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National Institute of Research and Development for Biological Sciences

Laura Popa

Research Assistant - Arctic and Antarctic Research


I carry out both basic and applied research, specialising in bacterial characterisation. This involves studying clinical isolates and bacterial strains from aquatic environments. I use microbiology techniques such as culture, selection, preservation, phenotypic and genotypic tests and conjugation experiments. I am an expert in second generation (HiSeq, MiSeq, NovaSeq Illumina, Ion Torrent) and third generation (MinION, Oxford Nanopore Technologies) sequencing technologies. For data analysis, I have experience with bioinformatics tools and platforms including Geneious, ABRicate, SPAdes, CGE (ResFinder, PathogenFinder, VirulenceFinder, MLST, PlasmidFinder, MGE, CARD), BLAST NCBI and Clustal Omega, focusing on antibiotic resistance and ESKAPE pathogens.


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