Camelia Stefanache
Research Scientist III - Centrul de Cercetari Piatra-Neamt
Publication | Authors | data | |
Medicinal And Aromatic Plants From The Wild Flora Of Dobrogea (Romania) |
Gille E.; Cretu R-M; Stefanache C-P; Gavril G-L; Manuela Elisabeta Sidoroff | Autograph, 2020 | |
Abstract |
Population Structure And Habitat Characteristics Of Arnica Montana L. In The Ne Carpathians (Romania) |
Mardari Constantin; Birsan Ciprian; Stefanache Camelia; Schiopu Rares; Grigoras Valentin; Balaes Tiberius; Danila Doina; Tanase Catalin | Tuexenia, 2019 | |
AbstractIn many European countries Arnica montana is decreasing due to intensification or abandonment of traditional extensive land use and thus is considered endangered. In Romania the species is also decreasing due to excessive collecting for pharmaceutical and cosmetic purposes, but it is still relatively common in montane nutrient-poor grasslands and successional vegetation of forest clearings on acidic soil. In this study we analysed habitats and population structure of A. montana in the Romanian NE Carpathians. We asked for differences in population structure between habitat types and how population structure is related to environmental conditions. We investigated population structure and habitat characteristics in 25 populations of A. montana on three 1 m x 1 m-plots each (total of 75 plots). The plot-based assessment of the population structure included the numbers of rosettes (rosette density), flower heads (flower head density), flowering rosettes and flower stems per flowering rosette. From these variables we calculated the proportions of flowering and vegetative rosettes and the number of flower heads per flowering rosette. Habitats were characterised using climatic data (including elevation), land use types (grazing, mowing or abandonment), vegetation types, soil measurements (pH, several nutrient elements, organic matter content) and N supply on basis of plant indicator values. Vegetation types were defined by using hierarchical clustering and linked to phytosociological syntaxa based on diagnostic species. Observed habitat types included Mountain hay meadows, Species-rich Nardus grasslands and Alpine and subalpine heathlands according to the European Habitats Directive. DCA analysis was used for detecting floristic gradients, which were subsequently correlated to environmental conditions. Relationships between rosette density, proportion of vegetative rosettes, flower head density and number of flower heads per flowering rosette and environmental variables were assessed using GLMs. Five syntaxa with A. montana were identified: Festuco rubrae-Agrostietum capillaris nardetosum strictae, Scorzonero roseae-Festucetum nigricantis, Violo declinatae-Nardetum strictae, Cetrario-Vaccinietum gaultherioidis and Campanulo abietinae-Vaccinietum myrtilli. While vegetation composition was mainly correlated with altitude and soil variables such as pH and organic matter content, altitude was an important predictor for the proportion of flowering rosettes of A. montana, which decreased with altitude. Rosette density of A. montana varied between habitat types and was highest in Mountain hay meadows and lowest in plant communities dominated by tall plants with high cover. Organic matter content of the soil was the only important (negative) predictor for the number of flower heads per rosette, while a hump-shaped correlation was found between the density of inflorescences and the soil pH, with a maximum around pH 4.5. Grassland management was also an important factor for rosette density of A. montana, suggesting that maintaining and promoting traditional land use practices will be the most effective measure for the species' conservation. |
Antioxidant Capacity Of Crataegus Monogyna And Crataegus Pentagyna Leaves And Fruits Harvested From The Danube Delta |
Bujor O. C.; Stefanache C. P.; Volf I.; Danila D. | Planta Medica, 2016 | |
Abstract |
Sesquiterpene Lactones And Phenolic Compounds Content In Arnica Montana Flowers And Leaves Samples Harvested From Wild Sites In North-East Romania |
Stefanache C. P.; Bujor O. C.; Necula R.; Grigoras V.; Mardari C.; Birsan C.; Danila D. | Planta Medica, 2016 | |
Abstract |
Phytochemical Profile Of Arnica Montana L. Root And Rhizome Samples From Several Wild Populations In The Romanian Eastern Carpathians |
Danila D.; Stefanache C. P.; Bujor O. C.; Necula R.; Tanase C.; Schiopu R. A.; Spac A. | Planta Medica, 2016 | |
Abstract |
Quantitative And Qualitative Variation Of Volatile Oil In Artemisia Annua And A. Absinthium Species From Wild Populations In Republic Of Moldova |
