Alexander Amarioarei
Research Scientist II - Bioinformatics
Publication | Authors | data | |
How Accurate Is The Remote Sensing Based Estimate Of Water Physico-Chemical Parameters In The Danube Delta (Romania)? |
Necula Marian; Tusa Iris Maria; Sidoroff Manuela Elisabeta; Itcus Corina; Florea Daniela; Amarioarei Alexandru; Paun Andrei; Pacioglu Octavian; Paun Mihaela | Annals Of Forest Research, 2022 | |
AbstractThe current paper estimated the physico-chemical properties of water in the Danube Delta (Romania), based on Sentinel 2 remote sensing data. Eleven sites from the Danube Delta were sampled in spring and autumn for three years (2018-2020) and 21 water physico-chemical parameters were measured in laboratory. Several families of machine learning algorithms, translated into hundreds of models with different parameterizations for each machine learning algorithm, based on remote sensing data input from Sentinel 2 spectral bands, were employed to find the best models that predicted the values measured in laboratory. This was a novel approach, reflected in the types of selected models that minimised the values of performance metrics for the tested parameters. For alkalinity, calcium, chloride, carbon dioxide, hardness, potassium, sodium, ammonium, dissolved oxygen, sulphates, and suspended matter the results were promising, with an overall percentage bias of the estimates of +/- 10% from the observed values. For copper, magnesium, nitrites, nitrates, turbidity and zinc the estimates were fairly accurate, with percentage biases in the interval +/- 10% - 20%, whereas for detergents, led, and phosphates the percentage bias was higher than 20%. Overall, the results of the current study showed fairly good estimates between remote sensing based estimates and laboratory measured values for most water physico-chemical parameters. |
Nonlinear Parsimonious Forest Modeling Assuming Normal Distribution Of Residuals |
Strimbu Bogdan M.; Amarioarei Alexandru; Paun Mihaela | European Journal Of Forest Research, 2021 | |
AbstractTo avoid the transformation of the dependent variable, which introduces bias when back-transformed, complex nonlinear forest models have the parameters estimated with heuristic techniques, which can supply erroneous values. The solution for accurate nonlinear models provided by Strimbu et al. (Ecosphere 8:e01945, 2017) for 11 functions (i.e., power, trigonometric, and hyperbolic) is not based on heuristics but could contain a Taylor series expansion. Therefore, the objectives of the present study are to present the unbiased estimates for variance following the transformation of the predicted variable and to identify an expansion of the Taylor series that does not induce numerical bias for mean and variance. We proved that the Taylor series expansion present in the unbiased expectation of mean and variance depends on the variance. We illustrated the new modeling approach on two problems, one at the ecosystem level, namely site productivity, and one at individual tree level, namely stem taper. The two models are unbiased, more parsimonious, and more precise than the existing less parsimonious models. This study focuses on research methods, which could be applied in similar studies of other species, ecosystem, as well as in behavioral sciences and econometrics. |
Dna-Guided Assembly For Fibril Proteins |
Amarioarei Alexandru; Spencer Frankie; Barad Gefry; Gheorghe Ana-Maria; Itcus Corina; Tusa Iris; Prelipcean Ana-Maria; Paun Andrei; Paun Mihaela; Rodriguez-Paton Alfonso; Trandafir Romica; Czeizler Eugen | Mathematics, 2021 | |
AbstractCurrent advances in computational modelling and simulation have led to the inclusion of computer scientists as partners in the process of engineering of new nanomaterials and nanodevices. This trend is now, more than ever, visible in the field of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)-based nanotechnology, as DNA's intrinsic principle of self-assembly has been proven to be highly algorithmic and programmable. As a raw material, DNA is a rather unremarkable fabric. However, as a way to achieve patterns, dynamic behavior, or nano-shape reconstruction, DNA has been proven to be one of the most functional nanomaterials. It would thus be of great potential to pair up DNA's highly functional assembly characteristics with the mechanic properties of other well-known bio-nanomaterials, such as graphene, cellulos, or fibroin. In the current study, we perform projections regarding the structural properties of a fibril mesh (or filter) for which assembly would be guided by the controlled aggregation of DNA scaffold subunits. The formation of such a 2D fibril mesh structure is ensured by the mechanistic assembly properties borrowed from the DNA assembly apparatus. For generating inexpensive pre-experimental assessments regarding the efficiency of various assembly strategies, we introduced in this study a computational model for the simulation of fibril mesh assembly dynamical systems. Our approach was based on providing solutions towards two main circumstances. First, we created a functional computational model that is restrictive enough to be able to numerically simulate the controlled aggregation of up to 1000s of elementary fibril elements yet rich enough to provide actionable insides on the structural characteristics for the generated assembly. Second, we used the provided numerical model in order to generate projections regarding effective ways of manipulating one of the the key structural properties of such generated filters, namely the average size of the openings (gaps) within these meshes, also known as the filter's aperture. This work is a continuation of Amarioarei et al., 2018, where a preliminary version of this research was discussed. |
