Catalin Iordachel
CS I - Șef departament Biotehnologii Aplicate
Sunt absolvent al UMF Carol Davila București, Facultatea de Medicină Generală, și dețin titlul de medic specialist M.F. Din 1998 am obținut titlul de Doctor în Științe Biologice, cu teza de doctorat intitulată “Procese regenerative sub influența unor bioproduse pe bază de colagen aplicate pe țesutul traumatizat”.
Am experiență în bioeconomie, biotehnologii medicale și farmaceutice, precum și în domeniul sănătății. Activitatea mea de cercetare s-a concentrat pe studii la nivel celular și molecular ale țesuturilor și organelor în interacțiune cu factori interni și externi, precum biostimulatori, factori de creștere, radiații UV, substanțe chimice și factori fizici, folosind modele experimentale in vitro și in vivo pentru evaluarea posibilităților de protecție.
Am contribuit la realizarea și dezvoltarea de biomateriale și bioproduse cu aplicații biomedicale, bazate pe componente naturale precum biopolimeri colagenici, proteoglicani, polimeri sintetici și alte principii biologic active, inclusiv factori de creștere.
De-a lungul carierei, am obținut 63 de brevete și cereri de brevete de invenție listate pe EPO espacenet și am fost distins cu Diploma de Merit pentru rezultatele remarcabile obținute la Salonul Internațional de Invenții de la Geneva în 2019, acordată de Ministerul Cercetării și Inovării. Am fost onorat cu peste 50 de medalii și premii la Saloanele Internaționale de Inventică din Geneva și Eureka Bruxelles.
Publication | Authors | Date | |
Cytometric Analysis Of Erythrocytes In Different Types Of Anemia - A Tool For Clinic And Medical Biotechnology Industry |
Zdremtan Dana; Cotoraci Coralia Adina; Calu Larisa; Rugina Alexandrina; Tusa Iris Maria; Iordachel Catalin; Montreuil Jean; Bratosin Daniela | Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 2020 | |
RezumatAnemia is one of the most common disorders in the world generated by multiple causes. Despite a good understanding of the causes of anemia, there is still uncertainty about how best this should be investigated, prevented and managed. This reflects the limitations of laboratory tests, as well as the poor understanding of the complex physiological mechanisms. A better understanding of the nature of anemia and the changes in erythrocytes may provide new strategies to benefits of patients. In this study, it was identified by flow cytometric and SEM analysis, the morphological changes of forms that deviate from the classical discoid shape, which had an increase in the mean fluorescence intensity of calcein (erythrocyte viability measured by the level of intracellular esterase activity with the Calcein-AM method). The results obtained for RBCs from the patients with different types of anemia did not demonstrate a massive phosphatidylserine externalization measurable with Annexin-V-FITC compared to the values for normal erythrocytes. The present study provides that flow cytometric analysis can be a quick and efficient method for diagnosing in haematological diseases and monitoring and in the medical biotechnology industry in order to develop drugs to treat anemia. |
Erythrocyte Life Illustrated |
Daniela Bratosin; Iris Tusa; Ana Maria Gheorghe; Alexandrina Rugina; Catalin Iordachel; Manuela Sidoroff; Coralia Cotoraci; Violeta Turcus; Dana Zdremtan | Vergiliu, 2019 | |
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Biomaterial Compozit Peliculogen Cu Acţiune Terapeutică |
Iordachel C; Tcacenco L; Sidoroff M. E.; Gheorghe A.M.; Berteanu E.; Enache M.I | State Office For Inventions And Trademarks (Osim), 2018 | |
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Alkaline Phosphatase Immobilization On New Chitosan Membranes With Mg2+ For Biomedical Applications |
Tihan Gratiela Teodora; Zgarian Roxana Gabriela; Berteanu Elena; Ionita Daniela; Totea Georgeta; Iordachel Catalin; Tatia Rodica; Prodana Mariana; Demetrescu Ioana | Marine Drugs, 2018 | |