Stefanache C. P.; Spac A.; Bujor O. C.; Danila D.; Ciocarlan N.; Carlen C.; Simonnet X. | Planta Medica, 2016 | |
Abstract |
Comparative Phytochemical Study On The Phenolic Compounds Content Of Artemisia Annua L. From Wild Populations In Republic Of Moldova |
Stefanache C. P.; Bujor O. C.; Necula R.; Ghendov V.; Trifan A.; Carlen C.; Simonnet X. | Planta Medica, 2016 | |
Abstract |
Phytochemical Composition Of Arnicae Flos From Wild Populations In The Northern Area Of The Romanian Eastern Carpathians |
Stefanache Camelia P.; Peter Samuel; Meier Beat; Danila Doina; Tanase Catalin; Wolfram Evelyn | Revista De Chimie, 2015 | |
AbstractThe aim of our ongoing study is to assess the quality of the autochthonous plant material of Arnica montana L. species from the northern area of the Romanian Eastern Carpathians. This is the first report for the phytochemical features for the wild populations in this area. The first qualitative assessments were performed by means of High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC). The High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) analysis highlighted a total content in sesquiterpene-lactones of 0.86-1.36%, while the total content in flavonoids and phenolic acids was 1.08-1.50%, 0.86-1.27% respectively. |
The Influence Of Biotic Interactions On The Distribution And Abundance Of Arnica Montana L. Species In Natural Habitats |
Stefanache C. P.; Tanase C. | Ii International Symposium On Horticulture In Europe, 2015 | |
AbstractArnica montana L. is a medicinal and aromatic plant species with high pharmaceutical importance mainly due to the anti-inflammatory proprieties of helenaline. The unsustainable management and environmental changes lead to the extinction of the species in many habitats, becoming endangered or rare in most European countries. The paper synthesises the researches results on the categories of biotic interactions involved in the distribution and abundance of A. montana species in natural habitats. This addresses the impact of phytophagous and mycorrhizal species on bioproductivity, respectively, pollinators on reproductive success and fitness, with importance in developing viable conservation strategies and optimization of cultivation features. |
Comparative Assessment Of Polyphenolic Content And Antioxidant Capacity Of Arnica Montana Samples Differentiated On Organ Types From Wild Populations In The Romanian Eastern Carpathians |
Stefanache C. P.; Adriana T.; Doina D.; Anca M. | Planta Medica, 2015 | |
Abstract |
Phenolic Content And Antioxidant Activity Of Nepeta Parviflora Bieb. Species From Wild Populations In Republic Of Moldova |
Stefanache C. P.; Adriana T.; Nina C.; Veaceslav G.; Doina D.; Anca M. | Planta Medica, 2015 | |
Abstract |
Research On The Influence Of Nutrition On The Production, Of Space And Quality Herba Hyssopus Officinalis L. (Hyssop) Cultivated |
Buburuz A.;Leonte A.;Naie M.;Popa D. L.;Drutu C. A.;Pomohaci T.;Martea R.;Aprotosoie A. C.;C. A.;Stefanache C.;Pochiscanu S.;Gille E.;A. C.;Mihalache I.;D. L.;Gavril G. | Lucrări Ştiinţifice.Seria Agronomie”, Universitatea De Ştiinţe Agricole Şi Medicină Veterinară “Ion Ionescu De La Brad” Iaşi, 2014 | |
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article, conference
In Situ And In Vitro Comparative Study On The Bioproductivity Of Arnicae Folium Et Caulis From The Northern Area Of The Romanian Eastern Carpathians |
Stefanache C.P.; Tanase C.; Wolfram E.; Danila D. | Journal Of Plant Development, Sesiunea Stiintifica Anuala A Facultatii De Biologie, Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Din Iasi, Romania, 2014 | |
Abstract |
Essential Oil Content Of Agastache Rugosa Kuntze Samples From Conventional Cultures |
Danila D.; Stefanache C.P.; Necula R.; Ciocarlan N.; Chisnicean L. | Conferinta Anuala A Facultatii De Biologie, Universitatea “Al.I.Cuza” – ”Biodiversity Conservation In Context Of Sustainable Development”, Iasi, Romania, Sesiunea Stiintifica Anuala A Facultatii De Biologie, Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Din Iasi, Iasi/Romania, 2014 | |
Abstract |
Hplc Metabolic Analysis Of Arnica Montana From The Romanian Eastern Carpathians |
Ciocarlan A.; Nicolescu A.E.; Silion M.; Stefanache C.P.; Danila D.; Deleanu C. | A Xxxiii-A Conferinta Nationala De Chimie, Calimanesti-Caciulata/ Romania, 2014 | |
Abstract |
Phytochemical And Bio-Ecological Aspects Of Some Nepeta Species From Republic Of Moldova And Romania |