The Structure And Functionality Of Communities And Food Webs In Streams Along The Epigean-Hypogean Continuum: Unifying Ecological Stoichiometry And Metabolic Theory Of Ecology |
Pacioglu Octavian; Amarioarei Alexandru; Dutu Laura Tiron; Plavan Gabriel; Itcus Corina; Plavan Oana; Strungaru Stefan-Adrian; Paun Andrei; Jones J. Iwan | Aquatic Sciences, 2021 | |
AbstractSubterranean streams represent unique heterotrophic ecosystems, usually supported by organic matter imported from the surface. Traditionally, the biological communities from subterranean streams were characterized as simple associations, with low diversity and species abundance, comprising mostly aquatic invertebrates connected by few trophic links compared with those of the surface. However, these features have not yet been described in the wider context of fluxes of energy and nutrients through food webs along a gradual switch from autotrophy (dominated by photosynthesis) towards heterotrophy (dominated by detritus) following the surface-subterranean continuum. Combining the most recent predictions of Ecological Stoichiometry and the Metabolic Theory of Ecology, this article provides a theoretical framework aiming to explain the patterns observed along the surface-subterranean continuum in streams. It is predicted that the main factors constraining the structure and functioning of communities and food webs are the decline in the quantity and diversity of basal resources along this gradient, along with nutrients availability in water that affects food quality. With increasing availability of dissolved nutrients in water, sinking-cave streams are hypothesized to fluctuate between being N and/ or P co-limited to C-limited. Combined, the quantity, quality, and diversity of basal resources regulate subterranean aquatic communities through bottom-up mechanisms, reflected in a decreased flux of macronutrients through food webs. The consequences of these bottom-up effects are decreased abundance, biomass, secondary production, consumption rate, and mean body size of communities, together with potential increases in the elemental imbalance for macronutrients, omnivory, trophic position, and niche width and overlap among aquatic consumers along the surface-subterranean continuum. The bottom-up effects induce changes in the topology of stream food webs, which become shorter, with lower trophic diversity at the base of the network, but increased connectance along this environmental gradient. |
Efficient Synthetic Generation Of Ecological Data With Preset Spatial Association Of Individuals |
Strimbu Bogdan M.; Paun Andrei; Amarioarei Alexandru; Paun Mihaela; Strimbu Victor F. | Canadian Journal Of Forest Research, 2021 | |
AbstractMany experiments cannot feasibly be conducted as factorials. Simulations using synthetically generated data are viable alternatives to such factorial experiments. The main objective of the present research is to develop a methodology and platform to synthetically generate spatially explicit forest ecosystems represented by points with a predefined spatial pattern. Using algorithms with polynomial complexity and parameters that control the number of clusters, the degree of clusterization, and the proportion of nonrandom trees, we show that spatially explicit forest ecosystems can be generated time efficiently, which enables large factorial simulations. The proposed method was tested on 1200 synthetically generated forest stands, each of 25 ha, using 10 spatial indices: Clark-Evans aggregation index; Ripley's K; Besag's L; Morisita's dispersion index; Greig-Smith index; the size dominance index of Hui; index of nonrandomness of Pielou; directional index and mean directional index of Corral-Rivas; and size differentiation index of Von Gadow. The size of individual trees was randomly generated aiming at variograms such as real forests. We obtained forest stands with the expected spatial arrangement and distribution of sizes in less than 1 h. To ensure replicability of the study, we have provided free, fully functional software that executes the stated tasks. |
The Structure And Functionality Of Communities And Food Webs In Streams Along The Epigean–Hypogean Continuum: Unifying Ecological Stoichiometry And Metabolic Theory Of Ecology |