RezumatIn this paper, we present the fabrication and characterization of new chitosan-based membranes while using a new biotechnology for immobilizing alkaline phosphatase (ALP). This technology involved metal ions incorporation to develop new biopolymeric supports. The chemical structure and morphological characteristics of proposed membranes were evaluated by infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and the scanning electron microscopy technique (SEM). The inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) evidenced the metal ion release in time. Moreover, the effect of Mg2+ on the enzymatic activity and the antibacterial investigations while using Gram-negative Escherichia coli and Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, hemolysis, and biocompatibility behavior were studied. Immobilizing ALP into the chitosan membranes composition followed by the incorporation of Mg2+ led to polymeric supports with enhanced cellular viability when comparing to chitosan-based membranes without Mg2+. The results obtained evidenced promising performance in biomedical applications for the new biopolymeric supports that are based on chitosan, ALP, and metal ions. |
Evaluation Of Biocompatibility Of Composite Biomaterial With Anti-Inflammatory Action And Stimulating Tissue Recovery Process |
Iordachel C.; Berteanu E.; Zuav A.-L.; Enache M.-I.; Dobre A.-M.; Manoiu S.; Paraschiv M.; Tcacenco L. | Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis, Seria Stiintele Vietii (Life Sciences Series), 2014 | |
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Formularea Si Prepararea Unor Biomateriale Cu Actiune Terapeutica |
Berteanu E.; Paraschiv M.; Iordachel C.; Enache M.I.; Zuav A.L; Tcacenco Luminita | Sesiunea Stiintifica Anuala A Incdsb, Bucuresti, Romania, 2014 | |
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Composite Biomaterial With Anti-Inflammatory Action, And Stimulating Tissue Recovery Process-Biocompatibility Evaluation |
Iordachel C.; Berteanu E.; Zuav A.L.; Enache M.I.; Dobre A.M.; Manoiu S.; Paraschiv M.; Tcacenco L. | Symposium On Modern Biotechnological Advances For Human Health Bahh, Bucharest, Romania, 2014 | |
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Cartilage Tissue Engineering: From Chondrocyte Expansion To Biomaterial Scafold |
Ciotec A.; Oprita I.; Gheorghe A-M.; Rugina A.; Calu L.; Stan L.; Sidoroff M.; Efimov N.; Iordachel C.; Bratosin D. | Joint Iubmb/Icgeb Symposium “Modern Biotechnological Advances For Human Health – Bahh”, National Institute Of Research And Development For Biological Sciences, Bucharest, Romania, 2014 | |
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Evaluation Of Biocompatibility Of Composite Biomaterial With Anti-Inflammatory Action, And Stimulating Tissue Recovery Process |
Iordachel C.; Berteanu E.; Zuav A.-L.; Enache M.-I.; Dobre A.-M.; Manoiu S.; Paraschiv M.; Tcacenco L. | Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis Arad, Seria Stiintele Vietii, 2014 | |
RezumatThe paper refers to a bioactive matrix in membrane shape, with a thickness of 0.5 - 1.0 mm, and consisting of gelatine, chitosan, and α-chymotrypsin, with or without addition of glutaraldehyde as a cross-linking agent. The bioproduct is a biomaterial with biomedical applications as biocompatible membrane with anti-inflammatory action due to coupling of the proteolytic enzyme. Bioproducts have complex implications in the treatment of traumatized tissue, accelerating the pus cleansing of infected wound, blood clots and other cellular debris, secretions liquefaction and cleansing of necrotic tissue, and also stimulating tissue regeneration and a faster healing of open infected wounds. In order to establish the influence of cross- linking process and membrane’s thickness on mechanical properties, ultrastructural studies were carried out on obtained biomaterials by electron microscopy analysis. To demonstrate the biological qualities of new enzymatic biomaterials, the membrane’s biological effect was analyzed in a cell culture model (mouse fibroblasts NCTC). © 2014 Vasile Goldis University Press. |
article, conference
Comparative Flow Cytometric Analysis Of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Izolated By Different Methodes For Regenerative Medicine |
Ciotec A.; Tatia R.; Dobre A.M.; Efimov N.; Iordachel C.; Bratosin D.; Oprita I. | Al V-Lea Congres Internaţional De Biologie Celulară Şi Cea De-A Xxxi-A Sesiune Ştiinţifică Anuală A Srbc, Timisoara, Romania, Studia Universitatis “Vasile Goldiş”, Life Sciences Series, 2013 | |