Danila D.;Grigoras V.;Coltun M.;Ciocarlan N.;Stefanache C.;Ghendov V.;Necula R. | Pse Meeting – Phytochemicals In Medicine And Pharmacognosy, Piatra Neamt, Romania, 2014 | |
Abstract |
Ecological Peculiarities And Phytochemical Studies On Lamium Album L. (Lamiaceae) |
Danila D.;Chisnicean L.;Ciocarlan N.;Stefanache C.;Ghendov V.;Necula R. | Pse Meeting – Phytochemicals In Medicine And Pharmacognosy, Piatra Neamt, Romania, 2014 | |
Abstract |
Phytochemical Investigations On Lamium Maculatum L. Species From Romanian Eastern Carpathians |
Danila D.;Grigoras V.;Stefanache C.;Ghendov V.;Necula R.;Mardari C. | Pse Meeting – Phytochemicals In Medicine And Pharmacognosy, Piatra Neamt, Romania, 2014 | |
Abstract |
Biological, Ontogenetic And Phytochemical Research Of Perilla Frutescens (L.) Britton (Lamiaceae) |
Grigoras V.;Coltun M.;Ciocarlan N.;Stefanache C.;Necula R.;Sarbu T. | Pse Meeting – Phytochemicals In Medicine And Pharmacognosy, Piatra Neamt, Romania, 2014 | |
Abstract |
Conditii Climatice Actuale Si Impactul Lor In Bioproductivitate La Specii De Plante Medicinale Din Populatii Naturale (Arnica Montana L.) Din Depresiunea Dornelor |
Danila D.;Wolfram E.;Tanase C.;Stefanache C.;Apostol L. | Simpozionul Stiintific International Dedicat Aniversarii A 100 Ani De La Nasterea Distinsului Savant Si Om De Stat Mihail Sidorov, Chisinau/Republica Moldova, 2014 | |
Abstract |
Comparative Phytochemical Studies Of Agastache Rugosa Kuntze Species From Colections And Experimental Cultures In Romania And Republic Of Moldova |
Danila D.;Grigoras V.;Chisnicean L.;Coltun M.;Ciocarlan N.;Stefanache C.;Necula R. | International Scientific Symposium – Conservation Of Plant Diversity, Chisinau/Republica Moldov, 2014 | |
Abstract |
Study On Phenolic Compound Content In Several Lamium L. Species From Romania |
Danila D.;Grigoras V.;Ciocarlan N.;Ghendov V.;Necula R.;Stefanache P. | 8Th Conference On Medicinal And Aromatic Plants Of Southeast European Countries, Durres/Albania, 2014 | |
Abstract |
Comparative Phytochemical Study On Several Nepetoideae Species From Romania And Republic Of Moldova |
Danila D.;Grigoras V.;Ciocarlan N.;Ghendov V.;Necula R.;Stefanache P. | 8Th Conference On Medicinal And Aromatic Plants Of Southeast European Countries, Durres/Albania, 2014 | |
Abstract |
Evaluation Of The Biochemical Variability In Hyssopus Officinalis Variants From Ecological Cultures |
Danila D.;Stefanache C.;Drutu C.;Gille E.;Necula R.;Gavril G. | Al V-Lea Simpozion De Etnofarmacologie, Brasov / Romania, 2013 | |
Abstract |
The Biochemical Diversity Of The Of The Perila And Agastache Species Aiming Their Transfer Into Culture |
Danila D.;Grigoras V.;Stefanache C.;Gille E.;Necula R.;Gavril G. | Al V-Lea Simpozion De Etnofarmacologie, Brasov / Romania, 2013 | |
Abstract |
Comparative Phytochemical Analysis For Agastache Rugosa Kuntze Experimental Variants In Conventional Cultures |
Danila D.;Grigoras V.;Stefanache C.;Gille E.;Necula R. | Trends In Natural Products Research: A Young Scientists Meeting Of Pse And Öphg, Obergurgl/Tyrol, Austria, 2013 | |
Abstract |
Contribution To The Phytochemical Study Of Vaccinium Vitis-Idaea L. Wild Populations From Eastern Romanian Carpathians |
Stefanache C. P.;Danila D.;Grigoras V.;Miron A.;Necula R.;C. P. | Trends In Natural Products Research: A Young Scientists Meeting Of Pse And Öphg, Obergurgl/Tyrol, Austria, 2013 | |
Abstract |
Phytochemical Studies On Phenolic Compounds Of Some Species With Anti-Inflamatory Potential Of Wild Plant Population In The North-Eastern Carpathians From Romania |
Danila D.;Grigoras V.;Stefanache C.;Gille E.;Necula R. | 61St International Congress And Annual Meeting Of The Society For Medicinal Plant And Natural Product Research, Münster, Germania, 2013 | |
Abstract |
Arnica Montana L. Cell Suspension Culture As A Biotechnological Approach For The Production Of Bioactive Secondary Metabolites |
Stefanache C. P.; Imseng N.; Meier B.; Tanase C.; Eibl-Schindler R.; Peter S.; Wolfram E. | Planta Medica, 2013 | |
Abstract |
Plant Cell-Based Bioprocessing In Small-Scale Single-Use Bioreactors For Producing Bioactive Secondary Metabolites In Arnica Montana L |
Eibl R.;Imseng N.;Wolfram E.;Tanase C.;Stefanache C.;Meier B.;Peter S. | Single-Use Technology In Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing. Waedenswil, Elvetia, 2013 | |
Abstract |
Arnica Montana – Von Der Bedrohten Heilpflanze Zum Nachhaltigen Biotechprodukt (Arnica Montana – De La Plantă Medicinală Periclitată La Produse Biotehnologice Sustenabile) |