Pacioglu O.; Amărioarei A.; Duțu L.T.; Plăvan G.; Ițcuș C.; Plăvan O.; Strungaru Ș-A.; Păun A.; Iwan Jones J. | Aquatic Sciences, 2021 | |
AbstractSubterranean streams represent unique heterotrophic ecosystems, usually supported by organic matter imported from the surface. Traditionally, the biological communities from subterranean streams were characterized as simple associations, with low diversity and species abundance, comprising mostly aquatic invertebrates connected by few trophic links compared with those of the surface. However, these features have not yet been described in the wider context of fluxes of energy and nutrients through food webs along a gradual switch from autotrophy (dominated by photosynthesis) towards heterotrophy (dominated by detritus) following the surface–subterranean continuum. Combining the most recent predictions of Ecological Stoichiometry and the Metabolic Theory of Ecology, this article provides a theoretical framework aiming to explain the patterns observed along the surface–subterranean continuum in streams. It is predicted that the main factors constraining the structure and functioning of communities and food webs are the decline in the quantity and diversity of basal resources along this gradient, along with nutrients availability in water that affects food quality. With increasing availability of dissolved nutrients in water, sinking-cave streams are hypothesized to fluctuate between being N and/ or P co-limited to C-limited. Combined, the quantity, quality, and diversity of basal resources regulate subterranean aquatic communities through bottom–up mechanisms, reflected in a decreased flux of macronutrients through food webs. The consequences of these bottom–up effects are decreased abundance, biomass, secondary production, consumption rate, and mean body size of communities, together with potential increases in the elemental imbalance for macronutrients, omnivory, trophic position, and niche width and overlap among aquatic consumers along the surface–subterranean continuum. The bottom–up effects induce changes in the topology of stream food webs, which become shorter, with lower trophic diversity at the base of the network, but increased connectance along this environmental gradient. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. |
book, book chapter
Handbook Of Scan Statistics / Two-Dimensional Discrete Scan Statistics With Arbitrary Window Shape |
Amărioarei A .; Genin M.; Preda C. | Springer, 2020 | |
Abstract |
Development Of Nonlinear Parsimonious Forest Models Using Efficient Expansion Of The Taylor Series: Applications To Site Productivity And Taper |
Amarioarei Alexandru; Paun Mihaela; Strimbu Bogdan | Forests, 2020 | |
AbstractThe parameters of nonlinear forest models are commonly estimated with heuristic techniques, which can supply erroneous values. The use of heuristic algorithms is partially rooted in the avoidance of transformation of the dependent variable, which introduces bias when back-transformed to original units. Efforts were placed in computing the unbiased estimates for some of the power, trigonometric, and hyperbolic functions since only few transformations of the predicted variable have the corrections for bias estimated. The approach that supplies unbiased results when the dependent variable is transformed without heuristic algorithms, but based on a Taylor series expansion requires implementation details. Therefore, the objective of our study is to investigate the efficient expansion of the Taylor series that should be included in applications, such that numerical bias is not present. We found that five functions require more than five terms, whereas the arcsine, arccosine, and arctangent did not. Furthermore, the Taylor series expansion depends on the variance. We illustrated the results on two forest modeling problems, one at the stand level, namely site productivity, and one at individual tree level, namely taper. The models that are presented in the paper are unbiased, more parsimonious, and they have a RMSE comparable with existing less parsimonious models. |
Dna Origami Design And Implementation: The Romanian Map |
Popa Laura Ioana; Dobre Ana-Maria; Itcus Corina; Amarioarei Alexandru; Paun Andrei; Paun Mihaela; Pop Felician; Tusa Iris; Minh-Kha Nguyen; Kuzyk Anton; Czeizler Eugen | Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 2020 | |
AbstractSince its introduction in the early 2000s, DNA origami had a big impact on the development of nanotechnology by gathering numerous applications. During this time, many tools were designed and used to generate arbitrary shapes capable of self-assembly which make this technique more approachable. In this paper, we have created the map of Romania at nanoscale dimensions by using a new open-source software - PERDIX. For this purpose, we used a scaffold strand with a length of 6959 nucleotides and 162 staple strands with a variable length ranging between 20 and 63 nucleotides. All the computational tools that were used in this experiment are open-source and user-friendly. |
