 2013 | |
AbstractThe allelopathy research can contribute to protecting the biodiversity and may develop new strategies for sustainable ecosystems controlled by allelochemicals. The present investigations have estimated the allelopahtic features at Festuca rubra and the ability of the allelopathic compounds to affect the germination and the quality of perennial grasses (Dactyilis glomerata, Lolium perenne and Poa pratensis). These perennial grasses were treated with alcolic extracts obtained from dry aerial parts of Festuca Rubra. Were quantified and also physico-chemical characterized the polyphenolic compounds and the alkaloids from the chemical structure of plants. The extracted compounds from the dry aerialparts of F. Rubra were quantified using HPLC method. In the aqueous extracts were quantified the following alkaloids: N-formyl-loline (NFL), N-acetyl-loline (NAL) and ergovaline (EGV). The results of the research have showed that the effect of the alkaloids lead to modifications in the quality index by reducing of the crude protein content and thus lead to lower feed value of these plants. © 2013 University of Bucharest. |
Microencapsulation Of The Allelochemical Compounds And Study Of Their Release From Different Products |
Barbat C.; Rodino S.; Petrache P.; Butu M.; Butnariu M. | Digest Journal Of Nanomaterials And Biostructures, 2013 | |
AbstractThis research aims to use extracts of tropane alkaloids in Datura stramonium using known extraction procedures followed by microencapsulation in order to facilitate environmental protection and sustainable development. The advantage lies in the fact that the release of extracts of plants can be controlled and extended by the chemical mediation. The microcapsules were prepared by the process of the interfacial cross-linking. Tropane alkaloids inhibit the proteinases and native/active site shall be secured, by introducing the microcapsules incorporated in the aqueous phase. The paper studied the effects of the influence of pH of the aqueous phase, PMMA, terephthaloyl chloride concentrations, and the rate of stirring on the morphology and size of the microcapsules. The pH was a determining factor in the amount of microcapsules, influencing the encapsulating yield. The size of the microcapsules varied depending on the speed of mixing 50, 100 and 150 rpm respectively. Infrared spectroscopy was performed on the microcapsules prepared under different conditions. Between the spectral changes, the morphology and size of microcapsules may be set a correlation. It was found that the active substances (tropane alkaloids) protected by encapsulation kept constant their activity after microencapsulation. |
Microencapsulation Of The Allelochemical Compounds And Study Of Their Release From Different |
Barbat C.; Rodino S.; Petrache P.; Butu M.; Butnariu M. | Digest Journal Of Nanomaterials And Biostructures, 2013 | |
AbstractThis research aims to use extracts of tropane alkaloids in Datura stramonium using known extraction procedures followed by microencapsulation in order to facilitate environmental protection and sustainable development. The advantage lies in the fact that the release of extracts of plants can be controlled and extended by the chemical mediation. The microcapsules were prepared by the process of the interfacial cross-linking. Tropane alkaloids inhibit the proteinases and native/active site shall be secured, by introducing the microcapsules incorporated in the aqueous phase. The paper studied the effects of the influence of pH of the aqueous phase, PMMA, terephthaloyl chloride concentrations, and the rate of stirring on the morphology and size of the microcapsules. The pH was a determining factor in the amount of microcapsules, influencing the encapsulating yield. The size of the microcapsules varied depending on the speed of mixing 50, 100 and 150 rpm respectively. Infrared spectroscopy was performed on the microcapsules prepared under different conditions. Between the spectral changes, the morphology and size of microcapsules may be set a correlation. It was found that the active substances (tropane alkaloids) protected by encapsulation kept constant their activity after microencapsulation. |
Fundamentals Of Isothermal Titration Calorimetry And Some Applications |
Rodino S.; Buţu M.; Golea D.; Buţu A. | Banat’S Journal Of Biotechnology, 2012 | |