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Flow Cytometric Analysis Of Human Chondrocytes Cultured In A New Medium For Autologous Therapie And Tissue Engineering Cartilage |
Bratosin D.; Gheorghe A-M.; Rugina A.; Mos L.; Efimov N.; Iordachel C.; Sidoroff M.; Estaquier J. | Studia Universitatis “Vasile Goldiş”, Life Sciences Series, 2012 | |
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Flow Cytometric Analysis Of Normal And Osteoarthritic Chondrocytes With Lectins |
Ciotec A.C.L; Dobre (Gheorghe) A.M.; Rugina A.; Calu L.; Stan L.; Lungu M.; Efimov N.; Iordachel C.; Bratosin D. | Studia Universitatis “Vasile Goldis” Arad, Life Sciences Series, 2012 | |
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book, book chapter
Medicine Regenerative: Biomateriaux Et Genie Tissulaire |
Iordachel C. | Pathologie Et Pharmacologie Moleculaires Biotechnologies, 2012 | |
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book, book chapter
Medicine Regenerative: Metode Celulare Pentru Ingineria In Vitro A Cartilajului Autolog (Methodes Cellulaires Pour L’Ingenierie In Vitro Du Cartilage Autologue) |
Iordachel C. | Pathologie Et Pharmacologie Moleculaires Biotechnologies, 2012 | |
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Flow Cytometric Analyses In Cell Therapy For New Strategies In Cartilage Diseases |
Gheorghe A-M.; Rugina A.; Ciotec A.C.L.; Lungu M.; Efimov N.; Oprita I.; Iordachel C.; Sidoroff M.; Bratosin D. | Al 8-Lea Congres National De Citometrie, Bucuresti, Romania, Conferinta Internationala Cellular Therapy And Biomaterials For Regenerative Medicine, Arad, Romania, 2012 | |
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Flow Cytometric Analyses Of Normal And Osteoarthritic Chondrocytes With Lectins |
Ciotec A.C.L.; Gheorghe A-M.; Rugina A.; Calu L.; Stan L.; Lungu M.; Oprita I.; Efimov N.; Iordachel C.; Bratosin D. | Conferinta Internationala Cellular Therapy And Biomaterials For Regenerative Medicine, Arad, Romania, Joint Iubmb/Icgeb Symposium “Modern Biotechnological Advances For Human Health – Bahh”, National Institute Of Research And Development For Biological Sciences, Bucharest, Romania, 2012 | |
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Engineering Cartilage Tissue: From Chondrocyte Expansion To Biomaterial Scaffold |
Ciotec A.C.L.; Takacs-Buia L.; Rugina A.; Gheorghe A-M.; Efimov N.; Iordachel C.; Sidoroff M.; Bratosin D. | Ecopram 2012-3Rd European Congress On Preventive, Regenerative And Anti-Aging Medicine, Istanbul, Turcia, 2012 | |
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Flow Cytometric Analysis Of Cell Death And Viability Of Osteoarthritic Chondrocytes Cultured In Presence Of Apoptosis Inhibitors For Tissue Engineering |
Gheorghe A.M; Ciotec A.C.L.; Iordachel C; Efimov N.; Bratosin D | Conferinta Internationala Cellular Therapy And Biomaterials For Regenerative Medicine, Arad, Romania, 2012 | |
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Replicative Senescence Or Chondrocyte Apoptosis In Pathogenesesis Of Osteoarthritis? |
Buia L; Iordachel C.; Stan L.; Calu L.; Moldovan L.; Bratosin D. | Conferinta Internationala Cellular Therapy And Biomaterials For Regenerative Medicine, Arad, Romania, 2012 | |
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Flow Cytometric Analysis Of Encapsulated Chondrocytes In Alginate Gel Cultures For Cartilage Tissue Engineerin |
Buia L; Iordachel C.; Gheorghe A.M; Rugina A.; Mos L; Efimov N.; Bratosin D. | Conferinta Internationala Cellular Therapy And Biomaterials For Regenerative Medicine, Arad, Romania, 2012 | |
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Ew Strategies For Regeneration Of Cartilage In Osteoarthritic Diseases |
Iordachel C. | Conferinta Internationala Cellular Therapy And Biomaterials For Regenerative Medicine, Arad, Romania, 2012 | |
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Cosmetic Composition Based On Fresh Plant Juices, Meant To Delay Skin Ageing Processes |
Manea S.; Tamas V.; Raiciu D.A.; Radulescu N.; Iordachel C. | State Office For Inventions And Trademarks (Osim), 2012 | |
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