One Dimensional Discrete Scan Statistics For Dependent Models And Some Related Problems |
Amarioarei Alexandru; Preda Cristian | Mathematics, 2020 | |
AbstractThe one dimensional discrete scan statistic is considered over sequences of random variables generated by block factor dependence models. Viewed as a maximum of an 1-dependent stationary sequence, the scan statistics distribution is approximated with accuracy and sharp bounds are provided. The longest increasing run statistics is related to the scan statistics and its distribution is studied. The moving average process is a particular case of block factor and the distribution of the associated scan statistics is approximated. Numerical results are presented. |
Simulation Of One Dimensional Staged Dna Tile Assembly By The Signal-Passing Hierarchical Tam |
Barad Gefry; Amarioarei Alexandru; Paun Mihaela; Dobre Ana Maria; Itcus Corina; Tusa Iris; Trandafir Romica; Czeizler Eugen | Knowledge-Based And Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (Kes 2019), 2019 | |
AbstractThe Tile Assembly Model, and its many variants, is one of the most fundamental algorithmic assembly formalism within DNA nanotechnology. Most of the research in this field is focused on the complexity of assembling different shapes and patterns. In many cases, the assembly process is intrinsically deterministic and the final product is unique, while the assembly process might evolve through several possible assembly strategies. In this study we consider the controlled assembly of one dimensional tile structures according to predefined assembly graphs. We provide algorithmic approaches for developing such controlled assembly protocols, using the signal-passing Tile Assembly Model, as well as probabilistic approaches for investigating the assembly of such tile-based one-dimensional structures. As a byproduct, we build a generalized TAS (tile assembly system) which generate specific non-local non-associative algebraic computations and we assamble n x n squares using only one tile, which is a better efficiency compared to the staged assembly model. (C) 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. |
A Posteriori Bias Correction Of Three Models Used For Environmental Reporting |
Bogdan M Strimbu; Alexandru Amarioarei; John Paul McTague; Mihaela M Paun | Forestry, Forestry: An International Journal Of Forest Research, 2018 | |
AbstractA plethora of forest models were developed by transforming the dependent variable, which introduces bias if appropriate corrections are not applied when back-transformed. Many recognized models are still biased and the original data sets are no longer available, which suggests ad hoc bias corrections. The present research presents a procedure for bias correction in the absence of needed information from summary statistics. Additionally, we developed a realistic correction of the square root transformation based on a truncated normal distribution. The transformations considered in this study are the logarithm, the square root and arcsine square root. Using simulated data we found that uncorrected back-transformation created biases by as much as 100 percent. The generated data revealed that depending on available information, that bias can still be present after correction. In addition to generated data we corrected the site index of Douglas-fir and ponderosa pine in Oregon USA, tree volume of 27 species from Romania, stand merchantable volume for longleaf pine in Louisiana and East Texas USA, and canopy fuel weight in Washington USA. Using only the available information, the unbiased back-transformed estimates can change from <= 1 percent (i.e. the site index and canopy fuel weight) to >= 1/3 (tree and stand volume). |
A Parsimonious Approach For Modeling Uncertainty Within Complex Nonlinear Relationships |
Bogdan M. Strimbu; Alexandru Amarioarei; Mihaela Paun | Ecosphere, Ecosphere, An Esa Open Access Journal, 2018 | |
AbstractAdvancements in information technology led environmental scientists to the illusion that efforts should be mainly focused on developing models that reduce uncertainty rather than on models adjusted to the existing uncertainty. As a result, environmental relationships are represented by non-parsimonious and suboptimal models, which in many instances could be even wrong. The objective of this research was to provide scientists focused on modeling ecosystem processes with a procedure that supplies parsimonious correct results. The procedure transforms the response variable to achieve a linear model and the normality of the residuals. After the parameters of the transformed model are estimated, the bias induced by back-transforming is corrected. We have computed the bias corrections for 11 of the most popular functions from the power, trigonometric, and hyperbolic families by considering the truncated normal distribution, when necessary. Using generated data, we have shown that the proposed procedure supplies unbiased results. We have identified a sample size artifact of data