Abstract |
Evaluation Of Antioxidant Effect Of Ribes Nigrum And Vaccinium Myrtillus Leaves Extracts On Lipid Oxidation |
Golea D.; Buţu M.; Rodino S.; Buţu A. | Banat’S Journal Of Biotechnology, 2012 | |
Abstract |
Studii Preliminare Privind Înglobarea Polipeptidului Anticancerigen Bortezomib În Vectori De Transport-Lipozomi |
Dobre A.; Golea D.; Grosu I.; Buţu M. | Sesiunea Stiintifica Anuala A Incdsb, Bucuresti, Romania, 2012 | |
Abstract |
Procesul Tehnologic Şi Randamentul De Obţinere A Bioetanolului Din Sorg Zaharat |
Golea D.; Buţu M.; Rodino S. | Sesiunea Stiintifica Anuala A Incdsb, Bucuresti, Romania, 2012 | |
Abstract |
Peptide Antimicrobiene – Sursă De Antibiotice Naturale |
Buţu A.; Ferdeş M.; Rodino S.; Buţu M. | Sesiunea Stiintifica Anuala A Incdsb, Bucuresti, Romania, 2012 | |
Abstract |
Screening Of The Extraction Methods For Obtaining Some Indigenous Plant Extracts With Antifungal Activity |
Rodino S.; Buţu M.; Dobre Andreea; Golea D.; Andrei N.; Buţu A. | Conference On Integrative Biology In Plants, Luxemburg, 2012 | |
Abstract |
Testing Of The Antifungal Activity Of Some Indigenous Plant Extracts |
Rodino S.; Grosu I.; Manole C.; Buţu M.; Fidler G.; Buţu A. | Conference On Integrative Biology In Plants, Luxemburg, 2012 | |
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Analysis Of Molecular Dynamics Of Human Alpha-Defensin-1 |
Buţu A.; Rodino S.; Buţu M.; Ferdeş M. | Conferinţa Internaţională Anmbes, Brasov, Romania, 2012 | |
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Thermodynamic Characterization Of Amps |
Buţu A.; Rodino S.; Buţu M.; Ferdeş M. | Conferinţa Internaţională Anmbes, Brasov, Romania, 2012 | |
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Molecular Dynamics Simulation For Seven Structures Of Viscotoxin |
Buţu A.; Rodino S.; Ferdes M.; Buţu M. | Digest Journal Of Nanomaterials And Biostructures, 2012 | |
AbstractIt had been proved by scientific research that in the case of a pathogen attack the antimicrobial peptides are key players of the innate immune system. The antimicrobial peptides have been found in all organisms from plants to humans, and even in the microorganisms. The viscotoxins belong to thionine class of antimicrobial peptides and are produced by leaves and stems of Viscum album. In this paper was analyzed the dynamics stability in molecular simulation experiments for seven viscotoxin structures. The conformational structure of the peptide sequence is linked to biological activity and dynamic parameters analysis led to the identification of amino acid residues which show the most important flexibility. |
In Silico Molecular Dynamics Of The Peptide Wamp-1A |
Butu Alina; Ferdes Mariana; Rodino Steliana; Butu Marian | Banat’S Journal Of Biotechnology, 2012 | |
AbstractHumans, animals and plants are constantly subject to pathogen microorganisms attack. The biggest threat to organisms is represented by fungal attack. Permanently seeking for new solutions to prevent and treatment of diseases caused by fungi, the researchers have turned their attention to antimicrobial peptides. These are produced by a large variety of organisms. The plans are the most important source of peptides having antifungal properties. In the present article is revealed a study of the molecular dynamics of such a peptide, namely the antimicrobial peptide WAMP-1a. Since the conformational structure of the peptide sequence is directly related to its activity, the dynamic parameters were analysed and were identified the amino acid residues that show the largest flexibility. |
Comparative Study Of Phenolic Content Of Some Plant Extracts |
Butu Marian; Andrei Nicoleta; Butu Alina; Rodino Steliana | Banat’S Journal Of Biotechnology, 2012 | |
AbstractThe aim of the present study was to draw a comparative analysis of the content in flavones and polyphenols of the hydro alcoholic extracts obtained from two medicinal plants, namely artichoke (leaves) and respectively, licorice (root) according to the origin of the vegetal material and the method used in the preparation of the extracts. The plants used in the experiments are two indigenous medicinal plants belonging to wild and cultivated flora in Romania. Artichocke (Cynara scolymus) and licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) were purchased from three local companies trading medicinal plants: Plafar, Vitaplant and Franco Impex. It was evaluated the composition of the extracts in terms of the content of polyphenolic compounds expressed in caffeic acid and flavone compounds content expressed in rutin. Plant extracts were obtained by two different methods of preparation: ultrasonation and maceration with intermittent shaking. |