Stefanache C.;Wofram E. | He Winter Seminar Of The Swiss Society Of Cosmetic Chemists On The Theme Menschen – Kosmetik – Wissenschaf (”Oameni – Cosmetică – Știință”). St Moritz, Elvetia, 2013 | |
Abstract |
Phytochemical Study On Phenolic Compounds Of Some Species With Anti-Inflammatory Potential Of Wild Plant Population In The North-Eastern Carpathians From Romania |
Danila D.; Stefanache C. P.; Grigoras V; Necula R.; Gille E. | Planta Medica, 2013 | |
Abstract |
In Vivo And In Vitro Phytochemical Studies Of Arnica Montana Species From Romanian Eastern Carpathians |
Stefanache C.; Danila D.; Necula R.; Gille E.; Vantu S. | I International Symposium On Medicinal, Aromatic And Nutraceutical Plants From Mountainous Areas (Map-Mountain 2011), 2012 | |
AbstractArnica montana is a rare medicinal plant with traditional use in Europe and North America. Modern cultivation technologies (conventional and non-conventional) support the conservation strategies of the species. This paper presents a comparative analysis of plant material obtained in vivo and in vitro (micropropagation, callus culture and submerged culture). For in situ and ex situ samples, the material consisted in aerial and underground parts, while the material from in vitro cultures was represented by plantlets, callus and cell suspensions. For in vitro cultures we used Murashige and Skoog (MS, 1962) basal medium, tissue culture beeing supplemented with benzil-amino-purine (BAP), and callus cultures with BAP, kinetin (6-furfuryl aminopurine) and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. These media were solidified with different amounts of agar. The cell cultures were maintained in flasks with MS liquid medium, placed on a shaker. Phytochemical analysis of absolute methanol and dichloromethane extracts, respectively, were performed by Thin Layer Chromatography and RP-HPLC-UV (Agilent 1200 series system). They revealed the presence of terpenoids, phytosterols and polyphenolic compounds which varied quantitatively and qualitatively in the experimental samples. As a general trend, the maintenance of biosynthetic capacity of the compounds analyzed was observed. |
Conventional And Unconventional Techniques For In Situ Conservation And Capitalization In Agro-Systems Of Veronica Officinalis |
Danila D.; Stefanache C.; Drutu C.; Trotus E. | I International Symposium On Medicinal, Aromatic And Nutraceutical Plants From Mountainous Areas (Map-Mountain 2011), 2012 | |
AbstractVeronica officinalis, used in ethno-pharmacy, is a potential source of steroidal glycosides for industrial production. A cosmetic line based on organic extracts of MAP from alpine and subalpine areas, including V. officinalis, is a way to exploit bioresources. As a result of temperature fluctuations and high level of UV radiations in the natural habitat of the species, plants that grow at high altitude have a high content of antioxidant and skin protective compounds. Natural areas in the Romanian Eastern Carpathians, where we identified V. officinalis populations, are under intensifying deforestation, a phenomenon that leads to impairment of essential habitat for species survival. The aim of our study is the use of conventional and non-conventional techniques to obtain V. officinalis both for in situ conservation and for propagation in agro-systems. This requires the supply of vegetal raw material in the context of the reduction of the natural basins and of deforestation in the Romanian Carpathians. Supplementation with herbs is based, in recent practices, on the collection of wild and/or ex situ production in agro-ecosystems. Biological material used to initiate experimental cultures was taken from natural populations in Bistrita Valley. The field cultures were achieved by seeds and bush division, the first method being an advantage from the economic point of view, and the second to maintain uniformity in the selected plant cultures. The biggest production of fresh herba (5100 kg/ha) was achieved by dividing the bushes, in April. In vitro plant regeneration from axillary bud multiplication produced vigorous plantlets after 4-5 weeks, with 85-90% survival rate in field. |
Strategies For The Conservation Of Lamiaceae Medicinal And Aromatic Species Diversity Through Conventional And Unconventional Horticultural Methods |
Danila D.;Stefanache C. | 2Nd Symposium On Horticulture In Europe, Angers, Franta, 2012 | |
Abstract |
In Vitro Multiplication Used In Preserving The Arnica Montana L. Species In The Romanian Bistrita Mountains |
Gille E.;Tomescu C.;Stefanache C.;Danila D. | Planta Medica, 2010 | |
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