generation such that when the variance increases the truncation of distribution starts altering the corrections of predicted values, sometimes by more than 50% from the actual values. Our results indicate that uncertainty, measured by variance, impacts the analysis in a non-intuitive way when the defining domain of the response variable is restricted. The subtle way of influencing the development of complex nonlinear models by uncertainty advocates the usage of parsimonious linear models, which are less sensitive to the method of processing data. Finally, ecosystem processes should be modeled with strategies that consider not only processes and computation aspects, but also uncertainty, in particularly reducing variance to levels with no significant impact on the results. |
On Numerical Simulation Of Guided Assemblies Of Nanocellulose Meshes |
Alexandru Amărioarei; Romică Trandafir | Workshop 2018 Algonano: Metode Algoritmice Și Computaționale În Bio-Medicină Și Nanotehnologie, 2018 | |
Abstract |
Computational Approaches For The Programmed Assembly Of Nanocellulose Meshes |
Alexandru Amarioarei; Frankie Spencer; Trandafir Romica; Gefry Barad; Ana Maria Dobre; Corina Itcus; Iris Tusa; Mihaela Paun; Andrei Paun and Eugen Czeizler | 3Rd International Workshop On Verification Of Engineered Molecular Devices And Programs, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2018 | |
Abstract |
Dna-Guided Assembly Of Nanocellulose Meshes |
Alexandru Amărioarei; Gefry Barad; Eugen Czeizler; Ana-Maria Dobre; Corina Iţcuş; Victor Mitrana; Andrei Păun; Mihaela Păun; Frankie Spencer; Romică Trandafir; Iris Tuşa | International Conference On Theory And Practice Of Natural Computing, Tpnc 2018: Theory And Practice Of Natural Computing, 2018 | |
Abstract |
3D Dna Origami Map Structure Simulation |
Itcus Corina; Amarioarei Alexandru; Czeizler Eugen; Dobre Ana-Maria; Mitrana Victor; Negre Florentina; Paun Andrei; Paun Mihaela; Sidoroff Manuela Elisabeta; Trandafir Romica; Tusa Iris | Romanian Journal Of Information Science And Technology, 2018 | |
AbstractThis paper presents the latest trends and approaches used for constructing nanoscale structures of 2D objects through DNA folding based on the DNA origami technology developed by Rothemund. The Rothemund method has been used in the construction of various shapes, such as the development of the nanoscale structure for the United States map. Following the steps of Rothemund's technique, we simulate the construction of the Romanian map nanoscale 2D structure, embedding the number 100 into it. |
Classification Of Romanian Salt Water Lakes By Statistical Methods |
Amarioarei A.; Itcus C.; Tusa I.; Sidoroff M.; Paun M. | Journal Of Environmental Protection And Ecology, 2018 | |
AbstractInvestigation of the lake systems can provide a variety of information that can lead to the development of general concepts about how lakes function and respond to environmental changes. The purpose of this study is to assess the current classification of therapeutic lakes based on supervised learning methods applied to several biochemical characteristics of such lakes. In order to classify the therapeutic lakes in a separate class, a dataset consisting of 45 observations from 9 different basins and from three different altitude categories was analysed using clustering and classification methods. |
One Dimensional Dna Tiles Self Assembly Model Simulation |
Amarioarei Alexandru; Barad Gefry; Czeizler Elena; Czeizler Eugen; Dobre Ana-Maria; Itcus Corina; Paun Andrei; Paun Mihaela; Trandafir Romica; Tusa Iris | International Journal Of Unconventional Computing, 2018 | |
AbstractThe TAM (Model Tile Assembly Model) is a mathematical paradigm for modeling DNA self-assembling according to various given shapes, using DNA-tiles (rectangular shape) with sticky ends on each of the four edges that bound together on various shapes desired by the researcher. Although there are various models in the literature, the focus in this manuscript is on a rule based model, specifically the authors present an overview of the one-dimensional hierarchical self-assembly model of DNA tiles. The authors also present the evolution of number of tiles in partial assemblies, the average assembly size and of the number of partial assemblies of sizes 2 through 10 over the total running time. All simulations were run using the NFSim simulator on a preset period of time. |
Phytoremediation Research - How Romania Is Placed Worldwide |
Amarioarei Alexandru; Itcus Corina; Paun Mihaela | Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 2017 | |