The Sis Algorithm And Its Applications |
Bancila Andrei; Paun Mihaela; Popescu Stefan; Paun Laura; Roata George; Mateescu Iris; Butu Marian; Paun Andrei; Sidoroff Manuela | Banat’S Journal Of Biotechnology, 2011 | |
AbstractA systematic use of the Monte Carlo method appeared since the early days of electronic computing and since then it is more present in different scientific research fields. Therefore, many techniques were developed based on this method and one of them is called sequential importance sampling. This technique is an adaptation of the Monte Carlo method that can be used to better extract samples form the domain using an importance weight function. |
Antimicrobial Peptides - Natural Antibiotics |
Butu M.; Butu A. | Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 2011 | |
AbstractThe antimicrobial peptides are small, cationic, amphiphilic peptides, characterized by microbicidal activity against bacteria, fungi, viruses and other pathogens. The knowledge of their quick and strong antimicrobial action, as well as the non-specific membrane-mediated mechanism of antimicrobial peptide-induced cell death has led researchers to study substitution of conventional antibiotics by antimicrobial peptides. Understanding the correlation between structure and function of antimicrobial peptides is the key element for the development of nontoxic therapeutics in many infectious diseases. This review presents some recent progresses in the study of antimicrobial peptides, recognized as the most important elements of non-specific host defense systems and the innate immunity in fungi, plants, invertebrates and vertebrates. |
Molecular Dynamics Simulation Of The Human Alpha-Defensin 5 |
Butu Marian; Butu Alina | Digest Journal Of Nanomaterials And Biostructures, 2011 | |
AbstractThe defensins are a family of antimicrobial peptides and contain six cysteine residues that form three characteristic intramolecular disulfide bonds. Human alpha-defensin (HD) 5 is a molecule consisting 32 amino acid residues in three beta-sheet structure and disulfide bridges between Cys 3 - Cys 31, Cys 5 - Cys 20, Cys 10-Cys 30. The HD 5 is mainly expressed in Paneth cells of the small intestine. In this paper was analysed the dynamic stability of the native and mutant structure of the HD 5 by molecular dynamics simulation method. In the mutant structure, arginine amino acid residue 13 is replaced by histidine amino acid residue. From comparative analysis of the native and mutant structure of the HD 5 results that ARG13HIS mutation leads to a structural change at the level of the residue 13 the secondary structure beta-sheet is changes in alpha-helix structure. At global level, in the native structure compaction occur in dynamics, while in the mutant structure there is a volume expansion. |
In Silico Study Of Molecular Dynamics Of Human Transthyretin Variants |
Buţu M.; Buţu A. | Digest Journal Of Nanomaterials And Biostructures, 2011 | |
AbstractIn this paper we presents a research study on the molecular dynamics of human transthyretin. It is already known that the transthyretin, both native and mutant, can forms amyloid deposits. This biostructure causes dysfunction of various organs and lead to disease known as amyloidosis. This research contributes to a better understanding of the mechanism by which amyloid deposit is formed. In this study are conducted, in silico, molecular dynamics experiments for 2 native structures and 4 mutant structures of human transthyretin. In mutant structures residue 84 of isoleucine are replaced with residue of serine and alanine respectively. Mutant structures were determined at pH 4.6 and pH 7.5. Variation of RMSD in the simulation experiments performed on transthyretin is between 0.7 Å and 1.1 Å. Comparative analysis performed on residue 84 of the 6 studied structures show that both mutation I84S and I84A mutation induces specific destabilization of protein structure. |
Qualitative Evaluation Of Fresh Marc-Raw Material With Valuable Composition |
