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National Institute of Research and Development for Biological Sciences


Octavian Pacioglu

Research Scientist II - Bioinformatics


I am a biologist, specialising in aquatic ecology. Almost two decades ago, I worked as a biologist at the National Administration "Apele Române" and then became a research assistant at the Institute of Speleology "Emil Racoviță". This period was an apprenticeship in hydrobiology and paved the way for a fascinating career in aquatic research.

The academic experience continued with a PhD studentship at the University of Roehampton in London, UK, where I explored the impact of eutrophication and fine sediment infilling on hyporheic habitats. After completing my PhD, I continued as a postdoctoral researcher in Germany on a project focusing on the ecotoxicological impact of aluminium salts on lake fauna. I then travelled back to the UK for my second postdoc, at the River Laboratory, a research station affiliated to Queen Mary University of London, where I worked on river food web research.

Since 2019 I have joined the research team of INCDSB. From then until now I have been involved in several research projects focusing on cave ecology, Danube Delta and ecotoxicology experiments. Collaborations with other internal departments in the institute, as well as with national and international institutions have given me the opportunity to contribute significantly to the in-depth understanding of aquatic ecosystems.


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