AbstractIn the last few decades, due to the global industrialization and population expansion the level of pollutants has largely increased, being one of the main environmental problems faced worldwide. Consequently, phytoremediation research had been gathering more and more interest. A study of data selected from Scopus is presented by the authors, identifying trends in publication number, collaboration and impact. The trends are identified at the global level followed by a discussion of how Romania performs with respect to the identified trends. When evaluating the research produced by the Romanian institutions, two characteristics are considered: phytoremediation potential of the plants in the Danube Delta and the coastal region and the phytoremediation research temporal evolution and international impact. The paper presents a quantitative analysis without adding variable weights to citations and publications based on the publications ranks offering an overview of the national research status in this research area. |
Measuring Funded Research Performance For Multidisciplinary Research In The Danube Basin |
Sidoroff M.; Paraschiv M.; Amarioarei A.; Paun M. | Journal Of Environmental Protection And Ecology, 2016 | |
AbstractEvaluation of funded research, by measuring the outcomes of the grants publications, journals, and citations is not always done comparatively and publicised. Bibliometric indicators were employed and applied to the 2009-2014 publications authored by academicians funded by European research grants that are indexed in the Web of Science. Citation based approaches, such as the h-index or the impact factor, have been widely used to evaluate researchers or journals. In this study we use the aforementioned H-index to evaluate the funded research grants and to provide a ranking in terms of the most successful ones. The ranking results can be used by evaluators in determining how successful an applicant has potential to be, but also by researchers to choose their publication outlets, or to pursue future collaborations. |
Conceptual Framework For Bioeconomic Potential Indicators In Danube Delta |
Butu M.; Jilbotean R.; Itcus C.; Pasachiv M.; Tusa I.; Amarioarei A. | Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis Arad, Seria Stiintele Vietii, 2016 | |
AbstractThe regional bioeconomic potential takes into consideration many sectors of the economy that use renewable biological resources. The plants are one of the main resources for the most sectors - food, health, environment, materials and energy. The assessment of bioeconomic potential involves the modeling of the biological and economical aspects. Establishing the indicators involved in the study of this aspect requires a “what we have and what we need” analysis. We started with the development of a database of plants to facilitate an easy access to information for all interested scientist from related research fields. © 2016 Vasile Goldis University Press. |
Two Decades Of Research Collaboration: A Keyword Scopus Evaluation |
Amarioarei Alexandru; Paun Mihaela | Romanian Statistical Review, 2016 | |
AbstractOne issue that has become more important over the years is to evaluate the capability for worldwide research networks on different areas of research, especially in the areas that are identified as being worldwide significant. The study investigated the research output, citations impact and collaborations on publications listed in Scopus authored by researchers all over the world, research published between 1999-2014, selected by a group of keywords identified by authors. The results of the analysis identified an increasing trend in scientific publications starting with 2006, especially on three of the analyzed keywords. We also found differences in the citations patterns for the Black Sea and Danube Delta keywords in the contributing countries. The results of this study revealed a steady increase of the collaboration output and an increasing trend in the collaboration behavior, both at the European and national level. Additionally, at the national level the study identified the collaboration network between Romanian institutions per counties. |
Approximation For The Distribution Of Three-Dimensional Discrete Scan Statistic |
Amarioarei Alexandru; Preda Cristian | Methodology And Computing In Applied Probability, 2015 | |
AbstractWe consider the discrete three dimensional scan statistics. Viewed as the maximum of an 1-dependent stationary r.v.'s sequence, we provide approximations and error bounds for the probability distribution of the three dimensional scan statistics. Importance sampling algorithm is used to obtain sharp bounds for the simulation error. Simulation results and comparisons with other approximations are presented for the binomial and Poisson models. |
Approximations For Two-Dimensional Discrete Scan Statistics In Some Block-Factor Type Dependent Models |
Amarioarei Alexandru; Preda Cristian | Journal Of Statistical Planning And Inference, 2014 | |
AbstractWe consider the two-dimensional discrete scan statistic generated by a block-factor type model. Under the null hypothesis, in which the block-factor model is obtained from an i.i.d. sequence of random variables, we present an approximation for the distribution of the scan statistics and the corresponding error bounds. Numerical results are presented to evaluate the accuracy of the approximation discussed in this paper. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. |