Rodino Steliana; Butu M.; Golea Diana; Butu Alina | Banat’S Journal Of Biotechnology, 2011 | |
AbstractThe present study pursued the possibility of extraction of sugars and other useful components from fresh marc, by diffusion method. The biological material was represented by two types of marc: one from Greaca Vineyard-Wine Research and Production Station and one from Vinalcool Focsani. It was studied the influence of temperature, time, pH and the amount of washing solution on the diffusion of sugars and other useful components. Extraction efficiency was monitored by determining total sugars in the diffusion solutions, and by measuring the volume of solution. Besides the main components which can be found in large quantities: sugars, nitrogen and potassium tartrate, the fresh marc contains, in various concentrations, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium, also. These ingredients are partially passing into the diffusion solution, some remaining in the washed marc. For this reason, the marc continues to remain, even after diffusion, a raw material that can be further used for valorification. |
Influence Of Sucrose Concentration On In Vitro Multiplication Of Ribes Rubrum Species |
Manole Carmen; Balan Viorica; Tudora Catalina; Butu M.; Fidler Georgeta; Rodino Steliana; Golea Diana; Butu Alina | Banat’S Journal Of Biotechnology, 2011 | |
AbstractSucrose is one of the major sources of carbon and energy to the culture media used for in vitro cultures of plants. In this article, was studied the influence of different sucrose concentrations on in vitro multiplication of the species Ribes rubrum (15 g/l, 30 g/l, 45 g/l, 60 g/l) on MS culture medium containing half macroelements supplemented with growth regulators BA (0.2 mg/l), IBA (0.01 mg/l) at pH=5.7-5.8. The highest multiplication rate was observed using the culture medium with a sucrose concentration of 45 g/l. |
Studies On The Possibility Of Recovery Of Secondary Products Resulting From The Process Of Vinification |
Butu Alina; Butu Marian; Rodino Steliana | Banat’S Journal Of Biotechnology, 2011 | |
AbstractThe problem of valorification of wine products was treated differently over time. In the past it was regarded as a minor issue, but today occupies an important place both in researches issues, as well as in economics, because of the global crisis of raw materials and energy, and because of environmental issues involved, too. Under these conditions, research in biotechnology that brings new solutions and can contribute in solving any of these problems is of particular interest. This task is required therefore as a necessity of the economy, with the intention to bring into attention subproducts of a definite value that have a special attention of the specialists abroad, but who are considered waste in our country and treated as such. In this work are presented and analyzed the recovery directions in this field worldwide, as well as research progress in our country. |
Parallel Molecular Dynamics Simulation For Protein Sequences On Pc-Cluster And Server |
Butu A.;Butu M. | Journal Of Optoelectronics And Advanced Materials, 2010 | |
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Application Of Molecular Dynamics Simulations Method For Peptide 1Ed3 |
Butu Marian; Butu Alina | Banat’S Journal Of Biotechnology, 2010 | |
AbstractMolecular dynamics simulations method gives the possibility of studying and understanding the relationships between the structure and the function of biological molecules. Once with increasing the computing power, this method became a very powerful tool to predict the quantities that cannot be measured directly or whose accurate experimental data are difficult to obtain. It can provide a microscopic image of system which may explain macroscopic behavior of the biomolecular system. Molecular dynamics simulation method can be applied to: sampling configuration space, description of the system at equilibrium, calculating dynamics and kinetics of system. The peptide MTF-E is a fragment of 13 residues (residues 29-41) from rat ATPase 6. This peptide is recognized by Major Histocompatibility Complex class I (MHC I). Here we examine the conformational properties of the peptide using molecular dynamics simulation method. Trajectory analysis indicated that the peptide adopts a certain conformation of the backbone. |